Correctly shutdown on SIGTERM/SIGINT (fixing bad exception handling code).

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Summers 2020-05-01 15:32:08 -07:00
parent 80d900d542
commit e56e538ff3

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@ -564,9 +564,10 @@ main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
let onTermSig = throwTo mainTid UserInterrupt
let onKillSig = throwTo mainTid UserInterrupt
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigTERM (Sys.Catch onTermSig) Nothing
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigTERM (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
Sys.installHandler Sys.sigINT (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
CLI.parseArgs >>= \case
CLI.CmdRun ships -> runShips ships
@ -626,24 +627,21 @@ runShips = \case
async (runShipRestarting waitForKillRequ r o)
This `waitAny` call never returns, so this runs until the main
Since `spin` never returns, this will run until the main
thread is killed with an async exception. The one we expect is
`UserInterrupt` which will be raised on this thread upon SIGKILL
res <- try (waitAny shipThreads)
Send the kill signal to all of the ships, and then wait for all
of them to exit.
Once that happens, we write to `killSignal` which will cause
all ships to be shut down, and then we `wait` for them to finish
before returning.
let die = do atomically (putTMVar killSignal ())
let spin = forever (threadDelay maxBound)
finally spin $ do
atomically (putTMVar killSignal ())
for_ shipThreads waitCatch
case res of
Left UserInterrupt -> die
_ -> die