diff --git a/pkg/arvo/app/aggregator.hoon b/pkg/arvo/app/aggregator.hoon
index bccd23908b..cc062006b3 100644
--- a/pkg/arvo/app/aggregator.hoon
+++ b/pkg/arvo/app/aggregator.hoon
@@ -223,13 +223,13 @@
         =+  !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
         %-  (slog leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} failed" leaf+<term> tang)
         =^  cards  state
-          (on-thread-result:do (rash i.t.wire dem) %.n^term)
+          (on-thread-result:do (rash i.t.wire dem) %.n^'thread failed')
         [cards this]
         ~&  ['all submitted to' t.wire]
         :: is aggregator/send thread expected to maybe return an error?
-        =+   !<(result=(each @ud term) q.cage.sign)
+        =+   !<(result=(each @ud @t) q.cage.sign)
         =^  cards  state
           (on-thread-result:do (rash i.t.wire dem) result)
         [cards this]
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
 ::  +on-thread-result: await resend after thread success or failure
 ++  on-thread-result
-  |=  [nonce=@ud result=(each @ud term)]
+  |=  [nonce=@ud result=(each @ud @t)]
   ^-  (quip card _state)
   ::  update gas price for this tx in state
diff --git a/pkg/arvo/ted/aggregator/send.hoon b/pkg/arvo/ted/aggregator/send.hoon
index 76bc1a6764..4bb4e85dbc 100644
--- a/pkg/arvo/ted/aggregator/send.hoon
+++ b/pkg/arvo/ted/aggregator/send.hoon
@@ -67,14 +67,19 @@
 ::NOTE  this fails the thread if sending fails, which in the app gives us
 ::      the "retry with same gas price" behavior we want
-;<  jon=json  bind:m
-  %+  request-rpc:ethio  endpoint
-  [`'sendRawTransaction' %eth-send-raw-transaction tx]
-::TODO  check that tx-hash in jon is non-zero?
-::TODO  enforce max here, or in app?
-::  add five gwei to gas price of next attempt
-(pure:m !>(%.y^(add use-gas-price
+;<  =response:rpc  bind:m  (send-batch endpoint tx)
+%-  pure:m
+!>  ^-  (each @ud @t)
+?+  -.response  %.n^'unexpected rpc response'
+  %error   %.n^message.res
+  :: TODO:
+  ::  check that tx-hash in +.response is non-zero?
+  ::  log tx-hash to getTransactionReceipt(tx-hash)?
+  ::  enforce max here, or in app?
+  ::  add five gwei to gas price of next attempt
+  ::
+  %result  %.y^(add use-gas-price
 ::TODO  should be distilled further, partially added to strandio?
 ++  fetch-gas-price
@@ -106,4 +111,19 @@
   %.  u.jon
   =,  dejs-soft:format
   (ot 'result'^(ot 'FastGasPrice'^ni ~) ~)
+++  send-batch
+  |=  [endpoint=@ta batch=@ux]
+  =/  m  (strand:strandio ,response:rpc)
+  ^-  form:m
+  =/  req=[(unit @t) request:rpc:ethereum]
+    [`'sendRawTransaction' %eth-send-raw-transaction batch]
+  ;<  res=(list response:rpc)  bind:m
+    (request-batch-rpc-loose:ethio endpoint [req]~)
+  ?:  ?=([* ~] res)
+    (pure:m i.res)
+  %+  strand-fail:strandio
+    %unexpected-multiple-results
+  [>(lent res)< ~]