mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 09:21:42 +03:00
king: Use same logger from all contexts.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Urbit.King.App
( App
, runApp
, runAppStderr
, runAppLogFile
, runAppNoLog
, runPierApp
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ instance HasLogFunc App where
instance HasStderrLogFunc App where
stderrLogFuncL = appStderrLogFunc
runApp :: RIO App a -> IO a
runApp inner = do
runAppStderr :: RIO App a -> IO a
runAppStderr inner = do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
@ -105,36 +105,14 @@ instance HasNetworkConfig PierApp where
instance HasConfigDir PierApp where
configDirL = pierAppPierConfig . pcPierPath
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> Bool -> RIO PierApp a -> IO a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig daemon inner =
if daemon
then execStderr
else withLogFileHandle execFile
execStderr = do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> RIO PierApp a -> RIO App a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig action = do
app <- ask
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _pierAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _pierAppStderrLogFunc = logFunc
, _pierAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _pierAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
let pierApp = PierApp { _pierAppLogFunc = app ^. logFuncL
, _pierAppStderrLogFunc = app ^. stderrLogFuncL
, _pierAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _pierAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
execFile logHandle = do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle logHandle True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
logStderrOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr True
<&> setLogUseTime False
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logStderrOptions $ \logStderr ->
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _pierAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _pierAppStderrLogFunc = logStderr
, _pierAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _pierAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
go app = runRIO app inner
io (runRIO pierApp action)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((&))
import System.Process (system)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.King.App (App)
import Urbit.King.App (runApp, runAppLogFile, runAppNoLog, runPierApp)
import Urbit.King.App (runAppLogFile, runAppStderr, runPierApp)
import Urbit.King.App (HasConfigDir(..), HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import Urbit.Noun.Conversions (cordToUW)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
@ -437,14 +437,22 @@ pillFrom (CLI.PillSourceURL url) = do
noun <- cueBS body & either throwIO pure
fromNounErr noun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
newShip :: forall e. HasLogFunc e => CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
newShip new opts = do
multi <- multiEyre (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True) -- TODO Hack
newShip' multi new opts
newShip :: CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO App ()
newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
newShip' :: forall e. HasLogFunc e => MultiEyreApi -> CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
| CLI.BootComet <- nBootType = do
Because the "new ship" flow *may* automatically start the ship,
we need to create this, but it's not actually correct.
The right solution is to separate out the "new ship" flow from the
"run ship" flow, and possibly sequence them from the outside if
that's really needed.
multi <- multiEyre (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True)
case nBootType of
CLI.BootComet -> do
pill <- pillFrom nPillSource
putStrLn "boot: retrieving list of stars currently accepting comets"
starList <- dawnCometList
@ -454,14 +462,14 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
eny <- io $ Sys.randomIO
let seed = mineComet (Set.fromList starList) eny
putStrLn ("boot: found comet " ++ renderShip (sShip seed))
bootFromSeed pill seed
bootFromSeed multi pill seed
| CLI.BootFake name <- nBootType = do
CLI.BootFake name -> do
pill <- pillFrom nPillSource
ship <- shipFrom name
runTryBootFromPill pill name ship (Fake ship)
runTryBootFromPill multi pill name ship (Fake ship)
| CLI.BootFromKeyfile keyFile <- nBootType = do
CLI.BootFromKeyfile keyFile -> do
text <- readFileUtf8 keyFile
asAtom <- case cordToUW (Cord $ T.strip text) of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse keyfile. Hint: keyfiles start with 0w?"
@ -474,10 +482,10 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
pill <- pillFrom nPillSource
bootFromSeed pill seed
bootFromSeed multi pill seed
shipFrom :: Text -> RIO e Ship
shipFrom :: Text -> RIO App Ship
shipFrom name = case Ob.parsePatp name of
Left x -> error "Invalid ship name"
Right p -> pure $ Ship $ fromIntegral $ Ob.fromPatp p
@ -487,7 +495,7 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
Just x -> x
Nothing -> "./" <> unpack name
nameFromShip :: Ship -> RIO e Text
nameFromShip :: Ship -> RIO App Text
nameFromShip s = name
nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral s
@ -495,8 +503,8 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
Nothing -> error "Urbit.ob didn't produce string with ~"
Just x -> pure x
bootFromSeed :: Pill -> Seed -> RIO e ()
bootFromSeed pill seed = do
bootFromSeed :: MultiEyreApi -> Pill -> Seed -> RIO App ()
bootFromSeed multi pill seed = do
ethReturn <- dawnVent seed
case ethReturn of
@ -504,23 +512,22 @@ newShip' multi CLI.New{..} opts
Right dawn -> do
let ship = sShip $ dSeed dawn
name <- nameFromShip ship
runTryBootFromPill pill name ship (Dawn dawn)
runTryBootFromPill multi pill name ship (Dawn dawn)
flags = toSerfFlags opts
-- Now that we have all the information for running an application with a
-- PierConfig, do so.
runTryBootFromPill pill name ship bootEvent = do
runTryBootFromPill multi pill name ship bootEvent = do
let pierConfig = toPierConfig (pierPath name) opts
let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
io $ runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig True $
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig $
tryBootFromPill True pill nLite flags ship bootEvent multi
------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
runShip :: MonadIO m => CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> MultiEyreApi -> m ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = io $ do
tid <- myThreadId
runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> MultiEyreApi -> RIO App ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = do
tid <- io myThreadId
let onTermExit = throwTo tid UserInterrupt
mStart <- newEmptyMVar
if daemon
@ -528,11 +535,11 @@ runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = io $ do
else do
connectionThread <- async $ do
readMVar mStart
finally (runAppNoLog $ connTerm pierPath) onTermExit
finally (connTerm pierPath) onTermExit
finally (runPier mStart) (cancel connectionThread)
runPier mStart =
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig daemon $
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig $
(CLI.oExit opts)
(CLI.oFullReplay opts)
@ -582,27 +589,39 @@ checkComet = do
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- CLI.parseArgs
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
runApp args $ case args of
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runShips ko ships
CLI.CmdNew n o -> newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax ) -> collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax ) -> startBrowser pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil s) -> testPill pax pil s
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> checkEvs pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> checkFx pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ReplayEvents pax l ) -> replayPartEvs pax l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CheckDawn pax ) -> checkDawn pax
CLI.CmdBug CLI.CheckComet -> checkComet
CLI.CmdCon pier -> connTerm pier
runApp args | willRunTerminal args = runAppLogFile
runApp args | otherwise = runAppStderr
setupSignalHandlers = do
mainTid <- myThreadId
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
let onKillSig = throwTo mainTid UserInterrupt
for_ [Sys.sigTERM, Sys.sigINT] $ \sig -> do
Sys.installHandler sig (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigTERM (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigINT (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
CLI.parseArgs >>= \case
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runApp $ runShips ko ships
CLI.CmdNew n o -> runApp $ newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax) -> runApp $ collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax) -> runApp $ startBrowser pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil s) -> runApp $ testPill pax pil s
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> runApp $ checkEvs pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> runApp $ checkFx pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ReplayEvents pax l) -> runApp $ replayPartEvs pax l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CheckDawn pax) -> runApp $ checkDawn pax
CLI.CmdBug CLI.CheckComet -> runApp $ checkComet
CLI.CmdCon pier -> runAppLogFile $ connTerm pier
willRunTerminal :: CLI.Cmd -> Bool
willRunTerminal = \case
CLI.CmdCon _ -> True
CLI.CmdRun ko [(_,_,daemon)] -> not daemon
CLI.CmdRun ko _ -> False
_ -> False
@ -613,7 +632,7 @@ main = do
TODO Use logging system instead of printing.
runShipRestarting :: STM () -> CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> MultiEyreApi -> IO ()
runShipRestarting :: STM () -> CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> MultiEyreApi -> RIO App ()
runShipRestarting waitForKillRequ r o multi = do
let pier = pack (CLI.rPierPath r)
loop = runShipRestarting waitForKillRequ r o multi
@ -663,8 +682,8 @@ runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do
[(r, o, d)] -> runShip r o d me
ships -> runMultipleShips (ships <&> \(r, o, _) -> (r, o)) me
runMultipleShips :: MonadIO m => [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts)] -> MultiEyreApi -> m ()
runMultipleShips ships multi = io $ do
runMultipleShips :: [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts)] -> MultiEyreApi -> RIO App ()
runMultipleShips ships multi = do
killSignal <- newEmptyTMVarIO
let waitForKillRequ = readTMVar killSignal
@ -692,8 +711,7 @@ runMultipleShips ships multi = io $ do
connTerm :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
connTerm pier =
Term.runTerminalClient pier
connTerm = Term.runTerminalClient
@ -149,11 +149,12 @@ openFreePort hos = do
retry :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e (Either IOError a) -> RIO e a
retry act = act >>= \case
Right res -> pure res
Left exn -> do
logError (displayShow ("EYRE", "Failed to open ports.", exn))
logError (displayShow ("EYRE", "Waiting 250ms then trying again."))
threadDelay 250_000
Left exn -> do
logTr ctx ("Failed to open ports. Waiting 5s, then trying again.", exn)
threadDelay 5_000_000
retry act
ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "retry"]
:: HasLogFunc e
@ -176,11 +177,18 @@ tryOpenChoices hos = go
:: HasLogFunc e => String -> RIO e (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpenAny hos = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "Asking the OS for any free port."))
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "tryOpenAny"]
logTr ctx "Asking the OS for any free port."
io (openFreePort hos) >>= \case
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right (p,s) -> do
pure (Right (p,s))
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right (p, s) -> do
pure (Right (p, s))
logTr :: (HasLogFunc e, Show a) => [Text] -> a -> RIO e ()
logTr ctx msg = logTrace (prefix <> suffix)
prefix = display (concat $ fmap (<> ": ") ctx)
suffix = displayShow msg
:: forall e
@ -193,11 +201,12 @@ forceOpenSocket hos por = mkRAcquire opn kil
kil = io . Net.close . snd
opn = do
logTrace (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "forceOpenSocket", hos, por))
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "forceOpenSocket"]
logTr ctx (hos, por)
(p, s) <- retry $ case por of
SPAnyPort -> tryOpenAny bind
SPChoices ps -> tryOpenChoices bind ps
rio $ logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "Opened port.", p)
logTr ctx ("Opened port.", p)
pure (p, s)
bind = case hos of
@ -221,14 +230,15 @@ onSniHdr
:: HasLogFunc e => e -> MultiTlsConfig -> Maybe String -> IO Credentials
onSniHdr env (MTC mtls) mHos = do
tabl <- atomically (readTVar mtls)
runRIO env $ logTrace $ displayShow $ ("EYRE", "HTTPS", "SNI", tabl, mHos)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx (tabl, mHos)
ship <- hostShip (encodeUtf8 . pack <$> mHos)
runRIO env $ logTrace $ displayShow $ ("EYRE", "HTTPS", "SNI", ship)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx ship
tcfg <- lookup ship tabl & maybe (notRunning ship) (pure . snd)
runRIO env $ logTrace $ displayShow $ ("EYRE", "HTTPS", "SNI", tcfg)
runRIO env $ logTr ctx tcfg
pure (Credentials [tcfg])
notRunning ship = error ("Ship not running: ~" <> show ship)
ctx = ["EYRE", "HTTPS", "SNI"]
:: HasLogFunc e
@ -276,15 +286,19 @@ startServer typ hos por sok red vLive = do
let sni = def { onServerNameIndication = onSniHdr envir mtls }
let tls = (W.tlsSettingsChainMemory tcCerti tcChain tcPrKey) { W.tlsServerHooks = sni }
let tlsSing = (W.tlsSettingsChainMemory tcCerti tcChain tcPrKey)
let tlsMany = tlsSing { W.tlsServerHooks = sni }
let app = \req resp -> do
runRIO envir $ logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "HTTPS", "REQ")
who <- reqShip req
runRIO envir $ logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "HTTPS", "REQ", who)
runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) req resp
let ctx = ["EYRE", "HTTPS", "REQ"]
io (W.runTLSSocket tls opts sok app)
app = \req resp -> do
runRIO envir $ logTr ctx "Got request"
who <- reqShip req
runRIO envir $ logTr ctx ("Parsed HOST", who)
runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) req resp
io (W.runTLSSocket tlsMany opts sok app)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user