mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 00:13:12 +03:00
king: eyre: Got multi-tenet HTTP working.
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ import Control.Exception (AsyncException(UserInterrupt))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import System.Process (system)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.King.App (App)
import Urbit.King.App (runApp, runAppLogFile, runAppNoLog, runPierApp)
import Urbit.King.App (HasConfigDir(..), HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import Urbit.Noun.Conversions (cordToUW)
@ -514,8 +515,8 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> MultiEyreApi -> IO ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = do
runShip :: MonadIO m => CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> MultiEyreApi -> m ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = io $ do
tid <- myThreadId
let onTermExit = throwTo tid UserInterrupt
mStart <- newEmptyMVar
@ -588,7 +589,7 @@ main = do
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigINT (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
CLI.parseArgs >>= \case
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runShips ko ships
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runApp $ runShips ko ships
CLI.CmdNew n o -> runApp $ newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax) -> runApp $ collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax) -> runApp $ startBrowser pax
@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ runShipRestarting waitForKillRequ r o multi = do
putStrLn ("Ship terminated: " <> pier)
runShips :: CLI.KingOpts -> [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> IO ()
runShips :: CLI.KingOpts -> [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> RIO App ()
runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do
let meConf = MultiEyreConf
{ mecHttpPort = fromIntegral <$> koSharedHttpPort
@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do
- In pier environment: pier path and config available.
- In running ship environment: serf state, event queue available.
multi <- runApp (multiEyre meConf)
multi <- multiEyre meConf
go multi ships
@ -659,8 +660,8 @@ runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do
[(r, o, d)] -> runShip r o d me
ships -> runMultipleShips (ships <&> \(r, o, _) -> (r, o)) me
runMultipleShips :: [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts)] -> MultiEyreApi -> IO ()
runMultipleShips ships multi = do
runMultipleShips :: MonadIO m => [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts)] -> MultiEyreApi -> m ()
runMultipleShips ships multi = io $ do
killSignal <- newEmptyTMVarIO
let waitForKillRequ = readTMVar killSignal
@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ startServ
startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
logTrace "startServ"
let vLive = meaLive multi
srvId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
let mTls = hscSecure conf >>= parseTlsConfig
@ -191,8 +193,6 @@ startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
let soHost :: SockOpts -> ServHost
soHost so = if soLocalhost so then SHLocalhost else SHAnyHostOk
vLive <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
let onReq :: WhichServer -> Ship -> Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ()
onReq which _ship reqId reqInfo =
plan (requestEvent srvId which reqId reqInfo)
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ data MultiEyreConf = MultiEyreConf
, mecHttpPort :: Maybe Port
, mecLocalhostOnly :: Bool
deriving (Show)
type OnMultiReq = WhichServer -> Ship -> Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ()
@ -72,7 +73,9 @@ leaveMultiEyre MultiEyreApi {..} who = do
modifyTVar' meaTlsC (deleteMap who)
multiEyre :: HasLogFunc e => MultiEyreConf -> RIO e MultiEyreApi
multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf{..} = do
multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf {..} = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", conf))
vLive <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
vPlan <- newTVarIO mempty
vCanc <- newTVarIO (mempty :: Map Ship (Ship -> Word64 -> STM ()))
@ -94,25 +97,29 @@ multiEyre conf@MultiEyreConf{..} = do
Nothing -> pure ()
Just cb -> cb who reqId
mIns <- for mecHttpPort $ \por -> serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
, scRedi = Nothing -- TODO
, scType = STMultiHttp $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Insecure
, rcKil = onKil
mIns <- for mecHttpPort $ \por -> do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTP", por))
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
, scRedi = Nothing -- TODO
, scType = STMultiHttp $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Insecure
, rcKil = onKil
mSec <- for mecHttpsPort $ \por -> serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STMultiHttps vTlsC $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Secure
, rcKil = onKil
mSec <- for mecHttpsPort $ \por -> do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "MULTI", "HTTPS", por))
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = host
, scPort = SPChoices $ singleton $ fromIntegral por
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STMultiHttps (MTC vTlsC) $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Secure
, rcKil = onKil
pure $ MultiEyreApi
{ meaLive = vLive
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Serv
( ServApi(..)
, TlsConfig(..)
, MultiTlsConfig
, MultiTlsConfig(..)
, ReqApi(..)
, ServType(..)
, ServPort(..)
@ -61,27 +61,37 @@ data TlsConfig = TlsConfig
, tcCerti :: ByteString
, tcChain :: [ByteString]
deriving (Show)
type MultiTlsConfig = TVar (Map Ship Credential)
newtype MultiTlsConfig = MTC (TVar (Map Ship Credential))
instance Show MultiTlsConfig where
show = const "MultiTlsConfig"
data ReqApi = ReqApi
{ rcReq :: Ship -> Word64 -> E.ReqInfo -> STM ()
, rcKil :: Ship -> Word64 -> STM ()
instance Show ReqApi where
show = const "ReqApi"
data ServType
= STHttp Ship ReqApi
| STHttps Ship TlsConfig ReqApi
| STMultiHttp ReqApi
| STMultiHttps MultiTlsConfig ReqApi
deriving (Show)
data ServPort
= SPAnyPort
| SPChoices (NonEmpty W.Port)
deriving (Show)
data ServHost
= SHLocalhost
| SHAnyHostOk
deriving (Show)
data ServConf = ServConf
{ scType :: ServType
@ -89,6 +99,7 @@ data ServConf = ServConf
, scPort :: ServPort
, scRedi :: Maybe W.Port
deriving (Show)
-- Opening Sockets -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -179,6 +190,7 @@ forceOpenSocket hos por = mkRAcquire opn kil
kil = io . Net.close . snd
opn = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "forceOpenSocket", hos, por))
(p, s) <- retry $ case por of
SPAnyPort -> tryOpenAny bind
SPChoices ps -> tryOpenChoices bind ps
@ -202,8 +214,8 @@ hostShip (Just bs) = byteShip (hedLabel bs) & \case
bytePatp = Ob.parsePatp . decodeUtf8Lenient
hedLabel = fst . break (== fromIntegral (C.ord '.'))
onSniHdr :: TVar (Map Ship Credential) -> Maybe String -> IO Credentials
onSniHdr mtls mHos = do
onSniHdr :: MultiTlsConfig -> Maybe String -> IO Credentials
onSniHdr (MTC mtls) mHos = do
ship <- hostShip (encodeUtf8 . pack <$> mHos)
tabl <- atomically (readTVar mtls)
tcfg <- lookup ship tabl & maybe (notRunning ship) pure
@ -271,14 +283,13 @@ configCreds TlsConfig {..} =
Right rs -> Right rs
serv :: HasLogFunc e => TVar E.LiveReqs -> ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
serv vLive ServConf {..} = do
serv vLive conf@ServConf {..} = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Start", conf))
kil <- newEmptyTMVarIO
por <- newEmptyTMVarIO
void $ async $ do
tid <- async (runServ por)
atomically (takeTMVar kil)
cancel tid
tid <- async (runServ por)
_ <- async (atomically (takeTMVar kil) >> cancel tid)
pure $ ServApi
{ saKil = void (tryPutTMVar kil ())
@ -286,6 +297,7 @@ serv vLive ServConf {..} = do
runServ vPort = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "runServ"))
rwith (forceOpenSocket scHost scPort) $ \(por, sok) -> do
atomically (putTMVar vPort por)
startServer scType scHost por sok scRedi vLive
@ -136,11 +136,6 @@ noHeader = do
logError "Response block with no response header."
error "Bad HttpEvent: Response block with no response header."
emptyChunk :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a
emptyChunk = do
logError "Bad response action: empty chunk"
error "Bad response action: empty chunk"
dupHead :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a
dupHead = do
logError "Multiple %head actions on one request"
@ -165,7 +160,7 @@ streamBlocks env init getAct = send init >> loop
RADone -> pure ()
RABloc c -> send c >> loop
send "" = runRIO env emptyChunk
send "" = pure ()
send c = do
runRIO env (logTrace (display ("sending chunk " <> tshow c)))
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString c
Reference in New Issue
Block a user