mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
ames: WIP modernized tests pass, still haven't found signature bug
This commit is contained in:
@ -288,8 +288,10 @@
%+ turn (flop hav)
|= =have
:- sig=(end 9 mes)
=+ sig=(end 9 mes)
:- sig
=+ dat=(rsh 9 mes)
~& [sig=`@q`(mug sig) dat=`@q`(mug dat)]
?~ dat ~
~| [%fine %response-not-cask]
;;((cask) (cue dat))
@ -1119,7 +1121,7 @@
:: /ax/peers/[ship]/forward-lane (list lane)
:: /ax/bones/[ship] [snd=(set bone) rcv=(set bone)]
:: /ax/snd-bones/[ship]/[bone] vase
:: /ax/fine/message/[path/...] song
:: /ax/fine/hunk/[path/...] (list @ux) scry response fragments
?. ?=(%x ren) ~
=> .(tyl `(pole knot)`tyl)
@ -2650,7 +2652,9 @@
++ pe-keen
|= [=path =^duct]
?: (~(has by order.scry) path)
~& %pe-keen-already
ke-abet:(ke-sub:(ke-abed:keen-core path) duct)
~& %pe-keen-new
=^ keen-id=@ud seq.scry [seq.scry +(seq.scry)]
=. order.scry (~(put by order.scry) path keen-id)
=. keens.scry (put:orm keens.scry keen-id *keen-state)
@ -2701,6 +2705,7 @@
++ pe-hear
|= [=lane =packet]
~& %pe-hear
?> =(sndr-tick.packet (mod life.peer 16))
=/ [=peep =purr] (decode-request-info `@ux`content.packet)
@ -2799,10 +2804,13 @@
++ ke-on-ack
=| marked=(list want)
|= fra=@ud
~& %ke-on-ack
^- [? _ke-core]
=; [[found=? cor=_ke-core] wan=(pha want)]
?. found
~& %not-found
[found ke-core]
~& %found
[found cor(wan.keen wan)]
%^ (dip-left:ke-deq ,[found=? cor=_ke-core]) wan.keen
[| ke-core]
@ -2875,12 +2883,14 @@
=/ max num-slots:ke-gauge
|- ^+ ke-core
?: |(=(~ nex.keen) =(inx max))
~& [%ke-continue-done inx]
=^ =want nex.keen nex.keen
=. last-sent.want now
=. tries.want +(tries.want)
=. wan.keen (snoc:ke-deq wan.keen want)
=. metrics.keen (on-sent:ke-gauge 1)
~& [%ke-continue fra.want]
=. ke-core (ke-emit hoot.want)
$(inx +(inx))
@ -2920,6 +2930,7 @@
++ ke-rcv
|= [fra=@ud =purr =lane:ames]
^+ ke-core
~& [%ke-rcv fra]
=/ =meow (decode-response-packet purr)
=/ og ke-core
=. pe-core (pe-update-qos %live last-contact=now)
@ -2934,19 +2945,23 @@
?> =(fra 1)
(ke-first-rcv meow)
?. %- veri-fra:keys
[ship life.peer ke-full-path fra [dat sig]:meow]
~| failed-signature/fra^`@ux`sig.meow
~| life.peer
?> (veri-fra:keys ship life.peer ke-full-path fra [dat sig]:meow)
=^ found=? ke-core
(ke-on-ack fra)
?. found
~& %ke-fast-retransmit
(ke-fast-retransmit:og fra)
=/ =have [fra meow]
=. hav.keen
`(list ^have)`[have hav.keen]
=. num-received.keen +(num-received.keen)
?: =(num-fragments num-received):keen
~& %ke-done
(ke-done [sig dat]:ke-decode-full)
@ -3024,6 +3039,7 @@
last-sent.u.want now
=. wan.keen (cons:ke-deq wan.keen u.want)
~& [%ke-take-wake-resend fra.u.want]
(ke-resend [fra hoot]:u.want)
@ -3076,10 +3092,12 @@
++ on-keen
|= [=ship =path]
~& %on-keen
^+ event-core
=+ ~:(spit path) :: assert length
=/ peer-core (pe-abed:fine-peer ship)
?^ peer-core pe-abet:(pe-keen:u.peer-core path duct)
~& %on-keen-alien
%+ enqueue-alien-todo ship
|= todos=alien-agenda
todos(keens (~(put ju keens.todos) path duct))
@ -3117,6 +3135,7 @@
:: so we should only get responses from ships we know.
:: below we assume sndr.packet is a known peer.
=* from sndr.packet
~& %on-hear-response
=/ peer-core (need (pe-abed:fine-peer from))
pe-abet:(pe-hear:peer-core lane packet)
@ -3173,19 +3192,34 @@
wid^`@`pat :: namespace path
++ frag-body
|= [=path mes=@ num=@ud fin=?]
^- @uxmeow
++ make-meow
|= [=path mes=@ num=@ud]
^- meow
=; meow
~& :* %made-meow
sig=`@q`(mug sig.meow)
dat=`@q`(mug dat.meow)
=/ tot (met 13 mes)
=/ fra (cut 13 [(dec num) 1] mes)
=/ wid (met 3 fra)
=/ wod ?:(fin wid 1.024)
=- ~& [tot=tot wid=wid num=num fra=!=(0 fra) fin=fin] -
=/ dat (cut 13 [(dec num) 1] mes)
=/ wid (met 3 dat)
:* sig=(sign-fra:keys path num dat) :: fragment signature
num=tot :: number of fragments
siz=?:(=(num tot) (met 3 dat) 1.024) :: fragment byte width
dat=dat :: response data fragment
++ encode-meow
|= =meow
^- @uxmeow
%+ can 3
:~ 64^(sign-fra:keys path num fra)
4^tot :: number of fragments
2^wod :: response data fragment size in bytes
wid^fra :: response data fragment
:~ 64^sig.meow
(met 3 dat.meow)^dat.meow
++ encode-request
@ -3199,15 +3233,17 @@
(can 3 sig bod ~)
(encode-packet [our ship] req=& sam=| sic ric ~ syn)
++ encode-hunk ::TODO unit tests
++ encode-hunk
|= [=path =hunk data=$@(~ (cask))]
^- (list @uxmeow)
~& [hunk=hunk len=(met 3 (jam data))]
=/ mes=@
=- ~& [sig=`@q`(mug sig) dat=`@q`(mug (jam data))] -
=/ sig=@ (full:keys path data)
?~ data sig
(cat 9 sig (jam data))
(mix sig (lsh 9 (jam data)))
::(cat 9 sig (jam data))
?> (lte len.hunk 16.384)
=/ las (met 13 mes)
=/ tip (dec (add [lop len]:hunk))
=/ top (min las tip)
@ -3218,25 +3254,38 @@
|- ^+ res
?: =(num top)
=- (flop - res)
(frag-body path mes num =(top las))
$(num +(num), res :_(res (frag-body path mes num |)))
(encode-meow (make-meow path mes num))
$(num +(num), res :_(res (encode-meow (make-meow path mes num))))
++ keys
++ mess
|=([@p life path $@(~ (cask))] (jam +<))
|= [=ship life=@ud =path dat=$@(~ (cask))]
::~& :* %mess
:: ship life path
:: ^= dat
:: ?~ dat ~
:: ?: =(%hoon -.dat)
:: [%hoon ;;(@t +.dat)]
:: [%noun `@q`(mug dat)]
:: ==
(jam +<)
++ full
|= [=path data=$@(~ (cask))]
(sign (mess our life.ames-state path data))
++ frag
|= [=path fra=@ud dat=@ux]
(jam +<)
++ sign-fra
|= [=path fra=@ dat=@ux]
(sign (jam path fra dat))
|= [=path fra=@ud dat=@ux]
(sign (frag path fra dat))
++ veri-fra
|= [who=ship lyf=life =path fra=@ dat=@ux sig=@]
(veri who lyf sig (jam path fra dat))
|= [who=ship lyf=life =path fra=@ud dat=@ux sig=@]
(veri who lyf sig (frag path fra dat))
++ sign
@ -3917,7 +3966,7 @@
++ clamp-rto
|= rto=@dr
^+ rto
(min ~m2 (max ^~((div ~s1 5)) rto))
(min ~s5 (max ^~((div ~s1 5)) rto))
:: +in-slow-start: %.y iff we're in "slow-start" mode
++ in-slow-start
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/+ *test
/= ames /sys/vane/ames
/= jael /sys/vane/jael
/* dojo %hoon /app/dojo/hoon
:: construct some test fixtures
=/ nec ^$:((ames ~nec))
@ -183,6 +184,16 @@
%+ snag index
(skim moves is-move-send)
++ n-frags
|= n=@
^- @ux
:: 6 chosen randomly to get some trailing zeros
%+ rsh 10
%+ rep 13
%+ turn (gulf 1 n)
|=(x=@ (fil 3 1.024 (dis 0xff x)))
++ scry
|= [vane=_nec car=term bem=beam]
=/ =roof
@ -198,7 +209,12 @@
``noun+!>([black black])
``noun+!>(`@ux`(fil 5 32 0xdead.beef))
?+ -.r.bem !!
%ud ``noun+!>((n-frags p.r.bem))
=/ vane-core (vane(rof roof))
(scry:vane-core ~ car bem)
@ -226,34 +242,36 @@
=/ =packet:ames
:* [sndr=~nec rcvr=~bud]
req=& sam=&
=/ encoded (encode-packet:ames & packet)
=/ encoded (encode-packet:ames packet)
=/ decoded (decode-packet:ames encoded)
%+ expect-eq
!> [& packet]
!> packet
!> decoded
++ test-origin-encoding ^- tang
=/ =packet:ames
:* [sndr=~nec rcvr=~bud]
req=& sam=&
=/ encoded (encode-packet:ames & packet)
=/ encoded (encode-packet:ames packet)
=/ decoded (decode-packet:ames encoded)
%+ expect-eq
!> [& packet]
!> packet
!> decoded
++ test-shut-packet-encoding ^- tang
@ -305,7 +323,7 @@
=/ =blob:ames (encode-packet:ames & packet)
=/ =blob:ames (encode-packet:ames packet)
=^ moves1 bud (call bud ~[//unix] %hear lane-foo blob)
=^ moves2 bud
=/ =point:ames
@ -478,55 +496,79 @@
?. ?=(%give -.card.move) ~
?. ?=(%send -.p.card.move) ~
`;;(@uxhoot blob.p.card.move)
=/ [is-ames=? =packet:ames] (decode-packet:ames `@ux`req)
?> ?=(%| is-ames)
=/ =packet:ames (decode-packet:ames `@ux`req)
?< sam.packet
?> req.packet
=/ twit
(decode-request:ames `@ux`content.packet)
~& twit
(expect-eq !>(1) !>(1))
++ test-fine-hunk
^- tang
%- zing
%+ turn (gulf 1 10)
|= siz=@
=/ want=path /~bud/0/1/c/z/(scot %ud siz)/kids/sys
=/ =beam [[~bud %$ da+now:bud] (welp /fine/hunk/1/16.384 want)]
=/ [=mark =vase] (need (need (scry bud %x beam)))
=+ !<(song=(list @uxmeow) vase)
%+ expect-eq
!>((lent song))
++ test-fine-response
^- tang
=/ datum=@ux (fil 5 32 0xdead.beef)
=/ want=path /~bud/0/1/c/z/1/kids/sys
=. rof.bud
|=(* ``noun+!>(datum))
=/ =beam [[~bud %$ da+now:bud] (welp /fine/message want)]
::%- zing
::%+ turn (gulf 1 50)
::|= siz=@
::=/ want=path /~bud/0/1/c/z/(scot %ud siz)/kids/sys
=/ want=path /~bud/0/1/c/x/1/kids/app/dojo/hoon
=/ dit (jam %hoon dojo)
=/ exp (cat 9 (fil 3 64 0xff) dit)
=/ siz=@ud (met 13 exp)
^- tang
=/ =beam [[~bud %$ da+now:bud] (welp /fine/hunk/1/16.384 want)]
=/ [=mark =vase] (need (need (scry bud %x beam)))
=+ !<(=song:ames vase)
=/ partial=(list have:ames)
%- head
%^ spin song 1
|= [blob=@ux num=@ud]
=+ !<(song=(list @uxmeow) vase)
=/ paz=(list have:ames)
%+ spun song
|= [blob=@ux num=_1]
^- [have:ames _num]
:_ +(num)
=/ [is-ames=? =packet:ames] (decode-packet:ames `@ux`blob)
?> ?=(%| is-ames)
=/ [=peep:ames =purr:ames] (decode-request-info:ames `@ux`content.packet)
=/ rawr (decode-response-packet:ames `@ux`purr)
~& rawr-sig/`@ux`sig.rawr
~& rawr-siz/`@ux`siz.rawr
~& rawr-wid/`@ux`wid.rawr
~& rawr-dat/`@ux`dat.rawr
[num rawr]
=/ =meow:ames (decode-response-packet:ames blob)
[num meow]
=/ num-frag=@ud (lent partial)
=/ num-frag=@ud (lent paz)
~& num-frag=num-frag
=/ =roar:ames
(decode-response-msg:ames num-frag (flop partial))
(decode-response-msg:ames num-frag (flop paz))
%+ welp
=/ dat
?> ?=(^ dat.roar)
;;(@ux q.dat.roar)
(expect-eq !>(dat) !>(datum))
(expect-eq !>(`@`dat) !>(`@`dojo))
=/ event-core
~! nec
=/ foo [*@da *@ rof.nec]
(per-event:(nec foo) [*@da *@ rof.nec] *duct ames-state.nec)
%+ welp
^- tang
%- zing
%+ turn partial
%+ turn paz
|= [fra=@ud sig=@ siz=@ud byts]
%+ expect-eq !>(%.y)
!>((veri-fra:keys:fine:event-core ~bud life.ames-state.bud want fra dat sig))
%- veri-fra:keys:fine:event-core
[~bud life.ames-state.bud want fra dat sig]
~& %verifying-sig
%+ expect-eq
%- meri:keys:fine:event-core
[~bud life.ames-state.bud want roar]
++ test-old-ames-wire ^- tang
=^ moves0 bud (call bud ~[/g/hood] %spew [%odd]~)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "vere/vere.h"
#include "ur/serial.h"
#define FINE_PAGE 16384 // packets per page
#define FINE_PAGE 8 // packets per page TODO: 16384
#define FINE_FRAG 1024 // bytes per fragment packet
#define FINE_PATH_MAX 384 // longest allowed scry path
#define HEAD_SIZE 4 // header size in bytes
@ -1682,7 +1682,6 @@ _ames_hear_ames(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_w cur_w)
// otherwise, inject the packet as an event
@ -1790,6 +1789,7 @@ _ames_hear(u3_ames* sam_u,
// check contents match mug in header
if ( c3n == _ames_check_mug(pac_u) ) {
// TODO: reinstate filter after debugging is over
// if ( 0 == (sam_u->sat_u.mut_d % 100000) ) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user