/* include/host.h ** ** This file is in the public domain. */ /** Macros. **/ /* Symbol composition. Horrid. */ # define _j2_xd(x) j2_##x##_d # define _j2_xm(x) j2_##x##_m # define _j2_xmc(x) j2_##x##_mc # define _j2_xmy(x) j2_##x##_my # define _j2_xmx(x) j2_##x##_mx # define _j2_xmk(x) j2_##x##_mk # define _j2_xmi(x) j2_##x##_mi # define _j2_xmj(x) j2_##x##_jets # define _j2_xmd(x) j2_##x##_drivers # define _j2_xp(p, x) j2_##x##_p_##p # define _j2_xpc(p, x) j2_##x##_pc_##p # define _j2_xss(x) #x # define _j2_xs(x) _j2_xss(x) # define _j2_qd(x) _j2_xd(x) # define _j2_qm(x) _j2_xm(x) # define _j2_qmc(x) _j2_xmc(x) # define _j2_qmy(x) _j2_xmy(x) # define _j2_qmx(x) _j2_xmx(x) # define _j2_qmi(x) _j2_xmi(x) # define _j2_qmk(x) _j2_xmk(x) # define _j2_qmd(x) _j2_xmd(x) # define _j2_qmj(x) _j2_xmj(x) # define _j2_qp(p, x) _j2_xp(p, x) # define _j2_qpc(p, x) _j2_xpc(p, x) # define _j2_a(a) a # define _j2_ab(a, b) a##__##b # define _j2_abc(a, b, c) a##__##b##__##c # define _j2_abcd(a, b, c, d) a##__##b##__##c##__##d # define _j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e) a##__##b##__##c##__##d##__##e # define j2_sa(a) _j2_xs(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_sb(a, b) _j2_xs(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_sc(a, b, c) _j2_xs(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_sd(a, b, c, d) _j2_xs(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_se(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_xs(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_da(a) _j2_qd(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_db(a, b) _j2_qd(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_dc(a, b, c) _j2_qd(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_dd(a, b, c, d) _j2_qd(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_de(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qd(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_ma(a) _j2_qm(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mb(a, b) _j2_qm(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mc(a, b, c) _j2_qm(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_md(a, b, c, d) _j2_qm(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_me(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qm(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_mac(a) _j2_qmc(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbc(a, b) _j2_qmc(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mcc(a, b, c) _j2_qmc(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdc(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmc(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mec(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmc(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_may(a) _j2_qmy(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mby(a, b) _j2_qmy(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mcy(a, b, c) _j2_qmy(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdy(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmy(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mey(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmy(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_max(a) _j2_qmx(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbx(a, b) _j2_qmx(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mcx(a, b, c) _j2_qmx(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdx(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmx(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mex(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmx(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_mai(a) _j2_qmi(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbi(a, b) _j2_qmi(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mci(a, b, c) _j2_qmi(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdi(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmi(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mei(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmi(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_mak(a) _j2_qmk(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbk(a, b) _j2_qmk(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mck(a, b, c) _j2_qmk(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdk(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmk(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mek(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmk(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_maj(a) _j2_qmj(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbj(a, b) _j2_qmj(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mcj(a, b, c) _j2_qmj(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdj(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmj(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_mej(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmj(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_mad(a) _j2_qmd(_j2_a(a)) # define j2_mbd(a, b) _j2_qmd(_j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_mcd(a, b, c) _j2_qmd(_j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_mdd(a, b, c, d) _j2_qmd(_j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_med(a, b, c, d, e) _j2_qmd(_j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_pa(a, p) _j2_qp(p, _j2_a(a)) # define j2_pb(a, b, p) _j2_qp(p, _j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_pc(a, b, c, p) _j2_qp(p, _j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_pd(a, b, c, d, p) _j2_qp(p, _j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_pe(a, b, c, d, e, p) _j2_qp(p, _j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) # define j2_pac(a, p) _j2_qpc(p, _j2_a(a)) # define j2_pbc(a, b, p) _j2_qpc(p, _j2_ab(a, b)) # define j2_pcc(a, b, c, p) _j2_qpc(p, _j2_abc(a, b, c)) # define j2_pdc(a, b, c, d, p) _j2_qpc(p, _j2_abcd(a, b, c, d)) # define j2_pec(a, b, c, d, e, p) _j2_qpc(p, _j2_abcde(a, b, c, d, e)) /** Types. **/ /* u2_ho_fun: actual function. */ typedef u2_noun (*u2_ho_fun)(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun cor); /* Jet to hash selector. */ # define u2_jet_fun_m(jet_j) (0x7fffffff & (c3_w)(c3_p)(jet_j)) /* u2_ho_state: jet state beans */ typedef c3_w u2_ho_state; # define u2_jet_live 0x1 // live: C jet active # define u2_jet_test 0x2 // test: C jet must be tested # define u2_jet_memo 0x4 // memo: memoize, even if jet is dead # define u2_jet_leak 0x8 // leak: check for memory leaks # define u2_jet_dead 0 /* u2_ho_pear: mug-to-pointer binding. */ typedef struct { u2_noun tag; void* ptr_v; } u2_ho_pear; /* u2_ho_cash: mug-to-pointer cache. Semantics match sham. */ typedef struct { u2_ho_pear dol_p[16]; } u2_ho_cash; /* u2_ho_jet: a C function, per formula. */ typedef struct { /* Function control string - finds formula in core. Declared. ** ** ".@" | "hook" */ const c3_c* fcs_c; /* Invocation model. Declared: ** ** c3__lite // does not bail ** c3__hevy // may bail */ c3_m vok_m; /* C function, on core. Declared. */ u2_noun (*fun_f)(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun cor); /* State - see above. Declared, but may change dynamically. */ u2_ho_state sat_s; /* chip: battery identifier. Computed (declare u2_none). */ u2_noun xip; /* Tool: Nock formula. Computed (declare u2_none). */ u2_tool fol; /* Custom memoization key from core. Declared - should reorder. */ u2_noun (*key_f)(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun cor); /* Memo selector. Declared, with key function. */ c3_m fun_m; /* Axis in battery. Computed (declare 0). */ c3_l axe_l; } u2_ho_jet; /* u2_ho_driver: battery driver. */ typedef struct _u2_ho_driver { /* Control string - computed from seals. */ const c3_c* cos_c; /* Function/formula jet array. Null `fcs` terminates. */ u2_ho_jet *fan_j; /* Subdriver array, if any. */ struct _u2_ho_driver* sub_d; /* Mug: short hash of chip, or 0. Must match if set. */ c3_w mug_w; /* chip: battery identifier, from shed. */ u2_noun xip; /* Cache from axe to jet. */ u2_ho_cash jax_s; } u2_ho_driver; /* u2_ho_hangar: driver system. */ typedef struct _u2_ho_hangar { /* Cache from chip to driver. */ u2_ho_cash bad_s; /* Next hangar in stack. */ struct _u2_ho_hangar *nex_h; } u2_ho_hangar; /** Globals. **/ extern u2_ho_driver *HostDriverBase[]; /** Functions. **/ /* u2_ho_push(): ** ** Push a driver hangar (corresponding to a jet shed). */ void u2_ho_push(void); /* u2_ho_popp(): ** ** Pop a driver hangar. */ void u2_ho_popp(void); /* u2_ho_klar(): ** ** Clear and release all hangars. */ void u2_ho_klar(void); /* u2_ho_cstring(): return malloced control string for `xip`. */ c3_c* // transfer u2_ho_cstring(u2_noun xip); // retain /* u2_ho_warn(): ** ** Report a warning at file and line. This is assumed ** to have no semantic effect and negligible cost. */ void u2_ho_warn(const c3_c* fil_c, c3_w lyn_w); # define u2_ho_warn_here() u2_ho_warn(__FILE__, __LINE__) /* u2_ho_test(): ** ** Report result of jet test on `cor`. `pro` is fast; `vet` is slow. */ void u2_ho_test(u2_wire wir_r, u2_ho_jet* jet_j, u2_weak cor, // retain u2_weak sof, // retain u2_weak had); // retain /* u2_ho_dive(): ** ** Report compatibility failure in `xip`, with subject `bus`. */ void u2_ho_dive(u2_wire wir_r, u2_noun xip, // retain u2_noun bus); // retain /* u2_ho_fine(): ** ** Report test execution in `xip`, with subject `bus`. */ void u2_ho_fine(u2_wire wir_r, u2_noun xip, // retain u2_noun bus); // retain /* u2_ho_use(): ** ** Run a jet. Must be previously verified with u2_ho_nice(). */ u2_weak // transfer u2_ho_use(u2_ray wir_r, u2_ho_jet* jet_j, // retain u2_noun cor, // retain u2_noun fol); // retain /* u2_ho_nice(): ** ** Verify quickly that a chip's jet supports this core. ** ** Only the outer battery is assumed to match. */ u2_bean u2_ho_nice(u2_ray wir_r, u2_ho_jet* jet_j, u2_noun cor); /* u2_ho_punt(): ** ** Apply host nock driver on `xip`, `cor`, `fol`. */ u2_weak u2_ho_punt(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun xip, // retain u2_noun cor, // retain u2_noun fol); // retain /* u2_ho_kick(): ** ** Apply host nock driver on `xip`, `cor`, `fol`. */ u2_weak // produce u2_ho_kick(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun xip, // retain u2_noun cor, // retain u2_atom axe); // retain /* u2_ho_kicq(): as u2_ho_kick(), but mocky. */ u2_noun // produce u2_ho_kicq(u2_ray wir_r, u2_noun xip, // retain u2_noun cor, // retain u2_atom axe, // retain u2_bean *pon); // retain