mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 09:21:42 +03:00
king: Finish factoring out HTTP server lifecycle from Eyre.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,31 +1,9 @@
Http Server Driver
TODO Make sure that HTTP sockets get closed on shutdown.
TODO What is this about?
// if we don't explicitly set this field, h2o will send with
// transfer-encoding: chunked
if ( 1 == has_len_i ) {
rec_u->res.content_length = ( 0 == gen_u->bod_u ) ?
0 : gen_u->bod_u->len_w;
TODO Does this matter, is is using WAI's default behavior ok?
rec_u->res.reason = (status < 200) ? "weird" :
(status < 300) ? "ok" :
(status < 400) ? "moved" :
(status < 500) ? "missing" :
Eyre: Http Server Driver
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre
( eyre
, multiServ
, ShipAPI(..)
@ -34,20 +12,17 @@ import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Builder)
import Urbit.Arvo hiding (ServerId, reqUrl, secure)
import Urbit.King.Config
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Wai hiding (ReqId)
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Serv
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.PEM (pemParseBS, pemWriteBS)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..))
import RIO.Prelude (decodeUtf8Lenient)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Urbit.Vere.Http (convertHeaders, unconvertHeaders)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Socket as Net
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W
-- Internal Types --------------------------------------------------------------
@ -63,17 +38,14 @@ data Ports = Ports
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Drv = Drv { _unDrv :: MVar (Maybe Serv) }
newtype Drv = Drv (MVar (Maybe Serv))
data Serv = Serv
{ sServId :: ServId
, sConfig :: HttpServerConf
, sLoopTid :: Async ()
, sHttpTid :: Async ()
, sHttpsTid :: Maybe (Async ())
, sLoopSock :: Net.Socket
, sHttpSock :: Net.Socket
, sHttpsSock :: Net.Socket
, sLop :: ServApi
, sIns :: ServApi
, sSec :: Maybe ServApi
, sPorts :: Ports
, sPortsFile :: FilePath
, sLiveReqs :: TVar LiveReqs
@ -182,16 +154,9 @@ reqEv sId reqId which addr req =
-- Top-Level Driver Interface --------------------------------------------------
data CantOpenPort = CantOpenPort W.Port
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Exception)
data WhichPort
= WPSpecific W.Port
| WPChoices [W.Port]
data SockOpts = SockOpts
{ soLocalhost :: Bool
, soWhich :: WhichPort
, soWhich :: ServPort
data PortsToTry = PortsToTry
@ -200,73 +165,6 @@ data PortsToTry = PortsToTry
, pttLop :: SockOpts
Opens a socket on some port, accepting connections from ``
if fake and `` if real.
It will attempt to open a socket on each of the supplied ports in
order. If they all fail, it will ask the operating system to give
us an open socket on *any* open port. If that fails, it will throw
an exception.
openPort :: forall e . HasLogFunc e => SockOpts -> RIO e (W.Port, Net.Socket)
openPort SockOpts {..} = case soWhich of
WPSpecific x -> insist (fromIntegral x)
WPChoices xs -> loop (fromIntegral <$> xs)
loop :: [W.Port] -> RIO e (W.Port, Net.Socket)
loop = \case
[] -> do
logTrace "Fallback: asking the OS to give us some free port."
ps <- io W.openFreePort
logTrace (display ("Opened port " <> tshow (fst ps)))
pure ps
x : xs -> do
logTrace (display ("Trying to open port " <> tshow x))
io (tryOpen x) >>= \case
Left (err :: IOError) -> do
logWarn (display ("Failed to open port " <> tshow x))
logWarn (display (tshow err))
loop xs
Right ps -> do
logTrace (display ("Opened port " <> tshow (fst ps)))
pure ps
insist :: W.Port -> RIO e (W.Port, Net.Socket)
insist p = do
logTrace (display ("Opening configured port " <> tshow p))
io (tryOpen p) >>= \case
Left (err :: IOError) -> do
logWarn (display ("Failed to open port " <> tshow p))
logWarn (display (tshow err))
throwIO (CantOpenPort p)
Right ps -> do
logTrace (display ("Opened port " <> tshow (fst ps)))
pure ps
bindTo = if soLocalhost then "" else ""
getBindAddr :: W.Port -> IO SockAddr
getBindAddr por =
Net.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just bindTo) (Just (show por)) >>= \case
[] -> error "this should never happen."
x : _ -> pure (Net.addrAddress x)
bindListenPort :: W.Port -> Net.Socket -> IO Net.PortNumber
bindListenPort por sok = do
Net.bind sok =<< getBindAddr por
Net.listen sok 1
Net.socketPort sok
-- `inet_addr`, `bind`, and `listen` all throw `IOError` if they fail.
tryOpen :: W.Port -> IO (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpen por = do
sok <- Net.socket Net.AF_INET Net.Stream Net.defaultProtocol
try (bindListenPort por sok) >>= \case
Left exn -> Net.close sok $> Left exn
Right por -> pure (Right (fromIntegral por, sok))
httpServerPorts :: HasShipEnv e => Bool -> RIO e PortsToTry
httpServerPorts fak = do
ins <- view (networkConfigL . ncHttpPort . to (fmap fromIntegral))
@ -277,49 +175,21 @@ httpServerPorts fak = do
let local = localMode || fak
let pttSec = case (sec, fak) of
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (WPSpecific p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (WPChoices (443 : [8443 .. 8448]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (WPChoices ([8443 .. 8448]))
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (443 :| [8443 .. 8453]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (8443 :| [8444 .. 8453]))
let pttIns = case (ins, fak) of
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (WPSpecific p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (WPChoices (80 : [8080 .. 8085]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (WPChoices [8080 .. 8085])
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (80 :| [8080 .. 8090]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (8080 :| [8081 .. 8090]))
let pttLop = case (lop, fak) of
(Just p , _) -> SockOpts local (WPSpecific p)
(Nothing, _) -> SockOpts local (WPChoices [12321 .. 12326])
(Just p , _) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, _) -> SockOpts local SPAnyPort
pure (PortsToTry { .. })
:: HasLogFunc e
=> e
-> ServId
-> TVar LiveReqs
-> (Ev -> STM ())
-> WhichServer
-> W.Application
eyreApp env sId vLive plan which =
app env vLive onReq onCancel
bodFile "" = Nothing
bodFile bs = Just $ File $ Octs bs
onReq :: Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ()
onReq reqId ReqInfo{..} = do
let evBod = bodFile riBod
evHdr = convertHeaders riHdr
evUrl = Cord (decodeUtf8Lenient riUrl)
evReq = HttpRequest riMet evUrl evHdr evBod
reqUd = fromIntegral reqId
event = reqEv sId reqUd which riAdr evReq
plan event
onCancel :: Word64 -> STM ()
onCancel reqId = plan (cancelEv sId (fromIntegral reqId))
parseCerts :: ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, [ByteString])
parseCerts bs = do
pems <- pemParseBS bs & either (const Nothing) Just
@ -344,13 +214,12 @@ reorgHttpEvent = \case
hSta :: ResponseHeader -> H.Status
hSta = toEnum . fromIntegral . statusCode
respond :: HasLogFunc e
=> Drv -> Word64 -> HttpEvent -> RIO e ()
respond (Drv v) reqId ev = do
readMVar v >>= \case
Nothing -> logError "Got a response to a request that does not exist."
Just sv -> do logDebug $ displayShow ev
Just sv -> do logTrace $ displayShow ev
for_ (reorgHttpEvent ev) $
atomically . routeRespAct (sLiveReqs sv) reqId
@ -361,76 +230,92 @@ startServ :: (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e)
=> Bool -> HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ())
-> RIO e Serv
startServ isFake conf plan = do
logDebug "startServ"
logTrace "startServ"
let tls = do (PEM key, PEM certs) <- hscSecure conf
srvId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
let mTls = do
(PEM key, PEM certs) <- hscSecure conf
(cert, chain) <- parseCerts (wainBytes certs)
pure $ W.tlsSettingsChainMemory cert chain $ wainBytes key
sId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
pure $ TlsConfig (wainBytes key) cert chain
ptt <- httpServerPorts isFake
(httpPortInt, httpSock) <- openPort (pttIns ptt)
(httpsPortInt, httpsSock) <- openPort (pttSec ptt)
(loopPortInt, loopSock) <- openPort (pttLop ptt)
let secRedi = Nothing -- TODO
let httpPort = Port (fromIntegral httpPortInt)
httpsPort = Port (fromIntegral httpsPortInt)
loopPort = Port (fromIntegral loopPortInt)
let soHost :: SockOpts -> ServHost
soHost so = if soLocalhost so then SHLocalhost else SHAnyHostOk
let loopOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort (fromIntegral loopPort)
& W.setHost ""
& W.setTimeout (5 * 60)
httpOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setHost "*"
& W.setPort (fromIntegral httpPort)
httpsOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setHost "*"
& W.setPort (fromIntegral httpsPort)
vLive <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
env <- ask
let bodFile "" = Nothing
bodFile bs = Just $ File $ Octs bs
logDebug "Starting loopback server"
loopTid <- async $ io
$ W.runSettingsSocket loopOpts loopSock
$ eyreApp env sId liv plan Loopback
let onReq :: WhichServer -> Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ()
onReq which reqId ReqInfo{..} = do
let evBod = bodFile riBod
let evHdr = convertHeaders riHdr
let evUrl = Cord (decodeUtf8Lenient riUrl)
let evReq = HttpRequest riMet evUrl evHdr evBod
let reqUd = fromIntegral reqId
let event = reqEv srvId reqUd which riAdr evReq
plan event
logDebug "Starting HTTP server"
httpTid <- async $ io
$ W.runSettingsSocket httpOpts httpSock
$ eyreApp env sId liv plan Insecure
let onKilReq = plan . cancelEv srvId . fromIntegral
logDebug "Starting HTTPS server"
httpsTid <- for tls $ \tlsOpts ->
async $ io
$ W.runTLSSocket tlsOpts httpsOpts httpsSock
$ eyreApp env sId liv plan Secure
logTrace "Starting loopback server"
lop <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttLop ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttLop ptt)
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STHttp $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = \() -> onReq Loopback
, rcKil = onKilReq
logTrace "Starting insecure server"
ins <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttIns ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttIns ptt)
, scRedi = secRedi
, scType = STHttp $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = \() -> onReq Insecure
, rcKil = onKilReq
mSec <- for mTls $ \tls -> do
logTrace "Starting secure server"
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttSec ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttSec ptt)
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STHttps tls $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = \() -> onReq Secure
, rcKil = onKilReq
pierPath <- view pierPathL
let por = Ports (tls <&> const httpsPort) httpPort loopPort
lopPor <- atomically (fmap fromIntegral $ saPor lop)
insPor <- atomically (fmap fromIntegral $ saPor ins)
secPor <- for mSec (fmap fromIntegral . atomically . saPor)
let por = Ports secPor insPor lopPor
fil = pierPath <> "/.http.ports"
logDebug $ displayShow (sId, por, fil)
logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "All Servers Started.", srvId, por, fil)
logDebug "Finished started HTTP Servers"
pure $ Serv sId conf
loopTid httpTid httpsTid
httpSock httpsSock loopSock
por fil liv
pure $ Serv srvId conf lop ins mSec por fil vLive
killServ :: HasLogFunc e => Serv -> RIO e ()
killServ Serv{..} = do
cancel sLoopTid
cancel sHttpTid
traverse_ cancel sHttpsTid
io $ Net.close sHttpSock
io $ Net.close sHttpsSock
io $ Net.close sLoopSock
atomically (saKil sLop)
atomically (saKil sIns)
for_ sSec (\sec -> atomically (saKil sec))
removePortsFile sPortsFile
(void . waitCatch) sLoopTid
(void . waitCatch) sHttpTid
traverse_ (void . waitCatch) sHttpsTid
kill :: HasLogFunc e => Drv -> RIO e ()
kill (Drv v) = stopService v killServ >>= fromEither
@ -471,111 +356,3 @@ eyre king plan isFake =
-- when (i == fromIntegral king) $ do
logDebug "respond"
respond drv (fromIntegral req) ev
-- Multi-Tenet HTTP ------------------------------------------------------------
# Very First Phase: Shared HTTP, no SSL.
- Global configuration flag for shared HTTP port.
- Shared server starts before ships.
- Shared server is informed when ships go up and come down.
- Shared server delivers requests to existing HTTP driver.
- Existing HTTP driver can send responses to shared HTTP server.
type ShareRequ = (ServId, ReqId, WhichServer, Address, HttpRequest)
type ShareResp = (ServId, UD, UD, HttpEvent)
data ShipAPI = ShipAPI
{ sapiReq :: ShareRequ -> STM ()
, sapiRes :: STM ShareResp
data MultiServ = MultiServ
{ msPort :: Maybe Word16
, msShip :: TVar (Map Ship ShipAPI)
, msBoot :: TMVar (Ship, ShipAPI)
, msDead :: TMVar Ship
, msKill :: STM ()
data Hap = Deþ Ship
| Lif (Ship, ShipAPI)
| Res ShareResp
| Kil ()
multiServ :: HasLogFunc e => MultiServ -> RIO e ()
multiServ ms = do
case msPort ms of
Nothing -> doNothing ms
Just po -> doSomething ms po
If the port is set, we do things for real. We run an HTTP server,
sends requests to the appropriate ship, respond to requests when
responses are given, and shuts down when the king shuts down.
doSomething :: HasLogFunc e => MultiServ -> Word16 -> RIO e ()
doSomething MultiServ{..} httpPort = do
logDebug "Starting HTTP server"
let httpOpts = W.defaultSettings & W.setHost "*"
& W.setPort (fromIntegral httpPort)
sId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
vShips :: TVar (Map Ship ShipAPI) <- newTVarIO mempty
liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
env <- ask
plan <- error "TODO"
httpTid <- async $ io
$ W.runSettings httpOpts
$ eyreApp env sId liv plan Insecure
let onHapn :: STM Hap
onHapn = asum [ Lif <$> takeTMVar msBoot
, Deþ <$> takeTMVar msDead
, Res <$> (readTVar vShips >>= asum . fmap sapiRes . toList)
, Kil <$> msKill
let loop = join $ atomically $ onHapn >>= \case
Deþ s -> modifyTVar' vShips (deleteMap s) >> pure loop
Lif (s,api) -> modifyTVar' vShips (insertMap s api) >> pure loop
Res _ -> error "TODO"
Kil _ -> pure (cancel httpTid)
If the port is not set, we still run a thread for the shared server. It
doesn't run an HTTP server, it ignores all responses, and it shuts
down when the king shuts down.
doNothing :: MultiServ -> RIO e ()
doNothing MultiServ{..} = do
vShips :: TVar (Map Ship ShipAPI) <- newTVarIO mempty
let onHapn :: STM Hap
onHapn = asum [ Lif <$> takeTMVar msBoot
, Deþ <$> takeTMVar msDead
, Res <$> (readTVar vShips >>= asum . fmap sapiRes . toList)
, Kil <$> msKill
let loop = join $ atomically $ onHapn >>= \case
Deþ s -> modifyTVar' vShips (deleteMap s) >> pure loop
Lif (s,api) -> modifyTVar' vShips (insertMap s api) >> pure loop
Res _ -> pure loop
Kil _ -> pure (pure ())
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Serv
( TlsConfig(..)
( ServApi(..)
, TlsConfig(..)
, MultiTlsConfig
, ReqApi(..)
, ServType(..)
@ -50,6 +51,11 @@ import qualified Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Wai as E
-- Internal Types --------------------------------------------------------------
data ServApi = ServApi
{ saKil :: STM ()
, saPor :: STM W.Port
data TlsConfig = TlsConfig
{ tcPrKey :: ByteString
, tcCerti :: ByteString
@ -82,8 +88,6 @@ data ServConf = ServConf
, scHost :: ServHost
, scPort :: ServPort
, scRedi :: Maybe W.Port
, scOpnd :: W.Port -> STM ()
, scDeth :: STM ()
@ -214,10 +218,10 @@ startServer
-> W.Port
-> Net.Socket
-> Maybe W.Port
-> TVar E.LiveReqs
-> RIO e ()
startServer typ hos por sok red = do
startServer typ hos por sok red vLive = do
envir <- ask
vLive <- newTVarIO E.emptyLiveReqs
let host = case hos of
SHLocalhost -> ""
@ -266,12 +270,22 @@ configCreds TlsConfig {..} =
Left str -> Left (pack str)
Right rs -> Right rs
serv :: HasLogFunc e => ServConf -> RIO e ()
serv ServConf {..} = do
tid <- async runServ
atomically scDeth
serv :: HasLogFunc e => TVar E.LiveReqs -> ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
serv vLive ServConf {..} = do
kil <- newEmptyTMVarIO
por <- newEmptyTMVarIO
void $ async $ do
tid <- async (runServ por)
atomically (takeTMVar kil)
cancel tid
pure $ ServApi
{ saKil = void (tryPutTMVar kil ())
, saPor = readTMVar por
runServ = rwith (forceOpenSocket scHost scPort) $ \(por, sok) -> do
atomically (scOpnd por)
startServer scType scHost por sok scRedi
runServ vPort = do
rwith (forceOpenSocket scHost scPort) $ \(por, sok) -> do
atomically (putTMVar vPort por)
startServer scType scHost por sok scRedi vLive
Reference in New Issue
Block a user