mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 10:32:34 +03:00
Got this working except there is a mistake in my approach.
I am traversing each subtree even if it will eventually become a back reference. While, traversing, I insert any backreferences that I find. However, if the enclosing noun is a backreference, then all of the backreferences found in subtrees will be invalid.
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ data PutResult a = PutResult {-# UNPACK #-} !S !a
deriving Functor
newtype Put a = Put
{ runPut :: H.LinearHashTable Noun Word
{ runPut :: H.LinearHashTable Word Word
-> S
-> IO (PutResult a)
@ -60,14 +60,8 @@ newtype Put a = Put
{-# INLINE getRef #-}
getRef :: Noun -> Put (Maybe Word)
getRef n = Put \tbl s -> do
pos <- pure (pos s)
traceM ("getRef: " <> show n <> " @" <> show pos)
res <- H.lookup tbl n
pure $ PutResult s $ case res of
Just w | w<pos -> Just w
_ -> Nothing
getRef :: Put (Maybe Word)
getRef = Put \tbl s -> PutResult s <$> H.lookup tbl (pos s)
1. Write the register to the output, and increment the output pointer.
@ -110,15 +104,15 @@ putS s = Put $ \tbl _ -> pure (PutResult s ())
{-# INLINE writeBit #-}
writeBit :: Bool -> Put ()
writeBit b = Put $ \tbl s@S{..} -> do
-- traceM ("writeBit: " <> show b)
let s' = s { reg = (if b then setBit else clearBit) reg off
, off = (off + 1) `mod` 64
, pos = pos + 1
traceM ("writeBit: " <> show b)
let s' = s { reg = (if b then setBit else clearBit) reg off
, off = (off + 1) `mod` 64
, pos = pos + 1
if off == 63
then runPut (flush >> setRegOff 0 0) tbl s'
else pure $ PutResult s' ()
if off == 63
then runPut (flush >> setRegOff 0 0) tbl s'
else pure $ PutResult s' ()
To write a 64bit word:
@ -130,7 +124,7 @@ writeBit b = Put $ \tbl s@S{..} -> do
{-# INLINE writeWord #-}
writeWord :: Word -> Put ()
writeWord wor = do
-- traceM ("writeWord: " <> show wor)
traceM ("writeWord: " <> show wor)
S{..} <- getS
setReg (reg .|. shiftL wor off)
@ -155,7 +149,7 @@ writeBitsFromWord :: Int -> Word -> Put ()
writeBitsFromWord wid wor = do
wor <- pure (takeBitsWord wid wor)
-- traceM ("writeBitsFromWord: " <> show wid <> ", " <> show wor)
traceM ("writeBitsFromWord: " <> show wid <> ", " <> show wor)
oldSt <- getS
@ -175,7 +169,7 @@ writeBitsFromWord wid wor = do
{-# INLINE writeAtomWord# #-}
writeAtomWord# :: Word# -> Put ()
writeAtomWord# w = do
-- traceM "writeAtomWord"
traceM "writeAtomWord"
writeBitsFromWord (I# (word2Int# (wordBitWidth# w))) (W# w)
{-# INLINE writeAtomWord #-}
@ -240,10 +234,12 @@ instance Monad Put where
doPut :: Map Noun Word -> Word -> Put () -> ByteString
doPut :: H.LinearHashTable Word Word -> Word -> Put () -> ByteString
doPut tbl sz m =
unsafePerformIO $ do
tbl <- H.fromListWithSizeHint (M.size tbl) (mapToList tbl)
traceM ""
H.toList tbl >>= traceM . show . sort
traceM ""
buf <- callocBytes (fromIntegral $ 4 * wordSz*8)
_ <- runPut (m >> mbFlush) tbl (S buf 0 0 0)
BS.unsafePackCStringFinalizer (castPtr buf) (2*byteSz) (free buf)
@ -265,15 +261,28 @@ doPut tbl sz m =
writeNoun :: Noun -> Put ()
writeNoun n = do
-- traceM "writeNoun"
p <- pos <$> getS
traceM ("writeNoun: " <> show p)
traceM ("\t" <> show n)
mRef <- getRef n
-- getRef >>= \case
-- Nothing -> pure ()
-- Just rf -> do
-- p <- pos <$> getS
-- traceM ("backref: " <> show p <> "-> " <> show rf)
case (mRef, n) of
(Nothing, Atom a) -> writeAtom a
(Nothing, Cell h t) -> writeCell h t
(Just bk, Atom a) | bitWidth a <= wordBitWidth bk -> writeAtom a
(Just bk, _) -> writeBackRef bk
-- case n of
-- Atom a -> writeAtom a
-- Cell h t -> writeCell h t
getRef >>= \case
Just bk -> do
p <- pos <$> getS
traceM $ mconcat (force ["backref: (", show p, " -> ", show bk, ")\n\t", show n])
writeBackRef bk
Nothing -> case n of
Atom a -> writeAtom a
Cell h t -> writeCell h t
{-# INLINE writeMat #-}
writeMat :: Atom -> Put ()
@ -318,8 +327,10 @@ writeBackRef a = do
jamBS :: Noun -> ByteString
jamBS n = trace (show $ sort $ swap <$> mapToList tbl)
$ doPut tbl sz (writeNoun n)
-- $ trace (show $ sort $ swap <$> unsafePerformIO (H.toList ht))
$ doPut ht (size shn) (writeNoun n)
where (sz, tbl) = preJam n
(shn, ht) = unsafePerformIO (preJam' n)
jam :: Noun -> Atom
jam = view (to jamBS . from atomBS)
@ -403,6 +414,10 @@ instance Hashable SHN where
instance Eq SHN where
x == y = (size x == size y) && (noun x == noun y)
This is slightly different that the stock `jam`, since we use
backreferences if-and-only-if they save space.
preJam' :: Noun -> IO (SHN, H.LinearHashTable Word Word)
preJam' top = do
nodes :: H.LinearHashTable SHN Word <- H.new
@ -410,38 +425,32 @@ preJam' top = do
let goAtom :: Word -> Atom -> IO SHN
goAtom pos a@(MkAtom nat) = do
let atmSz = matSz a
let res = SHN (1+atmSz) (1+atmSz) (Hash.hash nat) (Atom a)
H.lookup nodes res >>= \case
Nothing -> do
H.insert nodes res pos
pure (traceShowId res)
Just bak -> do
let refSz = matSz (toAtom bak)
if refSz < atmSz
then do H.insert backs pos bak
pure (traceShowId (res{jmSz=2+refSz}))
else pure (traceShowId res)
let atmSz = 1 + matSz a
pure $ SHN atmSz atmSz (Hash.hash nat) (Atom a)
goCell :: Word -> Noun -> Noun -> IO SHN
goCell pos h t = do
SHN hSz hJmSz hHash _ <- go (pos+2) h
SHN tSz tJmSz tHash _ <- go (pos+2+hSz) t
SHN tSz tJmSz tHash _ <- go (pos+2+hJmSz) t
let sz = 2+hSz+tSz
let jmSz = 2+hJmSz+tJmSz
let res = SHN sz jmSz (combine hHash tHash) (Cell h t)
H.lookup nodes res >>= \case
Nothing -> do
H.insert nodes res pos
pure (traceShowId res)
Just bak -> do
let refSz = matSz (toAtom bak)
H.insert backs pos bak
pure (traceShowId (res{jmSz=2+refSz}))
pure $ SHN sz jmSz (combine hHash tHash) (Cell h t)
go :: Word -> Noun -> IO SHN
go p (Atom a) = goAtom p a
go p (Cell h t) = goCell p h t
go p n = do
res <- case n of Atom a -> goAtom p a
Cell h t -> goCell p h t
H.lookup nodes res >>= \case
Nothing -> do
H.insert nodes res p
pure res
Just bak -> do
let refSz = 2 + matSz (toAtom bak)
if (refSz < jmSz res)
then do H.insert backs p bak
pure (res { jmSz = refSz })
else pure res
res <- go 0 top
pure (res, backs)
Reference in New Issue
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