/* v/term.c ** ** This file is in the public domain. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" #include "v/vere.h" static void _term_read_tn_cb(uv_stream_t*, ssize_t, uv_buf_t); static void _term_read_cb(uv_stream_t*, ssize_t, uv_buf_t); /* _term_alloc(): libuv buffer allocator. */ static uv_buf_t _term_alloc(uv_handle_t* had_u, size_t len_i) { return uv_buf_init(c3_malloc(len_i), len_i); } /* _term_close_cb(): free terminal. */ static void _term_close_cb(uv_handle_t* han_t) { u2_utty* uty_u = (void*) han_t; free(uty_u); } /* u2_term_io_init(): initialize terminal. */ void u2_term_io_init() { u2_utty* uty_u = calloc(1, sizeof(u2_utty)); if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { uty_u->fid_i = 1; uv_pipe_init(u2L, &(uty_u->pop_u), 0); uv_pipe_open(&(uty_u->pop_u), uty_u->fid_i); } else { // Initialize event processing. Rawdog it. // { uty_u->fid_i = 0; // stdin, yes we write to it... uv_pipe_init(u2L, &(uty_u->pop_u), 0); uv_pipe_open(&(uty_u->pop_u), uty_u->fid_i); uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&(uty_u->pop_u), _term_alloc, _term_read_cb); } // Configure horrible stateful terminfo api. // { if ( 0 != setupterm(0, 2, 0) ) { c3_assert(!"init-setupterm"); } } // Load terminfo strings. // { c3_w len_w; # define _utfo(way, nam) \ { \ uty_u->ufo_u.way.nam##_y = (const c3_y *) tigetstr(#nam); \ c3_assert(uty_u->ufo_u.way.nam##_y); \ } uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = 0; #if 1 _utfo(inn, kcuu1); _utfo(inn, kcud1); _utfo(inn, kcub1); _utfo(inn, kcuf1); _utfo(out, clear); _utfo(out, el); // _utfo(out, el1); _utfo(out, ed); _utfo(out, bel); _utfo(out, cub1); _utfo(out, cuf1); _utfo(out, cuu1); _utfo(out, cud1); // _utfo(out, cub); // _utfo(out, cuf); #else // libuv hardcodes an ansi terminal - which doesn't seem to work... // uty_u->ufo_u.out.clear_y = "\033[H\033[J"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.el_y = "\033[K"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.ed_y = "\033[J"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y = "\007"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.cub1_y = "\010"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.cud1_y = "\033[B"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.cuu1_y = "\033[A"; uty_u->ufo_u.out.cuf1_y = "\033[C"; #endif // Terminfo chronically reports the wrong sequence for arrow // keys on xterms. Drastic fix for ridiculous unacceptable bug. // Yes, we could fix this with smkx/rmkx, but this is retarded as well. { uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuu1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[A"; uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcud1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[B"; uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuf1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[C"; uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcub1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[D"; } uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = 0; if ( (len_w = strlen((c3_c*)uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuu1_y)) > uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w ) { uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = len_w; } if ( (len_w = strlen((c3_c*)uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcud1_y)) > uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w ) { uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = len_w; } if ( (len_w = strlen((c3_c*)uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcub1_y)) > uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w ) { uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = len_w; } if ( (len_w = strlen((c3_c*)uty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuf1_y)) > uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w ) { uty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = len_w; } } // Load old terminal state to restore. // #if 1 { if ( 0 != tcgetattr(uty_u->fid_i, &uty_u->bak_u) ) { c3_assert(!"init-tcgetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(uty_u->fid_i, F_GETFL, &uty_u->cug_i) ) { c3_assert(!"init-fcntl"); } uty_u->cug_i &= ~O_NONBLOCK; // could fix? uty_u->nob_i = uty_u->cug_i | O_NONBLOCK; // O_NDELAY on older unix } // Construct raw termios configuration. // { uty_u->raw_u = uty_u->bak_u; uty_u->raw_u.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | IEXTEN); uty_u->raw_u.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP); uty_u->raw_u.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); uty_u->raw_u.c_cflag |= CS8; uty_u->raw_u.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); uty_u->raw_u.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; uty_u->raw_u.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; } #endif // Initialize mirror and accumulator state. // { uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w = 0; uty_u->tat_u.mir.len_w = 0; uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w = 0; uty_u->tat_u.esc.ape = u2_no; uty_u->tat_u.esc.bra = u2_no; uty_u->tat_u.fut.len_w = 0; uty_u->tat_u.fut.wid_w = 0; } } // This is terminal 1, linked in host. // { uty_u->tid_l = 1; uty_u->nex_u = u2_Host.uty_u; u2_Host.uty_u = uty_u; u2_Host.tem_u = uty_u; } if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { // Start raw input. // { if ( 0 != tcsetattr(uty_u->fid_i, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->raw_u) ) { c3_assert(!"init-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(uty_u->fid_i, F_SETFL, uty_u->nob_i) ) { c3_assert(!"init-fcntl"); } } } } void _term_listen_cb(uv_stream_t *wax_u, int sas_i) { u2_utty* tty_u = calloc(1, sizeof(*tty_u)); uv_tcp_init(u2L, &tty_u->wax_u); if ( 0 != uv_accept(wax_u, (uv_stream_t*)&tty_u->wax_u) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "term: accept: %s\n", uv_strerror(uv_last_error(u2L)))); uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&tty_u->wax_u, _term_close_cb); } else { uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&tty_u->wax_u, _term_alloc, _term_read_tn_cb); tty_u->ufo_u.out.clear_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[H\033[J"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.el_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[K"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.ed_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[J"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y = (const c3_y*)"\007"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.cub1_y = (const c3_y*)"\010"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.cud1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[B"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.cuu1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[A"; tty_u->ufo_u.out.cuf1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[C"; tty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuu1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[A"; tty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcud1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[B"; tty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcuf1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[C"; tty_u->ufo_u.inn.kcub1_y = (const c3_y*)"\033[D"; tty_u->ufo_u.inn.max_w = strlen("\033[D"); tty_u->fid_i = -1; tty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w = 0; tty_u->tat_u.mir.len_w = 0; tty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w = 0; tty_u->tat_u.esc.ape = u2_no; tty_u->tat_u.esc.bra = u2_no; tty_u->tat_u.fut.len_w = 0; tty_u->tat_u.fut.wid_w = 0; tty_u->tid_l = u2_Host.uty_u->tid_l + 1; tty_u->nex_u = u2_Host.uty_u; u2_Host.uty_u = tty_u; { u2_noun tid = u2_dc("scot", c3__ud, tty_u->tid_l); u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, tid, u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__blew, u2_term_get_blew(1))); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__hail, u2_nul)); u2z(pax); } } } void u2_term_io_talk(void) { struct sockaddr_in add_u; u2_utel* tel_u = &u2_Host.tel_u; uv_tcp_init(u2L, &tel_u->wax_u); tel_u->por_s = 10023; memset(&add_u, 0, sizeof(add_u)); add_u.sin_family = AF_INET; add_u.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); /* Try ascending ports. */ while ( 1 ) { add_u.sin_port = htons(tel_u->por_s); if ( 0 != uv_tcp_bind(&tel_u->wax_u, add_u) ) { uv_err_t las_u = uv_last_error(u2L); if ( UV_EADDRINUSE == las_u.code ) { tel_u->por_s++; continue; } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "term: bind: %s\n", uv_strerror(las_u))); } } if ( 0 != uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&tel_u->wax_u, 16, _term_listen_cb) ) { uv_err_t las_u = uv_last_error(u2L); if ( UV_EADDRINUSE == las_u.code ) { tel_u->por_s++; continue; } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "term: listen: %s\n", uv_strerror(las_u))); } } uL(fprintf(uH, "term: live on %d\n", tel_u->por_s)); break; } } /* u2_term_io_exit(): clean up terminal. */ void u2_term_io_exit(void) { if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&u2_Host.uty_u->pop_u, NULL); } else { u2_utty* uty_u; for ( uty_u = u2_Host.uty_u; uty_u; uty_u = uty_u->nex_u ) { if ( uty_u->fid_i == -1 ) { continue; } if ( 0 != tcsetattr(uty_u->fid_i, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->bak_u) ) { c3_assert(!"exit-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(uty_u->fid_i, F_SETFL, uty_u->cug_i) ) { c3_assert(!"exit-fcntl"); } write(uty_u->fid_i, "\r\n", 2); } } } void u2_term_io_poll(void) { } /* _term_it_buf(): create a data buffer. */ static u2_ubuf* _term_it_buf(c3_w len_w, const c3_y* hun_y) { u2_ubuf* buf_u = c3_malloc(len_w + sizeof(*buf_u)); buf_u->len_w = len_w; memcpy(buf_u->hun_y, hun_y, len_w); buf_u->nex_u = 0; return buf_u; } /* An unusual lameness in libuv. */ typedef struct { uv_write_t wri_u; c3_y* buf_y; } _u2_write_t; /* _term_write_cb(): general write callback. */ static void _term_write_cb(uv_write_t* wri_u, c3_i sas_i) { _u2_write_t* ruq_u = (void *)wri_u; if ( 0 != sas_i ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "term: write: %s\n", uv_strerror(uv_last_error(u2L)))); } free(ruq_u->buf_y); free(ruq_u); } /* _term_it_write_buf(): write buffer uv style. */ static void _term_it_write_buf(u2_utty* uty_u, uv_buf_t buf_u) { _u2_write_t* ruq_u = (_u2_write_t*) c3_malloc(sizeof(_u2_write_t)); ruq_u->buf_y = (c3_y*)buf_u.base; if ( 0 != uv_write(&ruq_u->wri_u, (uv_stream_t*)&(uty_u->pop_u), &buf_u, 1, _term_write_cb) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "terminal: %s\n", uv_strerror(uv_last_error(u2L)))); } } /* _term_it_write_old(): write buffer, transferring pointer. */ static void _term_it_write_old(u2_utty* uty_u, u2_ubuf* old_u) { uv_buf_t buf_u; // XX extra copy here due to old code. Use hbod as base directly. // { c3_y* buf_y = c3_malloc(old_u->len_w); memcpy(buf_y, old_u->hun_y, old_u->len_w); buf_u = uv_buf_init((c3_c*)buf_y, old_u->len_w); free(old_u); } _term_it_write_buf(uty_u, buf_u); } /* _term_it_write_bytes(): write bytes, retaining pointer. */ static void _term_it_write_bytes(u2_utty* uty_u, c3_w len_w, const c3_y* hun_y) { _term_it_write_old(uty_u, _term_it_buf(len_w, hun_y)); } /* _term_it_write_txt(): write null-terminated string, retaining pointer. */ static void _term_it_write_txt(u2_utty* uty_u, const c3_y* hun_y) { _term_it_write_bytes(uty_u, strlen((const c3_c*)hun_y), hun_y); } /* _term_it_write_str(): write null-terminated string, retaining pointer. */ static void _term_it_write_str(u2_utty* uty_u, const c3_c* str_c) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, (const c3_y*) str_c); } /* _term_it_show_wide(): show wide text, retaining. */ static void _term_it_show_wide(u2_utty* uty_u, c3_w len_w, c3_w* txt_w) { u2_noun wad = u2_ci_words(len_w, txt_w); u2_noun txt = u2_do("tuft", wad); c3_c* txt_c = u2_cr_string(txt); _term_it_write_str(uty_u, txt_c); free(txt_c); u2z(txt); uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w += len_w; } /* _term_it_show_clear(): clear to the beginning of the current line. */ static void _term_it_show_clear(u2_utty* uty_u) { u2_utat* tat_u = &uty_u->tat_u; if ( tat_u->siz.col_l ) { c3_w ful_w = tat_u->mir.cus_w / tat_u->siz.col_l; if ( 0 != tat_u->mir.cus_w && ful_w * tat_u->siz.col_l == tat_u->mir.cus_w ) { ful_w--; } while ( ful_w-- ) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.cuu1_y); } _term_it_write_str(uty_u, "\r"); _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.ed_y); tat_u->mir.len_w = 0; tat_u->mir.cus_w = 0; } } /* _term_it_show_blank(): blank the screen. */ static void _term_it_show_blank(u2_utty* uty_u) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.clear_y); uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w = 0; } /* _term_it_show_cursor(): set current line, transferring pointer. */ static void _term_it_show_cursor(u2_utty* uty_u, c3_w cur_w) { if ( cur_w < uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w ) { c3_w dif_w = (uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w - cur_w); while ( dif_w-- ) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.cub1_y); } } else if ( cur_w > uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w ) { c3_w dif_w = (cur_w - uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w); while ( dif_w-- ) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.cuf1_y); } } uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w = cur_w; } /* _term_it_show_line(): set current line */ static void _term_it_show_line(u2_utty* uty_u, c3_w* lin_w, c3_w len_w) { _term_it_show_wide(uty_u, len_w, lin_w); if ( lin_w != uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w ) { if ( uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w ) { free(uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w); } uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w = lin_w; } uty_u->tat_u.mir.len_w = len_w; } /* _term_it_refresh_line(): refresh current line. */ static void _term_it_refresh_line(u2_utty* uty_u) { c3_w len_w = uty_u->tat_u.mir.len_w; _term_it_show_clear(uty_u); _term_it_show_wide(uty_u, len_w, uty_u->tat_u.mir.lin_w); } /* _term_it_show_more(): new current line. */ static void _term_it_show_more(u2_utty* uty_u) { if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { _term_it_write_str(uty_u, "\n"); } else { _term_it_write_str(uty_u, "\r\n"); } uty_u->tat_u.mir.cus_w = 0; } /* _term_it_path(): path for console file. */ static c3_c* _term_it_path(u2_bean fyl, u2_noun pax) { c3_w len_w; c3_c *pas_c; // measure // len_w = strlen(u2_Host.cpu_c); { u2_noun wiz = pax; while ( u2_nul != wiz ) { len_w += (1 + u2_cr_met(3, u2h(wiz))); wiz = u2t(wiz); } } // cut // pas_c = c3_malloc(len_w + 1); strncpy(pas_c, u2_Host.cpu_c, len_w); pas_c[len_w] = '\0'; { u2_noun wiz = pax; c3_c* waq_c = (pas_c + strlen(pas_c)); while ( u2_nul != wiz ) { c3_w tis_w = u2_cr_met(3, u2h(wiz)); if ( (u2_yes == fyl) && (u2_nul == u2t(wiz)) ) { *waq_c++ = '.'; } else *waq_c++ = '/'; u2_cr_bytes(0, tis_w, (c3_y*)waq_c, u2h(wiz)); waq_c += tis_w; wiz = u2t(wiz); } *waq_c = 0; } u2z(pax); return pas_c; } /* _term_it_save(): save file by path. */ static void _term_it_save(u2_noun pax, u2_noun pad) { c3_c* pax_c; pax = u2nt(c3_s4('.','u','r','b'), c3_s3('p','u','t'), pax); pax_c = _term_it_path(u2_yes, pax); u2_walk_save(pax_c, 0, pad); free(pax_c); } /* _term_io_belt(): send belt. */ static void _term_io_belt(u2_utty* uty_u, u2_noun blb) { u2_noun tid = u2_dc("scot", c3__ud, uty_u->tid_l); u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, tid, u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, pax, u2nc(c3__belt, blb)); } /* _term_io_suck_char(): process a single character. */ static void _term_io_suck_char(u2_utty* uty_u, c3_y cay_y) { u2_utat* tat_u = &uty_u->tat_u; if ( u2_yes == tat_u->esc.ape ) { if ( u2_yes == tat_u->esc.bra ) { switch ( cay_y ) { default: { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y); break; } case 'A': _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__aro, 'u')); break; case 'B': _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__aro, 'd')); break; case 'C': _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__aro, 'r')); break; case 'D': _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__aro, 'l')); break; } tat_u->esc.ape = tat_u->esc.bra = u2_no; } else { if ( (cay_y >= 'a') && (cay_y <= 'z') ) { tat_u->esc.ape = u2_no; _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__met, cay_y)); } else if ( ('[' == cay_y) || ('O' == cay_y) ) { tat_u->esc.bra = u2_yes; } else { tat_u->esc.ape = u2_no; _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y); } } } else if ( 0 != tat_u->fut.wid_w ) { tat_u->fut.syb_y[tat_u->fut.len_w++] = cay_y; if ( tat_u->fut.len_w == tat_u->fut.wid_w ) { u2_noun huv = u2_ci_bytes(tat_u->fut.wid_w, tat_u->fut.syb_y); u2_noun wug; // uL(fprintf(uH, "muck-utf8 len %d\n", tat_u->fut.len_w)); // uL(fprintf(uH, "muck-utf8 %x\n", huv)); wug = u2_do("turf", huv); // uL(fprintf(uH, "muck-utf32 %x\n", tat_u->fut.len_w)); tat_u->fut.len_w = tat_u->fut.wid_w = 0; _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nt(c3__txt, wug, u2_nul)); } } else { if ( (cay_y >= 32) && (cay_y < 127) ) { _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nt(c3__txt, cay_y, u2_nul)); } else if ( 0 == cay_y ) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y); } else if ( 8 == cay_y || 127 == cay_y ) { _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__bac, u2_nul)); } else if ( 13 == cay_y ) { _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__ret, u2_nul)); } else if ( cay_y <= 26 ) { _term_io_belt(uty_u, u2nc(c3__ctl, ('a' + (cay_y - 1)))); } else if ( 27 == cay_y ) { tat_u->esc.ape = u2_yes; } else if ( cay_y >= 128 ) { tat_u->fut.len_w = 1; tat_u->fut.syb_y[0] = cay_y; if ( cay_y <= 224 ) { tat_u->fut.wid_w = 2; } else if ( cay_y <= 240 ) { tat_u->fut.wid_w = 3; } else tat_u->fut.wid_w = 4; } } } /* _term_read_tn_cb(): telnet read callback. */ static void _term_read_tn_cb(uv_stream_t* str_u, ssize_t siz_i, uv_buf_t buf_u) { u2_utty* uty_u = (u2_utty*)(void*)str_u; u2_lo_open(); { if ( siz_i < 0 ) { uv_err_t las_u = uv_last_error(u2L); uL(fprintf(uH, "term %d: read: %s\n", uty_u->tid_l, uv_strerror(las_u))); if ( uty_u->tid_l != 1 ) { uv_close((uv_handle_t*)str_u, _term_close_cb); } } else { c3_i i; for ( i=0; i < siz_i; i++ ) { if ( 10 != buf_u.base[i] ) { _term_io_suck_char(uty_u, buf_u.base[i]); } } } if ( buf_u.base ) { free(buf_u.base); } } u2_lo_shut(u2_yes); } /* _term_read_cb(): server read callback. */ static void _term_read_cb(uv_stream_t* str_u, ssize_t siz_i, uv_buf_t buf_u) { u2_utty* uty_u = (u2_utty*)(void*)str_u; u2_lo_open(); { if ( siz_i < 0 ) { uv_err_t las_u = uv_last_error(u2L); uL(fprintf(uH, "term %d: read: %s\n", uty_u->tid_l, uv_strerror(las_u))); } else { c3_i i; for ( i=0; i < siz_i; i++ ) { _term_io_suck_char(uty_u, buf_u.base[i]); } } if ( buf_u.base ) { free(buf_u.base); } } u2_lo_shut(u2_yes); } /* _term_main(): return main or console terminal. */ static u2_utty* _term_main() { u2_utty* uty_u; for ( uty_u = u2_Host.uty_u; uty_u; uty_u = uty_u->nex_u ) { if ( (uty_u->fid_i != -1) && (uty_u->fid_i <= 2) ) { return uty_u; } } return u2_Host.uty_u; } /* _term_ef_get(): terminal by id. */ static u2_utty* _term_ef_get(c3_l tid_l) { if ( 0 != tid_l ) { u2_utty* uty_u; for ( uty_u = u2_Host.uty_u; uty_u; uty_u = uty_u->nex_u ) { if ( tid_l == uty_u->tid_l ) { return uty_u; } } } return _term_main(); } /* u2_term_get_blew(): return window size [columns rows]. */ u2_noun u2_term_get_blew(c3_l tid_l) { u2_utty* uty_u = _term_ef_get(tid_l); c3_l col_l, row_l; struct winsize siz_u; if ( uty_u && (0 == ioctl(uty_u->fid_i, TIOCGWINSZ, &siz_u)) ) { col_l = siz_u.ws_col; row_l = siz_u.ws_row; } else { col_l = 80; row_l = 24; } if ( uty_u ) { uty_u->tat_u.siz.col_l = col_l; uty_u->tat_u.siz.row_l = row_l; } return u2nc(col_l, row_l); } /* u2_term_ef_winc(): window change. Just console right now. */ void u2_term_ef_winc(void) { u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, '1', u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, pax, u2nc(c3__blew, u2_term_get_blew(1))); } /* u2_term_ef_ctlc(): send ^C on console. */ void u2_term_ef_ctlc(void) { u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, '1', u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, pax, u2nt(c3__belt, c3__ctl, 'c')); } /* u2_term_ef_boil(): initial effects for loaded servers. */ void u2_term_ef_boil(c3_l ono_l) { if ( ono_l ) { u2_noun tid_l; for ( tid_l = 2; tid_l <= ono_l; tid_l++ ) { u2_noun tin = u2_dc("scot", c3__ud, tid_l); u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, tin, u2_nul); u2_noun hud = u2nc(c3__wipe, u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, pax, hud); } } { u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, '1', u2_nul); // u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__init, u2k(u2h(u2A->own)))); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__blew, u2_term_get_blew(1))); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__hail, u2_nul)); u2z(pax); } } /* u2_term_ef_bake(): initial effects for new terminal. */ void u2_term_ef_bake(u2_noun fav) { u2_noun pax = u2nq(c3__gold, c3__term, '1', u2_nul); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__boot, fav)); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__blew, u2_term_get_blew(1))); u2_reck_plan(u2A, u2k(pax), u2nc(c3__hail, u2_nul)); u2z(pax); } /* _term_ef_blit(): send blit to terminal. */ static void _term_ef_blit(u2_utty* uty_u, u2_noun blt) { switch ( u2h(blt) ) { default: break; case c3__bel: { if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { _term_it_write_txt(uty_u, uty_u->ufo_u.out.bel_y); } } break; case c3__clr: { if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { _term_it_show_blank(uty_u); _term_it_refresh_line(uty_u); } } break; case c3__hop: { if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { _term_it_show_cursor(uty_u, u2t(blt)); } } break; case c3__lin: { u2_noun lin = u2t(blt); c3_w len_w = u2_ckb_lent(u2k(lin)); c3_w* lin_w = c3_malloc(4 * len_w); { c3_w i_w; for ( i_w = 0; u2_nul != lin; i_w++, lin = u2t(lin) ) { lin_w[i_w] = u2_cr_word(0, u2h(lin)); } } if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { _term_it_show_clear(uty_u); _term_it_show_line(uty_u, lin_w, len_w); } else { _term_it_show_line(uty_u, lin_w, len_w); } } break; case c3__mor: { _term_it_show_more(uty_u); } break; case c3__sav: { _term_it_save(u2k(u2h(u2t(blt))), u2k(u2t(u2t(blt)))); } break; } u2z(blt); return; } /* u2_term_ef_blit(): send %blit list to specific terminal. */ void u2_term_ef_blit(c3_l tid_l, u2_noun bls) { u2_utty* uty_u = _term_ef_get(tid_l); if ( 0 == uty_u ) { // uL(fprintf(uH, "no terminal %d\n", tid_l)); // uL(fprintf(uH, "uty_u %p\n", u2_Host.uty_u)); u2z(bls); return; } { u2_noun bis = bls; while ( u2_yes == u2du(bis) ) { _term_ef_blit(uty_u, u2k(u2h(bis))); bis = u2t(bis); } u2z(bls); } } /* u2_term_io_hija(): hijack console for fprintf, returning FILE*. */ FILE* u2_term_io_hija(void) { u2_utty* uty_u = _term_main(); if ( uty_u ) { if ( uty_u->fid_i > 2 ) { // We *should* in fact, produce some kind of fake FILE* for // non-console terminals. If we use this interface enough... // c3_assert(0); } else { if ( u2_no == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { if ( 0 != tcsetattr(1, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->bak_u) ) { c3_assert(!"hija-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(1, F_SETFL, uty_u->cug_i) ) { c3_assert(!"hija-fcntl"); } if ( 0 != tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->bak_u) ) { c3_assert(!"hija-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(0, F_SETFL, uty_u->cug_i) ) { c3_assert(!"hija-fcntl"); } write(uty_u->fid_i, "\r", 1); write(uty_u->fid_i, uty_u->ufo_u.out.el_y, strlen((c3_c*) uty_u->ufo_u.out.el_y)); } return stdout; } } else return stdout; } /* u2_term_io_loja(): release console from fprintf. */ void u2_term_io_loja(int x) { u2_utty* uty_u = _term_main(); if ( uty_u ) { if ( uty_u->fid_i > 2 ) { // We *should* in fact, produce some kind of fake FILE* for // non-console terminals. If we use this interface enough... // c3_assert(0); } else { if ( u2_yes == u2_Host.ops_u.dem ) { fflush(stdout); } else { if ( 0 != tcsetattr(1, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->raw_u) ) { c3_assert(!"loja-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(1, F_SETFL, uty_u->nob_i) ) { c3_assert(!"loja-fcntl"); } if ( 0 != tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &uty_u->raw_u) ) { c3_assert(!"loja-tcsetattr"); } if ( -1 == fcntl(0, F_SETFL, uty_u->nob_i) ) { c3_assert(!"loja-fcntl"); } _term_it_refresh_line(uty_u); } } } }