/+ new-hoon, tester /= all-tests /^ (map @ta tests:tester) /: /===/tests /_ /test-tree/ :: =, new-hoon |% :: ++ test-runner :> run all tests in {a} with a filter. =| pax=path |= [filter=path eny=@uvJ a=tests:tester] ^- tang %- concat:ls %+ turn a |= b=instance:tester ^- tang =^ matches filter (match-filter filter p.b) ?. matches ~ ?- -.q.b %& (run-test [p.b pax] eny p.q.b) %| ^$(pax [p.b pax], a p.q.b) == :: ++ run-test :> executes an individual test. |= [pax=path eny=@uvJ test=$-(@uvJ (list tape))] ^- tang =+ name=(spud (flop pax)) =+ run=(mule |.((test eny))) ?- -.run %| :: the stack is already flopped for output? ;: weld p:run `tang`[[%leaf (weld name " CRASHED")] ~] == %& ?: =(~ p:run) [[%leaf (weld name " OK")] ~] :: Create a welded list of all failures indented. %- flop ;: weld `tang`[[%leaf (weld name " FAILED")] ~] %+ turn p:run |= {i/tape} ^- tank [%leaf (weld " " i)] == == :: ++ match-filter :> checks to see if {name} matches the head of {filter}. |= [filter=path name=term] ^- [? path] ?~ filter :: when there's no filter, we always match. [%.y ~] [=(i.filter name) t.filter] -- :: :- %say |= $: [now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=beak] [filter=$?(~ [pax=path ~])] ~ == :- %tang %^ test-runner ?~ filter ~ pax.filter eny (test-map-to-test-list:tester all-tests)