/* v/main.c ** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define U3_GLOBAL #define C3_GLOBAL #include "all.h" #include "vere/vere.h" /* _main_readw(): parse a word from a string. */ static u3_noun _main_readw(const c3_c* str_c, c3_w max_w, c3_w* out_w) { c3_c* end_c; c3_w par_w = strtoul(str_c, &end_c, 0); if ( *str_c != '\0' && *end_c == '\0' && par_w < max_w ) { *out_w = par_w; return c3y; } else return c3n; } static c3_c hostbuf[2048]; // kill me /* _main_presig(): prefix optional sig. */ c3_c* _main_presig(c3_c* txt_c) { c3_c* new_c = malloc(2 + strlen(txt_c)); if ( '~' == *txt_c ) { strcpy(new_c, txt_c); } else { new_c[0] = '~'; strcpy(new_c + 1, txt_c); } return new_c; } /* _main_getopt(): extract option map from command line. */ static u3_noun _main_getopt(c3_i argc, c3_c** argv) { c3_i ch_i; c3_w arg_w; u3_Host.ops_u.abo = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.bat = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.gab = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.loh = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.dem = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.fog = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.fak = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.tex = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.pro = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.dry = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.veb = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.qui = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.nuu = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.mem = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.rep = c3n; u3_Host.ops_u.kno_w = DefaultKernel; while ( (ch_i=getopt(argc, argv,"I:w:t:f:k:l:n:p:r:LabcdgqvxFMPDXR")) != -1 ) { switch ( ch_i ) { case 'M': { u3_Host.ops_u.mem = c3y; break; } case 'I': { u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c = _main_presig(optarg); break; } case 'w': { u3_Host.ops_u.who_c = _main_presig(optarg); u3_Host.ops_u.nuu = c3y; break; } case 't': { u3_Host.ops_u.tic_c = _main_presig(optarg); break; } case 'x': { u3_Host.ops_u.tex = c3y; break; } case 'X': { u3_Host.ops_u.fog = c3y; break; } case 'f': { if ( c3n == _main_readw(optarg, 100, &u3_Host.ops_u.fuz_w) ) { return c3n; } break; } case 'k': { if ( c3n == _main_readw(optarg, 256, &u3_Host.ops_u.kno_w) ) { return c3n; } break; } case 'l': { if ( c3n == _main_readw(optarg, 65536, &arg_w) ) { return c3n; } else u3_Host.ops_u.rop_s = arg_w; break; } case 'n': { u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c = strdup(optarg); break; } case 'p': { if ( c3n == _main_readw(optarg, 65536, &arg_w) ) { return c3n; } else u3_Host.ops_u.por_s = arg_w; break; } case 'r': { u3_Host.ops_u.raf_c = strdup(optarg); break; } case 'R': { u3_Host.ops_u.rep = c3y; return c3y; } case 'L': { u3_Host.ops_u.loh = c3y; break; } case 'F': { u3_Host.ops_u.loh = c3y; u3_Host.ops_u.fak = c3y; break; } case 'a': { u3_Host.ops_u.abo = c3y; break; } case 'b': { u3_Host.ops_u.bat = c3y; break; } case 'c': { u3_Host.ops_u.nuu = c3y; break; } case 'd': { u3_Host.ops_u.dem = c3y; break; } case 'g': { u3_Host.ops_u.gab = c3y; break; } case 'P': { u3_Host.ops_u.pro = c3y; break; } case 'D': { u3_Host.ops_u.dry = c3y; break; } case 'q': { u3_Host.ops_u.qui = c3y; break; } case 'v': { u3_Host.ops_u.veb = c3y; break; } case '?': default: { return c3n; } } } if ( u3_Host.ops_u.rop_s == 0 && u3_Host.ops_u.raf_c != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "The -r flag requires -l.\n"); return c3n; } if ( u3_Host.ops_u.tic_c == 0 && u3_Host.ops_u.who_c != 0 ) { c3_c tic_c[29]; printf("your ticket: ~"); scanf("%28s",tic_c); u3_Host.ops_u.tic_c = _main_presig(tic_c); } if ( c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.bat ) { u3_Host.ops_u.dem = c3y; u3_Host.ops_u.nuu = c3y; } if ( u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c == 0 ) { u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c = getenv("HOSTNAME"); if ( u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c == 0 ) { c3_w len_w = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX) + 1; u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c = hostbuf; if ( 0 != gethostname(u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c, len_w) ) { perror("gethostname"); exit(1); } } } if ( argc != (optind + 1) && u3_Host.ops_u.who_c != 0 ) { u3_Host.dir_c = strdup(1 + u3_Host.ops_u.who_c); } if ( argc != (optind + 1) ) { return u3_Host.dir_c ? c3y : c3n; } else { { c3_c* ash_c; if ( (ash_c = strrchr(argv[optind], '/')) && (ash_c[1] == 0) ) { *ash_c = 0; } } u3_Host.dir_c = strdup(argv[optind]); return c3y; } } /* u3_ve_usage(): print usage and exit. */ static void u3_ve_usage(c3_i argc, c3_c** argv) { c3_c *use_c[] = {"Usage: %s [options...] computer\n", "-c pier Create a new urbit in pier/\n", "-w name Immediately upgrade to ~name\n", "-t ticket Use ~ticket automatically\n", "-I galaxy Start as ~galaxy\n", "-F Fake keys\n", "-L Local-only network\n", "-n host Set unix hostname\n", "-p ames_port Set the HTTP port to bind to\n", "-v Verbose\n", "-q Quiet\n", "-D Recompute from events\n", "-P Profiling\n", "-b Batch create\n", "-d Daemon mode\n", "-g Set GC flag\n", "-x Exit immediately\n", "-r host Initial peer address\n", "-l port Initial peer port\n", "-M Memory madness\n", "-f Fuzz testing\n", "-k stage Start at Hoon kernel version stage\n", "-R Report urbit build info\n", "-Xwtf Skip last event\n"}; c3_i i; for ( i=0; i < sizeof(use_c)/sizeof(c3_c*); i++ ) { fprintf(stderr,use_c[i],argv[0]); } exit(1); } #if 0 /* u3_ve_panic(): panic and exit. */ static void u3_ve_panic(c3_i argc, c3_c** argv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: gross system failure\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } #endif /* u3_ve_sysopt(): apply option map to system state. */ static void u3_ve_sysopt() { u3_Local = strdup(u3_Host.dir_c); u3_System = U3_LIB; } #if 0 static jmp_buf Signal_buf; #ifndef SIGSTKSZ # define SIGSTKSZ 16384 #endif static uint8_t Sigstk[SIGSTKSZ]; volatile enum { sig_none, sig_overflow, sig_interrupt } Sigcause; static void _main_cont(void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3) { (void)(arg1); (void)(arg2); (void)(arg3); siglongjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } static void overflow_handler(int emergency, stackoverflow_context_t scp) { if ( 1 == emergency ) { write(2, "stack emergency\n", strlen("stack emergency" + 2)); exit(1); } else { Sigcause = sig_overflow; sigsegv_leave_handler(_main_cont, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } // Install signal handlers and set buffers. // // Note that we use the sigmask-restoring variant. Essentially, when // we get a signal, we force the system back into the just-booted state. // If anything goes wrong during boot (above), it's curtains. { if ( 0 != sigsetjmp(Signal_buf, 1) ) { switch ( Sigcause ) { case sig_overflow: printf("[stack overflow]\r\n"); break; case sig_interrupt: printf("[interrupt]\r\n"); break; default: printf("[signal error!]\r\n"); break; } Sigcause = sig_none; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); stackoverflow_deinstall_handler(); // Print the trace, do a GC, etc. // // This is half-assed at present, so we exit. // u3_lo_sway(0, u3k(u3_wire_tax(u3_Wire))); u3_lo_bail(u3A); exit(1); } if ( -1 == stackoverflow_install_handler (overflow_handler, Sigstk, SIGSTKSZ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "overflow_handler: install failed\n"); exit(1); } signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler); signal(SIGIO, SIG_IGN); } static void interrupt_handler(int x) { Sigcause = sig_interrupt; longjmp(Signal_buf, 1); } #endif #define GRAB static void report(void) { printf("---------\nLibraries\n---------\n"); printf("gmp: %s\n", gmp_version); printf("sigsegv: %d.%d\n", (libsigsegv_version >> 8) & 0xff, libsigsegv_version & 0xff); printf("openssl: %s\n", SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); printf("curses: %s\n", curses_version()); printf("libuv: %s\n", uv_version_string()); } c3_i main(c3_i argc, c3_c** argv) { // Parse options. // if ( c3n == _main_getopt(argc, argv) ) { u3_ve_usage(argc, argv); return 1; } if ( c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.rep ) { report(); return 0; } if ( c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.nuu ) { struct stat s; if ( !stat(u3_Host.dir_c, &s) ) { fprintf(stderr, "tried to create, but %s already exists\n", u3_Host.dir_c); fprintf(stderr, "normal usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], u3_Host.dir_c); exit(1); } } #if 0 if ( 0 == getuid() ) { chroot(u3_Host.dir_c); u3_Host.dir_c = "/"; } #endif u3_ve_sysopt(); // Block profiling signal, which should be delievered to exactly one thread. // if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.pro) ) { sigset_t set; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGPROF); if ( 0 != pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL) ) { perror("pthread_sigmask"); exit(1); } } printf("~\n"); // printf("welcome.\n"); printf("urbit: home is %s\n", u3_Host.dir_c); // printf("vere: hostname is %s\n", u3_Host.ops_u.nam_c); if ( c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.dem && c3n == u3_Host.ops_u.bat ) { printf("urbit: running as daemon\n"); } // Seed prng. Don't panic -- just for fuzz testing. // srand(getpid()); // Instantiate process globals. { /* Boot the image and checkpoint. Set flags. */ { /* Set pier directory. */ u3C.dir_c = u3_Host.dir_c; /* Set GC flag. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.gab) ) { u3C.wag_w |= u3o_debug_ram; } /* Set profile flag. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.pro) ) { u3C.wag_w |= u3o_debug_cpu; } /* Set verbose flag. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.veb) ) { u3C.wag_w |= u3o_verbose; } /* Set quiet flag. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.qui) ) { u3C.wag_w |= u3o_quiet; } /* Set dry-run flag. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.dry) ) { u3C.wag_w |= u3o_dryrun; } } u3m_boot(u3_Host.ops_u.nuu, u3_Host.ops_u.gab, u3_Host.dir_c); /* Start Arvo. */ #if 1 { struct timeval tim_tv; u3_noun now; gettimeofday(&tim_tv, 0); now = u3_time_in_tv(&tim_tv); u3v_start(now); } #endif #if 0 /* Initial checkpoint. */ if ( _(u3_Host.ops_u.nuu) ) { printf("about to save.\r\n"); u3e_save(); printf("saved.\r\n"); } #endif } // u3e_grab("main", u3_none); // u3_lo_loop(); return 0; }