#!/bin/bash usage() { echo "Usage: $0 BLOCK_START BLOCK_END" 1>&2; exit 1; } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage exit 2 fi BLOCK_START=$1 BLOCK_END=$2 BITCOIN_CLI="bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18443" TXS=$($BITCOIN_CLI getblock $(bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18443 getblockhash $BLOCK_START) | jq -r '.tx[]') BLOCK=$($BITCOIN_CLI getblock $(bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18443 getblockhash $BLOCK_START) false) echo $BLOCK #for TX in $TXS; do # TX_INFO=$($BITCOIN_CLI getrawtransaction $TX true) # echo $TX_INFO | jq -r '.vout | .[]' # see page 50 of Mastering BitCoin # see page 50 of Mastering BitCoin # echo all outputs > 0 # echo $TX_INFO | jq -r '.vout | .[] | select(.value>0) | .value,(.scriptPubKey.addresses | .[])' # echo $TX #done