    This allows multiple (zero or more) terminal clients to connect to
    the *same* logical arvo terminal. Terminals that connect will be
    given full event history since the creation of the demuxer.

module Urbit.Vere.Term.Demux (Demux, mkDemux, addDemux, useDemux) where

import Urbit.Prelude

import Urbit.Arvo          (Belt)
import Urbit.Vere.Term.API (Client(Client))

import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.API   as Term
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.Logic as Logic

-- External --------------------------------------------------------------------

data KeyedSet a = KeyedSet
    { _ksTable :: IntMap a
    , _nextKey :: Int

instance Semigroup (KeyedSet a) where
    KeyedSet t1 k1 <> KeyedSet t2 k2 = KeyedSet (t1 <> t2) (max k1 k2)

instance Monoid (KeyedSet a) where
    mempty = KeyedSet mempty 0

ksInsertKey :: a -> KeyedSet a -> (Int, KeyedSet a)
ksInsertKey x (KeyedSet tbl nex) =
    (nex, KeyedSet (insertMap nex x tbl) (succ nex))

ksInsert :: a -> KeyedSet a -> KeyedSet a
ksInsert x s = snd $ ksInsertKey x s

ksDelete :: Int -> KeyedSet a -> KeyedSet a
ksDelete k (KeyedSet t n) = KeyedSet (deleteMap k t) n


data Demux = Demux
    { dConns :: TVar (KeyedSet Client)
    , dStash :: TVar Logic.St

mkDemux :: STM Demux
mkDemux = Demux <$> newTVar mempty <*> newTVar Logic.init

addDemux :: Client -> Demux -> STM ()
addDemux conn Demux{..} = do
    modifyTVar' dConns (ksInsert conn)
    stash <- readTVar dStash
    Term.give conn (Logic.toTermEv <$> Logic.drawState stash)

useDemux :: Demux -> Client
useDemux d = Client { give = dGive d, take = dTake d }

-- Internal --------------------------------------------------------------------

steps :: [Term.Ev] -> Logic.St -> Logic.St
steps termEvs st = foldl' Logic.step st $ concat $ Logic.fromTermEv <$> termEvs

dGive :: Demux -> [Term.Ev] -> STM ()
dGive Demux{..} evs = do
    modifyTVar' dStash (force $ steps evs)
    conns <- readTVar dConns
    for_ (_ksTable conns) $ \c -> Term.give c evs

    Returns Nothing if any connected client disconnected. A `Demux`
    terminal lives forever, so you can continue to call this after it
    returns `Nothing`.

    If there are no attached clients, this will not return until one
    is attached.
dTake :: Demux -> STM (Maybe Belt)
dTake Demux{..} = do
    conns <- readTVar dConns
    waitForBelt conns >>= \case
        (_, Just b ) -> pure (Just b)
        (k, Nothing) -> do writeTVar dConns (ksDelete k conns)
                           pure Nothing
    waitForBelt :: KeyedSet Client -> STM (Int, Maybe Belt)
    waitForBelt ks = asum
                   $ fmap (\(k,c) -> (k,) <$> Term.take c)
                   $ mapToList
                   $ _ksTable ks