reverted zuse

This commit is contained in:
timlucmiptev 2020-11-30 11:07:09 +02:00 committed by ixv
parent a6e4333e53
commit 6e423e75d9

View File

@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
++ pairs
%+ cook
~(gas by *(map @t @t))
%+ most (ifix [. .]:(star ace) mic)
%+ more (ifix [. .]:(star ace) mic)
;~(plug token ;~(pose ;~(pfix tis value) (easy '')))
++ value
@ -378,16 +378,16 @@
::NOTE this is ptok:de-purl:html, but can't access that here
%- plus
;~ pose
aln zap hax buc cen pam soq tar lus
hep dot ket cab tic bar sig
aln zap hax bus cen pad say tar lus
hep dot ket cab tec bar sig
++ quoted-string :: 7230 quoted string
%+ cook crip
%+ ifix [. .]:;~(less (jest '\\"') doq)
%+ ifix [. .]:;~(less (jest '\\"') yel)
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose (just '\09') ace prn))
;~(pfix bat ;~(pose (just '\09') ace prn))
;~(pose (just '\09') ;~(less (mask "\22\5c\7f") (shim 0x20 0xff)))
@ -1120,7 +1120,6 @@
{$boot lit/? p/*} :: weird %dill boot
{$crop p/@ud} :: trim kernel state
$>(%crud vane-task) :: error with trace
[%flee session=~] :: unwatch session
{$flog p/flog} :: wrapped error
{$flow p/@tas q/(list gill:gall)} :: terminal config
{$hail ~} :: terminal refresh
@ -1135,7 +1134,6 @@
{$talk p/tank} ::
{$text p/tape} ::
{$veer p/@ta q/path r/@t} :: install vane
[%view session=~] :: watch session blits
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
{$verb ~} :: verbose mode
@ -1159,7 +1157,6 @@
$% {$bel ~} :: make a noise
{$clr ~} :: clear the screen
{$hop p/@ud} :: set cursor position
[%klr p=stub] :: set styled line
{$lin p/(list @c)} :: set current line
{$mor ~} :: newline
{$sag p/path q/*} :: save to jamfile
@ -4264,7 +4261,7 @@
++ decompress-point
|= dat=@
^- pont
:: ~& "custom decompress point"
:: ~& "custom decompress point"
=+ x=(end 3 w dat)
?> =(3 (mod ^p 4))
=+ y=(exp.p (div +(^p) 4) :(sum.p (exp.p 3 x) (pro.p a x) b))
@ -5368,30 +5365,28 @@
:: ::::
++ format ^?
:: 0 ending a line (invalid @t) is not preserved :: ++to-wain:format
++ to-wain :: cord to line list
~% %leer ~
|= txt=cord
^- wain
=/ len=@ (met 3 txt)
=/ cut =+(cut -(a 3, c 1, d txt))
=/ sub sub
=| [i=@ out=wain]
|- ^+ out
=+ |- ^- j=@
?: ?| =(i len)
=(10 (cut(b i)))
$(i +(i))
=. out :_ out
(cut(b i, c (sub j i)))
?: =(j len)
(flop out)
$(i +(j))
:: :: ++to-wain:format
++ to-wain :: atom to line list
~% %lore ~
|= lub/@
=| tez/(list @t)
|- ^+ tez
=+ ^= wor
=+ [meg=0 i=0]
|- ^- {meg/@ i/@ end/@f}
=+ gam=(cut 3 [i 1] lub)
?: =(0 gam)
[meg i %.y]
?: =(10 gam)
[meg i %.n]
$(meg (cat 3 meg gam), i +(i))
?: end.wor
(flop ^+(tez [meg.wor tez]))
?: =(0 lub) (flop tez)
$(lub (rsh 3 +(i.wor) lub), tez [meg.wor tez])
:: :: ++of-wain:format
++ of-wain :: line list to cord
|= tez=wain ^- cord
++ of-wain :: line list to atom
|= tez/(list @t)
(rap 3 (join '\0a' tez))
:: :: ++of-wall:format
++ of-wall :: line list to tape
@ -5644,7 +5639,7 @@
[(rash a fel) b]
:: :: ++pa:dejs:format
++ pa :: string as path
(su ;~(pfix fas (more fas urs:ab)))
(su ;~(pfix net (more net urs:ab)))
:: :: ++pe:dejs:format
++ pe :: prefix
|* {pre/* wit/fist}
@ -6206,7 +6201,7 @@
:: :: ++abox:de-json:html
++ abox :: array
%+ stag %a
(ifix [sel (wish ser)] (more (wish com) apex))
(ifix [lac (wish rac)] (more (wish com) apex))
:: :: ++apex:de-json:html
++ apex :: any value
%+ knee *json |. ~+
@ -6238,7 +6233,7 @@
=* wow `(map @t @)`(malt lip)
(sear ~(get by wow) low)
=* tuf ;~(pfix (just 'u') (cook tuft qix:ab))
;~(pose doq fas soq bas loo tuf)
;~(pose yel net say bas loo tuf)
:: :: ++expo:de-json:html
++ expo :: exponent
@ -6252,7 +6247,7 @@
;~(plug dot digs)
:: :: ++jcha:de-json:html
++ jcha :: string character
;~(pose ;~(less doq bas prn) esca)
;~(pose ;~(less yel bas prn) esca)
:: :: ++mayb:de-json:html
++ mayb :: optional
|*(bus/rule ;~(pose bus (easy ~)))
@ -6269,7 +6264,7 @@
:: :: ++obje:de-json:html
++ obje :: object list
%+ ifix [(wish kel) (wish ker)]
%+ ifix [(wish leb) (wish reb)]
(more (wish com) pear)
:: :: ++obox:de-json:html
++ obox :: object
@ -6283,7 +6278,7 @@
(cook |=(a/@ [a ~]) bus)
:: :: ++stri:de-json:html
++ stri :: string
(cook crip (ifix [doq doq] (star jcha)))
(cook crip (ifix [yel yel] (star jcha)))
:: :: ++tops:de-json:html
++ tops :: strict value
;~(pose abox obox)
@ -6392,14 +6387,14 @@
;~(pfix (plus whit) name)
;~ pose
%+ ifix
:_ doq
;~(plug (ifix [. .]:(star whit) tis) doq)
(star ;~(less doq escp))
:_ yel
;~(plug (ifix [. .]:(star whit) tis) yel)
(star ;~(less yel escp))
%+ ifix
:_ soq
;~(plug (ifix [. .]:(star whit) tis) soq)
(star ;~(less soq escp))
:_ say
;~(plug (ifix [. .]:(star whit) tis) say)
(star ;~(less say escp))
(easy ~)
@ -6415,7 +6410,7 @@
:: :: ++chrd:de-xml:html
++ chrd :: character data
%+ cook |=(a/tape ^-(mars ;/(a)))
(plus ;~(less doq ;~(pose (just `@`10) escp)))
(plus ;~(less yel ;~(pose (just `@`10) escp)))
:: :: ++comt:de-xml:html
++ comt :: comments
=- (ifix [(jest '<!--') (jest '-->')] (star -))
@ -6432,10 +6427,10 @@
;~(less (jest '?>') prn)
:: :: ++escp:de-xml:html
++ escp ::
;~(pose ;~(less gal gar pam prn) enty)
;~(pose ;~(less led ban pad prn) enty)
:: :: ++enty:de-xml:html
++ enty :: entity
%+ ifix pam^mic
%+ ifix pad^mic
;~ pose
=+ def=^+(ent (my:nl [%gt '>'] [%lt '<'] [%amp '&'] [%quot '"'] ~))
%+ sear ~(get by (~(uni by def) ent))
@ -6451,7 +6446,7 @@
;~(plug ;~(plug name attr) (cold ~ (star whit)))
:: :: ++head:de-xml:html
++ head :: opening tag
(ifix [gal gar] ;~(plug name attr))
(ifix [gal ban] ;~(plug name attr))
:: :: ++many:de-xml:html
++ many :: contents
;~(pfix (star comt) (star ;~(sfix ;~(pose apex chrd cdat) (star comt))))
@ -6466,7 +6461,7 @@
;~(pose ;~(plug ;~(sfix chx col) chx) chx)
:: :: ++tail:de-xml:html
++ tail :: closing tag
(ifix [(jest '</') gar] name)
(ifix [(jest '</') ban] name)
:: :: ++whit:de-xml:html
++ whit :: whitespace
(mask ~[' ' `@`0x9 `@`0xa])
@ -6571,13 +6566,8 @@
?^ t.rax
[p.pok [ire q.pok]]:[pok=$(rax t.rax) ire=i.rax]
=/ raf/(like term)
%- ;~ sfix
%+ sear
|=(a/@ ((sand %ta) (crip (flop (trip a)))))
(cook |=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a))) (star aln))
[1^1 (flop (trip i.rax))]
=> |=(a/@ ((sand %tas) (crip (flop (trip a)))))
(;~(sfix (sear . sym) dot) [1^1 (flop (trip i.rax))])
?~ q.raf
[~ [i.rax ~]]
=+ `{ext/term {@ @} fyl/tape}`u.q.raf
@ -6586,7 +6576,7 @@
:: :: ++apat:de-purl:html
++ apat :: 2396 abs_path
%+ cook deft
;~(pfix fas (more fas smeg))
;~(pfix net (more net smeg))
:: :: ++aurf:de-purl:html
++ aurf :: 2396 with fragment
%+ cook |~(a/purf a)
@ -6607,13 +6597,13 @@
[q.a [[p.a r.a] b]]
;~ plug
;~(plug htts (punt ;~(sfix urt:ab pat)) thor)
;~(plug htts (punt ;~(sfix urt:ab vat)) thor)
;~(plug ;~(pose apat (easy *pork)) yque)
:: :: ++htts:de-purl:html
++ htts :: scheme
%+ sear ~(get by (malt `(list (pair term ?))`[http+| https+& ~]))
;~(sfix scem ;~(plug col fas fas))
;~(sfix scem ;~(plug col net net))
:: :: ++cock:de-purl:html
++ cock :: cookie
%+ most ;~(plug mic ace)
@ -6633,10 +6623,10 @@
(cook crip (star pquo))
:: :: ++pcar:de-purl:html
++ pcar :: 2396 path char
;~(pose pure pesc psub col pat)
;~(pose pure pesc psub col vat)
:: :: ++pcok:de-purl:html
++ pcok :: cookie char
;~(less bas mic com doq prn)
;~(less bas mic com yel prn)
:: :: ++pesc:de-purl:html
++ pesc :: 2396 escaped
;~(pfix cen mes)
@ -6645,24 +6635,24 @@
(cold ' ' (just '+'))
:: :: ++pque:de-purl:html
++ pque :: 3986 query char
;~(pose pcar fas wut)
;~(pose pcar net wut)
:: :: ++pquo:de-purl:html
++ pquo :: normal query char
;~(pose pure pesc pold fas wut col com)
;~(pose pure pesc pold net wut col com)
:: :: ++pure:de-purl:html
++ pure :: 2396 unreserved
;~(pose aln hep cab dot zap sig tar soq pal par)
;~(pose aln hep cab dot zap sig tar say lit rit)
:: :: ++psub:de-purl:html
++ psub :: 3986 sub-delims
;~ pose
zap buc pam soq pal par
zap bus pad say lit rit
tar lus com mic tis
:: :: ++ptok:de-purl:html
++ ptok :: 2616 token
;~ pose
aln zap hax buc cen pam soq tar lus
hep dot ket cab tic bar sig
aln zap hax bus cen pad say tar lus
hep dot ket cab tec bar sig
:: :: ++scem:de-purl:html
++ scem :: 2396 scheme
@ -6676,7 +6666,7 @@
(cook crip (plus pcok))
:: :: ++tosk:de-purl:html
++ tosk :: 6265 quoted value
;~(pose tock (ifix [doq doq] tock))
;~(pose tock (ifix [yel yel] tock))
:: :: ++toke:de-purl:html
++ toke :: 2616 token
(cook crip (plus ptok))
@ -6718,7 +6708,7 @@
:: proper query
%+ more
;~(pose pam mic)
;~(pose pad mic)
;~(plug fque ;~(pose ;~(pfix tis fquu) (easy '')))
:: funky query
@ -8222,7 +8212,7 @@
++ function
|* [tag=@tas fun=@t rul=rule]
;~(plug (cold tag (jest fun)) (ifix [pal par] rul))
;~(plug (cold tag (jest fun)) (ifix [lit rit] rul))
++ shipname
;~(pfix sig fed:ag)
@ -9187,10 +9177,6 @@
|- ^- seed:able:jael
=/ cub=acru:ames (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 eny)
=/ who=ship `@`fig:ex:cub
:: disallow 64-bit or smaller addresses
?. ?=(%pawn (clan:title who))
$(eny +(eny))
?: (~(has in stars) (^sein:title who))
[who 1 sec:ex:cub ~]
$(eny +(eny))