diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-noun.md b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-noun.md
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index 0000000000..25ee5c14c4
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+++ b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-noun.md
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+Lexicon: Nouns
+Atom Syntax
+###Canonical Atom Odors
+An odor is an atom format that specifies an atomic subtype.
+@c UTF-32 codepoint
+@d date
+ @da absolute date
+ @dr relative date (ie, timespan)
+@f yes or no (inverse boolean)
+@n nil
+@p phonemic base
+@r IEEE floating-point
+ @rd double precision (64 bits)
+ @rh half precision (16 bits)
+ @rq quad precision (128 bits)
+ @rs single precision (32 bits)
+@s signed integer, sign bit low
+ @sb signed binary
+ @sd signed decimal
+ @sv signed base32
+ @sw signed base64
+ @sx signed hexadecimal
+@t UTF-8 text (cord)
+ @ta ASCII text (span)
+ @tas ASCII symbol (term)
+@u unsigned integer
+ @ub unsigned binary
+ @ud unsigned decimal
+ @uv unsigned base32
+ @uw unsigned base64
+ @ux unsigned hexadecimal
+###Unsigned decimal, @ud
+Hoon's unsigned decimal format is the normal Continental syntax. It differs
+from the Anglo-American only in the use of periods, rather than commas, between
+groups of 3:
+ ~zod/try=> 19
+ 19
+ ~zod/try=> 1.024
+ 1.024
+An unsigned decimal not broken into groups is a syntax error. Also, whitespace
+or even linebreaks can appear between the dot and the next group.
+ ~zod/try=> 65. 536
+ 65.536
+###Unsigned hexadecimal, @ux
+@ux has the same syntax as @ud, except that it's prefixed by 0x and uses groups
+of four. Hex digits are lowercase only.
+ ~zod/try=> 0x0
+ 0x0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0x17
+ 23
+###Unsigned base64 and base32, @uv, @uw
+The prefix is 0w for base64 and 0v for base32. The digits for @uw are, in
+order: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, ~:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0w-
+ 62
+For @uv, the digits are 0-9, a-v.
+Signed integers, @sd, @sx, @sw, @sv, @sb
+Obviously, without finite-sized integers, the sign extension trick does not
+work. A signed integer in Hoon is a different way to use atoms than an unsigned
+integer; even for positive numbers, the signed integer cannot equal the
+The prefix for a negative signed integer is a single - before the unsigned
+syntax. The prefix for a positive signed integer is --. The sign bit is the low
+ ~zod/try=> -1
+ -1
+ ~zod/try=> --1
+ --1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-1
+ 1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--1
+ 2
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-2
+ 3
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--2
+ 4
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`-0x10
+ 0x1f
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`--0x10
+ 0x20
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--0w-
+ 124
+ ~zod/try=> `@sw`124
+ --0w-
+###Absolute date, @da
+Urbit dates represent 128-bit chronological time, with 2^64 seconds from the
+start of the universe to the end. 2^127 is 3:30:08 PM on December 5, AD 226,
+for reasons not clear or relevant:
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(bex 127)
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.08
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(dec (bex 127))
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.07..ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
+The time of day and/or second fragment is optional:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7
+ 0x8000.000d.2140.7280.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07..1234
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.1234.0000.0000.0000
+We also do BC:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~226-.12.5
+ 0x7fff.fffc.afb1.b800.0000.0000.0000.0000
+The semantics of the time system are that UGT (Urbit Galactic Time) is GMT/UTC
+as of leap second 25. UGT is chronological and will never add leap seconds,
+even if UTC continues this mistake. If a gap appears, it must be resolved in
+the presentation layer, with timezones and other human curiosities.
+See section 2cH of the source for more details.
+###Relative date, @dr
+It's also nice to have a syntax for basic time intervals:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~s1
+ 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~m1
+ 0x3c.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~m1 ~s1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~m1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~s1)
+ 3.600
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~d1 ~h1)
+ 24
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(add ~2013.11.30 ~d1)
+ ~2013.12.1
+There are no @dr intervals under a second or over a day. Since the resolution
+is so high, though, (div ~s1 1.000.000) produces a pretty accurate microsecond.
+###Loobean, @f
+A loobean, or just bean, is 0 or 1. 0 is yes, 1 is no:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.y
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.n
+ 1
+###Nil, @n
+Nil indicates an absence of information, as in a list terminator. The only
+value is ~, 0.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`~
+ 0
+###Unicode text, @t
+@t is a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, LSB first - sometimes called a cord. For
+lowercase numbers and letters, the canonical syntax is ~~text:
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo
+ 'foo'
+Note that the prettyprinter makes an unprincipled exception and prints the text
+in a noncanonical format:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo
+ 0x6f.6f66
+We want to be able to encode an arbitrary Unicode string as a single URL-safe
+token, using no punctuation but .~-, in @t. Space is ., . is ~., ~ is ~~, - is
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar~.baz~~moo-hoo
+ 'foo bar.baz~moo-hoo'
+For all other ASCII/Unicode characters, insert the Unicode codepoint in
+lower-case hexadecimal, followed by .. For example, for U+2605 "BLACK STAR",
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo~2605.bar
+ 'foo★bar'
+This UTF-32 codepoint is of course converted to UTF-8:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo~2605.bar
+ 0x72.6162.8598.e26f.6f66
+###URL-safe ASCII text, @ta
+@ta encodes the ASCII subset that all canonical atom syntaxes restrict
+themselves to. The prefix is ~.. There are no escape sequences except ~~, which
+means ~, and ~-, which means \_. - and . encode themselves. No other characters
+besides numbers and lowercase letters need apply.
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo
+ 'foo'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo.bar
+ 'foo.bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~~bar
+ 'foo~bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~-bar
+ 'foo_bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo-bar
+ 'foo-bar'
+A @ta atom is called a span.
+###Codepoint, @c
+Normally when we build atoms of Unicode text, we use a UTF-8 bytestream, LSB
+first. But sometimes it's useful to build atoms of one or more UTF-32 words.
+The codepoint syntax is the same as @t, except with a ~- prefix. Let's repeat
+our examples, with hex display:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo
+ 0x6f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo.bar
+ 0x72.0000.0061.0000.0062.0000.0020.0000.006f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+###Phonemic, @p
+We've seen @p used for ships, of course. But it's not just for ships - it's for
+any short number optimized for memorability, not for arithmetic. @p is great
+for checksums, for instance.
+That said, @p is subtly customized for the sociopolitical design of Urbit as a
+digital republic. For example, one feature we don't want is the ability to see
+at a glance which carrier and cruiser issued a destroyer. Consider the carrier
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x21
+ ~mep
+It issues 255 cruisers, including 0x4321:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x4321
+ ~pasnut
+Which issues 65.535 destroyers, including 0x8765.4321 and several successors:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8765.4321
+ ~famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8766.4321
+ ~lidlug-maprec
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8767.4321
+ ~tidlus-roplen
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8768.4321
+ ~lisnel-lonbet
+Of course, anyone who can juggle bits can see that ~famsyr-dirwes is a close
+cousin of ~lidlug-maprec. But she actually has to juggle bits to do it.
+Obfuscation does not prevent calculated associations, just automatic ones.
+But at the yacht level, we actually want to see a uniform 32-bit space of
+yachts directly associated with the destroyer:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x9.8765.4321
+ ~talfes-sibzod-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xba9.8765.4321
+ ~tacbep-ronreg-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xd.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~bicsub-ritbyt-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xfed.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~sivrep-hadfeb-famsyr-dirwes
+###IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, @if, @is
+Urbit lives atop IP and would be very foolish to not support a syntax for the
+large atoms that are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+@if is the standard IPv4 syntax, prefixed with .:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.
+ 0x7f00.0001
+@is is the same as @if, but with 8 groups of 4 hex digits:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.dead.beef.0.cafe.42.babe.dead.beef
+ 0xdead.beef.0000.cafe.0042.babe.dead.beef
+###Floating Point, @rs, @rd, @rq, @rh
+The syntax for a single-precision float is the normal English syntax, with a . prefix:
+ .6.2832 :: τ as @rs
+ .-6.2832 :: -τ as @rs
+ .~6.2832 :: τ as @rd
+ .~-6.2832 :: -τ as @rd
+ .~~6.2832 :: τ as @rh
+ .~~~6.2832 :: τ as @rq
+(Hoon is a Tauist language and promotes International Tau Day.)
+###Transparent cell syntax
+By adding _, we can encode arbitrary nouns in our safe subset. The prefix to a
+canonical cell is ._; the separator is _; the terminator is __. Thus:
+ ~zod/try=> ._3_4__
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> :type; ._.
+ [. [0x12 19] ~tasfyn-partyv]
+ [@if [@ux @ud] @p]
+Those who don't see utility in this strange feature have perhaps never needed
+to jam a data structure into a URL.
+###Opaque noun syntax
+Speaking of jam, sometimes we really don't care what's inside our noun. Then,
+the syntax to use is a variant of @uw prefixed by ~, which incorporates the
+built-in jam and cue marshallers:
+ ~zod/try=> (jam [3 4])
+ 78.241
+ ~zod/try=> `@uw`(jam [3 4])
+ 0wj6x
+ ~zod/try=> (cue 0wj6x)
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> ~0wj6x
+ [3 4]
+Noncanonical Syntax
+These are syntaxes for constants which don't fit the canonical character-set
+###Cubes, @tas
+@tas, a term, is our most exclusive odor. The only characters permitted are
+lowercase ASCII, - except as the first or last character, and 0-9 except as the
+first character.
+The syntax for @tas is the text itself, always preceded by %. This means a term
+is always cubical. You can cast it to @tas if you like, but we just about
+always want the cube:
+ ~zod/try=> %dead-fish9
+ %dead-fish9
+ ~zod/try=> -:!>(%dead-fish9)
+ [%cube p=271.101.667.197.767.630.546.276 q=[%atom p=%tas]]
+The empty @tas has a special syntax, $:
+ ~zod/try=> %$
+ %$
+A term without % is not a constant, but a name:
+ ~zod/try=> dead-fish9
+ ! -find-limb.dead-fish9
+ ! find-none
+ ! exit
+A common structure in Hoon is a noun with a cubical head and an arbitrary tail:
+ ~zod/try=> [%foo 'bar']
+ [%foo 'bar']
+This structure may be generated with the following irregular syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> a/'bar'
+ [%a 'bar']
+###Loobeans, @f
+ .y is a little cumbersome, so we can say & and |. The % prefix cubes as usual.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`&
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`|
+ 1
+###Cords, @t
+The canonical ~~ syntax for @t, while it has its place, is intolerable in a
+number of ways - especially when it comes to escaping capitals. So @t is both
+printed and parsed in a conventional-looking single-quote syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> 'foo bar'
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'foo bar'
+ 0x72.6162.206f.6f66
+ Escape ' with \:
+ ~zod/try=> 'Foo \'bar'
+ 'Foo \'bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'\''
+ 0x27
+Text in Hoon is generally manipulated in two ways, depending on what you're
+doing: as an atomic cord/span/term, or as a tape which is a list of bytes (not
+To generate a tape, use double quotes:
+ ~zod/try=> "foo"
+ "foo"
+ ~zod/try=> `*`"foo"
+ [102 111 111 0]
+We're getting off the constant reservation, but strings also interpolate with curly-braces:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello {(weld "wor" "ld")} is a fun thing to say"
+ "hello world is a fun thing to say"
+And they can be joined across space or lines with a .:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello"."world"
+ "helloworld"
+ ~zod/try=> "hello". "world"
+ "helloworld"
+A list in Hoon is a null-terminated tuple. See section 2bB for Hoon's List library.
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(list)`[3 4 ~]
+ ~[3 4]
+ it(*)
+The list type can be further specified by a subtype:
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(list ,@ud)`[3 4 ~]
+ ~[3 4]
+ it(@ud)
+The above example is a list of @ud, meaning the all values in the list must be of type @ud.
+Polymorphic lists can be specified by constructing a more complex type:
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(list ?(@ud @ux))`[3 0xf ~]
+ ~[3 15]
+ it({@ud @ux})
+Not specifing a more complex type defaults to a list of raw nouns:
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(list)`[3 0xf ~]
+ ~[3 15]
+ it(*)
+Null-terminated tuples may be generated with the following syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> ~[3 0xf]
+ [3 0xf ~]
+ ~zod/try=> :type; ~[3 0xf]
+ [3 0xf ~]
+ [@ud @ux %~]
+Note that this syntax is not automatically typed as a list, but may be cast as such:
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(list ?(@ux @ud))`~[3 0xf]
+ ~[0x3 0xf]
+ it({@ux @ud})
+Furthermore, a different syntax may be used to group the entire noun in the
+head of a null terminated tuple:
+ ~zod/try=> [3 0xf]~
+ [[3 0xf] ~]
+This is often used to easily generate a list from a single noun.
+~zod/try=> :type; `(list ,[@ud @ux])`[3 0xf]~
+~[[3 0xf]]
+it([@ud @ux])
+The above is typed as a list of decimal hexadecimal pairs.
+A Unit is Hoon's "maybe" type. As in, either some value or null. See section 2bA for Hoon's Unit library. Units are represented by a cell whose head is null and whose tail is some noun:
+ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ud)`[~ 3]
+ [~ 3]
+The unit type can be further specified by a subtype. The above example is a unit of @ud, meaning the optional value must be of type @ud.
+ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ud)`[~ [3 3]]
+ ! type-fail
+ ! exit
+ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,^)`[~ [3 3]]
+ [~ [3 3]]
+For convenience, a null-headed noun may be specified with the following irregular syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> `3
+ [~ 3]
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `3
+ [~ 3]
+ [%~ @ud]
+Note that this syntax is not automatically typed as a Unit, but may be cast as such:
+ ~zod/try=> :type; `(unit)``3
+ [~ 3]
+ u(*)
diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-rune.md b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-rune.md
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index 0000000000..a55a10f8c6
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+Lexicon: Runes
+ ,p $,(p)
+ *p $*(p)
+ _p $_(p)
+ p@q $@(p q)
+ !p ?!(p)
+ &(p q) ?&(p q)
+ |(p q) ?|(p q)
+ `p`q ^-(p q)
+ p=q ^=(p q)
+ ~[p q] :~(a b)
+ [p q]~ :~(a)
+ `[p] [~ p]
+ p^q [p q]
+ [p q] :*(p)
+ +(p) .+(p)
+ =(p q) .=(p)
+ p:q =<(p q)
+ p(q r) %=(p q r)
+ (p list) %-(p)
+ ~(p q r) %~(p q r)
+ >p< #<(p)
+ :(p q) ;:(p q)
+Regular Runes
+Core construction: `|`
+ |_ dry %gold door
+ Twig: [%brcb p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+ Tall: |_ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ |% generic %gold core
+ Twig: [%brcn p=(map term foot)]
+ Tall: |%
+ ++ p.n.p
+ q.n.p
+ +- p.n.l.p
+ q.n.l.p
+ --
+ [Note: dry arms are specified with ++, wet arms with +-]
+ |. dry %gold trap
+ Twig: [%brdt p=twig]
+ Tall: |. p
+ Wide: |.(p)
+ |/ vulcanized gold door
+ Twig: [%brfs p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+ Tall: |/ p
+ +- p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ [Note: |/ only accepts wet arms with +-]
+ |^ kick a %gold book
+ Twig: [%brkt p=twig q=(map term foot)]
+ Tall: |^ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ |- kick a %gold trap
+ Twig: [%brhp p=twig]
+ Tall: |- p
+ Wide: |-(p)
+ |+ dry %iron gate
+ Twig: [%brls p=tile q=twig]
+ Tall: |+ p q
+ Wide: |+(p q)
+ |* vulcanized wet gate
+ Twig: [%brtr p=tile q=twig]
+ Tall: |* p q
+ Wide: |*(p q)
+ |= dry %gold gate
+ Twig: [%brts p=tile q=twig]
+ Tall: |= p q
+ Wide: |=(p q)
+ |? dry %lead trap
+ Twig: [%brwt p=twig]
+ Tall: |? p
+ Wide: |?(p)
+Tiles and tiling: `$`
+ $_ bunt a tile
+ Twig: [%bccb p=tile]
+ Tall: $_ p
+ Wide: $_(p)
+ Irrg: _p
+ $, clam a tile
+ Twig: [%bccm p=tile]
+ Tall: $, p
+ Wide: none
+ Irrg: ,p
+ $@ whip a wing into a tile
+ Twig: [%bcpt p=wing q=tile]
+ Tall: $@ p q
+ Wide: $@(p q)
+ Irrg: p@q
+ $* bunt a tile statically
+ Twig: [%bctr p=tile]
+ Tall: $* p
+ Wide: $*(p)
+ Irrg: *p
+###Tile runes
+ $^ plant a %herb
+ Tile: [%herb p=twig]
+ Tall: $^ p
+ Wide: $^(p)
+ $: build a tile
+ Tile: [p=tile q=tile]
+ Tall: $: p
+ q
+ ==
+ Wide: [p q]
+ $= plant a %bark
+ Tile: [%bark p=term q=tile]
+ Tall: $= p q
+ Wide: none
+ Irrg: p=q
+ $& plant a %bush
+ Tile: [%bush p=tile q=tile]
+ Tall: $& p q
+ Wide: $&(p q)
+ Irrg: none
+ $? plant a %fern
+ Tile: [%fern p=[i=tile t=(list tile)]]
+ Tall: $? i.p
+ i.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide: none
+ Irrg: ?(i.p i.t.p)
+ $% plant a %kelp
+ Tile: [%kelp p=[i=line t=(list line)]]
+ Tall: $% p
+ q
+ ==
+ Wide: none
+ Irrg: none
+ $| plant a %reed
+ Tile: [%reed p=tile q=tile]
+ Tall: $| p
+ q
+ ==
+ Wide: $|(p q)
+ Irrg: none
+###Axils glyphs
+ @ atom axil
+ ^ cell axil
+ * noun axil
+ ? bean axil
+ ~ null axil
+Invocations: `%`
+ %_ invoke with changes and cast
+ Twig: [%cncb p=wing q=tram]
+ Tall: %_ p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide: %_(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ %: pull %$ of a door with a sample
+ Twig: [%cncl p=twig q=twig]
+ Tall: %: p q
+ Wide: %:(p q)
+ %. inverse order %-
+ Twig: [%cndt p=twig q=twig]
+ Tall: %. p q
+ Wide: %.(p q)
+ %- slam a core with a sample
+ Twig: [%cnhp p=twig q=tusk]
+ Tall: %- p q
+ Wide: %-(p q)
+ Irrg: (p q)
+ %* pull wing from tray with changes
+ Twig: [%cntr p=wing q=twig r=tram]
+ Tall: %* p q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide: %*(p q p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r)
+ %^ slam gate with triple
+ Twig: [%cnkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+ Tall: %^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide: %^(p q r s)
+ %+ slam gate with pair
+ Twig: [%cnls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+ Tall: %+ p
+ r
+ s
+ Wide: %+(p q r)
+ %~ pull from tray with sample
+ Twig: [%cnsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+ Tall: %~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide: %~(p q r)
+ %= evaluate with changes
+ Twig: [%cnts p=wing q=tram]
+ Tall: %= p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide: %=(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irrg: p(p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+Tuples: `:`
+ :_ reverse pair [q p]
+ Twig: [%clcb p=twig q=twig]
+ Tall: :_ p q
+ Wide: :_(p q)
+ :% produce [[p ~] ~]
+ Twig: [%clcn p=tusk]
+ Tall: :% i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide: :%(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ :/ produce [%$ [%$ p ~] ~]
+ Twig: [%clfs p=twig]
+ Tall: :/ p
+ Wide: :/(p)
+ :^ produce [p q r s]
+ Twig: [%clkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+ Tall: :^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide: :^(p q r s)
+ :- produce [p q]
+ Twig: [%clhp p=twig q=twig]
+ Tall: :- p q
+ Wide: :-(p q)
+ Irrg: [p q]
+ :+ produce [p q r]
+ Twig: [%clls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+ Tall: :+ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide: :+(p q r)
+ :~ produce null-terminated tuple
+ Twig: [%clsg p=tusk]
+ Tall: :~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide: :~(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irrg: ~[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ :* produce n-ary tuple
+ Twig: [%cltr p=tusk]
+ Tall: :* i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide: :*(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irrg: [i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+Nock operators: `.`
+ .^
+ .+
+ .*
+ .=
+ .?
+Type conversions: `^`
+ ^|
+ ^.
+ ^+
+ ^-
+ ^&
+ ^~
+ ^=
+ ^?
+Miscellaneous macros: `;`
+ ;:
+ ;.
+ ;"
+ ;~
+ ;;
+Hints: `~`
+ ~|
+ ~_
+ ~%
+ ~/
+ ~<
+ ~>
+ ~$
+ ~+
+ ~&
+ ~=
+ ~?
+ ~!
+Compositions: `=`
+ =|
+ =:
+ =%
+ =.
+ =/
+ =>
+ =<
+ =-
+ =^
+ =+
+ =&
+ =@
+ =*
+ =~
+Conditionals, booleans, tests: `?`
+ ?|
+ ?-
+ ?:
+ ?.
+ ?^
+ ?>
+ ?<
+ ?+
+ ?&
+ ?~
+ ?=
+ ?!
+Special operations: `!`
+ !:
+ !_
+ !,
+ !%
+ !/
+ !;
+ !?
+ !!
+Wing Runes
+ Names
+ a
+ ^a
+ Axes
+ .
+ +3
+ &3
+ ->-
+Wings: concatenate limbs separated by .
+Punctuation runes
+++ dry arm
++- wet arm
+== terminate list
+-- terminate map or set
+ [%brcb p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|_ ("barcab") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold tray with
+sample p, arms q. q is an associative array of names and
+expressions, each pair of which is called an arm. After any number
+of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm, +-) arms, the array is
+terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |_ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brcn p=(map term foot)]
+|% ("barcen") is a natural rune that produces a %gold core from an
+associative array of names and expressions, each pair of which is
+called an arm. After any number of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm,
++-) arms, the array is terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |%
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ +- p.n.l.q
+ q.n.l.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%brdt p=twig]
+|. ("bardot") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p.
+ Tall
+ |. p
+ Wide
+ |.(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brfs p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|/ ("barfas") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized %gold
+tray with arms q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |/ p
+ +- p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brkt p=twig q=(map term foot)]
+|^ ("barket") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold book with
+arms q, with p as %$, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |^ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brhp p=twig]
+|- ("barhep") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |-
+ p
+ Wide
+ |-(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brls p=tile q=twig]
+|+ ("barlus") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %iron gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brpt p=tile q=tile r=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%brtr p=tile q=twig]
+|* ("bartar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized wet
+gate with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brts p=tile q=twig]
+|= ("bartis") is a synthetic hoon that produces a dry %gold gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brwt p=twig]
+|? ("barwut") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %lead trap.
+ Tall
+ |? p
+ Wide
+ |?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcb p=twig q=twig]
+:_ ("colcab") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [q p].
+ Tall
+ :_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcn p=tusk]
+:% ("colcen") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [[p ~] ~]
+from a list of twigs p, terminated by a ==
+ Tall
+ :% i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :%(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ %[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clfs p=twig]
+:/ ("colfas") is a synthetic rune that, given a twig p, produces
+[%$ [%$ p ~] ~], i.e., [0 [0 p 0] 0]. Used in practice only in
+string interpolation.
+ Tall
+ :/ p
+ Wide
+ :/(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+:^ ("colket") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r s]
+from twigs p, q, r, and s.
+ Tall
+ :^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ :^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clhp p=twig q=twig]
+:- ("colhep") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [p q] from
+twigs p and q.
+ Tall
+ :- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ [p q]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+:+ ("collus") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r] from
+twigs p, q, and r.
+ Tall
+ :+ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ :+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clsg p=tusk]
+:~ ("colsig") is a synthetic rune that produces a null-terminated
+tuple of a list of twigs p.
+ Tall
+ :~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :~(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ ~[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cltr p=tusk]
+:* ("coltar") is a synthetic hoon that produces a tuple from p, a
+list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ :* i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :*(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ [i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clzz p=tusk]
+"colzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that promotes its tusk p
+within a %clsg or %cltr tusk.
+ Not used at present.
+ [%cncb p=wing q=tram]
+%_ ("cencab") is a synthetic rune that evaluates the wing p with
+the changes specified in tram q, then casts the product back to p.
+ Tall
+ %_ p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %_(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cncl p=twig q=twig]
+%: ("cencol") is a synthetic rune that pulls %$ from the twig p
+with the with its sample set to q.
+ Tall
+ %: p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %:(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cndt p=twig q=twig]
+%. ("cendot") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate q with
+[%cltr p]. The dual of %cnhp.
+ Tall
+ %. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %.(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ %- q
+ p
+ See ++open
+ [%cnhp p=twig q=tusk]
+%- ("cenhep") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate p with
+[%cltr q].
+ Tall
+ %- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ (p q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cntr p=wing q=twig r=tram]
+%* is a synthetic rune that pulls the wing p from tray q with changes r.
+ Tall
+ %* p q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %*(p q p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+%^ ("cenket") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r s].
+ Tall
+ %^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+%+ ("cenlus") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r].
+ Tall
+ %+ p
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+%~ ("censig") is a synthetic rune that pulls p from the tray q with its
+sample set to r.
+ Tall
+ %~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ %~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ ~(p q r)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnts p=wing q=tram]
+%= ("centis") is a natural rune that evaluates p with the changes
+specified in q.
+ Tall
+ %= p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %=(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ p(p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzy p=term]
+"cenzey" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls limb p from the subject.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzz p=wing]
+"cenzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls wing p from the subject.
+ Form
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%dtkt p=twig]
+.^ ("dotket") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 11, which in
+virtual userspace Nock (++mock) loads a file from the global namespace.
+ Tall
+ .^ p
+ Wide
+ .^(p)
+ Irregular
+ ^:type/path
+ ^/path
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtls p=twig]
+.+ ("dotlus") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 4, which
+increments an atomic operand.
+ Tall
+ .+ p
+ Wide
+ .+(p)
+ Irregular
+ +(p)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzy p=term q=@]
+"dotzey" is a natural internal rune that produces a non-cubed atomic
+constant of odor p and value q.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzz p=term q=*]
+"dotzaz" is a natural internal rune that produces a cubed noun constant of
+value q and odor p, if q is an atom.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dttr p=twig q=twig]
+.* ("dottar") is a natural rune that calculates the Nock of subject p,
+formula q.
+ Tall
+ .* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtts p=twig q=twig]
+.= ("dottis") is a natural rune that applies Nock 5 (equals) to determine
+if the products of p and q are equivalent.
+ Tall
+ .= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ =(p q)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtwt p=twig]
+.? ("dotwut") is a natural hoon that applies Nock 3 to a noun: if the
+noun is a cell, it returns the loobean & (true); if the noun is an atom,
+it returns the loobean | (false).
+ Tall
+ .? p
+ Wide
+ .?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%hxgl p=tusk]
+#< ("haxgal") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate noah on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ >i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p<
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%hxgr p=tusk]
+#> ("haxgar") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate cain on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktbr p=twig]
+^| ("ketbar") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core into an %iron
+core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^| p
+ Wide
+ ^|(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktdt p=twig q=twig]
+^. ("ketdot") is a synthetic rune that casts q to the type of (p q).
+ Tall
+ ^. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktls p=twig q=twig]
+^+ ("ketlus") is a natural rune that casts the product of q to the
+type of p, verifying that it contains the type of q.
+ Tall
+ +^ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%kthp p=tile q=twig]
+^- ("kethep") is a synthetic rune that casts q to ~(bunt al p),
+i.e., the icon of p.
+ Tall
+ ^- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ `p`q
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktpm p=twig]
+^& ("ketpam") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core to %zinc core.
+See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^& p
+ Wide
+ ^&(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktsg p=twig]
+^~ ("ketsig") is a natural rune that tries to execute p statically at
+compile time; if this fails, p remains dynamic.
+ Tall
+ ^~ p
+ Wide
+ ^~(a)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktts p=toga q=twig]
+^= ("kettis") is a natural rune that wraps q in the toga p. The
+toga is a powerful naming device that can assign an entire name
+tree to a properly typed result. For instance, if foo produces
+an unlabeled tuple [x y z], [a b=[c d]]=foo produces
+[a=x b=[c=y d=z]].
+ Tall
+ ^= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktwt p=twig]
+^? ("ketwut") is a natural hoon that converts a %gold core into a
+%lead core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^? p
+ Wide
+ ^?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%sgbr p=twig q=twig]
+~| ("sigbar") is a synthetic rune that presents the product of p
+in the stack trace if q crashes. Only performed as needed.
+Generates %cain - see the Biblical names.
+ Tall
+ ~| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open, ++feck
+ [%sgcb p=twig q=twig]
+~_ ("sigcab") is a synthetic rune that inserts p, a trap producing a tank,
+into the trace of q.
+ Tall
+ ~_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgcn p=chum q=twig r=tyre s=twig]
+~% ("sigcen") is a synthetic rune that identifies a core for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ==
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ s
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ~
+ s
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgfs p=chum q=twig]
+~/ ("sigfas") is a synthetic rune that identifies an arm for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~/ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~/(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggl p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~< ("siggal") is a synthetic rune that applies arbitrary hint p to
+the product of q. Does not wake the hint engine until the
+computation is finished.
+ Tall
+ ~< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggr p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~> ("siggar") is a natural rune that applies arbitrary hint p to q.
+ Tall
+ ~> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgbc p=term q=twig]
+~$ ("sigbuc") is a synthetic rune that labels computation q as p
+for profiling (not currently enabled).
+ Tall
+ ~$ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~$(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgls p=@ q=twig]
+XX Solve ~+ ("siglus") is a synthetic rune that memoizes computation q
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgpm p=@ud q=twig r=twig]
+~& ("sigpam") is a synthetic rune that prints q on the console
+before computing r. p is the log priority 0-3, defaulting to 0.
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~& q
+ r
+ 1, notice
+ ~& > q
+ r
+ 2, warning
+ ~& >> q
+ r
+ 3, alarm
+ ~& >>> q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ~&(>>> q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgts p=twig q=twig]
+~= ("sigtis") is a synthetic rune that hints to the interpreter
+that q may produce a noun equal to the already existing p,
+avoiding duplication.
+ Tall
+ ~= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgwt p=@ud q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+~? ("sigwut") is a synthetic rune that prints r to the console
+before computing s, iff q produces yes. p is the log priority,
+0-3, 0 by default
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~? q
+ r
+ s
+ 1, notice
+ ~? > q
+ r
+ s
+ 2, warning
+ ~? >> q
+ r
+ s
+ 3, alarm
+ ~? >>> q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ ~?(>>> q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgzp p=twig q=twig]
+~! ("sigzap") is a natural rune for debugging uses only,
+semantically equivalent to its own twig q. Should compilation
+fail within q, ~! will show the type of p on the stacktrace.
+ Tall
+ ~! p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~!(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%smcl p=twig q=tusk]
+;: ("semcol") is a synthetic gate that applies p, a binary gate,
+to the n-ary tuple q.
+ Tall
+ ;: p
+ i.q
+ i.t.q
+ i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ;:(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ :(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdt p=twig q=tusk]
+XX determine function
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdq p=(list beer)]
+XX determine if internal/external
+;" ("semdoq") is a synthetic rune used to make strings,
+interpolated or not.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsg p=twig q=tusk]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsm p=twig q=twig]
+;; ("semsem") is a synthetic rune that types q as a fixpoint of p.
+Semantically identical to ((hard p) q).
+ Tall
+ ;; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ;;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsbr p=tile q=twig]
+=| ("tisbar") is a synthetic rune that pushes ~(bunt al p) on the
+subject and sends it to q.
+ Tall
+ =| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ =+(_p q)
+ See ++open, ++bunt in ++al
+ [%tscl p=tram q=twig]
+=: ("tiscol") is a synthetic rune that produces q with the subject
+by p. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject type.
+ Tall
+ =: p.i.p q.i.p
+ p.i.t.p q.i.t.p
+ p.i.t.t.p q.i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ noen
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tscn p=twig q=twig]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsdt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+=. ("tisdot") is a synthetic rune that produces r with p in the
+subject set to q. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject
+ p.
+ Tall
+ =. p
+ q
+ r
+ =. p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =.(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsfs p=twig q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tsgl p=twig q=twig]
+=< ("tisgal") is a synthetic rune that uses the product of q as
+the subject of p.
+ Tall
+ =< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tshp p=twig q=twig]
+=- ("tishep") is a synthetic rune that pushes q on the subject
+and sends it to p. Dual of =+ ("tislup")
+ Tall
+ =- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =-
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsgr p=twig q=twig]
+=> ("tisgar") is a natural rune that uses the product of p as the
+subject of q.
+ Tall
+ => p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tskt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+=^ ("tisket") is a synthetic rune that handles a product which is
+a cell of the new result, and a mutation to the subject.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Queenside
+ =^ p q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ =^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsls p=twig q=twig]
+=+ ("tislus") is a synthetic rune that pushes p on the subject
+and sends it to q. Semantically equavlent to Nock 8.Dual of =- ("tishep")
+ Tall
+ =+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tspm p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tspt p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tstr p=term q=wing r=twig]
+=* ("tistar") is a natural rune that creates a %bull, or alias,
+ Tall
+ =* p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =*(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tssg p=tusk]
+=~ ("tissig") is a synthetic rune that composes a list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtbr p=tusk]
+?| ("wutbar") is a synthetic rune that computes the "or" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?| i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?|(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ |(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthp p=wing q=tine]
+?- ("wuthep") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q
+ q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q
+ q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q
+ q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?-(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q, p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthz p=tiki q=tine]
+"wuthaz" is a synthetic internal rune that selects a case in q
+for the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtcl p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?: ("wutcol") is a natural rune that produces q if p is yes (&, 0),
+or r if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?: p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtdt p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?. ("wutdot") is a synthetic rune that prduces r if p is yes
+(&, 0), of q if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?. p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtkt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?^ ("wutkey") is a synthetic rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluted.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtkz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutkaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluated.
+See tikis.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgl p=twig q=twig]
+?< ("wutgal") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgr p=twig q=twig]
+?> ("wutgar") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is yes (&, 0).
+ Tall
+ ?> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtls p=wing q=twig r=tine]
+?+ ("wutlus") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r
+ q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r
+ q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r
+ q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?+(p p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r, p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtlz p=tiki q=twig r=tine]
+"wutlaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpm p=tusk]
+?& ("wutpam") is a synthetic hoon that computes the "and" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?& i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?&(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?@ ("wutpat") is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an
+atom, r otherwise.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Queenside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutpaz" is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an atom, r
+ Tall
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?~ ("wutsig") is a synthetic rune that produces q if p is ~, r
+ Tall
+ ?~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutsaz" is a synthetic internal rune that produces q if p is ~,
+r otherwise.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtts p=tile q=wing]
+?= ("wuttis") is a natural rune that produces true if the leg at
+wing q is in tile p.
+ Tall
+ ?= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtzp p=twig]
+?! ("wutzap") is a synthetic rune that produces the logical "not"
+of p.
+ Tall
+ ?! p
+ Wide
+ ?!(p)
+ Irregular
+ !p
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpcb p=spot q=twig]
+XX tall/wide form
+!_ ("zapcab") is a natural rune that puts debugging information
+in the stack trace.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcm p=twig q=twig]
+!, ("zapcom") is a natural rune that inserts twig q as a
+constant, typed with the type of twig p.
+ Tall
+ !, p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !,(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcn ~]
+XX determine function
+!% ("zapcen")
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpfs p=twig]
+XX tall/wide
+!/ ("zapfas") is a natural rune that should never be compiled.
+When compiled with error checking turned on, it reports its
+subject as an error.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpgr p=twig]
+!> ("zapgar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vase (a
+[type noun] cell) with the value p.
+ Tall
+ !> p
+ Wide
+ !>(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpsm p=twig q=twig]
+!; ("zapsem") is a natural rune that produces the product of twig
+q as a [type noun] pair, with twig p defining the type of the type.
+ Tall
+ !; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpts p=twig]
+!= ("zaptis") is a natural rune that produces the formula of twig
+p as a noun.
+ Tall
+ != p
+ Wide
+ !=(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpwt p=$|(p=@ [p=@ q=@]) q=twig]
+!? ("zapwut") is a synthetic rune that enforces a Hoon version
+ Tall
+ !? p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpzp ~]
+!! ("zapzap") is a natural rune that always causes a crash when
+ Tall
+ none
+ Wide
+ !!
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-tile.md b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-tile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7080fb0cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-tile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2612 @@
+Atom Syntax
+###Canonical Atom Odors
+An odor is an atom format that specifies an atomic subtype.
+@c UTF-32 codepoint
+@d date
+ @da absolute date
+ @dr relative date (ie, timespan)
+@f yes or no (inverse boolean)
+@n nil
+@p phonemic base
+@r IEEE floating-point
+ @rd double precision (64 bits)
+ @rh half precision (16 bits)
+ @rq quad precision (128 bits)
+ @rs single precision (32 bits)
+@s signed integer, sign bit low
+ @sb signed binary
+ @sd signed decimal
+ @sv signed base32
+ @sw signed base64
+ @sx signed hexadecimal
+@t UTF-8 text (cord)
+ @ta ASCII text (span)
+ @tas ASCII symbol (term)
+@u unsigned integer
+ @ub unsigned binary
+ @ud unsigned decimal
+ @uv unsigned base32
+ @uw unsigned base64
+ @ux unsigned hexadecimal
+###Unsigned decimal, @ud
+Hoon's unsigned decimal format is the normal Continental syntax. It differs
+from the Anglo-American only in the use of periods, rather than commas, between
+groups of 3:
+ ~zod/try=> 19
+ 19
+ ~zod/try=> 1.024
+ 1.024
+An unsigned decimal not broken into groups is a syntax error. Also, whitespace
+or even linebreaks can appear between the dot and the next group.
+ ~zod/try=> 65. 536
+ 65.536
+###Unsigned hexadecimal, @ux
+@ux has the same syntax as @ud, except that it's prefixed by 0x and uses groups
+of four. Hex digits are lowercase only.
+ ~zod/try=> 0x0
+ 0x0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0x17
+ 23
+###Unsigned base64 and base32, @uv, @uw
+The prefix is 0w for base64 and 0v for base32. The digits for @uw are, in
+order: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, ~:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0w-
+ 62
+For @uv, the digits are 0-9, a-v.
+Signed integers, @sd, @sx, @sw, @sv, @sb
+Obviously, without finite-sized integers, the sign extension trick does not
+work. A signed integer in Hoon is a different way to use atoms than an unsigned
+integer; even for positive numbers, the signed integer cannot equal the
+The prefix for a negative signed integer is a single - before the unsigned
+syntax. The prefix for a positive signed integer is --. The sign bit is the low
+ ~zod/try=> -1
+ -1
+ ~zod/try=> --1
+ --1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-1
+ 1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--1
+ 2
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-2
+ 3
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--2
+ 4
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`-0x10
+ 0x1f
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`--0x10
+ 0x20
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--0w-
+ 124
+ ~zod/try=> `@sw`124
+ --0w-
+###Absolute date, @da
+Urbit dates represent 128-bit chronological time, with 2^64 seconds from the
+start of the universe to the end. 2^127 is 3:30:08 PM on December 5, AD 226,
+for reasons not clear or relevant:
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(bex 127)
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.08
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(dec (bex 127))
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.07..ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
+The time of day and/or second fragment is optional:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7
+ 0x8000.000d.2140.7280.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07..1234
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.1234.0000.0000.0000
+We also do BC:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~226-.12.5
+ 0x7fff.fffc.afb1.b800.0000.0000.0000.0000
+The semantics of the time system are that UGT (Urbit Galactic Time) is GMT/UTC
+as of leap second 25. UGT is chronological and will never add leap seconds,
+even if UTC continues this mistake. If a gap appears, it must be resolved in
+the presentation layer, with timezones and other human curiosities.
+See section 2cH of the source for more details.
+###Relative date, @dr
+It's also nice to have a syntax for basic time intervals:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~s1
+ 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~m1
+ 0x3c.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~m1 ~s1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~m1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~s1)
+ 3.600
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~d1 ~h1)
+ 24
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(add ~2013.11.30 ~d1)
+ ~2013.12.1
+There are no @dr intervals under a second or over a day. Since the resolution
+is so high, though, (div ~s1 1.000.000) produces a pretty accurate microsecond.
+###Loobean, @f
+A loobean, or just bean, is 0 or 1. 0 is yes, 1 is no:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.y
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.n
+ 1
+###Nil, @n
+Nil indicates an absence of information, as in a list terminator. The only
+value is ~, 0.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`~
+ 0
+###Unicode text, @t
+@t is a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, LSB first - sometimes called a cord. For
+lowercase numbers and letters, the canonical syntax is ~~text:
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo
+ 'foo'
+Note that the prettyprinter makes an unprincipled exception and prints the text
+in a noncanonical format:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo
+ 0x6f.6f66
+We want to be able to encode an arbitrary Unicode string as a single URL-safe
+token, using no punctuation but .~-, in @t. Space is ., . is ~., ~ is ~~, - is
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar~.baz~~moo-hoo
+ 'foo bar.baz~moo-hoo'
+For all other ASCII/Unicode characters, insert the Unicode codepoint in
+lower-case hexadecimal, followed by .. For example, for U+2605 "BLACK STAR",
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo~2605.bar
+ 'foo★bar'
+This UTF-32 codepoint is of course converted to UTF-8:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo~2605.bar
+ 0x72.6162.8598.e26f.6f66
+###URL-safe ASCII text, @ta
+@ta encodes the ASCII subset that all canonical atom syntaxes restrict
+themselves to. The prefix is ~.. There are no escape sequences except ~~, which
+means ~, and ~-, which means \_. - and . encode themselves. No other characters
+besides numbers and lowercase letters need apply.
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo
+ 'foo'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo.bar
+ 'foo.bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~~bar
+ 'foo~bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~-bar
+ 'foo_bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo-bar
+ 'foo-bar'
+A @ta atom is called a span.
+###Codepoint, @c
+Normally when we build atoms of Unicode text, we use a UTF-8 bytestream, LSB
+first. But sometimes it's useful to build atoms of one or more UTF-32 words.
+The codepoint syntax is the same as @t, except with a ~- prefix. Let's repeat
+our examples, with hex display:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo
+ 0x6f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo.bar
+ 0x72.0000.0061.0000.0062.0000.0020.0000.006f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+###Phonemic, @p
+We've seen @p used for ships, of course. But it's not just for ships - it's for
+any short number optimized for memorability, not for arithmetic. @p is great
+for checksums, for instance.
+That said, @p is subtly customized for the sociopolitical design of Urbit as a
+digital republic. For example, one feature we don't want is the ability to see
+at a glance which carrier and cruiser issued a destroyer. Consider the carrier
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x21
+ ~mep
+It issues 255 cruisers, including 0x4321:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x4321
+ ~pasnut
+Which issues 65.535 destroyers, including 0x8765.4321 and several successors:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8765.4321
+ ~famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8766.4321
+ ~lidlug-maprec
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8767.4321
+ ~tidlus-roplen
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8768.4321
+ ~lisnel-lonbet
+Of course, anyone who can juggle bits can see that ~famsyr-dirwes is a close
+cousin of ~lidlug-maprec. But she actually has to juggle bits to do it.
+Obfuscation does not prevent calculated associations, just automatic ones.
+But at the yacht level, we actually want to see a uniform 32-bit space of
+yachts directly associated with the destroyer:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x9.8765.4321
+ ~talfes-sibzod-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xba9.8765.4321
+ ~tacbep-ronreg-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xd.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~bicsub-ritbyt-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xfed.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~sivrep-hadfeb-famsyr-dirwes
+###IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, @if, @is
+Urbit lives atop IP and would be very foolish to not support a syntax for the
+large atoms that are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+@if is the standard IPv4 syntax, prefixed with .:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.
+ 0x7f00.0001
+@is is the same as @if, but with 8 groups of 4 hex digits:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.dead.beef.0.cafe.42.babe.dead.beef
+ 0xdead.beef.0000.cafe.0042.babe.dead.beef
+###Floating Point, @rs, @rd, @rq, @rh
+The syntax for a single-precision float is the normal English syntax, with a . prefix:
+ .6.2832 :: τ as @rs
+ .-6.2832 :: -τ as @rs
+ .~6.2832 :: τ as @rd
+ .~-6.2832 :: -τ as @rd
+ .~~6.2832 :: τ as @rh
+ .~~~6.2832 :: τ as @rq
+(Hoon is a Tauist language and promotes International Tau Day.)
+###Transparent cell syntax
+By adding _, we can encode arbitrary nouns in our safe subset. The prefix to a
+canonical cell is ._; the separator is _; the terminator is __. Thus:
+ ~zod/try=> ._3_4__
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> :type; ._.
+ [. [0x12 19] ~tasfyn-partyv]
+ [@if [@ux @ud] @p]
+Those who don't see utility in this strange feature have perhaps never needed
+to jam a data structure into a URL.
+###Opaque noun syntax
+Speaking of jam, sometimes we really don't care what's inside our noun. Then,
+the syntax to use is a variant of @uw prefixed by ~, which incorporates the
+built-in jam and cue marshallers:
+ ~zod/try=> (jam [3 4])
+ 78.241
+ ~zod/try=> `@uw`(jam [3 4])
+ 0wj6x
+ ~zod/try=> (cue 0wj6x)
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> ~0wj6x
+ [3 4]
+###Noncanonical syntaxes
+These are syntaxes for constants which don't fit the canonical character-set
+####Hoon symbol, @tas
+@tas, a term, is our most exclusive odor. The only characters permitted are
+lowercase ASCII, - except as the first or last character, and 0-9 except as the
+first character.
+The syntax for @tas is the text itself, always preceded by %. This means a term
+is always cubical. You can cast it to @tas if you like, but we just about
+always want the cube:
+ ~zod/try=> %dead-fish9
+ %dead-fish9
+ ~zod/try=> -:!>(%dead-fish9)
+ [%cube p=271.101.667.197.767.630.546.276 q=[%atom p=%tas]]
+The empty @tas has a special syntax, $:
+ ~zod/try=> %$
+ %$
+A term without % is not a constant, but a name:
+ ~zod/try=> dead-fish9
+ ! -find-limb.dead-fish9
+ ! find-none
+ ! exit
+####Loobeans, @f
+ .y is a little cumbersome, so we can say & and |. The % prefix cubes as usual.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`&
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`|
+ 1
+####Cords, @t
+The canonical ~~ syntax for @t, while it has its place, is intolerable in a
+number of ways - especially when it comes to escaping capitals. So @t is both
+printed and parsed in a conventional-looking single-quote syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> 'foo bar'
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'foo bar'
+ 0x72.6162.206f.6f66
+ Escape ' with \:
+ ~zod/try=> 'Foo \'bar'
+ 'Foo \'bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'\''
+ 0x27
+Text in Hoon is generally manipulated in two ways, depending on what you're
+doing: as an atomic cord/span/term, or as a tape which is a list of bytes (not
+To generate a tape, use double quotes:
+ ~zod/try=> "foo"
+ "foo"
+ ~zod/try=> `*`"foo"
+ [102 111 111 0]
+We're getting off the constant reservation, but strings also interpolate with curly-braces:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello {(weld "wor" "ld")} is a fun thing to say"
+ "hello world is a fun thing to say"
+And they can be joined across space or lines with a .:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello"."world"
+ "helloworld"
+ ~zod/try=> "hello". "world"
+ "helloworld"
+ | bar core construction
+ |_ dry %gold door
+ |% generic %gold core
+ |. dry %gold trap
+ |/ vulcanized gold door
+ |^ kick a %gold book
+ |- kick a %gold trap
+ |+ dry %iron gate
+ |* vulcanized wet gate
+ |= dry %gold gate
+ |? dry %lead trap
+ $ buc tiles and tiling
+ $_ bunt a tile
+ $, clam a tile
+ $@ whip a wing into a tile
+ $* bunt a tile statically
+ $! bunt an axil
+ Tile runes:
+ $^ plant a %herb
+ $: build a tile
+ $= plant a %bark
+ $& plant a %bush
+ $? plant a %fern
+ $% plant a %kelp
+ $| plant a %reed
+ @ atom axil
+ ^ cell axil
+ * noun axil
+ ? bean axil
+ ~ null axil
+ % cen invocations
+ %_ invoke with changes and cast
+ %: pull %$ of a door with a sample
+ %. inverse order %-
+ %- slam a core with a sample
+ %*
+ %^
+ %+
+ %~
+ %=
+ : col tuples
+ :_ reverse pair [q p]
+ :%
+ :/
+ :^
+ :-
+ :+
+ :~
+ :*
+ . dot nock operators
+ .^
+ .+
+ .*
+ .=
+ .?
+ ^ ket type conversions
+ ^|
+ ^.
+ ^+
+ ^-
+ ^&
+ ^~
+ ^=
+ ^?
+ ; sem miscellaneous macros
+ ;:
+ ;.
+ ;"
+ ;~
+ ;;
+ ~ sig hints
+ ~|
+ ~_
+ ~%
+ ~/
+ ~<
+ ~>
+ ~$
+ ~+
+ ~&
+ ~=
+ ~?
+ ~!
+ = tis compositions
+ =|
+ =:
+ =%
+ =.
+ =/
+ =>
+ =<
+ =-
+ =^
+ =+
+ =&
+ =@
+ =*
+ =~
+ ? wut conditionals, booleans, tests
+ ?|
+ ?-
+ ?:
+ ?.
+ ?^
+ ?>
+ ?<
+ ?+
+ ?&
+ ?~
+ ?=
+ ?!
+ ! zap special operations
+ !:
+ !_
+ !,
+ !%
+ !/
+ !;
+ !?
+ !!
+Wing Runes
+ Names
+ a
+ ^a
+ Axes
+ .
+ +3
+ &3
+ ->-
+Wings: concatenate limbs separated by .
+Punctuation runes
+++ dry arm
++- wet arm
+== terminate list
+-- terminate map or set
+Irregular Rune Forms
+,p $,(p)
+*p $*(p)
+_p $_(p)
+p@q $@(p q)
+!p ?!(p)
+&(p q) ?&(p q)
+|(p q) ?|(p q)
+`p`q ^-(p q)
+p=q ^=(p q)
+~[p q] :~(a b)
+[p q]~ :~(a)
+`[p] [~ p]
+p^q [p q]
+[p q] :*(p)
++(p) .+(p)
+=(p q) .=(p)
+p:q =<(p q)
+p(q r) %=(p q r)
+(p list) %-(p)
+~(p q r) %~(p q r)
+>p< #<(p)
+ #>(p)
+:(p q) ;:(p q)
+There are 112 cases of ++twig
+ [p=twig q=twig]
+A twig can be a pair of twigs.
+ [%$ p=axis]
+Refers to a nock axis.
+ [%bccb p=tile]
+$_ ("buccab") is a synthetic hoon that produces the bunt (default
+value) for p.
+ Tall
+ $_ p
+ Wide
+ $_(p)
+ Irregular
+ _p
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%bccm p=tile]
+$, ("buccom") is a synthetic rune that produces a normalizing gate
+(clam) for p.
+ Talln
+ $, p
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ ,p
+ Reduction
+ ~(clam al p)
+ See ++clam in ++al.
+ [%bcpt p=wing q=tile]
+$@ ("bucpat") is a (just barely) natural hoon that whips wing p
+into tile q.
+ Tall
+ $@ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ $@(p q)
+ Irregular
+ p@q
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%bctr p=tile]
+$* ("buctar") is a synthetic rune that produces the bunt (default
+value) for p as a compile-time constant.
+ Tall
+ $* p
+ Wide
+ $*(p)
+ Reduction
+ ^~ ~(bunt al p)
+ See ++bunt in al.
+ [%bczp p=base]
+$! ("buczap") is a synthetic internal rune that produces the bunt
+(default value) for [%axil p].
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brcb p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|_ ("barcab") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold tray with
+sample p, arms q. q is an associative array of names and
+expressions, each pair of which is called an arm. After any number
+of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm, +-) arms, the array is
+terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |_ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brcn p=(map term foot)]
+|% ("barcen") is a natural rune that produces a %gold core from an
+associative array of names and expressions, each pair of which is
+called an arm. After any number of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm,
++-) arms, the array is terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |%
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ +- p.n.l.q
+ q.n.l.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%brdt p=twig]
+|. ("bardot") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p.
+ Tall
+ |. p
+ Wide
+ |.(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brfs p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|/ ("barfas") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized %gold
+tray with arms q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |/ p
+ +- p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brkt p=twig q=(map term foot)]
+|^ ("barket") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold book with
+arms q, with p as %$, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |^ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brhp p=twig]
+|- ("barhep") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |-
+ p
+ Wide
+ |-(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brls p=tile q=twig]
+|+ ("barlus") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %iron gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brpt p=tile q=tile r=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%brtr p=tile q=twig]
+|* ("bartar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized wet
+gate with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brts p=tile q=twig]
+|= ("bartis") is a synthetic hoon that produces a dry %gold gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brwt p=twig]
+|? ("barwut") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %lead trap.
+ Tall
+ |? p
+ Wide
+ |?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcb p=twig q=twig]
+:_ ("colcab") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [q p].
+ Tall
+ :_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcn p=tusk]
+:% ("colcen") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [[p ~] ~]
+from a list of twigs p, terminated by a ==
+ Tall
+ :% i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :%(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ %[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clfs p=twig]
+:/ ("colfas") is a synthetic rune that, given a twig p, produces
+[%$ [%$ p ~] ~], i.e., [0 [0 p 0] 0]. Used in practice only in
+string interpolation.
+ Tall
+ :/ p
+ Wide
+ :/(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+:^ ("colket") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r s]
+from twigs p, q, r, and s.
+ Tall
+ :^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ :^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clhp p=twig q=twig]
+:- ("colhep") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [p q] from
+twigs p and q.
+ Tall
+ :- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ [p q]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+:+ ("collus") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r] from
+twigs p, q, and r.
+ Tall
+ :+ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ :+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clsg p=tusk]
+:~ ("colsig") is a synthetic rune that produces a null-terminated
+tuple of a list of twigs p.
+ Tall
+ :~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :~(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ ~[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cltr p=tusk]
+:* ("coltar") is a synthetic hoon that produces a tuple from p, a
+list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ :* i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :*(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ [i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clzz p=tusk]
+"colzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that promotes its tusk p
+within a %clsg or %cltr tusk.
+ Not used at present.
+ [%cncb p=wing q=tram]
+%_ ("cencab") is a synthetic rune that evaluates the wing p with
+the changes specified in tram q, then casts the product back to p.
+ Tall
+ %_ p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %_(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cncl p=twig q=twig]
+%: ("cencol") is a synthetic rune that pulls %$ from the twig p
+with the with its sample set to q.
+ Tall
+ %: p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %:(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cndt p=twig q=twig]
+%. ("cendot") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate q with
+[%cltr p]. The dual of %cnhp.
+ Tall
+ %. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %.(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ %- q
+ p
+ See ++open
+ [%cnhp p=twig q=tusk]
+%- ("cenhep") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate p with
+[%cltr q].
+ Tall
+ %- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ (p q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cntr p=wing q=twig r=tram]
+%* is a synthetic rune that pulls the wing p from tray q with changes r.
+ Tall
+ %* p q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %*(p q p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+%^ ("cenket") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r s].
+ Tall
+ %^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+%+ ("cenlus") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r].
+ Tall
+ %+ p
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+%~ ("censig") is a synthetic rune that pulls p from the tray q with its
+sample set to r.
+ Tall
+ %~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ %~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ ~(p q r)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnts p=wing q=tram]
+%= ("centis") is a natural rune that evaluates p with the changes
+specified in q.
+ Tall
+ %= p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %=(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ p(p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzy p=term]
+"cenzey" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls limb p from the subject.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzz p=wing]
+"cenzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls wing p from the subject.
+ Form
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%dtkt p=twig]
+.^ ("dotket") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 11, which in
+virtual userspace Nock (++mock) loads a file from the global namespace.
+ Tall
+ .^ p
+ Wide
+ .^(p)
+ Irregular
+ ^:type/path
+ ^/path
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtls p=twig]
+.+ ("dotlus") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 4, which
+increments an atomic operand.
+ Tall
+ .+ p
+ Wide
+ .+(p)
+ Irregular
+ +(p)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzy p=term q=@]
+"dotzey" is a natural internal rune that produces a non-cubed atomic
+constant of odor p and value q.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzz p=term q=*]
+"dotzaz" is a natural internal rune that produces a cubed noun constant of
+value q and odor p, if q is an atom.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dttr p=twig q=twig]
+.* ("dottar") is a natural rune that calculates the Nock of subject p,
+formula q.
+ Tall
+ .* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtts p=twig q=twig]
+.= ("dottis") is a natural rune that applies Nock 5 (equals) to determine
+if the products of p and q are equivalent.
+ Tall
+ .= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ =(p q)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtwt p=twig]
+.? ("dotwut") is a natural hoon that applies Nock 3 to a noun: if the
+noun is a cell, it returns the loobean & (true); if the noun is an atom,
+it returns the loobean | (false).
+ Tall
+ .? p
+ Wide
+ .?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%hxgl p=tusk]
+#< ("haxgal") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate noah on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ >i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p<
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%hxgr p=tusk]
+#> ("haxgar") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate cain on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktbr p=twig]
+^| ("ketbar") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core into an %iron
+core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^| p
+ Wide
+ ^|(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktdt p=twig q=twig]
+^. ("ketdot") is a synthetic rune that casts q to the type of (p q).
+ Tall
+ ^. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktls p=twig q=twig]
+^+ ("ketlus") is a natural rune that casts the product of q to the
+type of p, verifying that it contains the type of q.
+ Tall
+ +^ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%kthp p=tile q=twig]
+^- ("kethep") is a synthetic rune that casts q to ~(bunt al p),
+i.e., the icon of p.
+ Tall
+ ^- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ `p`q
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktpm p=twig]
+^& ("ketpam") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core to %zinc core.
+See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^& p
+ Wide
+ ^&(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktsg p=twig]
+^~ ("ketsig") is a natural rune that tries to execute p statically at
+compile time; if this fails, p remains dynamic.
+ Tall
+ ^~ p
+ Wide
+ ^~(a)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktts p=toga q=twig]
+^= ("kettis") is a natural rune that wraps q in the toga p. The
+toga is a powerful naming device that can assign an entire name
+tree to a properly typed result. For instance, if foo produces
+an unlabeled tuple [x y z], [a b=[c d]]=foo produces
+[a=x b=[c=y d=z]].
+ Tall
+ ^= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktwt p=twig]
+^? ("ketwut") is a natural hoon that converts a %gold core into a
+%lead core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^? p
+ Wide
+ ^?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%sgbr p=twig q=twig]
+~| ("sigbar") is a synthetic rune that presents the product of p
+in the stack trace if q crashes. Only performed as needed.
+Generates %cain - see the Biblical names.
+ Tall
+ ~| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open, ++feck
+ [%sgcb p=twig q=twig]
+~_ ("sigcab") is a synthetic rune that inserts p, a trap producing a tank,
+into the trace of q.
+ Tall
+ ~_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgcn p=chum q=twig r=tyre s=twig]
+~% ("sigcen") is a synthetic rune that identifies a core for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ==
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ s
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ~
+ s
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgfs p=chum q=twig]
+~/ ("sigfas") is a synthetic rune that identifies an arm for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~/ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~/(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggl p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~< ("siggal") is a synthetic rune that applies arbitrary hint p to
+the product of q. Does not wake the hint engine until the
+computation is finished.
+ Tall
+ ~< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggr p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~> ("siggar") is a natural rune that applies arbitrary hint p to q.
+ Tall
+ ~> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgbc p=term q=twig]
+~$ ("sigbuc") is a synthetic rune that labels computation q as p
+for profiling (not currently enabled).
+ Tall
+ ~$ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~$(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgls p=@ q=twig]
+XX Solve ~+ ("siglus") is a synthetic rune that memoizes computation q
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgpm p=@ud q=twig r=twig]
+~& ("sigpam") is a synthetic rune that prints q on the console
+before computing r. p is the log priority 0-3, defaulting to 0.
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~& q
+ r
+ 1, notice
+ ~& > q
+ r
+ 2, warning
+ ~& >> q
+ r
+ 3, alarm
+ ~& >>> q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ~&(>>> q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgts p=twig q=twig]
+~= ("sigtis") is a synthetic rune that hints to the interpreter
+that q may produce a noun equal to the already existing p,
+avoiding duplication.
+ Tall
+ ~= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgwt p=@ud q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+~? ("sigwut") is a synthetic rune that prints r to the console
+before computing s, iff q produces yes. p is the log priority,
+0-3, 0 by default
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~? q
+ r
+ s
+ 1, notice
+ ~? > q
+ r
+ s
+ 2, warning
+ ~? >> q
+ r
+ s
+ 3, alarm
+ ~? >>> q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ ~?(>>> q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgzp p=twig q=twig]
+~! ("sigzap") is a natural rune for debugging uses only,
+semantically equivalent to its own twig q. Should compilation
+fail within q, ~! will show the type of p on the stacktrace.
+ Tall
+ ~! p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~!(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%smcl p=twig q=tusk]
+;: ("semcol") is a synthetic gate that applies p, a binary gate,
+to the n-ary tuple q.
+ Tall
+ ;: p
+ i.q
+ i.t.q
+ i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ;:(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ :(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdt p=twig q=tusk]
+XX determine function
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdq p=(list beer)]
+XX determine if internal/external
+;" ("semdoq") is a synthetic rune used to make strings,
+interpolated or not.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsg p=twig q=tusk]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsm p=twig q=twig]
+;; ("semsem") is a synthetic rune that types q as a fixpoint of p.
+Semantically identical to ((hard p) q).
+ Tall
+ ;; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ;;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsbr p=tile q=twig]
+=| ("tisbar") is a synthetic rune that pushes ~(bunt al p) on the
+subject and sends it to q.
+ Tall
+ =| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ =+(_p q)
+ See ++open, ++bunt in ++al
+ [%tscl p=tram q=twig]
+=: ("tiscol") is a synthetic rune that produces q with the subject
+by p. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject type.
+ Tall
+ =: p.i.p q.i.p
+ p.i.t.p q.i.t.p
+ p.i.t.t.p q.i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ noen
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tscn p=twig q=twig]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsdt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+=. ("tisdot") is a synthetic rune that produces r with p in the
+subject set to q. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject
+ p.
+ Tall
+ =. p
+ q
+ r
+ =. p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =.(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsfs p=twig q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tsgl p=twig q=twig]
+=< ("tisgal") is a synthetic rune that uses the product of q as
+the subject of p.
+ Tall
+ =< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tshp p=twig q=twig]
+=- ("tishep") is a synthetic rune that pushes q on the subject
+and sends it to p. Dual of =+ ("tislup")
+ Tall
+ =- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =-
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsgr p=twig q=twig]
+=> ("tisgar") is a natural rune that uses the product of p as the
+subject of q.
+ Tall
+ => p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tskt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+=^ ("tisket") is a synthetic rune that handles a product which is
+a cell of the new result, and a mutation to the subject.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Queenside
+ =^ p q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ =^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsls p=twig q=twig]
+=+ ("tislus") is a synthetic rune that pushes p on the subject
+and sends it to q. Semantically equavlent to Nock 8.Dual of =- ("tishep")
+ Tall
+ =+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tspm p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tspt p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tstr p=term q=wing r=twig]
+=* ("tistar") is a natural rune that creates a %bull, or alias,
+ Tall
+ =* p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =*(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tssg p=tusk]
+=~ ("tissig") is a synthetic rune that composes a list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtbr p=tusk]
+?| ("wutbar") is a synthetic rune that computes the "or" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?| i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?|(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ |(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthp p=wing q=tine]
+?- ("wuthep") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q
+ q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q
+ q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q
+ q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?-(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q, p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthz p=tiki q=tine]
+"wuthaz" is a synthetic internal rune that selects a case in q
+for the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtcl p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?: ("wutcol") is a natural rune that produces q if p is yes (&, 0),
+or r if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?: p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtdt p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?. ("wutdot") is a synthetic rune that prduces r if p is yes
+(&, 0), of q if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?. p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtkt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?^ ("wutkey") is a synthetic rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluted.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtkz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutkaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluated.
+See tikis.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgl p=twig q=twig]
+?< ("wutgal") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgr p=twig q=twig]
+?> ("wutgar") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is yes (&, 0).
+ Tall
+ ?> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtls p=wing q=twig r=tine]
+?+ ("wutlus") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r
+ q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r
+ q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r
+ q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?+(p p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r, p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtlz p=tiki q=twig r=tine]
+"wutlaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpm p=tusk]
+?& ("wutpam") is a synthetic hoon that computes the "and" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?& i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?&(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?@ ("wutpat") is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an
+atom, r otherwise.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Queenside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutpaz" is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an atom, r
+ Tall
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?~ ("wutsig") is a synthetic rune that produces q if p is ~, r
+ Tall
+ ?~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutsaz" is a synthetic internal rune that produces q if p is ~,
+r otherwise.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtts p=tile q=wing]
+?= ("wuttis") is a natural rune that produces true if the leg at
+wing q is in tile p.
+ Tall
+ ?= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtzp p=twig]
+?! ("wutzap") is a synthetic rune that produces the logical "not"
+of p.
+ Tall
+ ?! p
+ Wide
+ ?!(p)
+ Irregular
+ !p
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpcb p=spot q=twig]
+XX tall/wide form
+!_ ("zapcab") is a natural rune that puts debugging information
+in the stack trace.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcm p=twig q=twig]
+!, ("zapcom") is a natural rune that inserts twig q as a
+constant, typed with the type of twig p.
+ Tall
+ !, p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !,(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcn ~]
+XX determine function
+!% ("zapcen")
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpfs p=twig]
+XX tall/wide
+!/ ("zapfas") is a natural rune that should never be compiled.
+When compiled with error checking turned on, it reports its
+subject as an error.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpgr p=twig]
+!> ("zapgar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vase (a
+[type noun] cell) with the value p.
+ Tall
+ !> p
+ Wide
+ !>(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpsm p=twig q=twig]
+!; ("zapsem") is a natural rune that produces the product of twig
+q as a [type noun] pair, with twig p defining the type of the type.
+ Tall
+ !; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpts p=twig]
+!= ("zaptis") is a natural rune that produces the formula of twig
+p as a noun.
+ Tall
+ != p
+ Wide
+ !=(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpwt p=$|(p=@ [p=@ q=@]) q=twig]
+!? ("zapwut") is a synthetic rune that enforces a Hoon version
+ Tall
+ !? p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpzp ~]
+!! ("zapzap") is a natural rune that always causes a crash when
+ Tall
+ none
+ Wide
+ !!
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-twig.md b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-twig.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7080fb0cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/lex-twig.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2612 @@
+Atom Syntax
+###Canonical Atom Odors
+An odor is an atom format that specifies an atomic subtype.
+@c UTF-32 codepoint
+@d date
+ @da absolute date
+ @dr relative date (ie, timespan)
+@f yes or no (inverse boolean)
+@n nil
+@p phonemic base
+@r IEEE floating-point
+ @rd double precision (64 bits)
+ @rh half precision (16 bits)
+ @rq quad precision (128 bits)
+ @rs single precision (32 bits)
+@s signed integer, sign bit low
+ @sb signed binary
+ @sd signed decimal
+ @sv signed base32
+ @sw signed base64
+ @sx signed hexadecimal
+@t UTF-8 text (cord)
+ @ta ASCII text (span)
+ @tas ASCII symbol (term)
+@u unsigned integer
+ @ub unsigned binary
+ @ud unsigned decimal
+ @uv unsigned base32
+ @uw unsigned base64
+ @ux unsigned hexadecimal
+###Unsigned decimal, @ud
+Hoon's unsigned decimal format is the normal Continental syntax. It differs
+from the Anglo-American only in the use of periods, rather than commas, between
+groups of 3:
+ ~zod/try=> 19
+ 19
+ ~zod/try=> 1.024
+ 1.024
+An unsigned decimal not broken into groups is a syntax error. Also, whitespace
+or even linebreaks can appear between the dot and the next group.
+ ~zod/try=> 65. 536
+ 65.536
+###Unsigned hexadecimal, @ux
+@ux has the same syntax as @ud, except that it's prefixed by 0x and uses groups
+of four. Hex digits are lowercase only.
+ ~zod/try=> 0x0
+ 0x0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0x17
+ 23
+###Unsigned base64 and base32, @uv, @uw
+The prefix is 0w for base64 and 0v for base32. The digits for @uw are, in
+order: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, ~:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`0w-
+ 62
+For @uv, the digits are 0-9, a-v.
+Signed integers, @sd, @sx, @sw, @sv, @sb
+Obviously, without finite-sized integers, the sign extension trick does not
+work. A signed integer in Hoon is a different way to use atoms than an unsigned
+integer; even for positive numbers, the signed integer cannot equal the
+The prefix for a negative signed integer is a single - before the unsigned
+syntax. The prefix for a positive signed integer is --. The sign bit is the low
+ ~zod/try=> -1
+ -1
+ ~zod/try=> --1
+ --1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-1
+ 1
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--1
+ 2
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`-2
+ 3
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--2
+ 4
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`-0x10
+ 0x1f
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`--0x10
+ 0x20
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`--0w-
+ 124
+ ~zod/try=> `@sw`124
+ --0w-
+###Absolute date, @da
+Urbit dates represent 128-bit chronological time, with 2^64 seconds from the
+start of the universe to the end. 2^127 is 3:30:08 PM on December 5, AD 226,
+for reasons not clear or relevant:
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(bex 127)
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.08
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(dec (bex 127))
+ ~226.12.5..15.30.07..ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
+The time of day and/or second fragment is optional:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7
+ 0x8000.000d.2140.7280.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~2013.12.7..15.30.07..1234
+ 0x8000.000d.2141.4c7f.1234.0000.0000.0000
+We also do BC:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~226-.12.5
+ 0x7fff.fffc.afb1.b800.0000.0000.0000.0000
+The semantics of the time system are that UGT (Urbit Galactic Time) is GMT/UTC
+as of leap second 25. UGT is chronological and will never add leap seconds,
+even if UTC continues this mistake. If a gap appears, it must be resolved in
+the presentation layer, with timezones and other human curiosities.
+See section 2cH of the source for more details.
+###Relative date, @dr
+It's also nice to have a syntax for basic time intervals:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~s1
+ 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~m1
+ 0x3c.0000.0000.0000.0000
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~m1 ~s1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~m1)
+ 60
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~h1 ~s1)
+ 3.600
+ ~zod/try=> (div ~d1 ~h1)
+ 24
+ ~zod/try=> `@da`(add ~2013.11.30 ~d1)
+ ~2013.12.1
+There are no @dr intervals under a second or over a day. Since the resolution
+is so high, though, (div ~s1 1.000.000) produces a pretty accurate microsecond.
+###Loobean, @f
+A loobean, or just bean, is 0 or 1. 0 is yes, 1 is no:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.y
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`.n
+ 1
+###Nil, @n
+Nil indicates an absence of information, as in a list terminator. The only
+value is ~, 0.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`~
+ 0
+###Unicode text, @t
+@t is a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, LSB first - sometimes called a cord. For
+lowercase numbers and letters, the canonical syntax is ~~text:
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo
+ 'foo'
+Note that the prettyprinter makes an unprincipled exception and prints the text
+in a noncanonical format:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo
+ 0x6f.6f66
+We want to be able to encode an arbitrary Unicode string as a single URL-safe
+token, using no punctuation but .~-, in @t. Space is ., . is ~., ~ is ~~, - is
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo.bar~.baz~~moo-hoo
+ 'foo bar.baz~moo-hoo'
+For all other ASCII/Unicode characters, insert the Unicode codepoint in
+lower-case hexadecimal, followed by .. For example, for U+2605 "BLACK STAR",
+ ~zod/try=> ~~foo~2605.bar
+ 'foo★bar'
+This UTF-32 codepoint is of course converted to UTF-8:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~~foo~2605.bar
+ 0x72.6162.8598.e26f.6f66
+###URL-safe ASCII text, @ta
+@ta encodes the ASCII subset that all canonical atom syntaxes restrict
+themselves to. The prefix is ~.. There are no escape sequences except ~~, which
+means ~, and ~-, which means \_. - and . encode themselves. No other characters
+besides numbers and lowercase letters need apply.
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo
+ 'foo'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo.bar
+ 'foo.bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~~bar
+ 'foo~bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo~-bar
+ 'foo_bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@t`~.foo-bar
+ 'foo-bar'
+A @ta atom is called a span.
+###Codepoint, @c
+Normally when we build atoms of Unicode text, we use a UTF-8 bytestream, LSB
+first. But sometimes it's useful to build atoms of one or more UTF-32 words.
+The codepoint syntax is the same as @t, except with a ~- prefix. Let's repeat
+our examples, with hex display:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo
+ 0x6f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`~-foo.bar
+ 0x72.0000.0061.0000.0062.0000.0020.0000.006f.0000.006f.0000.0066
+###Phonemic, @p
+We've seen @p used for ships, of course. But it's not just for ships - it's for
+any short number optimized for memorability, not for arithmetic. @p is great
+for checksums, for instance.
+That said, @p is subtly customized for the sociopolitical design of Urbit as a
+digital republic. For example, one feature we don't want is the ability to see
+at a glance which carrier and cruiser issued a destroyer. Consider the carrier
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x21
+ ~mep
+It issues 255 cruisers, including 0x4321:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x4321
+ ~pasnut
+Which issues 65.535 destroyers, including 0x8765.4321 and several successors:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8765.4321
+ ~famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8766.4321
+ ~lidlug-maprec
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8767.4321
+ ~tidlus-roplen
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x8768.4321
+ ~lisnel-lonbet
+Of course, anyone who can juggle bits can see that ~famsyr-dirwes is a close
+cousin of ~lidlug-maprec. But she actually has to juggle bits to do it.
+Obfuscation does not prevent calculated associations, just automatic ones.
+But at the yacht level, we actually want to see a uniform 32-bit space of
+yachts directly associated with the destroyer:
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0x9.8765.4321
+ ~talfes-sibzod-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xba9.8765.4321
+ ~tacbep-ronreg-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xd.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~bicsub-ritbyt-famsyr-dirwes
+ ~zod/try=> `@p`0xfed.cba9.8765.4321
+ ~sivrep-hadfeb-famsyr-dirwes
+###IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, @if, @is
+Urbit lives atop IP and would be very foolish to not support a syntax for the
+large atoms that are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+@if is the standard IPv4 syntax, prefixed with .:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.
+ 0x7f00.0001
+@is is the same as @if, but with 8 groups of 4 hex digits:
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`.dead.beef.0.cafe.42.babe.dead.beef
+ 0xdead.beef.0000.cafe.0042.babe.dead.beef
+###Floating Point, @rs, @rd, @rq, @rh
+The syntax for a single-precision float is the normal English syntax, with a . prefix:
+ .6.2832 :: τ as @rs
+ .-6.2832 :: -τ as @rs
+ .~6.2832 :: τ as @rd
+ .~-6.2832 :: -τ as @rd
+ .~~6.2832 :: τ as @rh
+ .~~~6.2832 :: τ as @rq
+(Hoon is a Tauist language and promotes International Tau Day.)
+###Transparent cell syntax
+By adding _, we can encode arbitrary nouns in our safe subset. The prefix to a
+canonical cell is ._; the separator is _; the terminator is __. Thus:
+ ~zod/try=> ._3_4__
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> :type; ._.
+ [. [0x12 19] ~tasfyn-partyv]
+ [@if [@ux @ud] @p]
+Those who don't see utility in this strange feature have perhaps never needed
+to jam a data structure into a URL.
+###Opaque noun syntax
+Speaking of jam, sometimes we really don't care what's inside our noun. Then,
+the syntax to use is a variant of @uw prefixed by ~, which incorporates the
+built-in jam and cue marshallers:
+ ~zod/try=> (jam [3 4])
+ 78.241
+ ~zod/try=> `@uw`(jam [3 4])
+ 0wj6x
+ ~zod/try=> (cue 0wj6x)
+ [3 4]
+ ~zod/try=> ~0wj6x
+ [3 4]
+###Noncanonical syntaxes
+These are syntaxes for constants which don't fit the canonical character-set
+####Hoon symbol, @tas
+@tas, a term, is our most exclusive odor. The only characters permitted are
+lowercase ASCII, - except as the first or last character, and 0-9 except as the
+first character.
+The syntax for @tas is the text itself, always preceded by %. This means a term
+is always cubical. You can cast it to @tas if you like, but we just about
+always want the cube:
+ ~zod/try=> %dead-fish9
+ %dead-fish9
+ ~zod/try=> -:!>(%dead-fish9)
+ [%cube p=271.101.667.197.767.630.546.276 q=[%atom p=%tas]]
+The empty @tas has a special syntax, $:
+ ~zod/try=> %$
+ %$
+A term without % is not a constant, but a name:
+ ~zod/try=> dead-fish9
+ ! -find-limb.dead-fish9
+ ! find-none
+ ! exit
+####Loobeans, @f
+ .y is a little cumbersome, so we can say & and |. The % prefix cubes as usual.
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`&
+ 0
+ ~zod/try=> `@ud`|
+ 1
+####Cords, @t
+The canonical ~~ syntax for @t, while it has its place, is intolerable in a
+number of ways - especially when it comes to escaping capitals. So @t is both
+printed and parsed in a conventional-looking single-quote syntax:
+ ~zod/try=> 'foo bar'
+ 'foo bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'foo bar'
+ 0x72.6162.206f.6f66
+ Escape ' with \:
+ ~zod/try=> 'Foo \'bar'
+ 'Foo \'bar'
+ ~zod/try=> `@ux`'\''
+ 0x27
+Text in Hoon is generally manipulated in two ways, depending on what you're
+doing: as an atomic cord/span/term, or as a tape which is a list of bytes (not
+To generate a tape, use double quotes:
+ ~zod/try=> "foo"
+ "foo"
+ ~zod/try=> `*`"foo"
+ [102 111 111 0]
+We're getting off the constant reservation, but strings also interpolate with curly-braces:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello {(weld "wor" "ld")} is a fun thing to say"
+ "hello world is a fun thing to say"
+And they can be joined across space or lines with a .:
+ ~zod/try=> "hello"."world"
+ "helloworld"
+ ~zod/try=> "hello". "world"
+ "helloworld"
+ | bar core construction
+ |_ dry %gold door
+ |% generic %gold core
+ |. dry %gold trap
+ |/ vulcanized gold door
+ |^ kick a %gold book
+ |- kick a %gold trap
+ |+ dry %iron gate
+ |* vulcanized wet gate
+ |= dry %gold gate
+ |? dry %lead trap
+ $ buc tiles and tiling
+ $_ bunt a tile
+ $, clam a tile
+ $@ whip a wing into a tile
+ $* bunt a tile statically
+ $! bunt an axil
+ Tile runes:
+ $^ plant a %herb
+ $: build a tile
+ $= plant a %bark
+ $& plant a %bush
+ $? plant a %fern
+ $% plant a %kelp
+ $| plant a %reed
+ @ atom axil
+ ^ cell axil
+ * noun axil
+ ? bean axil
+ ~ null axil
+ % cen invocations
+ %_ invoke with changes and cast
+ %: pull %$ of a door with a sample
+ %. inverse order %-
+ %- slam a core with a sample
+ %*
+ %^
+ %+
+ %~
+ %=
+ : col tuples
+ :_ reverse pair [q p]
+ :%
+ :/
+ :^
+ :-
+ :+
+ :~
+ :*
+ . dot nock operators
+ .^
+ .+
+ .*
+ .=
+ .?
+ ^ ket type conversions
+ ^|
+ ^.
+ ^+
+ ^-
+ ^&
+ ^~
+ ^=
+ ^?
+ ; sem miscellaneous macros
+ ;:
+ ;.
+ ;"
+ ;~
+ ;;
+ ~ sig hints
+ ~|
+ ~_
+ ~%
+ ~/
+ ~<
+ ~>
+ ~$
+ ~+
+ ~&
+ ~=
+ ~?
+ ~!
+ = tis compositions
+ =|
+ =:
+ =%
+ =.
+ =/
+ =>
+ =<
+ =-
+ =^
+ =+
+ =&
+ =@
+ =*
+ =~
+ ? wut conditionals, booleans, tests
+ ?|
+ ?-
+ ?:
+ ?.
+ ?^
+ ?>
+ ?<
+ ?+
+ ?&
+ ?~
+ ?=
+ ?!
+ ! zap special operations
+ !:
+ !_
+ !,
+ !%
+ !/
+ !;
+ !?
+ !!
+Wing Runes
+ Names
+ a
+ ^a
+ Axes
+ .
+ +3
+ &3
+ ->-
+Wings: concatenate limbs separated by .
+Punctuation runes
+++ dry arm
++- wet arm
+== terminate list
+-- terminate map or set
+Irregular Rune Forms
+,p $,(p)
+*p $*(p)
+_p $_(p)
+p@q $@(p q)
+!p ?!(p)
+&(p q) ?&(p q)
+|(p q) ?|(p q)
+`p`q ^-(p q)
+p=q ^=(p q)
+~[p q] :~(a b)
+[p q]~ :~(a)
+`[p] [~ p]
+p^q [p q]
+[p q] :*(p)
++(p) .+(p)
+=(p q) .=(p)
+p:q =<(p q)
+p(q r) %=(p q r)
+(p list) %-(p)
+~(p q r) %~(p q r)
+>p< #<(p)
+ #>(p)
+:(p q) ;:(p q)
+There are 112 cases of ++twig
+ [p=twig q=twig]
+A twig can be a pair of twigs.
+ [%$ p=axis]
+Refers to a nock axis.
+ [%bccb p=tile]
+$_ ("buccab") is a synthetic hoon that produces the bunt (default
+value) for p.
+ Tall
+ $_ p
+ Wide
+ $_(p)
+ Irregular
+ _p
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%bccm p=tile]
+$, ("buccom") is a synthetic rune that produces a normalizing gate
+(clam) for p.
+ Talln
+ $, p
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ ,p
+ Reduction
+ ~(clam al p)
+ See ++clam in ++al.
+ [%bcpt p=wing q=tile]
+$@ ("bucpat") is a (just barely) natural hoon that whips wing p
+into tile q.
+ Tall
+ $@ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ $@(p q)
+ Irregular
+ p@q
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%bctr p=tile]
+$* ("buctar") is a synthetic rune that produces the bunt (default
+value) for p as a compile-time constant.
+ Tall
+ $* p
+ Wide
+ $*(p)
+ Reduction
+ ^~ ~(bunt al p)
+ See ++bunt in al.
+ [%bczp p=base]
+$! ("buczap") is a synthetic internal rune that produces the bunt
+(default value) for [%axil p].
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brcb p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|_ ("barcab") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold tray with
+sample p, arms q. q is an associative array of names and
+expressions, each pair of which is called an arm. After any number
+of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm, +-) arms, the array is
+terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |_ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brcn p=(map term foot)]
+|% ("barcen") is a natural rune that produces a %gold core from an
+associative array of names and expressions, each pair of which is
+called an arm. After any number of dry (%ash, ++) and/or wet (%elm,
++-) arms, the array is terminated with --
+ Tall
+ |%
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ +- p.n.l.q
+ q.n.l.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%brdt p=twig]
+|. ("bardot") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p.
+ Tall
+ |. p
+ Wide
+ |.(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brfs p=tile q=(map term foot)]
+|/ ("barfas") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized %gold
+tray with arms q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |/ p
+ +- p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brkt p=twig q=(map term foot)]
+|^ ("barket") is a synthetic rune that produces a %gold book with
+arms q, with p as %$, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |^ p
+ ++ p.n.q
+ q.n.q
+ --
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brhp p=twig]
+|- ("barhep") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %gold trap
+from twig p, and kicks it.
+ Tall
+ |-
+ p
+ Wide
+ |-(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brls p=tile q=twig]
+|+ ("barlus") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %iron gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brpt p=tile q=tile r=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%brtr p=tile q=twig]
+|* ("bartar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vulcanized wet
+gate with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brts p=tile q=twig]
+|= ("bartis") is a synthetic hoon that produces a dry %gold gate
+with arm q, sample p.
+ Tall
+ |= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ |=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%brwt p=twig]
+|? ("barwut") is a synthetic rune that produces a dry %lead trap.
+ Tall
+ |? p
+ Wide
+ |?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcb p=twig q=twig]
+:_ ("colcab") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [q p].
+ Tall
+ :_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clcn p=tusk]
+:% ("colcen") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [[p ~] ~]
+from a list of twigs p, terminated by a ==
+ Tall
+ :% i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :%(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ %[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clfs p=twig]
+:/ ("colfas") is a synthetic rune that, given a twig p, produces
+[%$ [%$ p ~] ~], i.e., [0 [0 p 0] 0]. Used in practice only in
+string interpolation.
+ Tall
+ :/ p
+ Wide
+ :/(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+:^ ("colket") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r s]
+from twigs p, q, r, and s.
+ Tall
+ :^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ :^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clhp p=twig q=twig]
+:- ("colhep") is a synthetic rune that produces the cell [p q] from
+twigs p and q.
+ Tall
+ :- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ :-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ [p q]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+:+ ("collus") is a synthetic rune that produces a cell [p q r] from
+twigs p, q, and r.
+ Tall
+ :+ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ :+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clsg p=tusk]
+:~ ("colsig") is a synthetic rune that produces a null-terminated
+tuple of a list of twigs p.
+ Tall
+ :~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :~(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ ~[i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cltr p=tusk]
+:* ("coltar") is a synthetic hoon that produces a tuple from p, a
+list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ :* i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ :*(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ [i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p]
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%clzz p=tusk]
+"colzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that promotes its tusk p
+within a %clsg or %cltr tusk.
+ Not used at present.
+ [%cncb p=wing q=tram]
+%_ ("cencab") is a synthetic rune that evaluates the wing p with
+the changes specified in tram q, then casts the product back to p.
+ Tall
+ %_ p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %_(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cncl p=twig q=twig]
+%: ("cencol") is a synthetic rune that pulls %$ from the twig p
+with the with its sample set to q.
+ Tall
+ %: p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %:(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cndt p=twig q=twig]
+%. ("cendot") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate q with
+[%cltr p]. The dual of %cnhp.
+ Tall
+ %. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %.(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ %- q
+ p
+ See ++open
+ [%cnhp p=twig q=tusk]
+%- ("cenhep") is a synthetic rune that slams the gate p with
+[%cltr q].
+ Tall
+ %- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ %-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ (p q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cntr p=wing q=twig r=tram]
+%* is a synthetic rune that pulls the wing p from tray q with changes r.
+ Tall
+ %* p q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %*(p q p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnkt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+%^ ("cenket") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r s].
+ Tall
+ %^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnls p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+%+ ("cenlus") is a synthetic rune that slams gate p with [%cntr q r].
+ Tall
+ %+ p
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ %+(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+%~ ("censig") is a synthetic rune that pulls p from the tray q with its
+sample set to r.
+ Tall
+ %~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ %~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ ~(p q r)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnts p=wing q=tram]
+%= ("centis") is a natural rune that evaluates p with the changes
+specified in q.
+ Tall
+ %= p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ %=(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ p(p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzy p=term]
+"cenzey" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls limb p from the subject.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%cnzz p=wing]
+"cenzaz" is a synthetic internal rune that pulls wing p from the subject.
+ Form
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%dtkt p=twig]
+.^ ("dotket") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 11, which in
+virtual userspace Nock (++mock) loads a file from the global namespace.
+ Tall
+ .^ p
+ Wide
+ .^(p)
+ Irregular
+ ^:type/path
+ ^/path
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtls p=twig]
+.+ ("dotlus") is a natural rune that generates Nock operator 4, which
+increments an atomic operand.
+ Tall
+ .+ p
+ Wide
+ .+(p)
+ Irregular
+ +(p)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzy p=term q=@]
+"dotzey" is a natural internal rune that produces a non-cubed atomic
+constant of odor p and value q.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtzz p=term q=*]
+"dotzaz" is a natural internal rune that produces a cubed noun constant of
+value q and odor p, if q is an atom.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dttr p=twig q=twig]
+.* ("dottar") is a natural rune that calculates the Nock of subject p,
+formula q.
+ Tall
+ .* p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .*(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtts p=twig q=twig]
+.= ("dottis") is a natural rune that applies Nock 5 (equals) to determine
+if the products of p and q are equivalent.
+ Tall
+ .= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ .=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ =(p q)
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%dtwt p=twig]
+.? ("dotwut") is a natural hoon that applies Nock 3 to a noun: if the
+noun is a cell, it returns the loobean & (true); if the noun is an atom,
+it returns the loobean | (false).
+ Tall
+ .? p
+ Wide
+ .?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%hxgl p=tusk]
+#< ("haxgal") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate noah on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ >i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p<
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%hxgr p=tusk]
+#> ("haxgar") is a synthetic rune that slams the assumed gate cain on
+[%zpgr %cntr p]. See the Biblical names.
+ Tall/Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktbr p=twig]
+^| ("ketbar") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core into an %iron
+core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^| p
+ Wide
+ ^|(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktdt p=twig q=twig]
+^. ("ketdot") is a synthetic rune that casts q to the type of (p q).
+ Tall
+ ^. p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktls p=twig q=twig]
+^+ ("ketlus") is a natural rune that casts the product of q to the
+type of p, verifying that it contains the type of q.
+ Tall
+ +^ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%kthp p=tile q=twig]
+^- ("kethep") is a synthetic rune that casts q to ~(bunt al p),
+i.e., the icon of p.
+ Tall
+ ^- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^-(p q)
+ Irregular
+ `p`q
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%ktpm p=twig]
+^& ("ketpam") is a natural rune that converts a %gold core to %zinc core.
+See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^& p
+ Wide
+ ^&(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktsg p=twig]
+^~ ("ketsig") is a natural rune that tries to execute p statically at
+compile time; if this fails, p remains dynamic.
+ Tall
+ ^~ p
+ Wide
+ ^~(a)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktts p=toga q=twig]
+^= ("kettis") is a natural rune that wraps q in the toga p. The
+toga is a powerful naming device that can assign an entire name
+tree to a properly typed result. For instance, if foo produces
+an unlabeled tuple [x y z], [a b=[c d]]=foo produces
+[a=x b=[c=y d=z]].
+ Tall
+ ^= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ^=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%ktwt p=twig]
+^? ("ketwut") is a natural hoon that converts a %gold core into a
+%lead core. See geometric polymorphism.
+ Tall
+ ^? p
+ Wide
+ ^?(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%sgbr p=twig q=twig]
+~| ("sigbar") is a synthetic rune that presents the product of p
+in the stack trace if q crashes. Only performed as needed.
+Generates %cain - see the Biblical names.
+ Tall
+ ~| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open, ++feck
+ [%sgcb p=twig q=twig]
+~_ ("sigcab") is a synthetic rune that inserts p, a trap producing a tank,
+into the trace of q.
+ Tall
+ ~_ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~_(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgcn p=chum q=twig r=tyre s=twig]
+~% ("sigcen") is a synthetic rune that identifies a core for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ==
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ ==
+ s
+ ~% p
+ q
+ ~
+ s
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgfs p=chum q=twig]
+~/ ("sigfas") is a synthetic rune that identifies an arm for specific
+optimization. See jet propulsion.
+ Tall
+ ~/ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~/(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggl p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~< ("siggal") is a synthetic rune that applies arbitrary hint p to
+the product of q. Does not wake the hint engine until the
+computation is finished.
+ Tall
+ ~< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sggr p=$|(term [p=term q=twig]) q=twig]
+~> ("siggar") is a natural rune that applies arbitrary hint p to q.
+ Tall
+ ~> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgbc p=term q=twig]
+~$ ("sigbuc") is a synthetic rune that labels computation q as p
+for profiling (not currently enabled).
+ Tall
+ ~$ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~$(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgls p=@ q=twig]
+XX Solve ~+ ("siglus") is a synthetic rune that memoizes computation q
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgpm p=@ud q=twig r=twig]
+~& ("sigpam") is a synthetic rune that prints q on the console
+before computing r. p is the log priority 0-3, defaulting to 0.
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~& q
+ r
+ 1, notice
+ ~& > q
+ r
+ 2, warning
+ ~& >> q
+ r
+ 3, alarm
+ ~& >>> q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ~&(>>> q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgts p=twig q=twig]
+~= ("sigtis") is a synthetic rune that hints to the interpreter
+that q may produce a noun equal to the already existing p,
+avoiding duplication.
+ Tall
+ ~= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgwt p=@ud q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+~? ("sigwut") is a synthetic rune that prints r to the console
+before computing s, iff q produces yes. p is the log priority,
+0-3, 0 by default
+ Tall
+ 0, debug
+ ~? q
+ r
+ s
+ 1, notice
+ ~? > q
+ r
+ s
+ 2, warning
+ ~? >> q
+ r
+ s
+ 3, alarm
+ ~? >>> q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ ~?(>>> q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%sgzp p=twig q=twig]
+~! ("sigzap") is a natural rune for debugging uses only,
+semantically equivalent to its own twig q. Should compilation
+fail within q, ~! will show the type of p on the stacktrace.
+ Tall
+ ~! p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ~!(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%smcl p=twig q=tusk]
+;: ("semcol") is a synthetic gate that applies p, a binary gate,
+to the n-ary tuple q.
+ Tall
+ ;: p
+ i.q
+ i.t.q
+ i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ;:(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ :(p i.q i.t.q i.t.t.q)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdt p=twig q=tusk]
+XX determine function
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smdq p=(list beer)]
+XX determine if internal/external
+;" ("semdoq") is a synthetic rune used to make strings,
+interpolated or not.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsg p=twig q=tusk]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%smsm p=twig q=twig]
+;; ("semsem") is a synthetic rune that types q as a fixpoint of p.
+Semantically identical to ((hard p) q).
+ Tall
+ ;; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ;;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsbr p=tile q=twig]
+=| ("tisbar") is a synthetic rune that pushes ~(bunt al p) on the
+subject and sends it to q.
+ Tall
+ =| p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =|(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ =+(_p q)
+ See ++open, ++bunt in ++al
+ [%tscl p=tram q=twig]
+=: ("tiscol") is a synthetic rune that produces q with the subject
+by p. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject type.
+ Tall
+ =: p.i.p q.i.p
+ p.i.t.p q.i.t.p
+ p.i.t.t.p q.i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ noen
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tscn p=twig q=twig]
+XX to do
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsdt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+=. ("tisdot") is a synthetic rune that produces r with p in the
+subject set to q. Uses %cncb, and so cannot change the subject
+ p.
+ Tall
+ =. p
+ q
+ r
+ =. p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =.(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsfs p=twig q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tsgl p=twig q=twig]
+=< ("tisgal") is a synthetic rune that uses the product of q as
+the subject of p.
+ Tall
+ =< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tshp p=twig q=twig]
+=- ("tishep") is a synthetic rune that pushes q on the subject
+and sends it to p. Dual of =+ ("tislup")
+ Tall
+ =- p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =-
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsgr p=twig q=twig]
+=> ("tisgar") is a natural rune that uses the product of p as the
+subject of q.
+ Tall
+ => p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tskt p=twig q=twig r=twig s=twig]
+=^ ("tisket") is a synthetic rune that handles a product which is
+a cell of the new result, and a mutation to the subject.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =^ p
+ q
+ r
+ s
+ Queenside
+ =^ p q
+ r
+ s
+ Wide
+ =^(p q r s)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tsls p=twig q=twig]
+=+ ("tislus") is a synthetic rune that pushes p on the subject
+and sends it to q. Semantically equavlent to Nock 8.Dual of =- ("tishep")
+ Tall
+ =+ p
+ q
+ Wide
+ =+(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%tspm p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tspt p=tile q=twig]
+ XX not used
+ [%tstr p=term q=wing r=twig]
+=* ("tistar") is a natural rune that creates a %bull, or alias,
+ Tall
+ =* p q
+ r
+ Wide
+ =*(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%tssg p=tusk]
+=~ ("tissig") is a synthetic rune that composes a list of twigs.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ =~ i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtbr p=tusk]
+?| ("wutbar") is a synthetic rune that computes the "or" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?| i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?|(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ |(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthp p=wing q=tine]
+?- ("wuthep") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?- p
+ p.i.q
+ q.i.q
+ p.i.t.q
+ q.i.t.q
+ p.i.t.t.q
+ q.i.t.t.q
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?-(p p.i.q q.i.q, p.i.t.q q.i.t.q, p.i.t.t.q q.i.t.t.q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wthz p=tiki q=tine]
+"wuthaz" is a synthetic internal rune that selects a case in q
+for the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtcl p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?: ("wutcol") is a natural rune that produces q if p is yes (&, 0),
+or r if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?: p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtdt p=twig q=twig r=twig]
+?. ("wutdot") is a synthetic rune that prduces r if p is yes
+(&, 0), of q if p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?. p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?:(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtkt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?^ ("wutkey") is a synthetic rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluted.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtkz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutkaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that evaluates r if p is
+equivalent to the bunt for its tile, otherwise q is evaluated.
+See tikis.
+ Tall
+ ?^ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?^(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgl p=twig q=twig]
+?< ("wutgal") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is no (|, 1).
+ Tall
+ ?< p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?<(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtgr p=twig q=twig]
+?> ("wutgar") is a synthetic hoon that produces q, asserting that
+p is yes (&, 0).
+ Tall
+ ?> p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?>(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtls p=wing q=twig r=tine]
+?+ ("wutlus") is a synthetic rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Queenside
+ ?+ p
+ q
+ p.i.r
+ q.i.r
+ p.i.t.r
+ q.i.t.r
+ p.i.t.t.r
+ q.i.t.t.r
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?+(p p.i.r q.i.r, p.i.t.r q.i.t.r, p.i.t.t.r q.i.t.t.r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtlz p=tiki q=twig r=tine]
+"wutlaz" is a synthetic, internal rune that selects a case in q for
+the actual type of p.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpm p=tusk]
+?& ("wutpam") is a synthetic hoon that computes the "and" of the
+loobeans in p.
+ Tall
+ ?& i.p
+ i.t.p
+ i.t.t.p
+ ==
+ Wide
+ ?&(i.p i.t.p i.t.t.p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpt p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?@ ("wutpat") is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an
+atom, r otherwise.
+ Tall
+ Kingside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Queenside
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtpz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutpaz" is a synthetic hoon that produces q if p is an atom, r
+ Tall
+ ?@ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?@(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsg p=wing q=twig r=twig]
+?~ ("wutsig") is a synthetic rune that produces q if p is ~, r
+ Tall
+ ?~ p
+ q
+ r
+ Wide
+ ?~(p q r)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtsz p=tiki q=twig r=twig]
+"wutsaz" is a synthetic internal rune that produces q if p is ~,
+r otherwise.
+ Tall/Wide/Irregular
+ none, internal
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%wtts p=tile q=wing]
+?= ("wuttis") is a natural rune that produces true if the leg at
+wing q is in tile p.
+ Tall
+ ?= p
+ q
+ Wide
+ ?=(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%wtzp p=twig]
+?! ("wutzap") is a synthetic rune that produces the logical "not"
+of p.
+ Tall
+ ?! p
+ Wide
+ ?!(p)
+ Irregular
+ !p
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpcb p=spot q=twig]
+XX tall/wide form
+!_ ("zapcab") is a natural rune that puts debugging information
+in the stack trace.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcm p=twig q=twig]
+!, ("zapcom") is a natural rune that inserts twig q as a
+constant, typed with the type of twig p.
+ Tall
+ !, p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !,(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpcn ~]
+XX determine function
+!% ("zapcen")
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpfs p=twig]
+XX tall/wide
+!/ ("zapfas") is a natural rune that should never be compiled.
+When compiled with error checking turned on, it reports its
+subject as an error.
+ Tall
+ Wide
+ Irregular
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpgr p=twig]
+!> ("zapgar") is a synthetic rune that produces a vase (a
+[type noun] cell) with the value p.
+ Tall
+ !> p
+ Wide
+ !>(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpsm p=twig q=twig]
+!; ("zapsem") is a natural rune that produces the product of twig
+q as a [type noun] pair, with twig p defining the type of the type.
+ Tall
+ !; p
+ q
+ Wide
+ !;(p q)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpts p=twig]
+!= ("zaptis") is a natural rune that produces the formula of twig
+p as a noun.
+ Tall
+ != p
+ Wide
+ !=(p)
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
+ [%zpwt p=$|(p=@ [p=@ q=@]) q=twig]
+!? ("zapwut") is a synthetic rune that enforces a Hoon version
+ Tall
+ !? p
+ q
+ Wide
+ none
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ See ++open
+ [%zpzp ~]
+!! ("zapzap") is a natural rune that always causes a crash when
+ Tall
+ none
+ Wide
+ !!
+ Irregular
+ none
+ Reduction
+ none, natural
diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/morphology.md b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/morphology.md
index 773d09f15e..14fc601033 100644
--- a/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/morphology.md
+++ b/main/pub/src/doc/ref/hoon/morphology.md
@@ -1,117 +1,70 @@
-Hoon is a statically typed language that compiles to Nock. You can test out
-most of the compilation routines in the REPL, so we'll point out some of those
-as we go along. At the highest level, there is `++make`, which turns text into
+Hoon is a statically typed language that compiles to Nock.
- ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> `*`(make '|= [@ @ud] +<')
- [8 [1 0 0] [1 0 6] 0 1]
-If you want to know how Hoon code is compiled, start your investigation in
-`++make`. Another way to do this, of course, is with `!=`.
+Types are nouns the compiler keeps around as it turns your Hoon into Nock.
- ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> !=(|=([@ @ud] +<))
- [8 [1 0 0] [1 0 6] 0 1]
+A type serve two purposes:
-The difference here is of course that `!=` requires you to put in the code
-literally and syntactically correctly. So, for example, you can't use tall
-form runes within a wide form usage of `!=`. `++make` may be called on literal
-text, which may even be programmatically generated. Essentially, `++make` is
-more general, but `!=` is convenient for learning and debugging.
+1. It defines a set of nouns. Any finite noun is either in this set, or not in
+ it.
-At a high level, the compilation process is as follows:
+2. it ascribes semantics to all nouns in this set. For example, a Hoon type
+ exports a semantic namespace.
-First, a runic expression is parsed into an abstact syntax tree, called a
- text => twig
+These are defined in Hoon as one of the ten kinds of type found in `++type`.
-This can be tested at the command line with `++ream`:
+At its most general, the `noun` type contains all Hoon nouns. Everything in
+Hoon is a noun. The `%void` type contains no values at all. The `%atom` type
+contains only atoms. The `%cube` type is parameterized by a value, and it
+contains only that single value. The other types are defined in the lexicon.
- ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> (ream '|= [@ @ud] +<')
- [ %brts
- p=[p=[%axil p=[%atom p=~.]] q=[%axil p=[%atom p=~.ud]]]
- q=[%cnts p=~[[%.y p=6]] q=~]
- ]
-This is simply a parser -- no compilation happens here. The details of the
-parser can be found in the syntax section of this doc.
-Next, we get into the real meat of the compiler. In the compiler proper, which
-is `++mint` in `++ut`, we take a twig and a subject type and turn it into a
-product type and a blob of nock.
- [subject-type twig] => [product-type nock-formula]
-For example, we can call `++mint` on the twig we produced earlier with a
-subject type of any noun (pardon the necessity for splitting the input line).
- ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> (~(mint ut %noun) %noun
- [%brts [[%axil [%atom ~.]] [%axil [%atom ~.ud]]] [%cnts ~[[%.y 6]] ~]])
- [ p
- [ %core
- p=[%cell p=[%cell p=[%atom p=%$] q=[%atom p=%ud]] q=%noun]
- q
- [ p=%gold
- q=[%cell p=[%cell p=[%atom p=%$] q=[%atom p=%ud]] q=%noun]
- r=[p=[0 6] q={[p=%$ q=[%ash p=[%cnts p=~[[%.y p=6]] q=~]]]}]
- ]
- ]
- q=[%8 p=[%1 p=[0 0]] q=[p=[%1 p=[0 6]] q=[%0 p=1]]]
- ]
-Note that in the result we get first a type, which is a gold core with an ash
-gate. The second part, though, is exactly the nock that was produced by
-`++make`. It looks a little different because it has some faces on it, but it
-is in fact the same.
-The astute reader will notice that we casually starting referring to types
-without defining them. We must rectify this heinous atrocity.
-A "type" is simply a set of possible values, combined with a set of semantics
-for operating on these values. These are defined in Hoon as one of the ten
-kinds of type found in `++type`. At its most general, the `noun` type contains
-all Hoon nouns. Everything in Hoon is a noun. The `%void` type contains no
-values at all. The `%atom` type contains only atoms. The `%cube` type is
-parameterized by a value, and it contains only that single value. The other
-types are defined in the lexicon.
-Our type inference algorithms work well enough that in Hoon there is no direct
+Type inference in Hoon works well enough that there is no direct
syntax for defining or declaring a type. There is only a syntax for
-constructing twigs. Types are always produced by inference. Of course, since
-we often need to refer to types, there are a number of runes that are specfically
-used for referring to types. These runes act on `tile`s.
+constructing twigs. Types are always produced by inference.
-What are the usual things we want to do with types? We sometimes want to test
-if some value is of a particular type. We sometimes want to declare that a
-gate takes a particular type of argument, or that it produces a particular type
-of result. We sometimes want to coerce an untyped value into a type so that we
-always know what type we are operating on. We could write twigs to do each of
-these things for every type we wish to use, and our type inference algorithms
-will figure out what type we're talking about each time.
-It would work, but it would be miserable. Thankfully, there's an easier way.
+When resolving a face, for example, the axis that
+ends up in the nock formula depends on the where the face is in the subject.
+We only know this because faces are in the subject type. Thus, in `=> [p=42
+q=1.337] p`, the `p` twig compiles to nock `[0 2]` while in `=> [q=42 p=1.337]
+p`, the `p` twig compiles to nock `[0 3]`. This is true even though the actual
+nock produced by `[p=42 q=1.337]` is the same as that produced by `[q=42
+p=1.337]`. Thus, the nock formula may depend on the subject type. It is for
+this reason that we say that a type defines not only a set of values, but also
+the semantics for operating on those values.
+What are the usual things we want to do with types?
+- Test if a noun is of a particular type.
+- Create a blank default example of a type
+- Coerce a noun into a type
It is possible to generate twigs for each of the above use cases from two
pieces of information: (1) a tile describing a type and (2) a reference to
-which case we want to generate. This eliminates much of the tedious
+which case we want to generate.
-The first and most important thing to remember about tiles is that tiles are
-not types. The second and nearly as important thing to remember about tiles
-is that every tile has a unique "icon", which is an associated type. A tile
-is not a type, but every tile corresponds to some type. But what is a tile?
-A tile is a nice little representation of a type that may be acted upon and
-reduced in several ways. Remember, types never show up in our code -- they are
-always produced by inference. But sometimes it's convenient to have little
-macros to do all the little things we usually want to do with types without
-having to rewrite them for every type.
+Tiles are not types.
-Formalizing the operations on a tile, there are exactly four. We will briefy
-describe them here, but they are documented more thoroughly elsewhere.
+Every tile has a unique associated type, or "icon".
+A tile is not a type, but every tile corresponds to some type.
+Formalizing the operations on a tile, there are exactly four.
Bunting a tile is simply creating a blank default example of the tile's icon.
This may seem to have limited usefulness, but this is actually the most common
use of tiles. This is due to the the way in which we create, for example,
@@ -139,88 +92,139 @@ never directly used in any Hoon source code. Whipping is used internally by
In summary, a tile is simply a convenient syntax for creating well-typed nouns.
-Say that again, *a tile is simply a convenient syntax for creating well-typed
-nouns.* A tile is not a tiwg, but tiles always are reduced statically in one
-of four ways to a twig. `++tile` is a sort of intermediate representation
-between text and twigs that is often used when we're referring to types.
+A tile is not a twig, but tiles always are reduced statically in one
+of four ways to a twig.
-Returning from our digression about types and tiles to our discussion of the
-compilation process, recall that `++mint` takes a subject-type and a twig and
-compiles it into a product-type and a blob of nock.
+Type Inference
+Hoon is a higher-order typed functional language. Most languages in this class,
+Haskell and ML being prominent examples, use something called the
+Hindley-Milner unification algorithm. Hoon uses its own special sauce instead.
+Hoon's philosophy is that a language is a UI for programmers, and the basic
+test of a UI is its predictability. It is impossible (for most programmers)
+to learn a language properly unless they know what the compiler is doing, which
+in practice means mentally stepping through the algorithms it uses (with the
+exception of semantically neutral optimizations). Haskell is a hard language to
+learn (for most programmers) because it's hard (for most programmers) to follow
+what the Haskell compiler is thinking.
+Broadly speaking, type inference in Hoon has three general limitations as
+compared to Hindley-Milner inference.
+1. Hoon does not think backwards. For instance, it cannot infer a function's
+ argument type (or rather, a gate's sample type) from its body.
+2. Hoon can infer through tail recursion, but not head recursion. It can check
+ head recursion, however, given an annotation.
+3. The compiler catches most but not all divergent inference problems - i.e.
+ you can put the compiler into an infinite loop or exponential equivalent.
+ An interrupt will still show you your error location.
+Although an inference algorithm that reasons only forward must and does require
+a few more annotations from the programmer, the small extra burden on her
+fingers is more than offset by the lighter load on her hippocampus.
+Furthermore, programs also exist to be read. Some of these annotations (which a
+smarter algorithm might infer by steam) may annoy the actual author of the code
+but be a lifesaver for her replacement.
+Our experience is that these limitations are minor annoyances at worst and
+prudent restrictions at best. Your mileage may vary.
+Type inference is a frightening problem, especially if you've been exposed to
+a wall of math. Your only real problem in learning Hoon is to learn not to
+fear it. Once you work past this reasonable but entirely unfounded fear of
+inference, your Hoon experience will be simple, refreshing and delightful. So
+first, let's talk through a few reassuring facts:
+1. Type inference in Hoon never sees a tile. It operates exclusively on twigs.
+ All tiles and synthetic twigs are reduced to natural twigs for the inference
+ engine's benefit.
+2. The semantics of Hoon are in ++ut in hoon.hoon, and nowhere else.
+3. Within ++ut, all the semantics of Hoon are in the call graph of one arm: ++mint.
+ ++mint has a case for every natural hoon. So do ++play and ++mull,
+ but their semantics are redundant with ++mint.
+4. One leg in the sample of ++mint - gol - which looks for all the world like a
+ mechanism for backward inference, is not. It is semantically irrelevant and
+ only exists to get better localization on error reports.
+5. ++mint is the gate that maps [type twig] to [type nock]:
+ [subject-type twig] => [product-type nock-formula]
+ When we have a type that describes the subject for the formula we're trying to
+ generate, as we generate that formula we want to also generate a type for the
+ product of that formula on that subject. As long as subject-type is a
+ correct description of some subject, you can take any twig and compile it
+ against subject-type, producing a formula such that *(subject formula) is a
+ product correctly described by product-type.
+`++make` is a top-level function that turns text into nock.
+ ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> `*`(make '|= [@ @ud] +<')
+ [8 [1 0 0] [1 0 6] 0 1]
+Another way to do this is with `!=`.
+ ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> !=(|=([@ @ud] +<))
+ [8 [1 0 0] [1 0 6] 0 1]
+`++make` is more general, in that it can be called on programmatically
+generated text, but `!=` is convenient for learning and debugging.
+The compilation process is as follows:
+First, a runic expression is parsed into an abstact syntax tree, called a
+ text => twig
+Parsing code into a `twig` can be done with `++ream`:
+ ~hoclur-bicrel/try=> (ream '|= [@ @ud] +<')
+ [ %brts
+ p=[p=[%axil p=[%atom p=~.]] q=[%axil p=[%atom p=~.ud]]]
+ q=[%cnts p=~[[%.y p=6]] q=~]
+ ]
+Refer to the Syntax section for more detail on parsing.
+The compiler proper, is `++mint` in `++ut`.
+++mint takes a twig and a subject type and produces a product type and a nock formula.
[subject-type twig] => [product-type nock-formula]
-As we compile each twig, we compile it against a subject type. During the
-compilation of a twig, we obviously don't have access to the value of the
-subject (else compilation would include running the code). We do, however,
-have some guarantees about its value. We have its type.
+For example, we can call `++mint` on the twig we produced earlier with a
+subject type of any noun:
-Most runes don't change the subject type, but some do. In the most simple
-example, consider `=> p q`, which means to evaluate `q` with a subject of
-`p`. Here, the subject type of `q` is simply the type of `p`.
+ ~hoclur-bicrel/try=>
+ (~(mint ut %noun) %noun [%brts [[%axil [%atom ~.]] [%axil [%atom ~.ud]]] [%cnts ~[[%.y 6]] ~]])
-In a slightly more complicated example, consider `?: p q r`, which means
-simply to evaluate `q` if `p` is true, else evaluate `r`. When compiling `q`,
-we get to assume in the subject type that `p` is true while when compiling `r`,
-we get to assume in the subject type that `p` is false. This is used to great
-practical purpose, for example, when handling lists. If `p` is a test whether
-the list is empty (which would be `?=(~ l)`), then in `q` we can assume that
-the list is empty while in `r` we know that the list has a head and a tail.
-Without that test, if you attempt to refer to the head of the list, the
-compiler will complain that it cannot verify there is even a head to which to
-refer. Thus, the compiler will generate `find-limb` and `find-fork` errors.
-The `find-limb` refers to its inability to find the head of the list while the
-`find-fork` refers to the fact that it's looking in a fork type -- that is, it
-believes that the values is of one of multiple types, and in at least one of
-the constituent types there is no head. The error messages are described in
-detail in the lexicon.
-Recapping, when compiling Hoon code, we compile each individual twig against
-the subject with which it will eventually be called. The product is a nock
-formula and the type of value that it may produce. Thus, both the nock formula
-and the product type may depend on the both the subject type and the twig in
-It's obvious that the product type will usually depend on the subject type, but
-it's less obvious when the nock formula will depend on the type. It does,
-however, happen at times. When resolving a face, for example, the axis that
-ends up in the nock formula depends on the where the face is in the subject.
-We only know this because faces are in the subject type. Thus, in `=> [p=42
-q=1.337] p`, the `p` twig compiles to nock `[0 2]` while in `=> [q=42 p=1.337]
-p`, the `p` twig compiles to nock `[0 3]`. This is true even though the actual
-nock produced by `[p=42 q=1.337]` is the same as that produced by `[q=42
-p=1.337]`. Thus, the nock formula may depend on the subject type. It is for
-this reason that we say that a type defines not only a set of values, but also
-the semantics for operating on those values.
-As long as some value is in the subject type, you can run it against the
-produced nock formula as `*[subject formula]` and get a value in the product
-We've ignored one question thus far: it's all well and good once we've started
-compiling, for we know the subject type. But what subject type do we start
-with? We could, of course, put some restrictions on the subject type of
-compiled Hoon code, but (1) there's no reason to do that, and (2) since this
-will be returned as nock, and nock is untyped, the compiler cannot actually
-make any guarantees about what subject it will be called with. Thus, we start
-the compilation with a subject type of all nouns.
-Hoon has 120 [XX count] digraph runes. The choice of glyph is not random. The
-first defines a semantic category (with some exceptions). These categories are:
- | bar core construction
- $ buc tiles and tiling
- % cen invocations
- : col tuples
- . dot nock operators
- ^ ket type conversions
- ; sem miscellaneous macros
- ~ sig hints
- = tis compositions
- ? wut conditionals, booleans, tests
- ! zap special operations
+ [ p
+ [ %core
+ p=[%cell p=[%cell p=[%atom p=%$] q=[%atom p=%ud]] q=%noun]
+ q
+ [ p=%gold
+ q=[%cell p=[%cell p=[%atom p=%$] q=[%atom p=%ud]] q=%noun]
+ r=[p=[0 6] q={[p=%$ q=[%ash p=[%cnts p=~[[%.y p=6]] q=~]]]}]
+ ]
+ ]
+ q=[%8 p=[%1 p=[0 0]] q=[p=[%1 p=[0 6]] q=[%0 p=1]]]
+ ]
+Note that the head of the above is a type, which in this case is a gold core
+with an ash gate. The second part, though, is (with a few labels, or faces added) the nock that was
+produced by `++make`.