reorganize namespacing

specify eng-us region and make room for future ordinal conversion
This commit is contained in:
rovdyl 2019-02-06 17:58:43 -06:00
parent 1ae891bbb0
commit 638afd8995
2 changed files with 128 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -30,120 +30,121 @@
++ one-vigintillion (pow 10 63)
++ max (pow 10 66)
:: +eng:number-to-words: convert @u to english
++ eng
|= num=@u
^- (unit tape)
=+ numbers
?: (gte num max)
:- ~
^- tape
:: 0-19
?: =(num 0) "zero"
?: =(num 1) "one"
?: =(num 2) "two"
?: =(num 3) "three"
?: =(num 4) "four"
?: =(num 5) "five"
?: =(num 6) "six"
?: =(num 7) "seven"
?: =(num 8) "eight"
?: =(num 9) "nine"
?: =(num 10) "ten"
?: =(num 11) "eleven"
?: =(num 12) "twelve"
?: =(num 13) "thirteen"
?: =(num 14) "fourteen"
?: =(num 15) "fifteen"
?: =(num 16) "sixteen"
?: =(num 17) "seventeen"
?: =(num 18) "eighteen"
?: =(num 19) "nineteen"
:: 20-99
:: tpl: tens place
:: rem: ones place
:: sfx: suffix
=/ tpl (div num ten)
=/ rem (mod num ten)
=/ sfx
?: |(=(rem 0) (gte tpl 10))
++ eng-us
++ to-words
|= num=@u
^- (unit tape)
=+ numbers
?: (gte num max)
['-' $(num rem)]
?: =(tpl 2) (weld "twenty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 3) (weld "thirty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 4) (weld "forty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 5) (weld "fifty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 6) (weld "sixty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 7) (weld "seventy" sfx)
?: =(tpl 8) (weld "eighty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 9) (weld "ninety" sfx)
:: 100-max
:: num-break: repeated pattern from 100 on
=/ num-break
:- ~
^- tape
:: 0-19
?: =(num 0) "zero"
?: =(num 1) "one"
?: =(num 2) "two"
?: =(num 3) "three"
?: =(num 4) "four"
?: =(num 5) "five"
?: =(num 6) "six"
?: =(num 7) "seven"
?: =(num 8) "eight"
?: =(num 9) "nine"
?: =(num 10) "ten"
?: =(num 11) "eleven"
?: =(num 12) "twelve"
?: =(num 13) "thirteen"
?: =(num 14) "fourteen"
?: =(num 15) "fifteen"
?: =(num 16) "sixteen"
?: =(num 17) "seventeen"
?: =(num 18) "eighteen"
?: =(num 19) "nineteen"
:: 20-99
:: min: minimum to qualify for this break
:: str: english word for this break
:: tpl: tens place
:: rem: ones place
:: sfx: suffix
|= [min=@u str=tape]
=/ rem (mod num min)
;: weld
^$(num (div num min))
[' ' str]
?: =(rem 0)
=/ tpl (div num ten)
=/ rem (mod num ten)
=/ sfx
?: |(=(rem 0) (gte tpl 10))
%+ weld
?:((lth rem one-hundred) " and " ", ")
^$(num rem)
?: (lth num one-thousand)
(num-break one-hundred "hundred")
?: (lth num one-million)
(num-break one-thousand "thousand")
?: (lth num one-billion)
(num-break one-million "million")
?: (lth num one-trillion)
(num-break one-billion "billion")
?: (lth num one-quadrillion)
(num-break one-trillion "trillion")
?: (lth num one-quintillion)
(num-break one-quadrillion "quadrillion")
?: (lth num one-sextillion)
(num-break one-quintillion "quintillion")
?: (lth num one-septillion)
(num-break one-sextillion "sextillion")
?: (lth num one-octillion)
(num-break one-septillion "septillion")
?: (lth num one-nonillion)
(num-break one-octillion "octillion")
?: (lth num one-decillion)
(num-break one-nonillion "nonillion")
?: (lth num one-undecillion)
(num-break one-decillion "decillion")
?: (lth num one-duodecillion)
(num-break one-undecillion "undecillion")
?: (lth num one-tredecillion)
(num-break one-duodecillion "duodecillion")
?: (lth num one-quattuordecillion)
(num-break one-tredecillion "tredecillion")
?: (lth num one-quindecillion)
(num-break one-quattuordecillion "quattuordecillion")
?: (lth num one-sexdecillion)
(num-break one-quindecillion "quindecillion")
?: (lth num one-septendecillion)
(num-break one-sexdecillion "sexdecillion")
?: (lth num one-octodecillion)
(num-break one-septendecillion "septendecillion")
?: (lth num one-novemdecillion)
(num-break one-octodecillion "octodecillion")
?: (lth num one-vigintillion)
(num-break one-novemdecillion "novemdecillion")
(num-break one-vigintillion "vigintillion")
['-' $(num rem)]
?: =(tpl 2) (weld "twenty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 3) (weld "thirty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 4) (weld "forty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 5) (weld "fifty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 6) (weld "sixty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 7) (weld "seventy" sfx)
?: =(tpl 8) (weld "eighty" sfx)
?: =(tpl 9) (weld "ninety" sfx)
:: 100-max
:: num-break: repeated pattern from 100 on
=/ num-break
:: min: minimum to qualify for this break
:: str: english word for this break
|= [min=@u str=tape]
=/ rem (mod num min)
;: weld
^$(num (div num min))
[' ' str]
?: =(rem 0)
%+ weld
?:((lth rem one-hundred) " and " ", ")
^$(num rem)
?: (lth num one-thousand)
(num-break one-hundred "hundred")
?: (lth num one-million)
(num-break one-thousand "thousand")
?: (lth num one-billion)
(num-break one-million "million")
?: (lth num one-trillion)
(num-break one-billion "billion")
?: (lth num one-quadrillion)
(num-break one-trillion "trillion")
?: (lth num one-quintillion)
(num-break one-quadrillion "quadrillion")
?: (lth num one-sextillion)
(num-break one-quintillion "quintillion")
?: (lth num one-septillion)
(num-break one-sextillion "sextillion")
?: (lth num one-octillion)
(num-break one-septillion "septillion")
?: (lth num one-nonillion)
(num-break one-octillion "octillion")
?: (lth num one-decillion)
(num-break one-nonillion "nonillion")
?: (lth num one-undecillion)
(num-break one-decillion "decillion")
?: (lth num one-duodecillion)
(num-break one-undecillion "undecillion")
?: (lth num one-tredecillion)
(num-break one-duodecillion "duodecillion")
?: (lth num one-quattuordecillion)
(num-break one-tredecillion "tredecillion")
?: (lth num one-quindecillion)
(num-break one-quattuordecillion "quattuordecillion")
?: (lth num one-sexdecillion)
(num-break one-quindecillion "quindecillion")
?: (lth num one-septendecillion)
(num-break one-sexdecillion "sexdecillion")
?: (lth num one-octodecillion)
(num-break one-septendecillion "septendecillion")
?: (lth num one-novemdecillion)
(num-break one-octodecillion "octodecillion")
?: (lth num one-vigintillion)
(num-break one-novemdecillion "novemdecillion")
(num-break one-vigintillion "vigintillion")

View File

@ -3,51 +3,52 @@
/+ number-to-words, *test
++ test-eng
++ test-eng-us
=+ eng-us:number-to-words
;: weld
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"zero"
!> (eng:number-to-words 0)
!> (to-words 0)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one"
!> (eng:number-to-words 1)
!> (to-words 1)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"twelve"
!> (eng:number-to-words 12)
!> (to-words 12)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"twenty"
!> (eng:number-to-words 20)
!> (to-words 20)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"ninety-nine"
!> (eng:number-to-words 99)
!> (to-words 99)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one hundred"
!> (eng:number-to-words 100)
!> (to-words 100)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one hundred and eleven"
!> (eng:number-to-words 111)
!> (to-words 111)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one thousand"
!> (eng:number-to-words 1.000)
!> (to-words 1.000)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one thousand, one hundred and eleven"
!> (eng:number-to-words 1.111)
!> (to-words 1.111)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one million and one"
!> (eng:number-to-words 1.000.001)
!> (to-words 1.000.001)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one trillion"
!> (eng:number-to-words (pow 10 12))
!> (to-words (pow 10 12))
%+ expect-eq
@ -59,10 +60,10 @@
"hundred and nine million, five hundred and fifty-one thousand, six "
"hundred and sixteen"
!> (eng:number-to-words 18.446.744.073.709.551.616)
!> (to-words 18.446.744.073.709.551.616)
%+ expect-eq
!> `(unit tape)``"one vigintillion"
!> (eng:number-to-words (pow 10 63))
!> (to-words (pow 10 63))