!: :: /=main=/bin/begin/hoon :: => .(-< `who=@p`-<) => .(+ =>(+ ^/===/lib/pony)) |= [est=time *] |= arg=$|(~ [p=@p ~]) =- ^- bowl ?^ arg (fud p.arg) %+ pomp "" %+ (polo %text "Do you have a ship and a ticket? " "yes" ~) ;~(pose (jest %yes) (jest %no)) |= [* ans=@t] ?. =(%yes ans) :_ ~ :~ [%la %leaf "Please ask urbit@urbit.org for one."] == %+ (polo %text "Your ship: ~" ~ ~) fed:ag |= [* mig=@p] ^- bowl (fud mig) ^= fud |= mig=@p =+ bos=(sein mig) ?> !=(bos mig) =< main |% ++ looc ;~(pose alp (shim 128 255)) ++ loon %+ cook |= all=(list ,@t) |- ^- @t ?~ all %$ ?~ t.all i.all (cat 3 i.all (cat 3 ' ' $(all t.all))) (most ace (cook |=(a=(list ,@) (rap 3 a)) (plus looc))) :: ++ main ^- bowl =+ ran=(clan mig) =+ ^= cow |- ^- @ud ?- ran %czar 256 %king (mul 255 $(ran %czar)) %duke (mul 65.535 $(ran %king)) %earl (mul (dec (bex 32)) $(ran %duke)) %pawn (sub (bex 128) $(ran %earl)) == =+ ^= ves ^- tape ?- ran %czar "carriers" %king "cruisers" %duke "destroyers" %earl "yachts" %pawn "submarines" == =+ gup=(scow %p mig) %+ pomp "" %+ pomp "Launching {gup}, one of {} Urbit {ves}..." %+ pomp "" %+ pomp " If I did not build for myself" %+ pomp " for whom should I build?" %+ pomp "" %+ pomp " -- Bunting, _Chomei at Toyama_" %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/warning/txt) %+ (polo %text "Your ticket: ~" ~ ~) fed:ag |= [* tic=@p] %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/entropy/txt) %+ (polo %pass "Entropy: " ~ ~) (boss 256 (more gon qit)) |= [* tey=@] =. tey (shax tey) %+ pomp "Entropy check: {<`@p`(mug tey)>}" %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/language/txt) %+ (polo %text "Language: " "en" ~) %+ sear |= [a=@ b=@] ^- (unit ,@ta) =+ c=(cat 3 a b) =+(d=(glon c) ?~(d ~ [~ c])) ;~(plug low low) |= [* lag=lang] %+ pomp "" %+ pomp "Okay, we'll be speaking {(need (glon lag))}." ^- bowl ?. ?=(%duke ran) %+ (polo %text "Name: " ~ ~) (boss 256 (more gon qit)) |= [now=@da nam=@] (moss now tic tey lag (gcos [ran nam])) %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/identity/txt) %+ (polo %text "Form: %" "lady" ~) ;~ pose (jest %anon) (jest %lady) (jest %lord) (jest %punk) == |= [now=@da fom=@t] ?+ fom !! %anon (moss now tic tey lag [%duke %anon ~]) %punk %+ (polo %text "Handle: " ~ ~) loon |= [now=@da puc=@t] %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/banner/txt) %+ (polo %text "Banner: %" "blue" ~) ;~ pose (jest %white) (jest %blue) (jest %red) (jest %black) (jest %orange) == |= [now=@da ban=@t] => .(ban (?(%white %blue %red %black %orange) ban)) (moss now tic tey lag [%duke %punk ban puc]) :: ?(%lord %lady) %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/person/txt) %+ (polo %text "Year you were born: " "19" ~) dim:ag |= [* yar=@] %- moon |= [* gov=govt] %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/name/txt) %+ (polo %text "First name: " ~ ~) loon |= [* fis=@t] %+ (polo %text "Middle name (or blank): " ~ ~) ;~(pose (stag ~ loon) (easy ~)) |= [* mid=(unit ,@t)] %+ (polo %text "Nickname/handle (or blank): " ~ ~) ;~(pose (stag ~ loon) (easy ~)) |= [* nik=(unit ,@t)] %+ (polo %text "Last name: " ~ ~) loon |= [* las=@t] %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/banner/txt) %+ (polo %text "Banner: %" "blue" ~) ;~ pose (jest %white) (jest %blue) (jest %red) (jest %black) (jest %orange) == |= [now=@da ban=@t] => .(ban (?(%white %blue %red %black %orange) ban)) =+ nam=`name`[fis mid nik las] (moss now tic tey lag `gcos`[%duke %lord `whom`[yar gov ban nam]]) == :: ++ moon |* woo=$+([@da govt] bowl) %+ pogo (pond ^:@/===doc%/location/txt) %+ (polo %text "Location: " "us/94114" ~) ;~ pose ;~ plug (cook |=([a=@ b=@] (cat 3 a b)) ;~(plug low low)) ;~ pose ;~(pfix fas (plus ;~(pose hig hep nud))) (easy ~) == == (easy ~) == woo :: ++ moss |= [now=@da tic=@p tey=@ ges=gens] ^- bowl =+ bur=(shax :(mix (jam ges) tey)) %+ pomp "generating 2048-bit RSA key..." %- (posh (add ~s1 now)) |= now=@da =+ loy=(bruw 2.048 bur) %- (post bos %ta [mig tic ges pub:ex:loy]) |= [now=@da rup=(unit ,*)] :_ ~ ?~ rup ~[la/leaf/"request rejected"] =+ mac=`mace`[[0 sec:ex:loy] ~] =+ wil=((hard (unit will)) u.rup) ?~ wil :~ [%la %leaf "request rejected - invalid ticket"] == :~ [%la %leaf "request approved"] [%xy /a `card`[%cash mig mac u.wil]] == --