Merge pull request #1810 from urbit/king-dawn

King dawn
This commit is contained in:
Elliot Glaysher 2019-10-09 16:59:18 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit db5ea2145d
No known key found for this signature in database
19 changed files with 1034 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror -Wall #-}
module CLI (parseArgs, Cmd(..), New(..), Run(..), Bug(..), Opts(..)) where
module CLI (parseArgs, Cmd(..), BootType(..), New(..), Run(..), Bug(..),
Opts(..)) where
import ClassyPrelude
import Options.Applicative
@ -19,19 +20,27 @@ data Opts = Opts
, oDryRun :: Bool
, oVerbose :: Bool
, oAmesPort :: Maybe Word16
, oProf :: Bool
, oTrace :: Bool
, oCollectFx :: Bool
, oLocalhost :: Bool
, oOffline :: Bool
deriving (Show)
data BootType
= BootComet
| BootFake Text
| BootFromKeyfile FilePath
deriving (Show)
data New = New
-- TODO: Pill path needs to become optional; need to default to either the
-- git hash version or the release version per current vere.
{ nPillPath :: FilePath
, nShipAddr :: Text
, nPierPath :: Maybe FilePath -- Derived from ship name if not specified.
, nArvoDir :: Maybe FilePath
, nBootFake :: Bool
, nBootType :: BootType
, nLite :: Bool
deriving (Show)
@ -62,6 +71,10 @@ data Bug
, bFirstEvt :: Word64
, bFinalEvt :: Word64
| CheckDawn
{ bKeyfilePath :: FilePath
| CheckComet
deriving (Show)
data Cmd
@ -115,27 +128,44 @@ parseArgs = do
newComet :: Parser BootType
newComet = flag' BootComet
( long "comet"
<> help "Boot a new comet")
newFakeship :: Parser BootType
newFakeship = BootFake <$> strOption
(short 'F'
<> long "fake"
<> metavar "SHIP"
<> help "Boot a fakeship")
newFromKeyfile :: Parser BootType
newFromKeyfile = BootFromKeyfile <$> strOption
(short 'k'
<> long "keyfile"
<> metavar "KEYFILE"
<> help "Boot from a keyfile")
new :: Parser New
new = do
nShipAddr <- strArgument
$ metavar "SHIP"
<> help "Ship address"
nPierPath <- optional
$ strArgument
$ metavar "PIER"
<> help "Path to pier"
nBootType <- newComet <|> newFakeship <|> newFromKeyfile
nPillPath <- strOption
$ short 'B'
<> long "pill"
<> metavar "PILL"
<> help "Path to pill file"
nBootFake <- switch
$ short 'F'
<> long "fake"
<> help "Create a fake ship"
nLite <- switch
$ short 'l'
<> long "lite"
<> help "Boots ship in lite mode"
nArvoDir <- option auto
$ metavar "PATH"
@ -180,9 +210,9 @@ opts = do
<> help "Dry run -- Don't persist"
<> hidden
oProf <- switch $ short 'p'
<> long "profile"
<> help "Enable profiling"
oTrace <- switch $ short 't'
<> long "trace"
<> help "Enable tracing"
<> hidden
oLocalhost <- switch $ short 'L'
@ -226,6 +256,9 @@ valPill = do
pierPath :: Parser FilePath
pierPath = strArgument (metavar "PIER" <> help "Path to pier")
keyfilePath :: Parser FilePath
keyfilePath = strArgument (metavar "KEYFILE" <> help "Path to key file")
firstEv :: Parser Word64
firstEv = option auto $ long "first"
<> metavar "FST"
@ -247,6 +280,9 @@ checkFx = ValidateFX <$> pierPath <*> firstEv <*> lastEv
browseEvs :: Parser Bug
browseEvs = EventBrowser <$> pierPath
checkDawn :: Parser Bug
checkDawn = CheckDawn <$> keyfilePath
bugCmd :: Parser Cmd
bugCmd = fmap CmdBug
$ subparser
@ -270,6 +306,14 @@ bugCmd = fmap CmdBug
( info (checkFx <**> helper)
$ progDesc "Parse all data in event log"
<> command "dawn"
( info (checkDawn <**> helper)
$ progDesc "Test run dawn"
<> command "comet"
( info (pure CheckComet)
$ progDesc "Shows the list of stars accepting comets"
conCmd :: Parser Cmd
conCmd = do

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@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (replicate, take)
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (catMaybes, map, replicate, take)
import Data.RAcquire
import Noun hiding (Parser)
import Noun.Atom
import RIO.Directory
import Vere.Pier
import Vere.Pier.Types
@ -102,14 +103,18 @@ import Data.Default (def)
import KingApp (runApp)
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import System.Posix.Signals (Handler(Catch), installHandler, sigTERM)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
import Vere.Dawn
import Vere.LockFile (lockFile)
import qualified CLI as CLI
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified EventBrowser as EventBrowser
import qualified System.IO.LockFile.Internal as Lock
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
@ -130,8 +135,26 @@ removeFileIfExists pax = do
tryBootFromPill :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> FilePath -> Ship -> RIO e ()
tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship = do
toSerfFlags :: CLI.Opts -> Serf.Flags
toSerfFlags CLI.Opts{..} = catMaybes m
-- TODO: This is not all the flags.
m = [ from oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, from oTrace Serf.Trace
, from oHashless Serf.Hashless
, from oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, from oVerbose Serf.Verbose
, from oDryRun Serf.DryRun
from True flag = Just flag
from False _ = Nothing
tryBootFromPill :: HasLogFunc e
=> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> Serf.Flags -> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RIO e ()
tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath lite flags ship boot = do
rwith bootedPier $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
logTrace "Booting"
logTrace $ displayShow ss
@ -142,7 +165,7 @@ tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship = do
bootedPier = do
lockFile shipPath
Pier.booted pillPath shipPath [] ship
Pier.booted pillPath shipPath lite flags ship boot
runAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadIO m)
=> Acquire a -> m a
@ -152,17 +175,17 @@ runRAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO (m e), MonadIO (m e), MonadReader e (m e))
=> RAcquire e a -> m e a
runRAcquire act = rwith act pure
tryPlayShip :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryPlayShip shipPath = do
tryPlayShip :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> RIO e ()
tryPlayShip shipPath flags = do
runRAcquire $ do
lockFile shipPath
rio $ logTrace "RESUMING SHIP"
sls <- Pier.resumed shipPath []
sls <- Pier.resumed shipPath flags
rio $ logTrace "SHIP RESUMED"
Pier.pier shipPath Nothing sls
tryResume :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryResume shipPath = do
tryResume :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> RIO e ()
tryResume shipPath flags = do
rwith resumedPier $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
logTrace (displayShow ss)
threadDelay 500000
@ -172,12 +195,12 @@ tryResume shipPath = do
resumedPier = do
lockFile shipPath
Pier.resumed shipPath []
Pier.resumed shipPath flags
tryFullReplay :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
tryFullReplay shipPath = do
tryFullReplay :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> RIO e ()
tryFullReplay shipPath flags = do
tryResume shipPath
tryResume shipPath flags
wipeSnapshot = do
logTrace "wipeSnapshot"
@ -263,7 +286,7 @@ testPill pax showPil showSeq = do
pill <- fromNounErr pillNoun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
putStrLn "Using pill to generate boot sequence."
bootSeq <- generateBootSeq zod pill
bootSeq <- generateBootSeq zod pill False (Fake $ Ship 0)
putStrLn "Validate jam/cue and toNoun/fromNoun on pill value"
reJam <- validateNounVal pill
@ -311,14 +334,73 @@ validateNounVal inpVal = do
newShip :: HasLogFunc e => CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
newShip CLI.New{..} _ = do
tryBootFromPill nPillPath pierPath (Ship 0)
newShip :: forall e. HasLogFunc e => CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
newShip CLI.New{..} opts
| CLI.BootComet <- nBootType = do
putStrLn "boot: retrieving list of stars currently accepting comets"
starList <- dawnCometList
putStrLn ("boot: " ++ (tshow $ length starList) ++
" star(s) currently accepting comets")
putStrLn "boot: mining a comet"
eny <- io $ randomIO
let seed = mineComet (Set.fromList starList) eny
putStrLn ("boot: found comet " ++ (renderShip (sShip seed)))
bootFromSeed seed
| CLI.BootFake name <- nBootType = do
ship <- shipFrom name
tryBootFromPill nPillPath (pierPath name) nLite flags ship (Fake ship)
| CLI.BootFromKeyfile keyFile <- nBootType = do
text <- readFileUtf8 keyFile
asAtom <- case cordToUW (Cord $ T.strip text) of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse keyfile. Hint: keyfiles start with 0w?"
Just (UW a) -> pure a
asNoun <- cueExn asAtom
seed :: Seed <- case fromNoun asNoun of
Nothing -> error "Keyfile does not seem to contain a seed."
Just s -> pure s
bootFromSeed seed
pierPath = fromMaybe ("./" <> unpack nShipAddr) nPierPath
shipFrom :: Text -> RIO e Ship
shipFrom name = case Ob.parsePatp name of
Left x -> error "Invalid ship name"
Right p -> pure $ Ship $ fromIntegral $ Ob.fromPatp p
pierPath :: Text -> FilePath
pierPath name = case nPierPath of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> "./" <> unpack name
nameFromShip :: Ship -> RIO e Text
nameFromShip s = name
nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral s
name = case stripPrefix "~" nameWithSig of
Nothing -> error "Urbit.ob didn't produce string with ~"
Just x -> pure x
bootFromSeed :: Seed -> RIO e ()
bootFromSeed seed = do
ethReturn <- dawnVent seed
case ethReturn of
Left x -> error $ unpack x
Right dawn -> do
let ship = sShip $ dSeed dawn
path <- pierPath <$> nameFromShip ship
tryBootFromPill nPillPath path nLite flags ship (Dawn dawn)
flags = toSerfFlags opts
runShip :: HasLogFunc e => CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> RIO e ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) _ = tryPlayShip pierPath
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts = tryPlayShip pierPath (toSerfFlags opts)
startBrowser :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
startBrowser pierPath = runRAcquire $ do
@ -326,6 +408,39 @@ startBrowser pierPath = runRAcquire $ do
log <- Log.existing (pierPath <> "/.urb/log")
rio $ log
cordToUW :: Cord -> Maybe UW
cordToUW = fromNoun . toNoun
checkDawn :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
checkDawn keyfilePath = do
-- The keyfile is a jammed Seed then rendered in UW format
text <- readFileUtf8 keyfilePath
asAtom <- case cordToUW (Cord $ T.strip text) of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse keyfile. Hint: keyfiles start with 0w?"
Just (UW a) -> pure a
asNoun <- cueExn asAtom
seed :: Seed <- case fromNoun asNoun of
Nothing -> error "Keyfile does not seem to contain a seed."
Just s -> pure s
print $ show seed
e <- dawnVent seed
print $ show e
checkComet :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e ()
checkComet = do
starList <- dawnCometList
putStrLn "Stars currently accepting comets:"
let starNames = map (Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral) starList
print starNames
putStrLn "Trying to mine a comet..."
eny <- io $ randomIO
let s = mineComet (Set.fromList starList) eny
print s
main :: IO ()
main = do
mainTid <- myThreadId
@ -342,6 +457,8 @@ main = do
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil seq) -> testPill pax pil seq
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> checkEvs pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> checkFx pax f l
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CheckDawn pax) -> checkDawn pax
CLI.CmdBug CLI.CheckComet -> checkComet
CLI.CmdCon port -> connTerm port

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ instance Show Blit where
data TermEf
= TermEfBlit (UD, ()) [Blit]
| TermEfInit (UD, ()) ()
| TermEfInit (UD, ()) Ship
| TermEfLogo Path ()
| TermEfMass Path Noun -- Irrelevant
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

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@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ import Arvo.Common (Header(..), HttpEvent)
import Arvo.Common (AmesDest, Ipv4, Ipv6, Port, Turf)
import Arvo.Common (ReOrg(..), reorgThroughNoun)
import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as H
-- Misc Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
type Pass = Atom -- Public Key
type Rift = Atom -- Continuity number
type Life = Word -- Number of Azimoth key revs.
type Bloq = Atom -- TODO
type Ring = Atom -- Private Key
type Oath = Atom -- Signature
-- Parsed URLs -----------------------------------------------------------------
type Host = Either Turf Ipv4
@ -36,15 +36,85 @@ deriveNoun ''PUrl
-- Dawn Records ----------------------------------------------------------------
data Seed = Seed Ship Life Ring (Maybe Oath)
padByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> BS.ByteString
padByteString bs length | remaining > 0 = bs <> (BS.replicate remaining 0)
| otherwise = bs
where remaining = (length - (BS.length bs))
-- A Pass is the Atom concatenation of 'b', the public encryption key, and the
-- public authentication key. (see +pass-from-eth.)
data Pass = Pass { passSign :: Ed.PublicKey, passCrypt :: Ed.PublicKey }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
passToBS :: Pass -> BS.ByteString
passToBS Pass{..} = C.singleton 'b' <>
(Ed.unPublicKey passSign) <>
(Ed.unPublicKey passCrypt)
instance ToNoun Pass where
toNoun p = Atom $ (passToBS p) ^. from atomBytes
instance FromNoun Pass where
parseNoun n = named "Pass" $ do
MkBytes unpadded <- parseNoun n
let bs = padByteString unpadded 65
when ((C.head bs) /= 'b') $ do
fail "Expecting 'b' prefix in public key structure"
let removedPrefix = C.tail bs
let passSign = Ed.PublicKey (take 32 removedPrefix)
let passCrypt = Ed.PublicKey (drop 32 removedPrefix)
unless ((length $ Ed.unPublicKey passSign) == 32) $
error "Sign pubkey not 32 bytes"
unless ((length $ Ed.unPublicKey passCrypt) == 32) $
error "Crypt pubkey not 32 bytes"
pure $ Pass{..}
-- A Ring isn't the secret keys: it's the ByteString input which generates both
-- the public key and the secret key. A Ring is the concatenation of 'B', the
-- encryption key derivation seed, and the authentication key derivation
-- seed. These aren't actually private keys, but public/private keypairs which
-- can be derived from these seeds.
data Ring = Ring { ringSign :: BS.ByteString, ringCrypt :: BS.ByteString }
deriving (Eq)
instance ToNoun Ring where
toNoun Ring{..} =
Atom $ bs ^. from atomBytes
bs = C.singleton 'B' <> ringSign <> ringCrypt
instance FromNoun Ring where
parseNoun n = named "Ring" $ do
MkBytes unpadded <- parseNoun n
let bs = padByteString unpadded 65
when ((C.head bs) /= 'B') $ do
fail "Expecting 'B' prefix in public key structure"
let removedPrefix = C.tail bs
let ringSign = (take 32 removedPrefix)
let ringCrypt = (drop 32 removedPrefix)
unless ((length ringSign) == 32) $
error "Sign seed not 32 bytes"
unless ((length ringCrypt) == 32) $
error "Crypt seed not 32 bytes"
pure $ Ring ringSign ringCrypt
instance Show Ring where
show r = "(Ring <<seed>> <<seed>>)"
data Seed = Seed
{ sShip :: Ship
, sLife :: Life
, sRing :: Ring
, sOath :: (Maybe Oath)
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Public = (Life, HoonMap Life Pass)
data Dnses = Dnses { dPri::Cord, dSec::Cord, dTer::Cord }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type EthAddr = Bytes -- 20 bytes
type EthAddr = Atom --Bytes -- 20 bytes
type ContNum = Word
data EthPoint = EthPoint
@ -52,41 +122,20 @@ data EthPoint = EthPoint
, epNet :: Maybe (Life, Pass, ContNum, (Bool, Ship), Maybe Ship)
, epKid :: Maybe (EthAddr, HoonSet Ship)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data EthEventId = EthEventId
{ eeiBlock :: Atom
, eeiLog :: Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data EthBookmark = EthBookmark
{ ebHeard :: HoonSet EthEventId
, ebLatestBlock :: Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Snap = Snap (HoonMap Ship Public)
(Dnses, HoonMap Ship EthPoint)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Dawn = MkDawn
{ dSeed :: Seed
, dShip :: Ship
, dCzar :: HoonMap Ship (Life, Pass)
, dSponsor :: [(Ship, EthPoint)]
, dCzar :: HoonMap Ship (Rift, Life, Pass)
, dTurf :: [Turf]
, dBloq :: Bloq
, dNode :: (Maybe PUrl)
, dSnap :: (Maybe Snap)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''EthEventId
deriveNoun ''EthBookmark
deriveNoun ''Dnses
deriveNoun ''EthPoint
deriveNoun ''Snap
deriveNoun ''Seed
deriveNoun ''Dawn
@ -187,7 +236,7 @@ deriveNoun ''BehnEv
-- Newt Events -----------------------------------------------------------------
data NewtEv
= NewtEvBarn (Atom, ()) ()
= NewtEvBarn (KingId, ()) ()
| NewtEvCrud Path Cord Tang
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -209,7 +258,7 @@ deriveNoun ''SyncEv
data LegacyBootEvent
= Fake Ship
| Dawn Dawn
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ArrowKey = D | L | R | U
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -230,7 +279,7 @@ data TermEv
| TermEvBoot (UD, ()) Bool LegacyBootEvent
| TermEvHail (UD, ()) ()
| TermEvCrud Path Cord Tang
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''LegacyBootEvent
deriveNoun ''ArrowKey
@ -250,7 +299,7 @@ data BlipEv
| BlipEvNewt NewtEv
| BlipEvSync SyncEv
| BlipEvTerm TermEv
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveNoun ''BlipEv
@ -287,7 +336,7 @@ deriveNoun ''ZuseEv
data Ev
= EvBlip BlipEv
| EvVane Vane
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToNoun Ev where
toNoun = \case

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module Azimuth.Azimuth where
import Network.Ethereum.Contract.TH

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Noun.Conversions
, Cord(..), Knot(..), Term(..), Tape(..), Tour(..)
, BigTape(..), BigCord(..)
, Wall
, UD(..), UV(..)
, UD(..), UV(..), UW(..)
, Mug(..), Path(..), EvilPath(..), Ship(..)
, Lenient(..), pathToFilePath, filePathToPath
) where
@ -102,6 +102,37 @@ instance FromNoun UD where
uTypeAddDots :: String -> String
uTypeAddDots = reverse . go . reverse
go s = if null tel then hed
else hed <> "." <> go tel
hed = take 5 s
tel = drop 5 s
convertToU :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Atom -> String
convertToU baseMap prefix = go []
go acc 0 = "0" <> prefix <> uTypeAddDots acc
go acc n = go (char n : acc) (n `div` len)
char n = baseMap !! (fromIntegral (n `mod` len))
len = fromIntegral (length baseMap)
convertFromU :: (Char -> Maybe Atom) -> Char -> Atom -> String -> Maybe Atom
convertFromU fetch prefix length = \case
('0':prefix:cs) -> go (0, 0) (reverse cs)
_ -> Nothing
go (i, acc) [] = pure acc
go (i, acc) ('.' : cs) = go (i, acc) cs
go (i, acc) (c : cs) = do
n <- fetch c
go (i+1, acc+(length^i)*n) cs
-- @uv
newtype UV = UV { unUV :: Atom }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Enum, Real, Integral)
@ -117,36 +148,14 @@ instance FromNoun UV where
Just uv -> pure (UV uv)
fromUV :: String -> Maybe Atom
fromUV = \case
('0':'v':cs) -> go (0, 0) (reverse cs)
_ -> Nothing
go (i, acc) [] = pure acc
go (i, acc) ('.' : cs) = go (i, acc) cs
go (i, acc) (c : cs) = do
n <- uvCharNum c
go (i+1, acc+(32^i)*n) cs
fromUV = convertFromU uvCharNum 'v' (fromIntegral $ length base32Chars)
toUV :: Atom -> String
toUV = go []
go acc 0 = "0v" <> uvAddDots acc
go acc n = go (char n : acc) (n `div` 32)
char n = base32Chars !! (fromIntegral (n `mod` 32))
toUV = convertToU base32Chars "v"
base32Chars :: [Char]
base32Chars = (['0'..'9'] <> ['a'..'v'])
uvAddDots :: String -> String
uvAddDots = reverse . go . reverse
go s = if null tel then hed
else hed <> "." <> go tel
hed = take 5 s
tel = drop 5 s
uvCharNum :: Char -> Maybe Atom
uvCharNum = \case
'0' -> pure 0
@ -183,6 +192,98 @@ uvCharNum = \case
'v' -> pure 31
_ -> Nothing
-- @uw
newtype UW = UW { unUW :: Atom }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Enum, Real, Integral)
instance ToNoun UW where
toNoun = toNoun . Cord . pack . toUW . fromIntegral . unUW
instance FromNoun UW where
parseNoun n = do
Cord c <- parseNoun n
case fromUW $ unpack c of
Nothing -> fail ("Invalid @uw: " <> unpack c)
Just uw -> pure (UW uw)
fromUW :: String -> Maybe Atom
fromUW = convertFromU uwCharNum 'w' (fromIntegral $ length base64Chars)
toUW :: Atom -> String
toUW = convertToU base64Chars "w"
base64Chars :: [Char]
base64Chars = (['0'..'9'] <> ['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z'] <> ['-', '~'])
uwCharNum :: Char -> Maybe Atom
uwCharNum = \case
'0' -> pure 0
'1' -> pure 1
'2' -> pure 2
'3' -> pure 3
'4' -> pure 4
'5' -> pure 5
'6' -> pure 6
'7' -> pure 7
'8' -> pure 8
'9' -> pure 9
'a' -> pure 10
'b' -> pure 11
'c' -> pure 12
'd' -> pure 13
'e' -> pure 14
'f' -> pure 15
'g' -> pure 16
'h' -> pure 17
'i' -> pure 18
'j' -> pure 19
'k' -> pure 20
'l' -> pure 21
'm' -> pure 22
'n' -> pure 23
'o' -> pure 24
'p' -> pure 25
'q' -> pure 26
'r' -> pure 27
's' -> pure 28
't' -> pure 29
'u' -> pure 30
'v' -> pure 31
'w' -> pure 32
'x' -> pure 33
'y' -> pure 34
'z' -> pure 35
'A' -> pure 36
'B' -> pure 37
'C' -> pure 38
'D' -> pure 39
'E' -> pure 40
'F' -> pure 41
'G' -> pure 42
'H' -> pure 43
'I' -> pure 44
'J' -> pure 45
'K' -> pure 46
'L' -> pure 47
'M' -> pure 48
'N' -> pure 49
'O' -> pure 50
'P' -> pure 51
'Q' -> pure 52
'R' -> pure 53
'S' -> pure 54
'T' -> pure 55
'U' -> pure 56
'V' -> pure 57
'W' -> pure 58
'X' -> pure 59
'Y' -> pure 60
'Z' -> pure 61
'-' -> pure 62
'~' -> pure 63
_ -> Nothing
-- Char ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -7,27 +7,26 @@ import Network.Socket hiding (recvFrom, sendTo)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Vere.Pier.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data AmesDrv = AmesDrv
{ aIsLive :: IORef Bool
{ aTurfs :: TVar (Maybe [Turf])
, aGalaxies :: IORef (M.Map Galaxy (Async (), TQueue ByteString))
, aSocket :: Socket
, aWakeTimer :: Async ()
, aListener :: Async ()
, aSendingQueue :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString)
, aSendingThread :: Async ()
data NetworkMode = Fake | Real
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data GalaxyInfo = GalaxyInfo { ip :: Ipv4, age :: Time.Unix }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
galaxyPort :: NetworkMode -> Galaxy -> PortNumber
@ -41,15 +40,18 @@ listenPort m _ = 0
localhost :: HostAddress
localhost = tupleToHostAddress (127,0,0,1)
inaddrAny :: HostAddress
inaddrAny = tupleToHostAddress (0,0,0,0)
okayFakeAddr :: AmesDest -> Bool
okayFakeAddr = \case
ADGala _ _ -> True
ADIpv4 _ p (Ipv4 a) -> a == localhost
destSockAddr :: NetworkMode -> AmesDest -> SockAddr
destSockAddr m = \case
ADGala _ g -> SockAddrInet (galaxyPort m g) localhost
ADIpv4 _ p a -> SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) (unIpv4 a)
fakeSockAddr :: AmesDest -> SockAddr
fakeSockAddr = \case
ADGala _ g -> SockAddrInet (galaxyPort Fake g) localhost
ADIpv4 _ p a -> SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) localhost
barnEv :: KingId -> Ev
barnEv inst =
@ -89,63 +91,181 @@ _turfText = intercalate "." . reverse . fmap unCord . unTurf
TODO verify that the KingIds match on effects.
ames :: KingId -> Ship -> Maybe Port -> QueueEv
-> ([Ev], Acquire (EffCb e NewtEf))
ames inst who mPort enqueueEv =
ames :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> KingId -> Ship -> Bool -> Maybe Port -> QueueEv
-> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e NewtEf))
ames inst who isFake mPort enqueueEv =
(initialEvents, runAmes)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [barnEv inst]
runAmes :: Acquire (EffCb e NewtEf)
runAmes :: RAcquire e (EffCb e NewtEf)
runAmes = do
drv <- mkAcquire start stop
pure (io . handleEffect drv)
drv <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure (handleEffect drv)
start :: IO AmesDrv
start :: RIO e AmesDrv
start = do
vLiv <- newIORef False
time <- async runTimer
sock <- bindSock
hear <- async (waitPacket sock)
pure $ AmesDrv vLiv sock time hear
aTurfs <- newTVarIO Nothing
aGalaxies <- newIORef mempty
aSocket <- bindSock
aWakeTimer <- async runTimer
aListener <- async (waitPacket aSocket)
aSendingQueue <- newTQueueIO
aSendingThread <- async (sendingThread aSendingQueue aSocket)
pure $ AmesDrv{..}
netMode :: NetworkMode
netMode = Fake
netMode = if isFake then Fake else Real
stop :: AmesDrv -> IO ()
stop (AmesDrv{..}) = do
stop :: AmesDrv -> RIO e ()
stop AmesDrv{..} = do
galaxies <- readIORef aGalaxies
mapM_ (cancel . fst) galaxies
cancel aSendingThread
cancel aWakeTimer
cancel aListener
close' aSocket
io $ close' aSocket
runTimer :: IO ()
runTimer :: RIO e ()
runTimer = forever $ do
threadDelay (300 * 1000000) -- 300 seconds
atomically (enqueueEv wakeEv)
bindSock :: IO Socket
bindSock :: RIO e Socket
bindSock = do
let ourPort = maybe (listenPort netMode who) fromIntegral mPort
s <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
() <- bind s (SockAddrInet ourPort localhost)
s <- io $ socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
logTrace $ displayShow ("(ames) Binding to port ", ourPort)
let addr = SockAddrInet ourPort $
if isFake then localhost else inaddrAny
() <- io $ bind s addr
pure s
waitPacket :: Socket -> IO ()
waitPacket :: Socket -> RIO e ()
waitPacket s = forever $ do
(bs, addr) <- recvFrom s 4096
wen <-
(bs, addr) <- io $ recvFrom s 4096
logTrace $ displayShow ("(ames) Received packet from ", addr)
wen <- io $
case addr of
SockAddrInet p a -> atomically (enqueueEv $ hearEv wen p a bs)
_ -> pure ()
handleEffect :: AmesDrv -> NewtEf -> IO ()
handleEffect AmesDrv{..} = \case
handleEffect :: AmesDrv -> NewtEf -> RIO e ()
handleEffect drv@AmesDrv{..} = \case
NewtEfTurf (_id, ()) turfs -> do
writeIORef aIsLive True
atomically $ writeTVar aTurfs (Just turfs)
NewtEfSend (_id, ()) dest (MkBytes bs) -> do
live <- readIORef aIsLive
when live $ do
when (netMode == Real || okayFakeAddr dest) $ do
void $ sendTo aSocket bs $ destSockAddr netMode dest
atomically (readTVar aTurfs) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just turfs -> (sendPacket drv netMode dest bs)
sendPacket :: AmesDrv -> NetworkMode -> AmesDest -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Fake dest bs = do
when (okayFakeAddr dest) $ do
atomically $ writeTQueue aSendingQueue ((fakeSockAddr dest), bs)
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Real (ADGala wen galaxy) bs = do
galaxies <- readIORef aGalaxies
queue <- case M.lookup galaxy galaxies of
Just (_, queue) -> pure queue
Nothing -> do
inQueue <- newTQueueIO
thread <- async $ galaxyResolver galaxy aTurfs inQueue aSendingQueue
modifyIORef (aGalaxies) (M.insert galaxy (thread, inQueue))
pure inQueue
atomically $ writeTQueue queue bs
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Real (ADIpv4 _ p a) bs = do
let addr = SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) (unIpv4 a)
atomically $ writeTQueue aSendingQueue (addr, bs)
-- An outbound queue of messages. We can only write to a socket from one
-- thread, so coalesce those writes here.
sendingThread :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString) -> Socket -> RIO e ()
sendingThread queue socket = forever $ do
(dest, bs) <- atomically $ readTQueue queue
logTrace $ displayShow ("(ames) Sending packet to ", socket, dest)
bytesSent <- io $ sendTo socket bs dest
let len = BS.length bs
when (bytesSent /= len) $ do
logDebug $ displayShow
("(ames) Only sent ", bytesSent, " of ", (length bs))
-- Asynchronous thread per galaxy which handles domain resolution, and can
-- block its own queue of ByteStrings to send.
-- Maybe perform the resolution asynchronously, injecting into the resolver
-- queue as a message.
-- TODO: Figure out how the real haskell time library works.
galaxyResolver :: Galaxy -> TVar (Maybe [Turf]) -> TQueue ByteString
-> TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString)
-> RIO e ()
galaxyResolver galaxy turfVar incoming outgoing =
loop Nothing Time.unixEpoch
loop :: Maybe SockAddr -> Time.Wen -> RIO e ()
loop lastGalaxyIP lastLookupTime = do
packet <- atomically $ readTQueue incoming
checkIP lastGalaxyIP lastLookupTime >>= \case
(Nothing, t) -> do
-- We've failed to lookup the IP. Drop the outbound packet
-- because we have no IP for our galaxy, including possible
-- previous IPs.
logDebug $ displayShow
("(ames) Dropping packet; no ip for galaxy ", galaxy)
loop Nothing t
(Just ip, t) -> do
queueSendToGalaxy ip packet
loop (Just ip) t
checkIP :: Maybe SockAddr -> Time.Wen
-> RIO e (Maybe SockAddr, Time.Wen)
checkIP lastIP lastLookupTime = do
current <- io $
if ( current lastLookupTime ^. Time.secs) < 300
then pure (lastIP, lastLookupTime)
else do
toCheck <- fromMaybe [] <$> atomically (readTVar turfVar)
mybIp <- resolveFirstIP lastIP toCheck
timeAfterResolution <- io $
pure (mybIp, timeAfterResolution)
resolveFirstIP :: Maybe SockAddr -> [Turf] -> RIO e (Maybe SockAddr)
resolveFirstIP prevIP [] = do
-- print ("ames: czar at %s: not found (b)\n")
logDebug $ displayShow
("(ames) Failed to lookup IP for ", galaxy)
pure prevIP
resolveFirstIP prevIP (x:xs) = do
hostname <- buildDNS galaxy x
let portstr = show $ galaxyPort Real galaxy
listIPs <- io $ getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hostname) (Just portstr)
case listIPs of
[] -> resolveFirstIP prevIP xs
(y:ys) -> do
logDebug $ displayShow
("(ames) Looked up ", hostname, portstr, y)
pure $ Just $ addrAddress y
buildDNS :: Galaxy -> Turf -> RIO e String
buildDNS (Galaxy g) turf = do
let nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral g
name <- case stripPrefix "~" nameWithSig of
Nothing -> error "Urbit.ob didn't produce string with ~"
Just x -> pure (unpack x)
pure $ name ++ "." ++ (unpack $ _turfText turf)
queueSendToGalaxy :: SockAddr -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
queueSendToGalaxy inet packet = do
atomically $ writeTQueue outgoing (inet, packet)

pkg/king/lib/Vere/Dawn.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
module Vere.Dawn where
import Arvo.Common
import Arvo.Event hiding (Address)
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Call, rights, to)
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Text (splitOn)
import Network.Ethereum.Account
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Eth
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Provider
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Types hiding (blockNumber)
import Network.Ethereum.Web3
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import qualified Azimuth.Azimuth as AZ
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512
import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Network.Ethereum.Ens as Ens
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
-- During boot, use the infura provider
provider = HttpProvider
-- Conversion Utilities --------------------------------------------------------
-- Takes the web3's bytes representation and changes the endianness.
bytes32ToBS :: BytesN 32 -> ByteString
bytes32ToBS = reverse . BA.pack . BA.unpack
toBloq :: Quantity -> Bloq
toBloq = fromIntegral . unQuantity
passFromEth :: BytesN 32 -> BytesN 32 -> UIntN 32 -> Pass
passFromEth enc aut sut | sut /= 1 =
Pass (Ed.PublicKey mempty) (Ed.PublicKey mempty)
passFromEth enc aut sut =
Pass (decode aut) (decode enc)
decode = Ed.PublicKey . bytes32ToBS
clanFromShip :: Ship -> Ob.Class
clanFromShip = Ob.clan . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
shipSein :: Ship -> Ship
shipSein = Ship . fromIntegral . Ob.fromPatp . Ob.sein . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
renderShip :: Ship -> Text
renderShip = Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
-- Data Validation -------------------------------------------------------------
-- for =(who.seed `@`fix:ex:cub)
-- getFingerprintFromKey :: Ring -> Atom
-- getFingerprintFromKey = undefined
-- Derive public key structure from the key derivation seed structure
getPassFromRing :: Ring -> Pass
getPassFromRing Ring{..} = Pass{..}
passCrypt = decode ringCrypt
passSign = decode ringSign
decode = fst . fromJust . Ed.createKeypairFromSeed_
fromJust = \case
Nothing -> error "Invalid seed passed to createKeypairFromSeed"
Just x -> x
-- Azimuth Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Perform a request to azimuth at a certain block number
withAzimuth :: Quantity
-> Address
-> DefaultAccount Web3 a
-> Web3 a
withAzimuth bloq azimuth action =
withAccount () $
withParam (to .~ azimuth) $
withParam (block .~ BlockWithNumber bloq)
-- Retrieves the EthPoint information for an individual point.
retrievePoint :: Quantity -> Address -> Ship -> Web3 EthPoint
retrievePoint bloq azimuth ship =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ do
continuityNum) <- AZ.points (fromIntegral ship)
let escapeState = if escapeRequested
then Just $ Ship $ fromIntegral escapeTo
else Nothing
-- The hoon version also sets this to all 0s and then does nothing with it.
let epOwn = (0, 0, 0, 0)
let epNet = if not active
then Nothing
else Just
( fromIntegral keyRevision
, passFromEth encryptionKey authenticationKey cryptoSuite
, fromIntegral continuityNum
, (hasSponsor, Ship (fromIntegral sponsor))
, escapeState
-- TODO: wtf?
let epKid = case clanFromShip ship of
Ob.Galaxy -> Just (0, setToHoonSet mempty)
Ob.Star -> Just (0, setToHoonSet mempty)
_ -> Nothing
pure EthPoint{..}
-- Retrieves information about all the galaxies from Ethereum.
retrieveGalaxyTable :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 (Map Ship (Rift, Life, Pass))
retrieveGalaxyTable bloq azimuth =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ mapFromList <$> mapM getRow [0..255]
getRow idx = do
(encryptionKey, authenticationKey, _, _, _, _, _, cryptoSuite,
keyRev, continuity) <- AZ.points idx
pure ( fromIntegral idx
, ( fromIntegral continuity
, fromIntegral keyRev
, passFromEth encryptionKey authenticationKey cryptoSuite
-- Reads the three Ames domains from Ethereum, removing duplicates
readAmesDomains :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 [Turf]
readAmesDomains bloq azimuth =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ nub <$> mapM getTurf [0..2]
getTurf idx =
Turf . fmap Cord . reverse . splitOn "." <$> AZ.dnsDomains idx
validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor :: Quantity -> Address -> Seed -> Web3 Ship
validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor block azimuth (Seed ship life ring oaf) =
case clanFromShip ship of
Ob.Comet -> validateComet
Ob.Moon -> validateMoon
_ -> validateRest
validateComet = do
-- TODO: All validation of the comet.
-- A comet address is the fingerprint of the keypair
-- when (ship /= (x ring.seed)) (Left "todo: key mismatch")
-- A comet can never be breached
-- when live Left "comet already booted"
-- TODO: the parent must be launched check?
pure (shipSein ship)
validateMoon = do
-- TODO: The current code in zuse does nothing, but we should be able to
-- try to validate the oath against the current as exists planet on
-- chain.
pure $ shipSein ship
validateRest = do
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving " ++ renderShip ship ++ "'s public keys")
whoP <- retrievePoint block azimuth ship
case epNet whoP of
Nothing -> fail "ship not keyed"
Just (netLife, pass, contNum, (hasSponsor, who), _) -> do
when (netLife /= life) $
fail ("keyfile life mismatch; keyfile claims life " ++
show life ++ ", but Azimuth claims life " ++
show netLife)
when ((getPassFromRing ring) /= pass) $
fail "keyfile does not match blockchain"
-- TODO: The hoon code does a breach check, but the C code never
-- supplies the data necessary for it to function.
pure who
-- Walk through the sponsorship chain retrieving the actual sponsorship chain
-- as it exists on Ethereum.
getSponsorshipChain :: Quantity -> Address -> Ship -> Web3 [(Ship,EthPoint)]
getSponsorshipChain block azimuth = loop
loop ship = do
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving keys for sponsor " ++ renderShip ship)
ethPoint <- retrievePoint block azimuth ship
case (clanFromShip ship, epNet ethPoint) of
(Ob.Comet, _) -> fail "Comets cannot be sponsors"
(Ob.Moon, _) -> fail "Moons cannot be sponsors"
(Ob.Galaxy, Nothing) ->
fail $ unpack ("Galaxy " ++ renderShip ship ++ " not booted")
(Ob.Galaxy, Just _) -> pure [(ship, ethPoint)]
(_, Nothing) ->
fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ renderShip ship ++ " not booted")
(_, Just (_, _, _, (has, sponsor), _)) -> do
case has of
False -> fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ renderShip ship ++
" has no sponsor")
True -> do
chain <- loop sponsor
pure $ chain ++ [(ship, ethPoint)]
-- Produces either an error or a validated boot event structure.
dawnVent :: Seed -> RIO e (Either Text Dawn)
dawnVent dSeed@(Seed ship life ring oaf) = do
ret <- runWeb3' provider $ do
block <- blockNumber
putStrLn ("boot: ethereum block #" ++ tshow block)
putStrLn "boot: retrieving azimuth contract"
azimuth <- withAccount () $ Ens.resolve "azimuth.eth"
immediateSponsor <- validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor block azimuth dSeed
dSponsor <- getSponsorshipChain block azimuth immediateSponsor
putStrLn "boot: retrieving galaxy table"
dCzar <- mapToHoonMap <$> retrieveGalaxyTable block azimuth
putStrLn "boot: retrieving network domains"
dTurf <- readAmesDomains block azimuth
let dBloq = toBloq block
let dNode = Nothing
pure $ MkDawn{..}
case ret of
Left x -> pure $ Left $ tshow x
Right y -> pure $ Right y
dawnCometList :: RIO e [Ship]
dawnCometList = do
-- Get the jamfile with the list of stars accepting comets right now.
manager <- io $ C.newManager tlsManagerSettings
request <- io $ C.parseRequest ""
response <- io $ C.httpLbs (C.setRequestCheckStatus request) manager
let body = toStrict $ C.responseBody response
noun <- cueBS body & either throwIO pure
fromNounErr noun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
-- Comet Mining ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: Comet mining doesn't seem to work and I'm guessing it's because I'm
-- screwing up the math below.
-- TODO: This might be entirely wrong. What happens with a or b is longer?
mix :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
mix a b = BS.pack $ BS.zipWith xor a b
-- TODO: a/b ordering?
shaf :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
shaf salt ruz = (mix a b)
haz = shas salt ruz
a = (drop 32 haz)
b = (take 32 haz)
shas :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
shas salt ruz =
SHA512.hash $ mix salt $ SHA512.hash ruz
cometFingerprint :: Pass -> Ship -- Word128
cometFingerprint = Ship . B.decode . fromStrict . (shas bfig) . passToBS
bfig = C.pack "bfig"
tryMineComet :: Set Ship -> Word64 -> Maybe Seed
tryMineComet ships seed =
if member shipSponsor ships
then Just $ Seed shipName 1 ring Nothing
else Nothing
-- Hash the incoming seed into a 64 bytes.
baseHash = SHA512.hash $ toStrict $ B.encode seed
signSeed = (take 32 baseHash)
ringSeed = (drop 32 baseHash)
ring = Ring signSeed ringSeed
pass = getPassFromRing ring
shipName = cometFingerprint pass
shipSponsor = shipSein shipName
mineComet :: Set Ship -> Word64 -> Seed
mineComet ships = loop
loop eny =
case (tryMineComet ships eny) of
Nothing -> loop (eny + 1)
Just x -> x

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Vere.Http
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -45,18 +46,25 @@ cvtRespHeaders resp =
heads = convertHeaders (H.responseHeaders resp)
bornEv :: KingId -> Ev
bornEv king =
EvBlip $ BlipEvHttpClient $ HttpClientEvBorn (king, ()) ()
client :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> KingId -> QueueEv -> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpClientEf))
client kingId enqueueEv = ([], runHttpClient)
client kingId enqueueEv = (initialEvents, runHttpClient)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [bornEv kingId]
runHttpClient :: RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpClientEf)
runHttpClient = handleEffect <$> mkRAcquire start stop
start :: RIO e (HttpClientDrv)
start = HttpClientDrv <$>
(io $ H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings) <*>
(io $ H.newManager TLS.tlsManagerSettings) <*>
newTVarIO M.empty
stop :: HttpClientDrv -> RIO e ()

View File

@ -48,18 +48,20 @@ setupPierDirectory shipPath = do
genEntropy :: RIO e Word512
genEntropy = fromIntegral . view (from atomBytes) <$> io (Ent.getEntropy 64)
generateBootSeq :: Ship -> Pill -> RIO e BootSeq
generateBootSeq ship Pill{..} = do
generateBootSeq :: Ship -> Pill -> Bool -> LegacyBootEvent -> RIO e BootSeq
generateBootSeq ship Pill{..} lite boot = do
ent <- genEntropy
let ovums = preKern ent <> pKernelOvums <> pUserspaceOvums
pure $ BootSeq ident pBootFormulas ovums
ident = LogIdentity ship True (fromIntegral $ length pBootFormulas)
preKern ent =
[ EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWhom () ship
ident = LogIdentity ship isFake (fromIntegral $ length pBootFormulas)
preKern ent = [ EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWhom () ship
, EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWack () ent
, EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBoot (1,()) False (Fake (who ident))
, EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBoot (1,()) lite boot
isFake = case boot of
Fake _ -> True
_ -> False
-- Write a batch of jobs into the event log ------------------------------------
@ -84,16 +86,16 @@ writeJobs log !jobs = do
-- Boot a new ship. ------------------------------------------------------------
booted :: HasLogFunc e
=> FilePath -> FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> Ship
=> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> Serf.Flags -> Ship -> LegacyBootEvent
-> RAcquire e (Serf e, EventLog, SerfState)
booted pillPath pierPath flags ship = do
booted pillPath pierPath lite flags ship boot = do
rio $ logTrace "LOADING PILL"
pill <- io (loadFile pillPath >>= either throwIO pure)
rio $ logTrace "PILL LOADED"
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- rio $ generateBootSeq ship pill
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- rio $ generateBootSeq ship pill lite boot
rio $ logTrace "BootSeq Computed"
@ -182,10 +184,11 @@ pier pierPath mPort (serf, log, ss) = do
swapMVar (sStderr serf) (atomically . Term.trace muxed)
let ship = who (Log.identity log)
let logId = Log.identity log
let ship = who logId
let (bootEvents, startDrivers) =
drivers pierPath inst ship mPort
drivers pierPath inst ship (isFake logId) mPort
(writeTQueue computeQ)
(sz, muxed)
@ -215,6 +218,9 @@ pier pierPath mPort (serf, log, ss) = do
Left (txt, exn) -> logError $ displayShow ("Somthing died", txt, exn)
Right tag -> logError $ displayShow ("something simply exited", tag)
atomically $ (Term.spin muxed) (Just "shutdown")
death :: Text -> Async () -> STM (Either (Text, SomeException) Text)
death tag tid = do
waitCatchSTM tid <&> \case
@ -241,14 +247,15 @@ data Drivers e = Drivers
drivers :: HasLogFunc e
=> FilePath -> KingId -> Ship -> Maybe Port -> (Ev -> STM ()) -> STM()
=> FilePath -> KingId -> Ship -> Bool -> Maybe Port -> (Ev -> STM ())
-> STM()
-> (TSize.Window Word, Term.Client)
-> ([Ev], RAcquire e (Drivers e))
drivers pierPath inst who mPort plan shutdownSTM termSys =
drivers pierPath inst who isFake mPort plan shutdownSTM termSys =
(initialEvents, runDrivers)
(behnBorn, runBehn) = behn inst plan
(amesBorn, runAmes) = ames inst who mPort plan
(amesBorn, runAmes) = ames inst who isFake mPort plan
(httpBorn, runHttp) = serv pierPath inst plan
(clayBorn, runClay) = clay pierPath inst plan
(irisBorn, runIris) = client inst plan
@ -256,7 +263,7 @@ drivers pierPath inst who mPort plan shutdownSTM termSys =
initialEvents = mconcat [behnBorn, clayBorn, amesBorn, httpBorn,
termBorn, irisBorn]
runDrivers = do
dNewt <- liftAcquire $ runAmes
dNewt <- runAmes
dBehn <- liftAcquire $ runBehn
dAmes <- pure $ const $ pure ()
dHttpClient <- runIris

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ deriveNoun ''Pill
-- Jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Work = Work EventId Mug Wen Ev
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LifeCyc = LifeCyc EventId Mug Nock
deriving (Eq, Show)

View File

@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ bootFromSeq serf (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = do
muckOvum ov eId mug wen = DoWork $ Work eId mug wen ov
bootMsg = "Booting " ++ (fakeStr (isFake ident)) ++
(Ob.render (Ob.patp (fromIntegral (who ident))))
(Ob.renderPatp (Ob.patp (fromIntegral (who ident))))
fakeStr True = "fake "
fakeStr False = ""

View File

@ -37,9 +37,11 @@ dependencies:
- classy-prelude
- conduit
- containers
- cryptohash-sha512
- data-default
- data-fix
- directory
- ed25519
- entropy
- exceptions
- extra
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ dependencies:
- hashable
- hashtables
- http-client
- http-client-tls
- http-types
- integer-gmp
- iproute
@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ dependencies:
- lmdb
- lock-file
- megaparsec
- memory
- mtl
- multimap
- murmur3
@ -103,6 +107,7 @@ dependencies:
- wai-conduit
- warp
- warp-tls
- web3
- websockets

View File

@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ turfEf = NewtEfTurf (0, ()) []
sendEf :: Galaxy -> Wen -> Bytes -> NewtEf
sendEf g w bs = NewtEfSend (0, ()) (ADGala w g) bs
runGala :: Word8 -> RAcquire e (TQueue Ev, EffCb e NewtEf)
runGala :: forall e. (HasLogFunc e)
=> Word8 -> RAcquire e (TQueue Ev, EffCb e NewtEf)
runGala point = do
q <- newTQueueIO
let (_, runAmes) = ames pid (fromIntegral point) Nothing (writeTQueue q)
cb liftAcquire runAmes
let (_, runAmes) =
ames pid (fromIntegral point) True Nothing (writeTQueue q)
cb runAmes
rio $ cb turfEf
pure (q, cb)
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ sendThread cb (to, val) = void $ mkRAcquire start cancel
zodSelfMsg :: Property
zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: Bytes -> RIO e Bool
runTest :: HasLogFunc e => Bytes -> RIO e Bool
runTest val = runRAcquire $ do
(zodQ, zod) <- runGala 0
() <- sendThread zod (0, val)
@ -75,13 +77,13 @@ zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
twoTalk :: Property
twoTalk = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> RIO e Bool
runTest :: HasLogFunc e => (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> RIO e Bool
runTest (aliceShip, bobShip, val) =
if aliceShip == bobShip
then pure True
else go aliceShip bobShip val
go :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> RIO e Bool
go :: HasLogFunc e => Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> RIO e Bool
go aliceShip bobShip val = runRAcquire $ do
(aliceQ, alice) <- runGala aliceShip
(bobQ, bob) <- runGala bobShip

View File

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ timerFires = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
rwith (liftAcquire $ snd $ behn king (writeTQueue q)) $ \cb -> do
cb (BehnEfDoze (king, ()) (Just (2^20)))
t <- atomically $ readTQueue q
print t
pure True

View File

@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ module Main (main) where
import ClassyPrelude
import RIO.Directory
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import RIO.Directory
import System.Environment (setEnv)
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread)
import System.Environment (setEnv)
import qualified LogTests
import qualified DeriveNounTests
import qualified ArvoTests
import qualified AmesTests
import qualified ArvoTests
import qualified BehnTests
import qualified DeriveNounTests
import qualified HoonMapSetTests
import qualified LogTests
import qualified NounConversionTests
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -28,5 +29,6 @@ main = do
, AmesTests.tests
, LogTests.tests
, BehnTests.tests
, NounConversionTests.tests
, HoonMapSetTests.tests

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module NounConversionTests (tests) where
import Arvo.Event
import Noun.Conversions
import UrbitPrelude
import Data.Maybe
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
-- String Representations of Atoms ---------------------------------------------
instance Arbitrary UV where
arbitrary = UV <$> arbitrarySizedNatural
instance Arbitrary UW where
arbitrary = UW <$> arbitrarySizedNatural
vRoundTrip :: UV -> Bool
vRoundTrip uv = Just uv == (fromNoun $ toNoun $ uv)
wRoundTrip :: UW -> Bool
wRoundTrip uw = Just uw == (fromNoun $ toNoun uw)
-- Cryptographic Point Representations -----------------------------------------
data ThirtyTwoByteString = ThirtyTwoByteString ByteString
deriving (Show)
data KeyPair = KeyPair (Ed.PublicKey, Ed.SecretKey)
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary ThirtyTwoByteString where
arbitrary = (ThirtyTwoByteString . pack) <$> (vector 32)
instance Arbitrary KeyPair where
arbitrary =
(KeyPair . fromJust . Ed.createKeypairFromSeed_ . pack) <$> (vector 32)
passRoundTrip :: KeyPair -> KeyPair -> Bool
passRoundTrip (KeyPair (signPubkey, _)) (KeyPair (cryptPubkey, _)) =
(Just p) == (fromNoun $ toNoun p)
p = Pass signPubkey cryptPubkey
ringRoundTrip :: ThirtyTwoByteString -> ThirtyTwoByteString -> Bool
ringRoundTrip (ThirtyTwoByteString signSeed) (ThirtyTwoByteString cryptSeed) =
(Just r) == (fromNoun $ toNoun r)
r = Ring signSeed cryptSeed
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Noun"
[ testProperty "0v0 printing/parsing round trip" $ vRoundTrip
, testProperty "0w0 printing/parsing round trip" $ wRoundTrip
, testProperty "Pass round trip" $ passRoundTrip
, testProperty "Ring round trip" $ ringRoundTrip

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extra-deps:
- flat-0.3.4@sha256:002a0e0ae656ea8cc02a772d0bcb6ea7dbd7f2e79070959cc748ad1e7138eb38
- base58-bytestring-0.1.0@sha256:a1da72ee89d5450bac1c792d9fcbe95ed7154ab7246f2172b57bd4fd9b5eab79
- lock-file-
- urbit-hob-0.1.0@sha256:ad893bb71ffcf9500820213c12cfa2544e8757ab143ebb45f9c7cc48c7536e11
- urbit-hob-0.3.0@sha256:4871bd8ad01171ae5d4e50a344f4b8757e9eee80f62ab40a80f5311cd443b115