/- *sss /+ *mip :: |% ++ mk-subs :: Create sub-map. |* [=(lake) paths=mold] -:+6:(da lake paths) :: ++ mk-pubs :: Create pub-map. |* [=(lake) paths=mold] -:+6:(du lake paths) :: ++ mk-mar :: Create mar. |* =(lake) |_ =(response:poke lake *) ++ grow |% ++ noun response -- ++ grab |% ++ noun (response:poke lake *) -- ++ grad %noun -- ++ fled :: Like +sped but head is a path. |= vax=vase ^- vase :_ q.vax %- ~(play ut p.vax) =- [%wtgr [%wtts - [%& 2]~] [%$ 1]] =/ pax ~| %path-none ;;(path -.q.vax) |- ^- spec ?~ pax [%base %null] [%bccl ~[[%leaf %ta -.pax] $(pax +.pax)]] :: ++ zoom |= =noun ~| %need-path $/sss/;;(path noun) :: ++ da :: Manage subscriptions. |* [=(lake) paths=mold] => |% +$ flow [=aeon fail=_| =rock:lake] -- |_ [sub=(map [ship dude paths] flow) =bowl:gall result-type=type on-rock-type=type] ++ surf pine :: Subscribe to [ship dude path]. ++ read :: See current subscribed states. ^- (map [ship dude paths] [fail=? rock:lake]) %- ~(run by sub) |= =flow [fail rock]:flow :: :: Check poke-acks for errors. :: :: If an %sss-on-rock poke nacks, ++ chit :: that state is flagged as failed. |= [[aeon=term ship=term dude=term path=paths] =sign:agent:gall] ^+ sub ?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign) ?~ p.sign sub %+ ~(jab by sub) [(slav %p ship) dude path] |= =flow ?> =(aeon.flow (slav %ud aeon)) flow(fail &) :: :: Check if we're still interested :: :: in a wave. If no, no-op. :: :: If yes, scry. ++ behn :: (See https://gist.github.com/belisarius222/7f8452bfea9b199c0ed717ab1778f35b) |= [ship=term =dude aeon=term path=paths] ^- (list card:agent:gall) =/ ship (slav %p ship) =/ aeon (slav %ud aeon) ?: (lte aeon aeon:(~(got by sub) ship dude path)) ~ ~[(scry `aeon ship dude path)] :: ++ apply :: Handle response from publisher. |= res=(response:poke lake paths) ^- (quip card:agent:gall _sub) ?- type.res %yore :_ sub :_ ~ (pine src.bowl dude.res path.res) :: %nigh :_ sub :_ ~ (behn-s25 [dude aeon path]:res) :: %scry =* current [src.bowl dude.res path.res] =/ [wave=(unit wave:lake) =flow] =/ old=flow (~(gut by sub) current *flow) ?- what.res %rock ?> (gte aeon.res aeon.old) `[aeon.res | rock.res] %wave ~| [%weird-wave res=res old=old] ?> =(aeon.res +(aeon.old)) [`wave.res [aeon.res | (wash:lake rock.old wave.res)]] == :_ (~(put by sub) current flow) %- flop :~ (scry `+(aeon.res) src.bowl dude.res path.res) :* %pass (zoom on-rock/(scot %ud aeon.flow)^(scot %p src.bowl)^dude.res^path.res) %agent [our dap]:bowl %poke %sss-on-rock on-rock-type ^- from [path.res src.bowl dude.res rock.flow wave] == == == :: :: Non-public facing arms below :: +$ from (on-rock:poke lake paths) +$ into (response:poke lake paths) +$ result (request:poke paths) ++ behn-s25 |= [=dude =aeon path=noun] ^- card:agent:gall :* %pass (zoom behn/(scot %p src.bowl)^dude^(scot %ud aeon)^path) %arvo %b %wait (add ~s25 now.bowl) == ++ pine |= [ship dude paths] (scry ~ +<) ++ scry |= [when=(unit aeon) who=ship which=dude where=paths] ^- card:agent:gall =/ when ?~ when %~ (scot %ud u.when) :* %pass (zoom request/scry/(scot %p who)^which^when^where) %agent [who which] %poke %sss-to-pub :- result-type ^- result [where which ^when] == -- ++ du :: Manage publications. |* [=(lake) paths=mold] => |% +$ rule [rocks=_1 waves=_5] :: Retention policy +$ tide $: rok=((mop aeon rock:lake) gte) wav=((mop aeon wave:lake) lte) rul=rule mem=(mip aeon [ship dude] @da) == -- |_ [pub=(map paths tide) =bowl:gall result-type=type] +* rok ((on aeon rock:lake) gte) wav ((on aeon wave:lake) lte) :: ++ rule :: Set new retention policy. |= [path=paths =^rule] ^+ pub %+ ~(jab by pub) path |= =tide (form tide(rul rule)) :: ++ wipe :: Create new rock and wipe rest. |= path=paths ^+ pub %+ ~(jab by pub) path |= =tide %* . (form tide(rul [0 1])) rul rul.tide wav ~ == ++ give :: Give a wave on a path. |= [path=paths =wave:lake] ^- (quip card:agent:gall _pub) ?~ ;;((soft ^path) path) ~| %need-path !! =/ =tide (~(gut by pub) path *tide) =/ next=aeon .+ %+ max (fall (bind (pry:rok rok.tide) head) 0) (fall (bind (ram:wav wav.tide) head) 0) :: :_ %+ ~(put by pub) path =/ last=[=aeon =rock:lake] (fall (pry:rok rok.tide) *[key val]:rok) =. wav.tide (put:wav wav.tide next wave) =. mem.tide (~(del by mem.tide) next) ?. =(next (add aeon.last waves.rul.tide)) tide (form tide) :: %+ murn ~(tap by (~(gut by mem.tide) next ~)) |= [[=ship =dude] =@da] ?: (lth da now.bowl) ~ `(send scry/wave/wave ship dude next path) ++ read :: See current published states. ^- (map paths rock:lake) %- ~(run by pub) |= =tide =< rock =/ snap=[=aeon =rock:lake] (fall (pry:rok rok.tide) *[key val]:rok) %+ roll (tap:wav (lot:wav wav.tide `aeon.snap ~)) |= [[=aeon =wave:lake] =_snap] ?. =(aeon +(aeon.snap)) snap [aeon (wash:lake rock.snap wave)] :: ++ apply :: Handle request from subscriber. |= req=(request:poke paths) ^- (quip card:agent:gall _pub) =/ =tide (~(gut by pub) path.req *tide) ?~ when.req =/ last (fall (pry:rok rok.tide) *[=key =val]:rok) :_ pub :_ ~ (send scry/rock/val.last src.bowl dude.req key.last path.req) ?^ dat=(get:wav wav.tide u.when.req) :_ pub :_ ~ (send scry/wave/u.dat src.bowl [dude u.when path]:req) ?. %+ gth u.when.req key::(fall (ram:wav wav.tide) (pry:rok rok.tide) [=key val]:wav) :_ pub :_ ~ (send yore/~ src.bowl [dude u.when path]:req) :- ~[(send nigh/~ src.bowl [dude u.when path]:req)] %+ ~(put by pub) path.req %= tide mem %^ ~(put bi mem.tide) u.when.req [src.bowl dude.req] (add ~s25 now.bowl) == :: :: Non-public facing arms below :: +$ into (request:poke paths) +$ result (response:poke lake paths) ++ send |= [payload=_|3:*(response:poke lake paths) =ship =dude =aeon path=paths] ^- card:agent:gall =* mark (cat 3 %sss- name:lake) :* %pass (zoom response/scry/(scot %p ship)^dude^(scot %ud aeon)^path) %agent [ship dude] %poke mark result-type ^- (response:poke lake paths) [path dap.bowl aeon payload] == ++ form |= =tide ^+ tide =/ max-rock=[=aeon =rock:lake] (fall (pry:rok rok.tide) *[key val]:rok) =/ max-wave (fall (bind (ram:wav wav.tide) head) 0) =. rok.tide %+ gas:rok +<-:gas:rok %- tab:rok :_ [~ +(rocks.rul.tide)] ?: ?| =(waves.rul.tide 0) (lth max-wave (add aeon.max-rock waves.rul.tide)) == rok.tide %+ put:rok rok.tide %+ roll (tab:wav wav.tide `aeon.max-rock max-wave) |: [*[now=aeon =wave:lake] `[prev=aeon =rock:lake]`max-rock] ~| %aeon-awry ?> =(now +(prev)) [now (wash:lake rock wave)] ~| %rock-zero tide(wav (lot:wav wav.tide (bind (ram:rok rok.tide) |=([r=@ *] (dec r))) ~)) -- --