mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
WIP: Use edwards curve point types from Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519
This changes Pass to decode the Ed.Point directly in the type, instead of having the packed Atom representation or raw ByteStrings. Added conversion quickchecks and also decoded data off the Ethereum contracts.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Arvo.Event where
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Term)
@ -9,12 +10,14 @@ import Arvo.Common (Header(..), HttpEvent)
import Arvo.Common (AmesDest, Ipv4, Ipv6, Port, Turf)
import Arvo.Common (ReOrg(..), reorgThroughNoun)
import qualified Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519 as Ed
import qualified Crypto.Error as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as H
-- Misc Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
type Pass = Atom -- Public Key
--type Pass = Atom -- Public Key
type Rift = Atom -- Continuity number
type Life = Word -- Number of Azimoth key revs.
type Bloq = Atom -- TODO
@ -22,6 +25,9 @@ type Ring = Atom -- Private Key
type Oath = Atom -- Signature
-- Parsed URLs -----------------------------------------------------------------
type Host = Either Turf Ipv4
@ -37,6 +43,61 @@ deriveNoun ''PUrl
-- Dawn Records ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- A Pass is the Atom concatenation of 'b', the public encryption key, and the
-- public authentication key. (see +pass-from-eth.)
data Pass = Pass Ed.Point Ed.Point
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToNoun Pass where
toNoun (Pass crypt sign) =
Atom $ (reverse bs) ^. from atomBytes
-- TODO: I'm confused. The 'B' must be the most significant digit, but
-- only is if we reverse the string.
bs = (C.singleton 'B' <> (Ed.pointEncode crypt) <> (Ed.pointEncode sign))
instance FromNoun Pass where
parseNoun n = named "Pass" $ do
MkBytes backwards <- parseNoun n
let bs = (C.reverse backwards)
when ((length bs) /= 65) $ do
fail "Expecting ByteString of length 65"
when ((C.head bs) /= 'B') $ do
fail "Expecting 'B' prefix in public key structure"
let removedPrefix = C.tail bs
let cryptPoint =
Ed.throwCryptoError $ Ed.pointDecode (take 32 removedPrefix)
let signPoint =
Ed.throwCryptoError $ Ed.pointDecode (drop 32 removedPrefix)
pure $ Pass cryptPoint signPoint
-- -- A Ring is the concatenation of 'B', the private encryption key, and the
-- -- private authentication key. (see +nol:nu:crub:crypto.)
-- data Ring = Ring ByteString ByteString
-- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- instance ToNoun Ring where
-- toNoun (Ring crypt sign) =
-- Atom $ (reverse bs) ^. from atomBytes
-- where
-- -- TODO: I'm confused. The 'b' must be the most significant digit, but
-- -- only is if we reverse the string.
-- bs = (C.singleton 'b' <> crypt <> sign)
-- instance FromNoun Ring where
-- parseNoun n = named "Ring" $ do
-- MkBytes backwards <- parseNoun n
-- let bs = (C.reverse backwards)
-- when ((length bs) /= 65) $ do
-- fail "Expecting ByteString of length 65"
-- when ((C.head bs) /= 'b') $ do
-- fail "Expecting 'b' prefix in public key structure"
-- let removedPrefix = C.tail bs
-- pure $ Ring (take 32 removedPrefix) (drop 32 removedPrefix)
data Seed = Seed Ship Life Ring (Maybe Oath)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -53,7 +114,7 @@ data EthPoint = EthPoint
, epNet :: Maybe (Life, Pass, ContNum, (Bool, Ship), Maybe Ship)
, epKid :: Maybe (EthAddr, NounSet Ship)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data EthEventId = EthEventId
{ eeiBlock :: Atom
@ -70,7 +131,7 @@ data EthBookmark = EthBookmark
data Snap = Snap (NounMap Ship Public)
(Dnses, NounMap Ship EthPoint)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Dawn = MkDawn
{ dSeed :: Seed
@ -80,7 +141,7 @@ data Dawn = MkDawn
, dBloq :: Bloq
, dNode :: (Maybe PUrl)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''EthEventId
deriveNoun ''EthBookmark
@ -209,7 +270,7 @@ deriveNoun ''SyncEv
data LegacyBootEvent
= Fake Ship
| Dawn Dawn
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ArrowKey = D | L | R | U
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -230,7 +291,7 @@ data TermEv
| TermEvBoot (UD, ()) LegacyBootEvent
| TermEvHail (UD, ()) ()
| TermEvCrud Path Cord Tang
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''LegacyBootEvent
deriveNoun ''ArrowKey
@ -250,7 +311,7 @@ data BlipEv
| BlipEvNewt NewtEv
| BlipEvSync SyncEv
| BlipEvTerm TermEv
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''BlipEv
@ -287,7 +348,7 @@ deriveNoun ''ZuseEv
data Ev
= EvBlip BlipEv
| EvVane Vane
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToNoun Ev where
toNoun = \case
@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ import Network.Ethereum.Web3
import Data.Text (splitOn)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Network.Ethereum.Ens as Ens
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
import qualified Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519 as Ed
import qualified Crypto.Error as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Network.Ethereum.Ens as Ens
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
@ -58,9 +60,10 @@ addressToAtom = bsToAtom . addressToBS
-- A Pass is the encryptionKey and authenticationKey concatenated together.
passFromEth :: BytesN 32 -> BytesN 32 -> UIntN 32 -> Pass
passFromEth enc aut sut | sut /= 1 = 0
passFromEth enc aut sut =
((bytes32ToBS enc) <> (bytes32ToBS aut)) ^. from atomBytes
passFromEth enc aut sut | sut /= 1 = error "Invalid crypto suite number"
passFromEth enc aut sut = Pass (decode enc) (decode aut)
decode = Ed.throwCryptoError . Ed.pointDecode . bytes32ToBS
clanFromShip :: Ship -> Ob.Class
clanFromShip = Ob.clan . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
@ -68,8 +71,22 @@ clanFromShip = Ob.clan . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
shipSein :: Ship -> Ship
shipSein = Ship . fromIntegral . Ob.fromPatp . Ob.sein . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
-- Data Validation -------------------------------------------------------------
-- for =(who.seed `@`fix:ex:cub)
getFingerprintFromKey :: Ring -> Atom
getFingerprintFromKey = undefined
-- getPassFromKey :: Ring -> Pass
-- getPassFromKey (Ring crypt sign) = (Pass pubCrypt pubSign)
-- where
-- pubCrypt = decode crypt
-- pubSign = decode sign
-- decode = Ed.throwCryptoError . Ed.pointDecode
-- Validates the keys, life, discontinuity, etc. If everything is ok, return
-- the sponsoring ship for Seed.
validateAndGetSponsor :: Seed -> EthPoint -> Either Text Ship
@ -164,12 +181,12 @@ retrieveGalaxyTable bloq azimuth =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ M.fromList <$> mapM getRow [0..5]
getRow idx = do
-- TODO: should we be building a `passFromEth` here instead of converting
-- pubKey?
(pubKey, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, keyRev, continuity) <- points idx
pure (fromIntegral idx, (fromIntegral continuity,
fromIntegral keyRev,
bytes32ToAtom pubKey))
(encryptionKey, authenticationKey, _, _, _, _, _, cryptoSuite,
keyRev, continuity) <- points idx
pure (fromIntegral idx,
(fromIntegral continuity,
fromIntegral keyRev,
(passFromEth encryptionKey authenticationKey cryptoSuite)))
-- Reads the three Ames domains from Ethereum.
readAmesDomains :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 ([Turf])
@ -199,7 +216,9 @@ dawnVent (Seed (Ship ship) life ring oaf) = do
print ("Azimuth: " ++ (show azimuth))
-- TODO: We're retrieving point information, but we don't have
p <- retrievePoint dBloq azimuth 0
-- TODO: Comets don't go through retrievePoint.
p <- retrievePoint dBloq azimuth (fromIntegral ship)
print $ show p
-- Retrieve the galaxy table [MUST FIX s/5/255/]
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ deriveNoun ''Pill
-- Jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Work = Work EventId Mug Wen Ev
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LifeCyc = LifeCyc EventId Mug Nock
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ dependencies:
- classy-prelude
- conduit
- containers
- cryptonite
- data-default
- data-fix
- directory
@ -1,30 +1,58 @@
module NounConversionTests (tests) where
import Arvo.Event
import Noun.Conversions
import UrbitPrelude
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Crypto.Random.Types
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import qualified Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519 as Ed
import qualified Crypto.Error as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
-- String Representations of Atoms ---------------------------------------------
instance Arbitrary UV where
arbitrary = UV <$> arbitrarySizedNatural
instance Arbitrary UW where
arbitrary = UW <$> arbitrarySizedNatural
vRoundTrip :: UV -> Bool
vRoundTrip uv = Just uv == (fromNoun $ toNoun $ uv)
wRoundTrip :: UW -> Bool
wRoundTrip uw = Just uw == (fromNoun $ toNoun uw)
-- Cryptographic Point Representations -----------------------------------------
instance Crypto.Random.Types.MonadRandom Gen where
getRandomBytes size = BA.pack <$> vector size
instance Arbitrary Ed.Point where
arbitrary = Ed.toPoint <$> Ed.scalarGenerate
instance Arbitrary Ed.Scalar where
arbitrary = Ed.scalarGenerate
passRoundTrip :: Ed.Point -> Ed.Point -> Bool
passRoundTrip crypt sign =
Just val == (fromNoun $ toNoun val)
where val = (Pass2 crypt sign)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Noun"
[ testProperty "0v0 printing/parsing round trip" $ vRoundTrip
, testProperty "0w0 printing/parsing round trip" $ wRoundTrip
, testProperty "Pass round trip" $ passRoundTrip
Reference in New Issue
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