window.urb = { ship: ship, port: port, auto: auto, oryx: oryx, user: user, seqn_h: 0, seqn_u: 0, seqn_s: 0, dely: 0, puls: 0, perms: { pol:"gie", sub:"tis", uns:"tiu", mes:"tim", heb:"tih" }, cabs: {}, req: function(method,url,params,json,cb) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), url) if(json) xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "text/json") _data = {} if( { =; } if(params.ship) { _data.ship = params.ship; } if(params.path) { _data.path = params.path; } if(params.appl) { _data.appl = params.appl; } __data = {oryx: oryx, xyro: _data} xhr.send(JSON.stringify(__data)) if(cb) { xhr.onload = function() { cb(null,{ "status":this.status, "data":JSON.parse(this.responseText) }) } xhr.onerror = function() { cb({ "status":this.status, "data":this.responseText }) } } }, send: function(params,cb) { if(!params) throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.send.") if(!params.appl) throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.send.") if(! { = {}; } var method, perm, url, $this type = params.type ? params.type : "mes" perm = this.perms[type] params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship method = "put" url = [perm,this.user,this.port,this.seqn_s] url = "/"+url.join("/") this.seqn_s++ $this = this this.req(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) { if(err) { $this.seqn_s--; } if(cb) { cb.apply(this,arguments); } }) }, subscribe: function(params,cb) { if(!cb) throw new Error("You must supply a callback to urb.subscribe.") if(!params) throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.subscribe.") if(!params.appl) throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.subscribe.") if(!params.path) throw new Error("You must specify a path for urb.subscribe.") params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship var method, perm, url, $this params.type = "sub" params.incs = function() { window.urb.seqn_u++ } this.cabs[params.appl+","+params.path.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "")+","+params.ship] = cb url = [this.perms["sub"],this.user,this.port] url = "/"+url.join("/") method = "put" $this = this this.req(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) { if(cb) {,err,{status: data.status, data:})} if(!err && $this.puls == 0) { params.type = "pol" $this.poll(params) } }) }, unsubscribe: function(params,cb) { if(!params) throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.unsubscribe.") if(!params.appl) throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.unsubscribe.") if(!params.path) throw new Error("You must specify a path for urb.unsubscribe.") params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship method = "put" type = "uns" url = [this.perms[type],this.user,this.port] url = "/"+url.join("/") var $this = this this.req(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) { fn = params.appl+","+params.path.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "")+","+params.ship $this.cabs[fn]('subscription closed') }) }, heartbeat: function() { this.poll({ type:"heb", ship:this.ship, incs:function() { window.urb.seqn_h++ } },function() { console.log('heartbeat.') }) }, poll: function(params,cb) { if(!params) throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.poll.") var method, perm, url, $this method = "get" type = params.type ? params.type : "pol" perm = this.perms[type] url = [perm,this.user,this.port,this.seqn_u] url = "/"+url.join("/") this.puls = 1 $this = this this.req(method,url,params,false,function(err,data) { if(cb) {,err,{status: data.status, data:}) } else { fn =","[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "") +"," $this.cabs[fn].call(this,err, {status: data.status, data:}) } if(err) $this.dely += 1000 else { $this.dely = 0 params.incs() } setTimeout(function() { $this.poll(params,cb) },$this.dely) }) } }