mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 05:26:56 +03:00
*Much* cleaner http-server code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,72 +1,55 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Http.Server where
module Vere.Http.Server where
import Arvo hiding (ServerId, reqBody, reqUrl, secure)
import Arvo hiding (ServerId, reqBody, reqUrl, secure)
import Data.Conduit
import Noun
import Noun
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Builder)
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Builder)
import Vere.Http hiding (Cancel, Continue, Method, ResponseHeader(..), Start)
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.))
import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.))
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..))
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..))
import System.Random (randomIO)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Vere.Http (convertHeaders, unconvertHeaders)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Conduit as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W
-- Live Requests ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- RespAction -- Reorganized HttpEvent for Cleaner Processing ------------------
type ReqId = Word
type SeqId = Word -- TODO Unused. Why is this a thing?
The sequence of actions on a given request *should* be:
data LiveReqs = LiveReqs
[%head .] [%bloc .]* %done
{ nextReqId :: ReqId
, activeReqs :: Map ReqId (TMVar HttpEvent)
emptyLiveReqs :: LiveReqs
But we will actually accept anything, and mostly do the right
emptyLiveReqs = LiveReqs 1 mempty
thing. There are two situations where we ignore ignore the data from
some actions.
respondToLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> HttpEvent -> STM ()
- If you send something *after* a %done action, it will be ignored.
respondToLiveReq var req ev = do
- If you send a %done before a %head, we will produce "444 No
mVar <- lookup req . activeReqs <$> readTVar var
Response" with an empty response body.
case mVar of
Nothing -> pure ()
data RespAction
Just tv -> putTMVar tv ev
= RAHead ResponseHeader
| RABloc File
| RADone
newLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> STM (ReqId, TMVar HttpEvent)
reorgHttpEvent :: HttpEvent -> [RespAction]
newLiveReq var = do
reorgHttpEvent = \case
liv <- readTVar var
Start head mBlk isDone -> [RAHead head]
tmv <- newEmptyTMVar
<> toList (RABloc <$> mBlk)
<> if isDone then [RADone] else []
let (nex, act) = (nextReqId liv, activeReqs liv)
Cancel () -> [RADone]
Continue mBlk isDone -> toList (RABloc <$> mBlk)
writeTVar var (LiveReqs (nex+1) (insertMap nex tmv act))
<> if isDone then [RADone] else []
pure (nex, tmv)
-- Servers ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generic Service Stop/Restart -- Using an MVar for Atomicity -----------------
newtype Drv = Drv { unDrv :: MVar (Maybe Serv) }
data Serv = Serv
{ sServId :: ServId
, sConfig :: HttpServerConf
, sHttpTid :: Async ()
, sHttpsTid :: Async ()
, sLiveReqs :: TVar LiveReqs
-- Generic Service Restart and Stop Logic --------------------------------------
Restart a running service.
Restart a running service.
@ -112,201 +95,56 @@ stopService vServ kkill = do
pure (Nothing, res)
pure (Nothing, res)
-- Live Requests Table -- All Requests Still Waiting for Responses -------------
type ReqId = Word
type SeqId = Word -- TODO Unused. Why is this a thing?
data LiveReqs = LiveReqs
{ nextReqId :: ReqId
, activeReqs :: Map ReqId (TMVar RespAction)
emptyLiveReqs :: LiveReqs
emptyLiveReqs = LiveReqs 1 mempty
respondToLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> RespAction -> STM ()
respondToLiveReq var req ev = do
mVar <- lookup req . activeReqs <$> readTVar var
case mVar of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just tv -> putTMVar tv ev
rmLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> ReqId -> STM ()
rmLiveReq var reqId = do
liv <- readTVar var
writeTVar var (liv { activeReqs = deleteMap reqId (activeReqs liv) })
newLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> STM (ReqId, TMVar RespAction)
newLiveReq var = do
liv <- readTVar var
tmv <- newEmptyTMVar
let (nex, act) = (nextReqId liv, activeReqs liv)
writeTVar var (LiveReqs (nex+1) (insertMap nex tmv act))
pure (nex, tmv)
-- Random Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Random Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------
cordBytes :: Cord -> ByteString
cordBytes :: Cord -> ByteString
cordBytes = encodeUtf8 . unCord
cordBytes = encodeUtf8 . unCord
-- Utilities for Constructing Events -------------------------------------------
servEv :: HttpServerEv -> Ev
servEv = EvBlip . BlipEvHttpServer
bornEv :: KingId -> Ev
bornEv king =
servEv $ HttpServerEvBorn (fromIntegral king, ()) ()
liveEv :: ServId -> Port -> Maybe Port -> Ev
liveEv sId non sec =
servEv $ HttpServerEvLive (sId, ()) non sec
reqEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> Bool -> Address -> HttpRequest -> Ev
reqEv sId reqId secure addr req =
servEv $ HttpServerEvRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ())
$ HttpServerReq secure addr req
killServ :: Serv -> IO ()
killServ Serv{sHttpsTid, sHttpTid} = do
cancel sHttpTid
cancel sHttpsTid
wait sHttpTid
wait sHttpsTid
kill :: Drv -> IO ()
kill (Drv v) = stopService v killServ >>= fromEither
respond :: Drv -> ReqId -> HttpEvent -> IO ()
respond (Drv v) req ev = do
readMVar v >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just sv -> atomically (respondToLiveReq (sLiveReqs sv) req ev)
-- Top-Level Driver Interface --------------------------------------------------
serv :: KingId
-> QueueEv
-> ([Ev], Acquire (EffCb HttpServerEf))
serv king plan =
(initialEvents, runHttpServer)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [bornEv king]
runHttpServer :: Acquire (EffCb HttpServerEf)
runHttpServer = handleEf <$> mkAcquire (Drv <$> newMVar Nothing) kill
restart :: Drv -> HttpServerConf -> IO (ServId, Port, Maybe Port)
restart (Drv var) conf = do
fromEither =<< restartService var (startServ conf plan) killServ
handleEf :: Drv -> HttpServerEf -> IO ()
handleEf drv = \case
HSESetConfig (i, ()) conf ->
when (i == fromIntegral king) $ do
(sId, insecurePort, securePort) <- restart drv conf
atomically (plan (liveEv sId insecurePort securePort))
HSEResponse (i, req, _seq, ()) ev ->
when (i == fromIntegral king) $
respond drv (fromIntegral req) ev
TODO Need to find an open port.
startServ :: HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ())
-> IO (Serv, (ServId, Port, Maybe Port))
startServ conf plan = do
tls <- case (hscSecure conf) of
Nothing -> error "HACK: Implement support for missing PEMs"
Just (PEM key, PEM cert) ->
pure (W.tlsSettingsMemory (cordBytes cert) (cordBytes key))
sId <- ServId <$> randomIO
liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
httpsTid <- async $ W.runTLS tls W.defaultSettings (app sId liv plan True)
httpTid <- async $ W.run 80 (app sId liv plan False)
let res = (sId, Port 80, Just $ Port 443)
pure (Serv sId conf httpTid httpsTid liv, res)
respondLoop :: (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived)
-> TMVar HttpEvent
-> IO W.ResponseReceived
respondLoop respond tmv = start
start :: IO W.ResponseReceived
start = do
atomically (readTMVar tmv) >>= \case
Cancel () ->
Continue _ _ -> do
putStrLn "%continue before %start"
Start hdr init isDone -> do
startStreaming hdr $ \s d -> do
whenJust init (sendBlock s)
stream isDone s d
stream :: Bool -> (Builder -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-> IO ()
stream isDone send done =
case isDone of
True -> closeStream done
False -> do
atomically (readTMVar tmv) >>= \case
Start _ _ _ -> do
putStrLn "%start after %continue"
stream isDone send done
Cancel () -> do
streamingCancel done
Continue blk doneNow -> do
whenJust blk (sendBlock send)
stream doneNow send done
startStreaming :: ResponseHeader
-> ((Builder -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ())
-> IO W.ResponseReceived
startStreaming hdr cb = do
let status = hdrStatus hdr
headers = hdrHeaders hdr
respond $ W.responseStream status headers cb
closeStream :: IO () -> IO ()
closeStream killReq = killReq
streamingCancel :: IO () -> IO ()
streamingCancel killReq = killReq
sendBlock :: (Builder -> IO ()) -> File -> IO ()
sendBlock sendBlk = sendBlk . fromByteString . unOcts . unFile
fullCancel :: IO W.ResponseReceived
fullCancel = respond $ W.responseLBS H.status500 [] "request canceled"
hdrHeaders :: ResponseHeader -> [H.Header]
hdrHeaders = unconvertHeaders . headers
hdrStatus :: ResponseHeader -> H.Status
hdrStatus = toEnum . fromIntegral . statusCode
whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Nothing act = pure ()
whenJust Nothing act = pure ()
whenJust (Just a) act = act a
whenJust (Just a) act = act a
data HttpEvent
= Start ResponseHeader (Maybe File) Bool
| Continue (Maybe File) Bool
| Cancel ()
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
app :: ServId -> TVar LiveReqs -> (Ev -> STM ()) -> Bool -> W.Application
app sId liv plan secure req respond = do
body <- reqBody req
meth <- maybe (error "bad method") pure (cookMeth req)
let addr = reqAddr req
hdrs = convertHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req
evReq = HttpRequest meth (reqUrl req) hdrs body
respVar <- atomically $ do (reqId, var) <- newLiveReq liv
sendReqEvent reqId addr evReq
pure var
respondLoop respond respVar
sendReqEvent :: ReqId -> Address -> HttpRequest -> STM ()
sendReqEvent reqId x y =
plan (reqEv sId reqId secure x y)
cookMeth :: W.Request -> Maybe Method
cookMeth :: W.Request -> Maybe Method
cookMeth re =
cookMeth = H.parseMethod . W.requestMethod >>> \case
case H.parseMethod (W.requestMethod re) of
Left _ -> Nothing
Left _ -> Nothing
Right m -> Just m
Right m -> Just m
reqIdCord :: ReqId -> Cord
reqIdCord :: ReqId -> Cord
reqIdCord = Cord . tshow
reqIdCord = Cord . tshow
@ -335,22 +173,169 @@ mkIpv6 (p, q, r, s) = Ipv6 (pBits .|. qBits .|. rBits .|. sBits)
reqUrl :: W.Request -> Cord
reqUrl :: W.Request -> Cord
reqUrl = Cord . decodeUtf8 . W.rawPathInfo
reqUrl = Cord . decodeUtf8 . W.rawPathInfo
-- Utilities for Constructing Events -------------------------------------------
servEv :: HttpServerEv -> Ev
servEv = EvBlip . BlipEvHttpServer
bornEv :: KingId -> Ev
bornEv king =
servEv $ HttpServerEvBorn (king, ()) ()
liveEv :: ServId -> Port -> Maybe Port -> Ev
liveEv sId non sec =
servEv $ HttpServerEvLive (sId, ()) non sec
reqEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> Bool -> Address -> HttpRequest -> Ev
reqEv sId reqId secure addr req =
servEv $ HttpServerEvRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ())
$ HttpServerReq secure addr req
-- Http Server Flows -----------------------------------------------------------
data ClientResponse
This accepts all action orderings so that there are no edge-cases
= Progress ResponseHeader Int (Maybe Int) (Maybe ByteString)
to be handled:
| Finished ResponseHeader (Maybe MimeData)
| Cancel ()
data MimeData = MimeData Text ByteString
- If %bloc before %head, collect it and wait for %head.
- If %done before %head, ignore all chunks and produce Nothing.
readEvents :: W.Request -> IO Request
readEvents req = do
let Just meth = cookMeth req
url = Cord $ decodeUtf8 $ W.rawPathInfo req
headers = convertHeaders (W.requestHeaders req)
bodyLbs <- W.strictRequestBody req
let body = if length bodyLbs == 0 then Nothing
else Just $ Octs (toStrict bodyLbs)
pure (Request meth url headers body)
getHead :: TMVar RespAction -> IO (Maybe (ResponseHeader, [File]))
getHead tmv = go []
go çunks = atomically (readTMVar tmv) >>= \case
RAHead head -> pure $ Just (head, reverse çunks)
RABloc çunk -> go (çunk : çunks)
RADone -> pure Nothing
- Immediatly yield all of the initial chunks
- Yield the data from %bloc action.
- Close the stream when we hit a %done action.
streamBlocks :: [File] -> TMVar RespAction -> ConduitT () (Flush Builder) IO ()
streamBlocks init tmv =
for_ init yieldÇunk >> go
yieldFlush = \x -> yield (Chunk x) >> yield Flush
yieldÇunk = yieldFlush . fromByteString . unOcts . unFile
logDupHead = putStrLn "Multiple %head actions on one request"
go = atomically (readTMVar tmv) >>= \case
RAHead head -> logDupHead >> go
RABloc çunk -> yieldÇunk çunk
RADone -> pure ()
sendResponse :: (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived)
-> TMVar RespAction
-> IO W.ResponseReceived
sendResponse cb tmv = do
getHead tmv >>= \case
Nothing -> do cb $ W.responseLBS (H.mkStatus 444 "No Response") [] ""
Just (h,i) -> do let çunks = streamBlocks i tmv
cb $ W.responseSource (hdrStatus h) (hdrHeaders h) çunks
hdrHeaders :: ResponseHeader -> [H.Header]
hdrHeaders = unconvertHeaders . headers
hdrStatus :: ResponseHeader -> H.Status
hdrStatus = toEnum . fromIntegral . statusCode
app :: ServId -> TVar LiveReqs -> (Ev -> STM ()) -> Bool -> W.Application
app sId liv plan secure req respond = do
body <- reqBody req
meth <- maybe (error "bad method") pure (cookMeth req)
let addr = reqAddr req
hdrs = convertHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req
evReq = HttpRequest meth (reqUrl req) hdrs body
(reqId, respVar) <- atomically (newLiveReq liv)
atomically $ plan (reqEv sId reqId secure addr evReq)
done <- sendResponse respond respVar
atomically (rmLiveReq liv reqId)
pure done
-- Top-Level Driver Interface --------------------------------------------------
newtype Drv = Drv { unDrv :: MVar (Maybe Serv) }
data Serv = Serv
{ sServId :: ServId
, sConfig :: HttpServerConf
, sHttpTid :: Async ()
, sHttpsTid :: Async ()
, sLiveReqs :: TVar LiveReqs
TODO Need to find an open port.
startServ :: HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ())
-> IO (Serv, (ServId, Port, Maybe Port))
startServ conf plan = do
tls <- case (hscSecure conf) of
Nothing -> error "HACK: Implement support for missing PEMs"
Just (PEM key, PEM cert) ->
pure (W.tlsSettingsMemory (cordBytes cert) (cordBytes key))
sId <- ServId <$> randomIO
liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
httpsTid <- async $ W.runTLS tls W.defaultSettings (app sId liv plan True)
httpTid <- async $ W.run 80 (app sId liv plan False)
let res = (sId, Port 80, Just $ Port 443)
pure (Serv sId conf httpTid httpsTid liv, res)
killServ :: Serv -> IO ()
killServ Serv{sHttpsTid, sHttpTid} = do
cancel sHttpTid
cancel sHttpsTid
wait sHttpTid
wait sHttpsTid
kill :: Drv -> IO ()
kill (Drv v) = stopService v killServ >>= fromEither
respond :: Drv -> ReqId -> HttpEvent -> IO ()
respond (Drv v) reqId ev = do
readMVar v >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just sv -> atomically $ for_ (reorgHttpEvent ev) $
respondToLiveReq (sLiveReqs sv) reqId
serv :: KingId -> QueueEv -> ([Ev], Acquire (EffCb HttpServerEf))
serv king plan =
(initialEvents, runHttpServer)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [bornEv king]
runHttpServer :: Acquire (EffCb HttpServerEf)
runHttpServer = handleEf <$> mkAcquire (Drv <$> newMVar Nothing) kill
restart :: Drv -> HttpServerConf -> IO (ServId, Port, Maybe Port)
restart (Drv var) conf = do
fromEither =<< restartService var (startServ conf plan) killServ
handleEf :: Drv -> HttpServerEf -> IO ()
handleEf drv = \case
HSESetConfig (i, ()) conf ->
when (i == fromIntegral king) $ do
(sId, insecurePort, securePort) <- restart drv conf
atomically $ plan (liveEv sId insecurePort securePort)
HSEResponse (i, req, _seq, ()) ev ->
when (i == fromIntegral king) $
respond drv (fromIntegral req) ev
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ dependencies:
- unordered-containers
- unordered-containers
- vector
- vector
- wai
- wai
- wai-conduit
- warp
- warp
- warp-tls
- warp-tls
Reference in New Issue
Block a user