Actually add the server code.

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Glaysher 2018-10-03 16:10:15 -07:00
parent 581888fe46
commit 9bd3cc4083

app/server.hoon Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
:: +move: output effect
+$ move [bone card]
:: +card: output effect payload
+$ card
$% [%connect wire [(unit @t) (list @t)] %server]
[%http-response =raw-http-response:light]
+$ state
$: :: count: sends back the count value
count=(map bone @ud)
:: utilities:
++ parse-request-line
|= url=@t
^- [[(unit @ta) site=(list @t)] args=(list [key=@t value=@t])]
(fall (rush url ;~(plug apat:de-purl:html yque:de-purl:html)) [[~ ~] ~])
:: +hello:
++ hello
|= name=@t
^- octs
%- as-octs:mimes:html
%- crip
%- en-xml:html
;title:"Hello, {<(trip name)>}"
;h1:"Hello, {<(trip name)>}"
|_ [bow=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
~& %prep
:- [`move`[ost.bow [%connect / [~ /'~server'] %server]] ~]
?~ old
this(+<+ u.old)
:: alerts us that we were bound. we need this because the vane calls back.
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:light]
~& [%bound success]
[~ this]
:: received when we have a
++ poke-handle-http-request
|= [authenticated=? secure=? address=address:light req=http-request:light]
^- (quip move _this)
=+ request-line=(parse-request-line url.req)
~& [%request-line request-line]
=/ name=@t
=+ back-path=(flop site.request-line)
?~ back-path
~& [%name name]
:_ this
:~ ^- move
:- ost.bow
:* %http-response
[%start 200 ['content-type' 'text/html']~ [~ (hello name)] %.y]
== ==