import React, { Component } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; const outerSize = 234; //tile size const innerSize = 218; //clock size //polar to cartesian var ptc = function(r, theta) { return { x: r * Math.cos(theta), y: r * Math.sin(theta) } } class Clock extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.animate = this.animate.bind(this); this.hourHand = this.hourHand.bind(this); this.minuteHand = this.minuteHand.bind(this); this.secondHand = this.secondHand.bind(this); this.canvasRef = React.createRef(); this.dodecagonImg = null; this.canvas = null; } componentDidMount() { this.canvas = initCanvas( this.canvasRef, { x: innerSize, y: innerSize }, 4 ); this.animate() } hourHand(ctx, time) { //get number of minutes in the day so far, this is so hour hand moves gradually // rather than in large ticks var mins = time.getMinutes() + (60 * time.getHours()); //draw the circle thing in the middle ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(innerSize/2, innerSize/2, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); //draw the actual hour hand ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(innerSize/2, innerSize/2); var angle = (Math.PI/-2.0) + ((2*Math.PI/(12*60)) * mins); var p = ptc(innerSize*.22, angle); p.x += innerSize/2; p.y += innerSize/2; ctx.lineTo(p.x,p.y); ctx.stroke(); } minuteHand(ctx, time) { //number of seconds in the hour so far var secs = time.getSeconds() + (60 * time.getMinutes()); ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(innerSize/2, innerSize/2); var angle = (Math.PI/-2.0) + ((2*Math.PI/(60*60)) * secs); var p = ptc(innerSize*.35, angle); p.x += innerSize/2; p.y += innerSize/2; ctx.lineTo(p.x,p.y); ctx.stroke(); } secondHand(ctx, time) { //get number of ms in minute so far var secs = time.getSeconds(); let middle = {x: innerSize/2, y: innerSize*.75}; //draw the circle thing in the middle ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(middle.x, middle.y, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); //draw the actual second hand ctx.strokeStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); var angle = (Math.PI/-2.0) + ((2*Math.PI/(60)) * secs); var p = ptc(30, angle); var p2 = ptc(-10, angle ); //starting point is a little bit off center in the opposite direction p.x += middle.x; p.y += middle.y; p2.x += middle.x; p2.y += middle.y ctx.moveTo(p2.x, p2.y); ctx.lineTo(p.x,p.y); ctx.stroke(); } animate() { var time = new Date(); //continuously animate var c = this.canvas var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);; ctx.translate(0.5, 0.5); //forces antialias thus smoothing out jagged lines //draw the clock itself // this.dodecagon(ctx); //draw the hands this.secondHand(ctx, time); this.hourHand(ctx, time); this.minuteHand(ctx, time); ctx.restore(); window.requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) } render() { return