mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 07:35:19 +03:00
ames: fix scry routing
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
c3_c* dns_c; // domain XX multiple/fallback
c3_y ver_y; // protocol version
u3p(u3h_root) lax_p; // lane scry cache
struct _u3_panc* pan_u; // forwarding queue, backward
struct _u3_panc* pan_u; // outbound packet queue, backward
c3_w imp_w[256]; // imperial IPs
time_t imp_t[256]; // imperial IP timestamps
c3_o imp_o[256]; // imperial print status
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
struct _u3_panc* pre_u; // previous packet
struct _u3_panc* nex_u; // next packet
u3_pact* pac_u; // this packet
c3_o for_o; // are we forwarding this?
} u3_panc;
static void
@ -863,56 +864,11 @@ _ames_lane_from_cache(u3p(u3h_root) lax_p, u3_noun who) {
return lac;
/* _ames_serialize_packet(): u3_pac to atom, updating the origin lane if dop_o
** (retains pac_u)
static u3_noun
_ames_serialize_packet(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_o dop_o)
_ames_pact_to_noun(u3_pact* pac_u)
c3_w len_w;
c3_y* buf_y;
// update the packet's "origin" lane, if:
// - we're supposed to (dop_o)
// - it hasn't already been updated (rel_o)
// - sender is not a galaxy
if ( c3y == dop_o
&& c3n == pac_u->hed_u.rel_o
&& !( ( 256 > pac_u->pre_u.sen_d[0] )
&& ( 0 == pac_u->pre_u.sen_d[1] ) ) )
pac_u->hed_u.rel_o = c3y;
pac_u->pre_u.rog_d = u3_ames_lane_to_chub(pac_u->rut_u.lan_u);
// find length of packet with added origin
c3_w pre_w = _ames_prel_size(&pac_u->hed_u);
c3_w bod_w = _ames_body_size(&pac_u->bod_u);
len_w = HEAD_SIZE + pre_w + bod_w;
// allocate new packet buffer
buf_y = c3_calloc(len_w);
// fill in new packet
c3_w cur_w = 0;
_ames_etch_head(&pac_u->hed_u, buf_y + cur_w);
cur_w += HEAD_SIZE;
_ames_etch_prel(&pac_u->hed_u, &pac_u->pre_u, buf_y + cur_w);
cur_w += pre_w;
memcpy(buf_y + cur_w, pac_u->bod_u.con_y, pac_u->bod_u.con_s);
// convert to noun
u3_noun pac = u3i_bytes(len_w, buf_y);
return pac;
u3_noun pac = u3i_bytes(pac_u->len_w, pac_u->hun_y);
return pac;
/* _ames_czar_port(): udp port for galaxy.
@ -1281,76 +1237,77 @@ _ames_put_packet(u3_ames* sam_u,
/* _ames_forward(): forward pac_u onto the (list lane) las; retains pac_u
/* _ames_send_many(): send pac_u on the (list lane) las; retains pac_u
static void
_ames_forward(u3_pact* pac_u, u3_noun las)
_ames_send_many(u3_pact* pac_u, u3_noun las, c3_o for_o)
u3_ames* sam_u = pac_u->sam_u;
u3_noun tag, dat, lan, t = las;
u3_noun pac = _ames_pact_to_noun(pac_u);
if ( 0 == (sam_u->sat_u.fow_d % 1000000) ) {
u3l_log("ames: forwarded %" PRIu64 " total\n", sam_u->sat_u.fow_d);
// if forwarding, track metrics
if ( for_o ) {
u3_ames* sam_u = pac_u->sam_u;
if ( u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose ) {
u3_noun sen = u3dc("scot", 'p', u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.sen_d));
u3_noun rec = u3dc("scot", 'p', u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.rec_d));
c3_c* sen_c = u3r_string(sen);
c3_c* rec_c = u3r_string(rec);
c3_y* pip_y = (c3_y*)&pac_u->rut_u.lan_u.pip_w;
u3l_log("ames: forwarding for %s to %s from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",
sen_c, rec_c,
pip_y[0], pip_y[1], pip_y[2], pip_y[3],
c3_free(sen_c); c3_free(rec_c);
u3z(sen); u3z(rec);
u3_noun pac = _ames_serialize_packet(pac_u, c3y);
u3_noun tag, dat, lan, t = las;
while ( u3_nul != t ) {
u3x_cell(t, &lan, &t);
// validate lane and skip self if galaxy
if ( c3n == u3r_cell(lan, &tag, &dat) ) {
u3l_log("ames: bogus lane\n");
else {
c3_o sen_o = c3y;
c3_d who_d[2];
if ( c3y == tag ) {
u3r_chubs(0, 2, who_d, dat);
if ( (who_d[0] == sam_u->pir_u->who_d[0])
&& (who_d[1] == sam_u->pir_u->who_d[1]) )
sen_o = c3n;
if ( u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose ) {
u3l_log("ames: forward skipping self\n");
if ( c3y == sen_o ) {
_ames_ef_send(sam_u, u3k(lan), u3k(pac));
if ( 0 == (sam_u->sat_u.fow_d % 1000000) ) {
u3l_log("ames: forwarded %" PRIu64 " total\n", sam_u->sat_u.fow_d);
if ( u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose ) {
u3_noun sen = u3dc("scot", 'p', u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.sen_d));
u3_noun rec = u3dc("scot", 'p', u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.rec_d));
c3_c* sen_c = u3r_string(sen);
c3_c* rec_c = u3r_string(rec);
c3_y* pip_y = (c3_y*)&pac_u->rut_u.lan_u.pip_w;
u3l_log("ames: forwarding for %s to %s from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",
sen_c, rec_c,
pip_y[0], pip_y[1], pip_y[2], pip_y[3],
c3_free(sen_c); c3_free(rec_c);
u3z(sen); u3z(rec);
while ( u3_nul != t ) {
u3x_cell(t, &lan, &t);
// validate lane and skip self if galaxy
if ( c3n == u3r_cell(lan, &tag, &dat) ) {
u3l_log("ames: bogus lane\n");
else {
c3_o sen_o = c3y;
c3_d who_d[2];
if ( c3y == tag ) {
u3r_chubs(0, 2, who_d, dat);
if ( (who_d[0] == sam_u->pir_u->who_d[0])
&& (who_d[1] == sam_u->pir_u->who_d[1]) )
sen_o = c3n;
if ( u3C.wag_w & u3o_verbose ) {
u3l_log("ames: forward skipping self\n");
if ( c3y == sen_o ) {
_ames_ef_send(sam_u, u3k(lan), u3k(pac));
/* _ames_lane_scry_cb(): learn lane to forward packet on
/* _ames_lane_scry_cb(): learn lanes to send packet on
static void
_ames_lane_scry_cb(void* vod_p, u3_noun nun)
@ -1370,9 +1327,8 @@ _ames_lane_scry_cb(void* vod_p, u3_noun nun)
sam_u->fig_u.see_o = c3n;
_ames_serialize_packet(pan_u->pac_u, c3n),
else {
sam_u->sat_u.saw_d = 0;
@ -1383,26 +1339,20 @@ _ames_lane_scry_cb(void* vod_p, u3_noun nun)
u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.rec_d),
// if there is no lane, drop the packet
// if there are lanes, send the packet on them; otherwise drop it
if ( u3_nul == las ) {
// if there is a lane, forward the packet on it
else {
_ames_forward(pac_u, u3k(las));
if ( u3_nul != las ) {
_ames_send_many(pac_u, u3k(las), pan_u->for_o);
/* _ames_try_forward(): try to forward a packet for another ship.
/* _ames_try_send(): try to send a packet to a ship and its sponsors
static void
_ames_try_forward(u3_pact* pac_u)
_ames_try_send(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_o for_o)
u3_weak lac;
u3_ames* sam_u = pac_u->sam_u;
@ -1412,7 +1362,7 @@ _ames_try_forward(u3_pact* pac_u)
if ( (256 > pac_u->pre_u.rec_d[0])
&& (0 == pac_u->pre_u.rec_d[1]) )
lac = u3nc(c3y, (c3_y)pac_u->pre_u.rec_d[0]);
lac = u3nc(u3nc(c3y, (c3_y)pac_u->pre_u.rec_d[0]), u3_nul);
// otherwise, try to get the lane from cache
@ -1446,16 +1396,17 @@ _ames_try_forward(u3_pact* pac_u)
// if we already know the lane, just forward
// if we already know the lane, just send
if ( u3_none != lac ) {
_ames_forward(pac_u, lac);
_ames_send_many(pac_u, lac, for_o);
// store the packet details for later processing
else {
u3_panc* pan_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*pan_u));
pan_u->pac_u = pac_u;
pan_u->for_o = for_o;
if ( 0 != sam_u->pan_u ) {
pan_u->nex_u = sam_u->pan_u;
@ -1541,7 +1492,7 @@ static void _fine_pack_scry_cb(void* vod_p, u3_noun nun)
else if ( c3y == _fine_sift_meow(&pac_u->pur_u.mew_u, u3k(fra)) ) {
_ames_try_send(pac_u, c3n);
else {
u3l_log("fine: bad meow\n");
@ -1552,22 +1503,6 @@ static void _fine_pack_scry_cb(void* vod_p, u3_noun nun)
// TODO: check protocol version
static void
_fine_hear_response(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_w cur_w)
u3_noun wir = u3nc(c3__fine, u3_nul);
u3_noun cad = u3nt(c3__hear,
u3nc(c3n, u3_ames_encode_lane(pac_u->rut_u.lan_u)),
u3i_bytes(pac_u->len_w, pac_u->hun_y));
u3_ovum* ovo_u = u3_ovum_init(0, c3__ames, u3k(wir), u3k(cad));
u3_auto_plan(&pac_u->sam_u->car_u, ovo_u);
// TODO: check protocol version
static void
_fine_hear_request(u3_pact* req_u, c3_w cur_w)
@ -1667,7 +1602,7 @@ _fine_hear_request(u3_pact* req_u, c3_w cur_w)
else if ( c3y == _fine_sift_meow(&res_u->pur_u.mew_u, u3k(cac)) ) {
_ames_try_send(res_u, c3n);
else {
u3l_log("_fine_hear_request meow bad\n");
@ -1677,6 +1612,22 @@ _fine_hear_request(u3_pact* req_u, c3_w cur_w)
// TODO: check protocol version
static void
_fine_hear_response(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_w cur_w)
u3_noun wir = u3nc(c3__fine, u3_nul);
u3_noun cad = u3nt(c3__hear,
u3nc(c3n, u3_ames_encode_lane(pac_u->rut_u.lan_u)),
u3i_bytes(pac_u->len_w, pac_u->hun_y));
u3_ovum* ovo_u = u3_ovum_init(0, c3__ames, u3k(wir), u3k(cad));
u3_auto_plan(&pac_u->sam_u->car_u, ovo_u);
static void
_ames_hear_ames(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_w cur_w)
@ -1727,6 +1678,38 @@ _ames_check_mug(u3_pact* pac_u)
? c3y : c3n);
static void
_ames_try_forward(u3_pact* pac_u)
// insert origin lane if needed
if ( c3n == pac_u->hed_u.rel_o
&& !( ( 256 > pac_u->pre_u.sen_d[0] )
&& ( 0 == pac_u->pre_u.sen_d[1] ) ) )
c3_y* old_y;
c3_w old_w;
pac_u->hed_u.rel_o = c3y;
pac_u->pre_u.rog_d = u3_ames_lane_to_chub(pac_u->rut_u.lan_u);
old_w = pac_u->len_w;
old_y = pac_u->hun_y;
pac_u->len_w += 6;
pac_u->hun_y = c3_calloc(pac_u->len_w);
_ames_etch_head(&pac_u->hed_u, pac_u->hun_y);
memcpy(pac_u->hun_y + HEAD_SIZE + 6,
old_y + HEAD_SIZE,
old_w - HEAD_SIZE);
_ames_try_send(pac_u, c3y);
/* _ames_hear(): parse a (potential) packet, dispatch appropriately.
packet filtering needs to revised for two protocol-change scenarios
@ -1807,13 +1790,6 @@ _ames_hear(u3_ames* sam_u,
_ames_sift_prel(&pac_u->hed_u, &pac_u->pre_u, pac_u->hun_y + cur_w);
cur_w += pre_w;
// cache the lane we received this on
u3_noun her = u3i_chubs(2, pac_u->pre_u.sen_d);
u3_noun las = u3_ames_encode_lane(*lan_u);
_ames_lane_into_cache(sam_u->lax_p, her, las);
// if we can scry for lanes,
// and we are not the recipient,
// we might want to forward statelessly
Reference in New Issue
Block a user