/* v/http.c ** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" #include "vere/vere.h" #include "h2o.h" /* _cttp_bod(): create a data buffer. */ static u3_hbod* _cttp_bod(c3_w len_w, c3_c* hun_c) { u3_hbod* bod_u = c3_malloc(len_w + sizeof(*bod_u)); bod_u->len_w = len_w; memcpy(bod_u->hun_y, (const c3_y*)hun_c, len_w); bod_u->nex_u = 0; return bod_u; } /* _cttp_bud(): create a header buffer. Not null-terminated! */ static u3_hbod* _cttp_bud(u3_hhed* hed_u) { c3_w len_w = hed_u->nam_w + 2 + hed_u->val_w + 2; u3_hbod* bod_u = c3_malloc(len_w + sizeof(*bod_u)); memcpy(bod_u->hun_y, hed_u->nam_c, hed_u->nam_w); memcpy(bod_u->hun_y + hed_u->nam_w, ": ", 2); memcpy(bod_u->hun_y + hed_u->nam_w + 2, hed_u->val_c, hed_u->val_w); memcpy(bod_u->hun_y + hed_u->nam_w + 2 + hed_u->val_w, "\r\n", 2); bod_u->len_w = len_w; bod_u->nex_u = 0; return bod_u; } // XX deduplicate with _http_heds_free /* _cttp_heds_free(): free header linked list */ static void _cttp_heds_free(u3_hhed* hed_u) { while ( hed_u ) { u3_hhed* nex_u = hed_u->nex_u; free(hed_u); hed_u = nex_u; } } /* _cttp_bods_free(): free body structure. */ static void _cttp_bods_free(u3_hbod* bod_u) { while ( bod_u ) { u3_hbod* nex_u = bod_u->nex_u; free(bod_u); bod_u = nex_u; } } /* _cttp_bods_to_octs: translate body into octet-stream noun. */ static u3_noun _cttp_bods_to_octs(u3_hbod* bod_u) { c3_w len_w; c3_y* buf_y; u3_noun cos; { u3_hbod* bid_u; len_w = 0; for ( bid_u = bod_u; bid_u; bid_u = bid_u->nex_u ) { len_w += bid_u->len_w; } } buf_y = c3_malloc(len_w); { c3_y* ptr_y = buf_y; while ( bod_u ) { memcpy(ptr_y, bod_u->hun_y, bod_u->len_w); ptr_y += bod_u->len_w; bod_u = bod_u->nex_u; } } cos = u3i_bytes(len_w, buf_y); free(buf_y); return u3nc(len_w, cos); } // XX deduplicate with _http_hed_new /* _cttp_hed_new(): create u3_hhed from nam/val cords */ static u3_hhed* _cttp_hed_new(u3_atom nam, u3_atom val) { c3_w nam_w = u3r_met(3, nam); c3_w val_w = u3r_met(3, val); u3_hhed* hed_u = c3_malloc(nam_w + val_w + sizeof(*hed_u)); hed_u->nex_u = 0; hed_u->nam_w = nam_w; hed_u->val_w = val_w; u3r_bytes(0, nam_w, (c3_y*)hed_u->nam_c, nam); u3r_bytes(0, val_w, (c3_y*)hed_u->val_c, val); return hed_u; } // XX vv similar to _http_heds_from_noun /* _cttp_heds_math(): create headers from ++math */ static u3_hhed* _cttp_heds_math(u3_noun mah) { u3_noun hed = u3kdi_tap(mah); u3_noun deh = hed; u3_hhed* hed_u = 0; while ( u3_nul != hed ) { u3_noun nam = u3h(u3h(hed)); u3_noun lit = u3t(u3h(hed)); while ( u3_nul != lit ) { u3_hhed* nex_u = _cttp_hed_new(nam, u3h(lit)); nex_u->nex_u = hed_u; hed_u = nex_u; lit = u3t(lit); } hed = u3t(hed); } u3z(deh); return hed_u; } /* _cttp_octs_to_bod(): translate octet-stream noun into body. */ static u3_hbod* _cttp_octs_to_bod(u3_noun oct) { c3_w len_w; if ( !_(u3a_is_cat(u3h(oct))) ) { // 2GB max u3m_bail(c3__fail); return 0; } len_w = u3h(oct); { u3_hbod* bod_u = c3_malloc(len_w + sizeof(*bod_u)); bod_u->len_w = len_w; u3r_bytes(0, len_w, bod_u->hun_y, u3t(oct)); bod_u->nex_u = 0; u3z(oct); return bod_u; } } /* _cttp_mcut_char(): measure/cut character. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_char(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, c3_c chr_c) { if ( buf_c ) { buf_c[len_w] = chr_c; } return len_w + 1; } /* _cttp_mcut_cord(): measure/cut cord. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_cord(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, u3_noun san) { c3_w ten_w = u3r_met(3, san); if ( buf_c ) { u3r_bytes(0, ten_w, (c3_y *)(buf_c + len_w), san); } u3z(san); return (len_w + ten_w); } /* _cttp_mcut_path(): measure/cut cord list. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_path(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, c3_c sep_c, u3_noun pax) { u3_noun axp = pax; while ( u3_nul != axp ) { u3_noun h_axp = u3h(axp); len_w = _cttp_mcut_cord(buf_c, len_w, u3k(h_axp)); axp = u3t(axp); if ( u3_nul != axp ) { len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, sep_c); } } u3z(pax); return len_w; } /* _cttp_mcut_host(): measure/cut host. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_host(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, u3_noun hot) { len_w = _cttp_mcut_path(buf_c, len_w, '.', u3kb_flop(u3k(hot))); u3z(hot); return len_w; } /* _cttp_mcut_pork(): measure/cut path/extension. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_pork(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, u3_noun pok) { u3_noun h_pok = u3h(pok); u3_noun t_pok = u3t(pok); len_w = _cttp_mcut_path(buf_c, len_w, '/', u3k(t_pok)); if ( u3_nul != h_pok ) { len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, '.'); len_w = _cttp_mcut_cord(buf_c, len_w, u3k(u3t(h_pok))); } u3z(pok); return len_w; } /* _cttp_mcut_quay(): measure/cut query. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_quay(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, u3_noun quy) { if ( u3_nul == quy ) { return len_w; } else { u3_noun i_quy = u3h(quy); u3_noun pi_quy = u3h(i_quy); u3_noun qi_quy = u3t(i_quy); u3_noun t_quy = u3t(quy); len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, '&'); len_w = _cttp_mcut_cord(buf_c, len_w, u3k(pi_quy)); len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, '='); len_w = _cttp_mcut_cord(buf_c, len_w, u3k(qi_quy)); len_w = _cttp_mcut_quay(buf_c, len_w, u3k(t_quy)); } u3z(quy); return len_w; } /* _cttp_mcut_url(): measure/cut purl, producing relative URL. */ static c3_w _cttp_mcut_url(c3_c* buf_c, c3_w len_w, u3_noun pul) { u3_noun q_pul = u3h(u3t(pul)); u3_noun r_pul = u3t(u3t(pul)); len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, '/'); len_w = _cttp_mcut_pork(buf_c, len_w, u3k(q_pul)); if ( u3_nul != r_pul ) { len_w = _cttp_mcut_char(buf_c, len_w, '?'); len_w = _cttp_mcut_quay(buf_c, len_w, u3k(r_pul)); } u3z(pul); return len_w; } /* _cttp_creq_port(): stringify port */ static c3_c* _cttp_creq_port(c3_s por_s) { c3_c* por_c = c3_malloc(8); snprintf(por_c, 7, "%d", 0xffff & por_s); return por_c; } /* _cttp_creq_url(): construct url from noun. */ static c3_c* _cttp_creq_url(u3_noun pul) { c3_w len_w = _cttp_mcut_url(0, 0, u3k(pul)); c3_c* url_c = c3_malloc(len_w + 1); _cttp_mcut_url(url_c, 0, pul); url_c[len_w] = 0; return url_c; } /* _cttp_creq_host(): construct host from noun. */ static c3_c* _cttp_creq_host(u3_noun hot) { c3_w len_w = _cttp_mcut_host(0, 0, u3k(hot)); c3_c* hot_c = c3_malloc(len_w + 1); _cttp_mcut_host(hot_c, 0, hot); hot_c[len_w] = 0; return hot_c; } /* _cttp_creq_ip(): stringify ip */ static c3_c* _cttp_creq_ip(c3_w ipf_w) { c3_c* ipf_c = c3_malloc(17); snprintf(ipf_c, 16, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (ipf_w >> 24), ((ipf_w >> 16) & 255), ((ipf_w >> 8) & 255), (ipf_w & 255)); return ipf_c; } /* _cttp_httr(): deliver http result. */ static void _cttp_httr(c3_l num_l, c3_w sas_w, u3_noun mes, u3_noun uct) { u3_noun htr = u3nt(sas_w, mes, uct); u3_noun pox = u3nt(u3_blip, c3__http, u3_nul); u3v_plan(pox, u3nt(c3__they, num_l, htr)); } /* _cttp_httr_cres(): deliver valid response. */ static void _cttp_httr_cres(c3_l num_l, u3_cres* res_u) { _cttp_httr(num_l, res_u->sas_w, res_u-> hed, ( !res_u->bod_u ) ? u3_nul : u3nc(u3_nul, _cttp_bods_to_octs(res_u->bod_u))); } /* _cttp_httr_fail(): fail out a request by number. */ static void _cttp_httr_fail(c3_l num_l, c3_w cod_w, c3_c* msg_c) { if ( msg_c ) { fprintf(stderr, "http: fail (%d, %d): %s\r\n", num_l, cod_w, msg_c); } else { fprintf(stderr, "http: fail (%d, %d): %s\r\n", num_l, cod_w, msg_c); } return _cttp_httr(num_l, cod_w, u3_nul, u3_nul); } /* _cttp_cres_free(): free a u3_cres. */ static void _cttp_cres_free(u3_cres* res_u) { _cttp_bods_free(res_u->bod_u); free(res_u); } static void _cttp_cres_new(u3_creq* ceq_u, c3_w sas_w) { ceq_u->res_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*ceq_u->res_u)); ceq_u->res_u->sas_w = sas_w; } /* _cttp_creq_fire_body(): attach body to request buffers. */ static void _cttp_creq_fire_body(u3_creq* ceq_u, u3_hbod *rub_u) { c3_assert(!rub_u->nex_u); if ( !(ceq_u->rub_u) ) { ceq_u->rub_u = ceq_u->bur_u = rub_u; } else { ceq_u->bur_u->nex_u = rub_u; ceq_u->bur_u = rub_u; } } /* _cttp_creq_fire_str(): attach string to request buffers. */ static void _cttp_creq_fire_str(u3_creq* ceq_u, c3_c* str_c) { _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, _cttp_bod(strlen(str_c), str_c)); } /* _cttp_creq_fire_heds(): attach output headers. */ static void _cttp_creq_fire_heds(u3_creq* ceq_u, u3_hhed* hed_u) { while ( hed_u ) { _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, _cttp_bud(hed_u)); hed_u = hed_u->nex_u; } } /* _cttp_creq_fire(): load request data for into buffers. */ static void _cttp_creq_fire(u3_creq* ceq_u) { switch ( ceq_u->met_m ) { default: c3_assert(0); case c3__get: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "GET "); break; case c3__put: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "PUT "); break; case c3__post: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "POST "); break; case c3__head: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "HEAD "); break; case c3__conn: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "CONNECT "); break; case c3__delt: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "DELETE "); break; case c3__opts: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "OPTIONS "); break; case c3__trac: _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "TRACE "); break; } _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, ceq_u->url_c); _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); { c3_c* hot_c = ceq_u->hot_c ? ceq_u->hot_c : ceq_u->ipf_c; c3_c* hos_c; c3_w len_w; if ( ceq_u->por_c ) { len_w = 6 + strlen(hot_c) + 1 + strlen(ceq_u->por_c) + 3; hos_c = c3_malloc(len_w); len_w = snprintf(hos_c, len_w, "Host: %s:%s\r\n", hot_c, ceq_u->por_c); } else { len_w = 6 + strlen(hot_c) + 3; hos_c = c3_malloc(len_w); len_w = snprintf(hos_c, len_w, "Host: %s\r\n", hot_c); } _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, _cttp_bod(len_w, hos_c)); free(hos_c); } _cttp_creq_fire_str(ceq_u, "User-Agent: urbit/vere-" URBIT_VERSION "\r\n"); _cttp_creq_fire_heds(ceq_u, ceq_u->hed_u); if ( !ceq_u->bod_u ) { _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, _cttp_bod(2, "\r\n")); } else { c3_c len_c[41]; c3_w len_w = snprintf(len_c, 40, "Content-Length: %u\r\n", ceq_u->bod_u->len_w); _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, _cttp_bod(len_w, len_c)); _cttp_creq_fire_body(ceq_u, ceq_u->bod_u); } } static u3_creq* _cttp_creq_find(c3_l num_l) { u3_creq* ceq_u = u3_Host.ctp_u.ceq_u; // XX glories of linear search // while ( ceq_u ) { if ( num_l == ceq_u->num_l ) { return ceq_u; } ceq_u = ceq_u->nex_u; } return 0; } static void _cttp_creq_link(u3_creq* ceq_u) { ceq_u->nex_u = u3_Host.ctp_u.ceq_u; u3_Host.ctp_u.ceq_u = ceq_u; } static void _cttp_creq_unlink(u3_creq* ceq_u) { if ( ceq_u->pre_u ) { ceq_u->pre_u->nex_u = ceq_u->nex_u; } else { u3_Host.ctp_u.ceq_u = ceq_u->nex_u; } } /* _cttp_creq_free(): free a u3_creq. */ static void _cttp_creq_free(u3_creq* ceq_u) { _cttp_creq_unlink(ceq_u); _cttp_heds_free(ceq_u->hed_u); // Note: ceq_u->bod_u is covered here _cttp_bods_free(ceq_u->rub_u); if ( ceq_u->res_u ) { _cttp_cres_free(ceq_u->res_u); } free(ceq_u->hot_c); free(ceq_u->por_c); free(ceq_u->url_c); free(ceq_u->vec_u); free(ceq_u); } /* _cttp_creq_quit(): cancel a u3_creq */ static void _cttp_creq_quit(u3_creq* ceq_u) { if ( u3_csat_addr == ceq_u->sat_e ) { ceq_u->sat_e = u3_csat_quit; return; // wait to be called again on address resolution } if ( ceq_u->cli_u ) { h2o_http1client_cancel(ceq_u->cli_u); } _cttp_creq_free(ceq_u); } static void _cttp_creq_fail(u3_creq* ceq_u, const c3_c* err_c) { // XX anything other than a 504? _cttp_httr_fail(ceq_u->num_l, 504, (c3_c *)err_c); _cttp_creq_free(ceq_u); } static void _cttp_creq_respond(u3_creq* ceq_u) { _cttp_httr_cres(ceq_u->num_l, ceq_u->res_u); _cttp_creq_free(ceq_u); } // req from ++hiss static u3_creq* _cttp_creq_new(c3_l num_l, u3_noun hes) { u3_creq* ceq_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*ceq_u)); u3_noun pul = u3h(hes); // ++purl u3_noun hat = u3h(pul); // ++hart u3_noun sec = u3h(hat); u3_noun por = u3h(u3t(hat)); u3_noun hot = u3t(u3t(hat)); // ++host u3_noun moh = u3t(hes); // ++moth u3_noun met = u3h(moh); // ++meth u3_noun mah = u3h(u3t(moh)); // ++math u3_noun bod = u3t(u3t(moh)); ceq_u->sat_e = u3_csat_init; ceq_u->num_l = num_l; ceq_u->sec = sec; if ( c3y == u3h(hot) ) { ceq_u->hot_c = _cttp_creq_host(u3k(u3t(hot))); } else { ceq_u->ipf_w = u3r_word(0, u3t(hot)); ceq_u->ipf_c = _cttp_creq_ip(ceq_u->ipf_w); } if ( u3_nul != por ) { ceq_u->por_s = u3t(por); ceq_u->por_c = _cttp_creq_port(ceq_u->por_s); } ceq_u->met_m = met; ceq_u->url_c = _cttp_creq_url(u3k(pul)); ceq_u->hed_u = _cttp_heds_math(u3k(mah)); if ( u3_nul != bod ) { ceq_u->bod_u = _cttp_octs_to_bod(u3k(u3t(bod))); } _cttp_creq_link(ceq_u); u3z(hes); return ceq_u; } static void _cttp_cres_queue_buf(u3_cres* res_u, h2o_buffer_t* buf_u) { u3_hbod* bod_u = _cttp_bod(buf_u->size, buf_u->bytes); if ( !(res_u->bod_u) ) { res_u->bod_u = res_u->dob_u = bod_u; } else { res_u->dob_u->nex_u = bod_u; res_u->dob_u = bod_u; } } static h2o_iovec_t* _cttp_bufs_to_vec(u3_hbod* rub_u, c3_w* tot_w) { u3_hbod* bur_u = rub_u; h2o_iovec_t* vec_u; c3_w len_w; len_w = 0; while( rub_u ) { len_w++; rub_u = rub_u->nex_u; } vec_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(h2o_iovec_t) * len_w); rub_u = bur_u; len_w = 0; while( rub_u ) { vec_u[len_w] = h2o_iovec_init(rub_u->hun_y, rub_u->len_w); len_w++; rub_u = rub_u->nex_u; } *tot_w = len_w; return vec_u; } // XX research: may be called with closed client? static c3_i on_body(h2o_http1client_t* cli_u, const c3_c* err_c) { u3_creq* ceq_u = (u3_creq *)cli_u->data; if ( 0 != err_c && h2o_http1client_error_is_eos != err_c ) { _cttp_creq_fail(ceq_u, err_c); return -1; } h2o_socket_t* sok_u = cli_u->sock; if ( sok_u->input->size ) { _cttp_cres_queue_buf(ceq_u->res_u, sok_u->input); h2o_buffer_consume(&sok_u->input, sok_u->input->size); } if ( h2o_http1client_error_is_eos == err_c ) { _cttp_creq_respond(ceq_u); } return 0; } // XX deduplicate with _http_vec_to_atom /* _cttp_vec_to_atom(): convert h2o_iovec_t to atom (cord) */ static u3_noun _cttp_vec_to_atom(h2o_iovec_t vec_u) { // XX portable? return u3i_bytes(vec_u.len, (const c3_y*)vec_u.base); } // XX deduplicate with _http_heds_to_noun /* _cttp_heds_to_noun(): convert h2o_header_t to (list (pair @t @t)) */ static u3_noun _cttp_heds_to_noun(h2o_header_t* hed_u, c3_d hed_d) { u3_noun hed = u3_nul; c3_d dex_d = hed_d; h2o_header_t deh_u; while ( 0 < dex_d ) { deh_u = hed_u[--dex_d]; hed = u3nc(u3nc(_cttp_vec_to_atom(*deh_u.name), _cttp_vec_to_atom(deh_u.value)), hed); } return hed; } static h2o_http1client_body_cb on_head(h2o_http1client_t* cli_u, const c3_c* err_c, c3_i ver_i, c3_i sas_i, h2o_iovec_t sas_u, h2o_header_t* hed_u, size_t hed_t, c3_i len_i) { u3_creq* ceq_u = (u3_creq *)cli_u->data; if ( 0 != err_c && h2o_http1client_error_is_eos != err_c ) { _cttp_creq_fail(ceq_u, err_c); return 0; } _cttp_cres_new(ceq_u, (c3_w)sas_i); ceq_u->res_u->hed = _cttp_heds_to_noun(hed_u, hed_t); if ( h2o_http1client_error_is_eos == err_c ) { _cttp_creq_respond(ceq_u); return 0; } return on_body; } static h2o_http1client_head_cb on_connect(h2o_http1client_t* cli_u, const c3_c* err_c, h2o_iovec_t** vec_p, size_t* vec_t, c3_i* hed_i) { u3_creq* ceq_u = (u3_creq *)cli_u->data; if ( 0 != err_c ) { _cttp_creq_fail(ceq_u, err_c); return 0; } { c3_w len_w; ceq_u->vec_u = _cttp_bufs_to_vec(ceq_u->rub_u, &len_w); *vec_t = len_w; *vec_p = ceq_u->vec_u; *hed_i = c3__head == ceq_u->met_m; } return on_head; } static void _cttp_creq_connect(u3_creq* ceq_u) { c3_assert(u3_csat_ripe == ceq_u->sat_e); c3_assert(ceq_u->ipf_c); h2o_iovec_t ipf_u = h2o_iovec_init(ceq_u->ipf_c, strlen(ceq_u->ipf_c)); c3_s por_s = ceq_u->por_s ? ceq_u->por_s : ( c3y == ceq_u->sec ) ? 443 : 80; // connect by IP h2o_http1client_connect(&ceq_u->cli_u, ceq_u, u3_Host.ctp_u.ctx_u, ipf_u, por_s, c3y == ceq_u->sec, on_connect); // set hostname for TLS handshake if ( ceq_u->hot_c && c3y == ceq_u->sec ) { c3_w len_w = 1 + strlen(ceq_u->hot_c); c3_c* hot_c = c3_malloc(len_w); strncpy(hot_c, ceq_u->hot_c, len_w); free(ceq_u->cli_u->ssl.server_name); ceq_u->cli_u->ssl.server_name = hot_c; } _cttp_creq_fire(ceq_u); } static void _cttp_creq_resolve_cb(uv_getaddrinfo_t* adr_u, c3_i sas_i, struct addrinfo* aif_u) { u3_creq* ceq_u = adr_u->data; if ( u3_csat_quit == ceq_u->sat_e ) { return _cttp_creq_quit(ceq_u);; } if ( 0 != sas_i ) { return _cttp_creq_fail(ceq_u, uv_strerror(sas_i)); } ceq_u->ipf_w = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)aif_u->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); ceq_u->ipf_c = _cttp_creq_ip(ceq_u->ipf_w); uv_freeaddrinfo(aif_u); ceq_u->sat_e = u3_csat_ripe; _cttp_creq_connect(ceq_u); } static void _cttp_creq_resolve(u3_creq* ceq_u) { c3_assert(u3_csat_addr == ceq_u->sat_e); c3_assert(ceq_u->hot_c); uv_getaddrinfo_t* adr_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*adr_u)); adr_u->data = ceq_u; struct addrinfo hin_u; memset(&hin_u, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hin_u.ai_family = PF_INET; hin_u.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hin_u.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; c3_c* por_c = ceq_u->por_c ? ceq_u->por_c : ( c3y == ceq_u->sec ) ? "443" : "80"; c3_i sas_i; if ( 0 != (sas_i = uv_getaddrinfo(u3L, adr_u, _cttp_creq_resolve_cb, ceq_u->hot_c, por_c, &hin_u)) ) { _cttp_creq_fail(ceq_u, uv_strerror(sas_i)); } } static void _cttp_creq_start(u3_creq* ceq_u) { if ( ceq_u->ipf_c ) { ceq_u->sat_e = u3_csat_ripe; _cttp_creq_connect(ceq_u); } else { ceq_u->sat_e = u3_csat_addr; _cttp_creq_resolve(ceq_u); } } /* u3_cttp_ef_thus(): send %thus effect (outgoing request) to cttp. */ void u3_cttp_ef_thus(c3_l num_l, u3_noun cuq) { u3_creq* ceq_u; if ( u3_nul == cuq ) { ceq_u =_cttp_creq_find(num_l); if ( ceq_u ) { _cttp_creq_quit(ceq_u); } } else { #if 1 // ++ hiss {p/purl q/moth} // ++ purl {p/hart q/pork r/quay} // ++ hart {p/? q/(unit @ud) r/host} // ++ host (each (list @t) @if) // ++ pork {p/(unit @ta) q/(list @t)} // ++ quay (list {p/@t q/@t}) // ++ moth {p/meth q/math r/(unit octs)} // ++ math (map @t (list @t)) u3_noun span = u3v_wish("-:!>(*{" "purl={" "p/{p/? q/(unit @ud) r/(each (list @t) @if)} " "q/{p/(unit @ta) q/(list @t)} " "r/(list {p/@t q/@t})" "} " "moth={p/@tas q/(map @t (list @t)) r/(unit octs)}" "})"); u3m_tape(u3dc("text", span, u3k(u3t(cuq)))); uL(fprintf(uH, "\n")); #endif ceq_u = _cttp_creq_new(num_l, u3k(u3t(cuq))); _cttp_creq_start(ceq_u); } u3z(cuq); } /* u3_cttp_io_init(): initialize http client I/O. */ void u3_cttp_io_init() { u3_Host.ssl_u = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_options(u3S, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); SSL_CTX_set_verify(u3S, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, 0); SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(u3S); // if ( 0 == SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(u3S, // "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", NULL) ) { // fprintf(stderr, "\tload-error\r\n"); // } else { // fprintf(stderr, "\tload-good\r\n"); // } SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(u3S, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(u3S, "ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:" "ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:ECDH+3DES:DH+3DES:RSA+AESGCM:" "RSA+AES:RSA+3DES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS"); h2o_timeout_t* tim_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*tim_u)); // XX how long? 1 minute? h2o_timeout_init(u3L, tim_u, 10000); h2o_http1client_ctx_t* ctx_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*ctx_u)); ctx_u->loop = u3L; ctx_u->ssl_ctx = u3S; ctx_u->io_timeout = tim_u; u3_Host.ctp_u.ceq_u = 0; u3_Host.ctp_u.ctx_u = ctx_u; } /* u3_cttp_io_poll(): poll kernel for cttp I/O. */ void u3_cttp_io_poll(void) { } /* u3_cttp_io_exit(): shut down cttp. */ void u3_cttp_io_exit(void) { SSL_CTX_free(u3S); free(u3_Host.ctp_u.ctx_u->io_timeout); free(u3_Host.ctp_u.ctx_u); }