Merge pull request #1731 from urbit/bs/kh-pidfile

This commit is contained in:
benjamin-tlon 2019-09-16 14:39:37 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 63891a5d61
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 77 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ import UrbitPrelude
import Data.RAcquire
import Arvo
import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate, throwIO)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException(UserInterrupt))
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (replicate, take)
@ -96,20 +96,23 @@ import Vere.Pier
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Vere.Serf
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread)
import Control.Lens ((&))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, runInBoundThread)
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Data.Default (def)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import System.Posix.Signals (Handler(Catch), installHandler, sigTERM)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
import qualified CLI
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified EventBrowser
import qualified System.IO.LockFile.Internal as Lock
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
@ -162,29 +165,19 @@ removeFileIfExists pax = do
wipeSnapshot :: HasLogFunc env => FilePath -> RIO env ()
wipeSnapshot shipPath = do
logTrace "wipeSnapshot"
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> north)
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> south)
removeFileIfExists north
removeFileIfExists south
north = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/north.bin"
south = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/south.bin"
tryBootFromPill :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> FilePath -> Ship -> RIO e ()
tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
rwith (Pier.booted pillPath shipPath [] ship) $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
rwith bootedPier $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
logTrace "Booting"
logTrace $ displayShow ss
io $ threadDelay 500000
ss <- shutdown serf 0
logTrace $ displayShow ss
logTrace "Booted!"
bootedPier = do
lockFile shipPath
Pier.booted pillPath shipPath [] ship
runAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadIO m)
=> Acquire a -> m a
@ -197,24 +190,55 @@ runRAcquire act = rwith act pure
tryPlayShip :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryPlayShip shipPath = do
runRAcquire $ do
lockFile shipPath
rio $ logTrace "RESUMING SHIP"
sls <- Pier.resumed shipPath []
rio $ logTrace "SHIP RESUMED"
Pier.pier shipPath Nothing sls
lockFile :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RAcquire e ()
lockFile pax = void $ mkRAcquire start stop
fil = pax <> "/.vere.lock"
stop handle = do
logInfo $ display @Text $ ("Releasing lock file: " <> pack fil)
io $ Lock.unlock fil handle
params = def { Lock.retryToAcquireLock = Lock.No }
start = do
logInfo $ display @Text $ ("Taking lock file: " <> pack fil)
io (Lock.lock params fil)
tryResume :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryResume shipPath = do
rwith (Pier.resumed shipPath []) $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
rwith resumedPier $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
logTrace (displayShow ss)
threadDelay 500000
ss <- shutdown serf 0
logTrace (displayShow ss)
logTrace "Resumed!"
resumedPier = do
lockFile shipPath
Pier.resumed shipPath []
tryFullReplay :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryFullReplay shipPath = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
tryResume shipPath
wipeSnapshot = do
logTrace "wipeSnapshot"
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> north)
logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> south)
removeFileIfExists north
removeFileIfExists south
north = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/north.bin"
south = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/south.bin"
@ -264,6 +288,7 @@ collectAllFx top = do
collectedFX :: RAcquire e ()
collectedFX = do
lockFile top
log <- Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log")
serf <- (Serf.Config tmpDir serfFlags)
rio $ Serf.collectFX serf log
@ -346,21 +371,27 @@ runShip :: HasLogFunc e => CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) _ = tryPlayShip pierPath
startBrowser :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
startBrowser pierPath =
rwith (Log.existing logPath) $ \log -> log
logPath = pierPath <> "/.urb/log"
startBrowser pierPath = runRAcquire $ do
lockFile pierPath
log <- Log.existing (pierPath <> "/.urb/log")
rio $ log
main :: IO ()
main = CLI.parseArgs >>= runApp . \case
CLI.CmdRun r o -> runShip r o
CLI.CmdNew n o -> newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax) -> collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax) -> startBrowser pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil seq) -> testPill pax pil seq
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> checkEvs pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> checkFx pax f l
main = do
mainTid <- myThreadId
let onTermSig = throwTo mainTid UserInterrupt
installHandler sigTERM (Catch onTermSig) Nothing
CLI.parseArgs >>= runApp . \case
CLI.CmdRun r o -> runShip r o
CLI.CmdNew n o -> newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax) -> collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax) -> startBrowser pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil seq) -> testPill pax pil seq
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> checkEvs pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> checkFx pax f l

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ dependencies:
- largeword
- lens
- lmdb
- lock-file
- megaparsec
- mtl
- multimap
@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ dependencies:
- tasty-quickcheck
- tasty-th
- template-haskell
- terminfo
- terminal-progress-bar
- terminfo
- text
- these
- time
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ dependencies:
- warp
- warp-tls
- websockets
- data-default
- ApplicativeDo

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ extra-deps:
- para-1.1@sha256:a90eebb063ad70271e6e2a7f00a93e8e8f8b77273f100f39852fbf8301926f81
- flat-0.3.4@sha256:002a0e0ae656ea8cc02a772d0bcb6ea7dbd7f2e79070959cc748ad1e7138eb38
- base58-bytestring-0.1.0@sha256:a1da72ee89d5450bac1c792d9fcbe95ed7154ab7246f2172b57bd4fd9b5eab79
- lock-file-