mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 10:29:01 +03:00
moved reactify to a Reactify component
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
BodyComponent = require './BodyComponent.coffee'
BodyComponent = React.createFactory require './BodyComponent.coffee'
reactify = React.createFactory require './Reactify.coffee'
TreeStore = require '../stores/TreeStore.coffee'
TreeActions = require '../actions/TreeActions.coffee'
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ module.exports = recl
href = window.tree.basepath path
(a {href,key:"arow-#{name}",className:"arow-#{name}"},"")
toText: (elem)-> $(React.renderToStaticMarkup elem).text()
toText: (elem)-> $(React.renderToStaticMarkup reactify manx: elem).text()
renderParts: -> [
if @state.pare then _.filter [
@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
reactify = React.createFactory require './Reactify.coffee'
TreeStore = require '../stores/TreeStore.coffee'
TreeActions = require '../actions/TreeActions.coffee'
load = require './LoadComponent.coffee'
recl = React.createClass
[div,input,textarea] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.input,React.DOM.textarea]
div = React.DOM.div
module.exports = recl
displayName: "Body"
stateFromStore: ->
componentDidMount: ->
TreeStore.addChangeListener @_onChangeStore
@ -30,5 +29,4 @@ module.exports = recl
@setState @stateFromStore()
render: -> (div {},
(div {id:'body',key:"body"+@state.curr},
(@state.body ? (div {className:"loading"}, (load {}, "")))))
(div {id:'body',key:"body"+@state.curr}, (reactify manx: @state.body)))
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
TreeStore = require '../stores/TreeStore.coffee'
TreeActions = require '../actions/TreeActions.coffee'
reactify = (manx)-> React.createElement window.tree.reactify, {manx}
recl = React.createClass
[div,a,ul,li,hr] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.a,React.DOM.ul,React.DOM.li,React.DOM.hr]
@ -32,5 +33,6 @@ module.exports = recl
render: ->
div {key:"kids-"+@state.path,className:"kids"},
for v in _.keys(@state.tree).sort()
[(div {key:v}, @state.cont[@state.path+"/"+v]),(hr {},"")]
unless @gotPath() then (reactify null)
else for v in _.keys(@state.tree).sort()
[(div {key:v}, reactify @state.cont[@state.path+"/"+v]), (hr {},"")]
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ TreeStore = require '../stores/TreeStore.coffee'
TreeActions = require '../actions/TreeActions.coffee'
load = React.createFactory require './LoadComponent.coffee'
reactify = (manx)-> React.createElement window.tree.reactify, {manx}
recl = React.createClass
[div,a,ul,li,h1] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.a,React.DOM.ul,React.DOM.li,React.DOM.h1]
@ -45,17 +46,16 @@ module.exports = recl
a {href,className:(clas preview: @props.dataPreview?)},
if not @props.dataPreview? then (h1 {},item)
else if @props.dataType is 'post'
orig = snip.orig
head =
gn: 'h1'
c: if snip.meta?.title
else orig.head
if snip.meta?.title
gn: 'h1'
c: [snip.meta.title]
else snip.head
gn: 'div'
c: [head, (orig.body.slice 0,2)...]
else if @props.titlesOnly? then snip.head
else [snip.head, snip.body]
c: [head, (snip.body.c.slice 0,2)...]
else if @props.titlesOnly? then reactify snip.head
else [(reactify snip.head), (reactify snip.body)]
render: ->
k = "list"
@ -5,19 +5,9 @@ $ ->
codemirror = React.createFactory require './components/CodeMirror.coffee'
head = React.createFactory require './components/AnchorComponent.coffee'
body = React.createFactory require './components/BodyComponent.coffee'
list = React.createFactory require './components/ListComponent.coffee'
kids = React.createFactory require './components/KidsComponent.coffee'
lost = React.createClass
render: -> (React.DOM.div {}, "lost")
components =
head = React.createFactory require './components/AnchorComponent.coffee'
body = React.createFactory require './components/BodyComponent.coffee'
window.tree.reactify = require './components/Reactify.coffee' # sigh
window.tree._basepath = window.urb.util.basepath("/")
window.tree._basepath +=
@ -28,14 +18,6 @@ $ ->
if _path.slice(-1) is "/" then _path = _path.slice(0,-1)
window.tree.fragpath = (path) -> path.replace window.tree._basepath,""
window.tree.reactify = (obj) -> switch
# manx: {fork: ["string", {gn:"string" ga:{dict:"string"} c:{list:"manx"}}]}
when typeof obj == "string" then obj
when obj.gn?
React.createElement components[obj.gn] ? obj.gn,
obj.ga ? {},
obj.c.map window.tree.reactify
else throw "Bad react-json #{JSON.stringify obj}"
TreeActions = require './actions/TreeActions.coffee'
TreePersistence = require './persistence/TreePersistence.coffee'
@ -64,11 +64,13 @@ module.exports = {
var BodyComponent, TreeActions, TreeStore, a, div, recl, ref,
var BodyComponent, TreeActions, TreeStore, a, div, reactify, recl, ref,
slice = [].slice;
BodyComponent = require('./BodyComponent.coffee');
BodyComponent = React.createFactory(require('./BodyComponent.coffee'));
reactify = React.createFactory(require('./Reactify.coffee'));
TreeStore = require('../stores/TreeStore.coffee');
@ -225,7 +227,9 @@ module.exports = recl({
}, "");
toText: function(elem) {
return $(React.renderToStaticMarkup(elem)).text();
return $(React.renderToStaticMarkup(reactify({
manx: elem
renderParts: function() {
var _sibs, ci, curr, j, k, ref1, style, up;
@ -295,26 +299,25 @@ module.exports = recl({
var TreeActions, TreeStore, div, input, load, recl, ref, textarea;
var TreeActions, TreeStore, div, reactify, recl;
reactify = React.createFactory(require('./Reactify.coffee'));
TreeStore = require('../stores/TreeStore.coffee');
TreeActions = require('../actions/TreeActions.coffee');
load = require('./LoadComponent.coffee');
recl = React.createClass;
ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.input, React.DOM.textarea], div = ref[0], input = ref[1], textarea = ref[2];
div = React.DOM.div;
module.exports = recl({
displayName: "Body",
stateFromStore: function() {
return {
body: TreeStore.getBody(),
curr: TreeStore.getCurr(),
cont: TreeStore.getCont()
curr: TreeStore.getCurr()
componentDidMount: function() {
@ -335,19 +338,18 @@ module.exports = recl({
return this.setState(this.stateFromStore());
render: function() {
var ref1;
return div({}, div({
id: 'body',
key: "body" + this.state.curr
}, (ref1 = this.state.body) != null ? ref1 : div({
className: "loading"
}, load({}, ""))));
}, reactify({
manx: this.state.body
var div, recl, ref, textarea;
recl = React.createClass;
@ -372,12 +374,18 @@ module.exports = recl({
var TreeActions, TreeStore, a, div, hr, li, recl, ref, ul;
var TreeActions, TreeStore, a, div, hr, li, reactify, recl, ref, ul;
TreeStore = require('../stores/TreeStore.coffee');
TreeActions = require('../actions/TreeActions.coffee');
reactify = function(manx) {
return React.createElement(window.tree.reactify, {
manx: manx
recl = React.createClass;
ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.a, React.DOM.ul, React.DOM.li, React.DOM.hr], div = ref[0], a = ref[1], ul = ref[2], li = ref[3], hr = ref[4];
@ -424,25 +432,29 @@ module.exports = recl({
className: "kids"
}, (function() {
var i, len, ref1, results;
ref1 = _.keys(this.state.tree).sort();
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
v = ref1[i];
key: v
}, this.state.cont[this.state.path + "/" + v]), hr({}, "")
if (!this.gotPath()) {
return reactify(null);
} else {
ref1 = _.keys(this.state.tree).sort();
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
v = ref1[i];
key: v
}, reactify(this.state.cont[this.state.path + "/" + v])), hr({}, "")
return results;
return results;
var TreeActions, TreeStore, a, clas, div, h1, li, load, recl, ref, ul,
var TreeActions, TreeStore, a, clas, div, h1, li, load, reactify, recl, ref, ul,
slice = [].slice;
clas = require('classnames');
@ -453,6 +465,12 @@ TreeActions = require('../actions/TreeActions.coffee');
load = React.createFactory(require('./LoadComponent.coffee'));
reactify = function(manx) {
return React.createElement(window.tree.reactify, {
manx: manx
recl = React.createClass;
ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.a, React.DOM.ul, React.DOM.li, React.DOM.h1], div = ref[0], a = ref[1], ul = ref[2], li = ref[3], h1 = ref[4];
@ -487,7 +505,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
renderList: function() {
var _keys, head, href, i, item, len, orig, path, ref1, ref2, results, snip;
var _keys, head, href, i, item, len, path, ref1, ref2, results, snip;
if (!this.gotPath()) {
return div({
className: "loading"
@ -510,13 +528,13 @@ module.exports = recl({
className: clas({
preview: this.props.dataPreview != null
}, this.props.dataPreview == null ? h1({}, item) : this.props.dataType === 'post' ? (orig = snip.orig, head = {
}, this.props.dataPreview == null ? h1({}, item) : this.props.dataType === 'post' ? (head = ((ref2 = snip.meta) != null ? ref2.title : void 0) ? {
gn: 'h1',
c: ((ref2 = snip.meta) != null ? ref2.title : void 0) ? [snip.meta.title] : orig.head
}, window.tree.reactify({
c: [snip.meta.title]
} : snip.head, reactify({
gn: 'div',
c: [head].concat(slice.call(orig.body.slice(0, 2)))
})) : this.props.titlesOnly != null ? snip.head : [snip.head, snip.body])));
c: [head].concat(slice.call(snip.body.c.slice(0, 2)))
})) : this.props.titlesOnly != null ? reactify(snip.head) : [reactify(snip.head), reactify(snip.body)])));
return results;
@ -538,7 +556,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
var div, input, recl, ref, textarea;
recl = React.createClass;
@ -578,6 +596,60 @@ module.exports = recl({
var codemirror, components, kids, list, load, lost, recl, span;
recl = React.createClass;
span = React.DOM.span;
load = require('./LoadComponent.coffee');
codemirror = React.createFactory(require('./CodeMirror.coffee'));
list = React.createFactory(require('./ListComponent.coffee'));
kids = React.createFactory(require('./KidsComponent.coffee'));
lost = React.createFactory(recl({
render: function() {
return div({}, "lost");
components = {
kids: kids,
list: list,
lost: lost,
codemirror: codemirror
module.exports = recl({
displayName: "Virtual",
render: function() {
return this.walk(this.props.manx);
walk: function(obj, key) {
var ref;
switch (false) {
case !(obj == null):
return span({
className: "loading"
}, load({}, ""));
case typeof obj !== "string":
return obj;
case obj.gn == null:
return React.createElement((ref = components[obj.gn]) != null ? ref : obj.gn, $.extend({
key: key
}, obj.ga), obj.c.map(this.walk));
throw "Bad react-json " + (JSON.stringify(obj));
var Dispatcher;
Dispatcher = require('flux').Dispatcher;
@ -599,31 +671,18 @@ module.exports = _.extend(new Dispatcher(), {
var rend;
rend = React.render;
$(function() {
var $body, TreeActions, TreePersistence, body, checkMove, checkScroll, codemirror, components, frag, head, kids, list, lost, po, setSo, so;
var $body, TreeActions, TreePersistence, body, checkMove, checkScroll, frag, head, po, setSo, so;
$body = $('body');
codemirror = React.createFactory(require('./components/CodeMirror.coffee'));
head = React.createFactory(require('./components/AnchorComponent.coffee'));
body = React.createFactory(require('./components/BodyComponent.coffee'));
list = React.createFactory(require('./components/ListComponent.coffee'));
kids = React.createFactory(require('./components/KidsComponent.coffee'));
lost = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return React.DOM.div({}, "lost");
components = {
kids: kids,
list: list,
lost: lost,
codemirror: codemirror
window.tree.reactify = require('./components/Reactify.coffee');
window.tree._basepath = window.urb.util.basepath("/");
window.tree._basepath += (window.location.pathname.replace(window.tree._basepath, "")).split("/")[0];
window.tree.basepath = function(path) {
@ -640,17 +699,6 @@ $(function() {
window.tree.fragpath = function(path) {
return path.replace(window.tree._basepath, "");
window.tree.reactify = function(obj) {
var ref, ref1;
switch (false) {
case typeof obj !== "string":
return obj;
case obj.gn == null:
return React.createElement((ref = components[obj.gn]) != null ? ref : obj.gn, (ref1 = obj.ga) != null ? ref1 : {}, obj.c.map(window.tree.reactify));
throw "Bad react-json " + (JSON.stringify(obj));
TreeActions = require('./actions/TreeActions.coffee');
TreePersistence = require('./persistence/TreePersistence.coffee');
frag = window.tree.fragpath(window.location.pathname);
@ -770,7 +818,7 @@ $(function() {
Copyright (c) 2015 Jed Watson.
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see
@ -821,7 +869,7 @@ $(function() {
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
@ -833,7 +881,7 @@ $(function() {
module.exports.Dispatcher = require('./lib/Dispatcher')
* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
@ -1085,7 +1133,7 @@ var _prefix = 'ID_';
module.exports = Dispatcher;
* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
@ -1140,7 +1188,7 @@ var invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
module.exports = invariant;
module.exports = {
get: function(path, query, cb) {
var url;
@ -1158,7 +1206,7 @@ module.exports = {
var EventEmitter, MessageDispatcher, TreeStore, _cont, _curr, _got_snip, _snip, _tree, clog;
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
@ -1239,23 +1287,19 @@ TreeStore = _.extend(EventEmitter.prototype, {
for (k in kids) {
v = kids[k];
_snip[path + "/" + v.name] = {
head: window.tree.reactify({
head: {
gn: 'h1',
c: v.head
body: window.tree.reactify({
body: {
gn: 'div',
c: v.snip
orig: {
head: v.head,
body: v.snip
meta: v.meta
} else {
_cont[path] = window.tree.reactify({
_cont[path] = {
gn: 'div',
c: [
@ -1277,7 +1321,7 @@ TreeStore = _.extend(EventEmitter.prototype, {
return _got_snip[path] = true;
@ -1287,13 +1331,13 @@ TreeStore = _.extend(EventEmitter.prototype, {
results = [];
for (k in kids) {
v = kids[k];
results.push(_cont[path + "/" + v.name] = window.tree.reactify(v.body));
results.push(_cont[path + "/" + v.name] = v.body);
return results;
loadPath: function(path, body, kids) {
this.mergePathToTree(path, _.pluck(kids, "name"));
return _cont[path] = window.tree.reactify(body);
return _cont[path] = body;
getKids: function() {
return _.keys(this.getTree(_curr.split("/")));
@ -1397,7 +1441,7 @@ module.exports = TreeStore;
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
@ -1700,4 +1744,4 @@ function isUndefined(arg) {
return arg === void 0;
@ -47,12 +47,11 @@ TreeStore = _.extend EventEmitter.prototype, {
if kids?.length isnt 0
for k,v of kids
_snip[path+"/"+v.name] =
head: window.tree.reactify {gn:'h1',c:v.head}
body: window.tree.reactify {gn:'div',c:v.snip}
orig: {head:v.head,body:v.snip}
head: {gn:'h1',c:v.head}
body: {gn:'div',c:v.snip}
meta: v.meta
_cont[path] = window.tree.reactify
_cont[path] =
gn: 'div'
c: [ {gn:'h1', ga:{className:'error'}, c:['Error: Empty path']}
{gn:'div', c:[
@ -64,11 +63,11 @@ TreeStore = _.extend EventEmitter.prototype, {
loadKids: (path,kids) ->
@mergePathToTree path,_.pluck(kids,"name")
for k,v of kids
_cont[path+"/"+v.name] = window.tree.reactify v.body
_cont[path+"/"+v.name] = v.body
loadPath: (path,body,kids) ->
@mergePathToTree path,_.pluck(kids,"name")
_cont[path] = window.tree.reactify body
_cont[path] = body
getKids: -> _.keys @getTree _curr.split("/")
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
:::: /hook/json/tree
/? 314
/+ tree
/= gas /$ fuel
Reference in New Issue
Block a user