finish old cc, start new

This commit is contained in:
pilfer-pandex 2019-09-12 20:42:07 -07:00
parent 51487456df
commit 489ad3f90f
2 changed files with 171 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -4,15 +4,32 @@ import ClassyPrelude
type Atom = Integer
data Tree a = Atom !a
| Cell !(Tree a) !(Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Functor)
type Noun = Tree Atom
data Tree a = A !a
| C !(Tree a) !(Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Functor)
data Fern a = FernA !a
| FernF [Fern a]
toFern :: Tree a -> Fern a
toFern = \case
A a -> FernA a
C h t -> case toFern t of
a@FernA{} -> FernF [toFern h, a]
FernF fs -> FernF (toFern h : fs)
instance Show a => Show (Fern a) where
show = \case
FernA a -> show a
FernF xs -> "[" <> intercalate " " (map show xs) <> "]"
instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
show = show . toFern
yes, no :: Noun
yes = Atom 0
no = Atom 1
yes = A 0
no = A 1
-- | Tree address
type Axis = Atom
@ -31,75 +48,78 @@ data Nock = NC Nock Nock -- ^ ^: autocons
| N10 (Axis, Nock) Nock -- ^ 10, edit
| N11 Hint Nock -- ^ 11, hint
| N12 Nock Nock -- ^ 12, scry
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read)
data Hint = Tag Atom
| Assoc Atom Nock
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Show Nock where
show = show . nockToNoun
nockToNoun :: Nock -> Noun
nockToNoun = go
go = \case
NC f g -> Cell (go f) (go g)
N0 a -> Cell (Atom 0) (Atom a)
N1 n -> Cell (Atom 1) n
N2 f g -> Cell (Atom 2) (Cell (go f) (go g))
N3 f -> Cell (Atom 3) (go f)
N4 f -> Cell (Atom 4) (go f)
N5 f g -> Cell (Atom 5) (Cell (go f) (go g))
N6 f g h -> Cell (Atom 5) (Cell (go f) (Cell (go g) (go h)))
N7 f g -> Cell (Atom 7) (Cell (go f) (go g))
N8 f g -> Cell (Atom 8) (Cell (go f) (go g))
N9 a f -> Cell (Atom 9) (Cell (Atom a) (go f))
N10 (a, f) g -> Cell (Atom 10) (Cell (Cell (Atom a) (go f)) (go g))
N11 (Tag a) f -> Cell (Atom 11) (Cell (Atom a) (go f))
N11 (Assoc a f) g -> Cell (Atom 11) (Cell (Cell (Atom a) (go f)) (go g))
N12 f g -> Cell (Atom 12) (Cell (go f) (go g))
NC f g -> C (go f) (go g)
N0 a -> C (A 0) (A a)
N1 n -> C (A 1) n
N2 f g -> C (A 2) (C (go f) (go g))
N3 f -> C (A 3) (go f)
N4 f -> C (A 4) (go f)
N5 f g -> C (A 5) (C (go f) (go g))
N6 f g h -> C (A 5) (C (go f) (C (go g) (go h)))
N7 f g -> C (A 7) (C (go f) (go g))
N8 f g -> C (A 8) (C (go f) (go g))
N9 a f -> C (A 9) (C (A a) (go f))
N10 (a, f) g -> C (A 10) (C (C (A a) (go f)) (go g))
N11 (Tag a) f -> C (A 11) (C (A a) (go f))
N11 (Assoc a f) g -> C (A 11) (C (C (A a) (go f)) (go g))
N12 f g -> C (A 12) (C (go f) (go g))
nounToNock :: Noun -> Nock
nounToNock = go
go = \case
Atom{} -> error "nounToNock: atom"
Cell n@Cell{} m -> NC (go n) (go m)
Cell (Atom op) n -> case op of
0 | (Atom a) <- n -> N0 a
1 -> N1 n
2 | (Cell m o) <- n -> N2 (go m) (go o)
3 -> N3 (go n)
4 -> N4 (go n)
5 | (Cell m o) <- n -> N5 (go m) (go o)
6 | (Cell m (Cell o p)) <- n -> N6 (go m) (go o) (go p)
7 | (Cell m o) <- n -> N7 (go m) (go o)
8 | (Cell m o) <- n -> N8 (go m) (go o)
9 | (Cell (Atom a) m) <- n -> N9 a (go m)
10 | (Cell (Cell (Atom a) m) o) <- n -> N10 (a, (go m)) (go o)
11 | (Cell (Cell (Atom a) m) o) <- n -> N11 (Assoc a (go m)) (go o)
| (Cell (Atom a) m) <- n -> N11 (Tag a) (go m)
12 | (Cell m o) <- n -> N12 (go m) (go o)
A{} -> error "nounToNock: atom"
C n@C{} m -> NC (go n) (go m)
C (A op) n -> case op of
0 | (A a) <- n -> N0 a
1 -> N1 n
2 | (C m o) <- n -> N2 (go m) (go o)
3 -> N3 (go n)
4 -> N4 (go n)
5 | (C m o) <- n -> N5 (go m) (go o)
6 | (C m (C o p)) <- n -> N6 (go m) (go o) (go p)
7 | (C m o) <- n -> N7 (go m) (go o)
8 | (C m o) <- n -> N8 (go m) (go o)
9 | (C (A a) m) <- n -> N9 a (go m)
10 | (C (C (A a) m) o) <- n -> N10 (a, (go m)) (go o)
11 | (C (C (A a) m) o) <- n -> N11 (Assoc a (go m)) (go o)
| (C (A a) m) <- n -> N11 (Tag a) (go m)
12 | (C m o) <- n -> N12 (go m) (go o)
_ -> error ("nockToNoun: invalid " <> show op <> " " <> show n)
-- | Nock interpreter
nock :: Noun -> Nock -> Noun
nock n = \case
NC f g -> Cell (nock n f) (nock n g)
NC f g -> C (nock n f) (nock n g)
N0 a -> axis a n
N1 n' -> n'
N2 sf ff -> nock (nock n sf) (nounToNock (nock n ff))
N3 f -> case nock n f of
Cell{} -> yes
Atom{} -> no
C{} -> yes
A{} -> no
N4 f -> case nock n f of
Cell{} -> error "nock: cannot increment cell"
Atom a -> Atom (a + 1)
C{} -> error "nock: cannot increment cell"
A a -> A (a + 1)
N5 f g -> if nock n f == nock n g then yes else no
N6 f g h -> case nock n f of
(Atom 0) -> nock n g
(Atom 1) -> nock n h
(A 0) -> nock n g
(A 1) -> nock n h
_ -> error "nock: invalid test value"
N7 f g -> nock (nock n f) g
N8 f g -> nock (Cell (nock n f) n) g
N8 f g -> nock (C (nock n f) n) g
N9 a f -> let c = nock n f in nock c (nounToNock (axis a c))
N10{} -> error "nock: I don't want to implement editing right now"
N11 _ f -> nock n f
@ -148,7 +168,7 @@ peg a = \case
axis :: Axis -> Tree a -> Tree a
axis 1 n = n
axis (capMas -> (d, r)) (Cell n m) = case d of
axis (capMas -> (d, r)) (C n m) = case d of
L -> axis r n
R -> axis r m
axis a n = error ("bad axis: " ++ show a)

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@ -3,11 +3,16 @@ module UntypedLambda where
import ClassyPrelude
import Bound
import Data.Deriving (deriveEq1, deriveOrd1, deriveRead1, deriveShow1)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Deriving (deriveEq1, deriveOrd1, deriveRead1, deriveShow1)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Void
import Nock
type Nat = Int
data Exp a
= Var a
| App (Exp a) (Exp a)
@ -36,13 +41,106 @@ eval = \case
(Lam s) -> instantiate1 (eval f) s
e' -> (App e' (eval f))
newtype Ref = Ref { unRef :: Int }
-- 6, 30, 126, 510, ...
oldDeBruijn :: Nat -> Axis
oldDeBruijn = toAxis . go
go = \case
0 -> [R,L]
n -> [R,R] ++ go (n - 1)
nextRef :: Ref -> Ref
nextRef = Ref . (+ 1) . unRef
-- | Raw de Bruijn
data Exp'
= Var' Nat
| App' Exp' Exp'
| Lam' Exp'
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
toExp' :: Exp a -> Exp'
toExp' = go \v -> error "toExp': free variable"
go :: (a -> Nat) -> Exp a -> Exp'
go env = \case
Var v -> Var' (env v)
App e f -> App' (go env e) (go env f)
Lam s -> Lam' (go env' (fromScope s))
env' = \case
B () -> 0
F v -> 1 + env v
-- | The old calling convention; i.e., what the (%-, |=) sublanguage of hoon
-- compiles to
old :: Exp a -> Nock
old = undefined
old = go \v -> error "old: free variable"
go :: (a -> Path) -> Exp a -> Nock
go env = \case
Var v -> N0 (toAxis (env v))
App e f -> app (go env e) (go (\v -> R : env v) f)
Lam s -> lam (nockToNoun (go env' (fromScope s)))
env' = \case
B () -> [R,L]
F v -> [R,R] ++ env v
app ef ff =
ef -- =+ callee so we don't modify the orig's bunt
(N9 2
(N10 (6, ff)
(N0 2)))
lam ff =
N8 -- pushes onto the context
(N1 (A 0)) -- a bunt value (in hoon, actually depends on type)
(NC -- then conses (N8 would also work, but hoon doesn't)
(N1 ff) -- the battery (nock code)
(N0 1)) -- onto the pair of bunt and context
data CopyVar
= Argument
| Lexical Nat
data CopyExp
= CVar CopyVar
| CApp CopyExp CopyExp
| CLam [CopyVar] CopyExp
toCopy :: forall a. Ord a => Exp a -> CopyExp
toCopy = fst . go \v -> error "toCopy: free variable"
go :: (a -> CopyVar) -> Exp a -> (CopyExp, Set a)
go env = \case
Var v -> (CVar (env v), singleton v)
App e f -> (CApp ec fc, union eu fu)
(ec, eu) = go env e
(fc, fu) = go env f
Lam s -> (CLam (map env u) c, fromList u)
c :: CopyExp
(c, u') = go env' (fromScope s)
env' :: Var () a -> CopyVar
env' = \case
B () -> Argument
F v -> Lexical (fromJust (elemIndex v u))
u = mapMaybe pred (toList u')
pred = \case
B () -> Nothing
F v -> Just v
copyToNock :: CopyExp -> Nock
copyToNock = \case
CVar v -> toAxis case v of
Argument -> [R]
Lexical n -> L : repeat n R ++ L
CApp e f -> N2 (copyToNock f) (copyToNock e)
-- | The proposed new calling convention
new :: Exp a -> Nock
new = go \v -> error "new: free variable"
go = undefined
-- x. y. x