/- *hood /+ strandio =, clay =, space:userlib =, format =* dude dude:gall |% +$ state state-10 +$ state-10 [%10 pith-10] +$ state-9 [%9 pith-9] +$ state-8 [%8 pith-9] +$ state-7 [%7 pith-7] +$ state-6 [%6 pith-6] +$ state-5 [%5 pith-5] +$ state-4 [%4 pith-4] +$ state-3 [%3 pith-3] +$ state-2 [%2 pith-2] +$ state-1 [%1 pith-1] +$ state-0 [%0 pith-0] +$ any-state $~ *state $% state-10 state-9 state-8 state-7 state-6 state-5 state-4 state-3 state-2 state-1 state-0 == :: +$ pith-10 $: rem=(map desk per-desk) nyz=@ud zyn=(map kiln-sync sync-state) commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: +$ pith-9 $: wef=(unit weft) rem=(map desk per-desk) syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) ark=(map desk arak-9) commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: :: $rein-9: diff from desk manifest :: :: .liv: suspended? if suspended, no agents should run :: .add: agents not in manifest that should be running :: .sub: agents in manifest that should not be running :: +$ rein-9 $: liv=_& add=(set dude) sub=(set dude) == :: +$ pith-7 $: wef=(unit weft) rem=(map desk per-desk) syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) ark=(map desk arak-7) commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: +$ arak-9 $: rail=(unit rail-9) rein=rein-9 == :: ++ rail-9 $: publisher=(unit ship) paused=? =ship =desk =aeon next=(list rung) == :: +$ arak-7 $: rail=(unit rail-7) rein=rein-9 == :: +$ rail-7 $: paused=? =ship =desk =aeon next=(list rung) == :: +$ pith-6 $: wef=(unit weft) rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ark=(map desk arak-6) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: :: +$ arak-6 [rail=rail-6 next=(list rung) rein=rein-9] +$ rail-6 [paused=? =ship =desk =aeon] :: +$ pith-5 $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ark=(map desk arak-6) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: :: +$ pith-4 :: $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ark=(map desk arak-4) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: +$ arak-4 $: =ship =desk =aeon next=(list rung) rein=rein-9 == +$ pith-3 :: $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ark=(map desk arak-3) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: :: map desk to the currently ongoing fuse request :: and the latest version numbers for beaks to fus=(map desk per-fuse) :: used for fuses - every time we get a fuse we :: bump this. used when calculating hashes to :: ensure they're unique even when the same :: request is made multiple times. hxs=(map desk @ud) == +$ arak-3 $: =ship =desk =aeon next=(list rung) rein=rein-3 == +$ rein-3 $: add=(set dude) sub=(set dude) == :: +$ pith-2 :: $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ota=(unit [=ship =desk =aeon]) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: fus=(map desk per-fuse) hxs=(map desk @ud) == :: +$ pith-1 :: $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: ota=(unit [=ship =desk =aeon]) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: == :: +$ pith-0 :: $: rem=(map desk per-desk) :: syn=(map kiln-sync let=@ud) :: autoload-on=? :: cur-hoon=@uvI :: cur-arvo=@uvI :: cur-zuse=@uvI :: cur-vanes=(map @tas @uvI) :: commit-timer=[way=wire nex=@da tim=@dr mon=term] :: == +$ per-desk :: per-desk state $: auto=? :: escalate on failure gem=?(%this %that germ) :: strategy her=@p :: from ship sud=@tas :: from desk cas=case :: at case == +$ per-fuse :: per fuse state :: map [ship desk] to latest version number we :: have for them. used for things we're %trak-ing :: our invariant here is to store the latest version :: number we've heard of. $: mox=(map [ship desk] let=@ud) :: relevant parts of originating request kf=kiln-fuse-data == +$ kiln-commit term :: +$ kiln-mount :: $: pax=path :: pot=term :: == +$ kiln-unmount $@(term [knot path]) :: +$ kiln-sync :: $: syd=desk :: local desk her=ship :: foreign ship sud=desk :: foreign desk == +$ kiln-unsync :: $: syd=desk :: local desk her=ship :: foreign ship sud=desk :: foreign desk == +$ kiln-merge :: $@ ~ $: syd=desk :: ali=ship :: sud=desk :: cas=case :: gim=?(%auto germ) :: == +$ fuse-source [who=ship des=desk ver=$@(%trak case)] :: actual poke +$ kiln-fuse $@ ~ $: syd=desk $@ ~ :: signifies clearing the fuse $: overwrite=flag :: force overwrite previous fuse bas=fuse-source con=(list [fuse-source germ]) == == :: state tracked by kiln +$ kiln-fuse-data $: syd=desk bas=fuse-source con=(list [fuse-source germ]) == :: Request to list current fuses. ~ means "list all" :: +$ kiln-fuse-list (unit desk) -- |= [bowl:gall state] ?> =(src our) =| moz=(list card:agent:gall) |% ++ kiln . ++ abet :: resolve [(flop moz) `state`+<+.$] :: ++ emit |= card:agent:gall %_(+> moz [+< moz]) :: ++ emil :: return cards |= (list card:agent:gall) ^+ +> ?~(+< +> $(+< t.+<, +> (emit i.+<))) :: +fmt: format string for slogging :: ++ fmt |= mes=tape [%0 %leaf (weld "kiln: " mes)] :: ++ render |= [mez=tape sud=desk who=ship syd=desk kid=(unit desk)] :^ %palm [" " ~ ~ ~] leaf+(weld "kiln: " mez) :^ leaf+"from {}" leaf+"on {}" leaf+"to {}" ?~ kid ~ [leaf+"then {}" ~] :: ++ sources =/ zyns=(list [[syd=desk her=ship sud=desk] *]) ~(tap by zyn) =| sources=(map desk [ship desk]) |- ^+ sources ?~ zyns sources =. sources (~(put by sources) -.i.zyns) $(zyns t.zyns) :: ++ on-init =< abet ~> %slog.(fmt "boot") :: =+ .^(desks=(set desk) %cd /(scot %p our)//(scot %da now)) =. desks (~(del in desks) %base) =. desks (~(del in desks) %kids) :: =/ sop=ship (sein:title our now our) :: set up base desk :: =? ..on-init ?=(?(%earl %duke %king) (clan:title our)) abet:init:(apex:(sync %base sop %kids) `%kids) :: install other desks and make them public :: =/ dez=(list desk) ~(tap in desks) |- ^+ ..on-init ?~ dez ..on-init =. ..on-init (emit %pass /kiln/init-zest %arvo %c %zest i.dez %live) =. ..on-init %- emit :^ %pass /kiln/permission %arvo [%c %perm i.dez / %r `[%black ~]] =/ src (get-publisher our i.dez now) =? ..on-init &(?=(^ src) !=(our u.src)) abet:init:(sync i.dez u.src i.dez) $(dez t.dez) :: ++ on-load => |% +$ ota [syd=desk her=ship sud=desk] -- =| old-ota=(unit ota) |= [hood-version=@ud old=any-state] =/ old-version -.old =* state +<+.$.abet :: =? old-ota ?=(%0 -.old) =/ syncs=(list [ota =aeon]) ~(tap by syn.old) |- ^- (unit ota) ?~ syncs ~ ?: &(=([%base %kids] [syd sud]:i.syncs) !=(our her.i.syncs)) `[syd her sud]:i.syncs $(syncs t.syncs) :: =? old ?=(%0 -.old) =? syn.old ?=(^ old-ota) (~(del by syn.old) u.old-ota) [%3 [rem syn ark=~ commit-timer fus=~ hxs=~]:old] :: =? old ?=(%1 -.old) :* %2 rem.old syn.old ota.old commit-timer.old fus=~ hxs=~ == :: =? old-ota ?=(%2 -.old) ?~ ota.old ~ `[%base ship desk]:u.ota.old :: =? old ?=(%2 -.old) :* %3 rem.old syn.old ark=~ commit-timer.old fus.old hxs.old == :: =? old ?=(%3 -.old) :- %4 +.old(ark (~(run by ark.old) |=(a=arak-3 a(rein [liv=& rein.a])))) :: =? old ?=(%4 -.old) :- %5 =- +.old(ark -) %- ~(run by ark.old) |= a=arak-4 ^- arak-6 [[paused=| ship desk aeon] next rein]:a :: =? old ?=(%5 -.old) [%6 ~ +.old] :: =? old ?=(%6 -.old) :- %7 =- +.old(ark -) %- ~(run by ark.old) |= a=arak-6 ^- arak-7 :_ rein.a ^- (unit rail-7) `[paused.rail ship.rail desk.rail aeon.rail next]:a :: =? old ?=(%7 -.old) :- %8 =- +.old(ark -) %- ~(gas by *(map desk arak-9)) %+ turn ~(tap by ark.old) |= [d=desk a=arak-7] ^- [desk arak-9] :- d :_ rein.a ?~ rail.a ~ `[(get-publisher our d now) u.rail.a] :: =? old ?=(%8 -.old) [%9 +.old] :: =^ cards-9=(list card:agent:gall) old ?. ?=(%9 -.old) `old =/ syn=(set kiln-sync) %- ~(gas in ~(key by syn.old)) %+ murn ~(tap by ark.old) |= [=desk =arak-9] ?~ rail.arak-9 ~ ?: paused.u.rail.arak-9 ~ `u=[desk ship.u.rail.arak-9 desk.u.rail.arak-9] =/ zet=(list [desk zest]) %+ murn ~(tap by ark.old) |= [=desk =arak-9] ^- (unit [^desk zest]) ?: liv.rein.arak-9 `[desk %next] ?~ rail.arak-9 ~ ?: paused.u.rail.arak-9 ~ `[desk %next] :: :_ [%10 |1.+.old(syn 0, ark ~)] ;: weld %+ turn zet |= [=desk =zest] [%pass /kiln/load-zest %arvo %c %zest desk zest] :: %+ turn ~(tap in syn) |= k=kiln-sync [%pass /kiln/load-sync %agent [our %hood] %poke %kiln-sync !>(k)] :: =/ ks ~(tap in syn) |- ^- (list card:agent:gall) ?~ ks ~ ?: =(%base syd.i.ks) :_ ~ :* %pass /kiln/load-kids %agent [our %hood] %poke %kiln-kids !>([i.ks `%kids]) == $(ks t.ks) == :: ?> ?=(%10 -.old) =. state old abet:(emil cards-9) :: ++ on-peek |= =path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?+ path [~ ~] [%x %kiln %our ~] ``noun+!>(our) [%x %kiln %lag ~] ``loob+!>(.^(? //(scot %p our)//(scot %da now)/zen/lag)) :: [%x %kiln %base-hash ~] =/ ver (mergebase-hashes our %base now (~(got by sources) %base)) ``noun+!>(?~(ver 0v0 i.ver)) :: [%x %kiln %syncs ~] ``noun+!>(zyn) [%x %kiln %sources ~] ``noun+!>(sources) == :: :: +get-germ: select merge strategy into local desk :: :: If destination desk doesn't exist, need a %init merge. Otherwise, :: we just want what the remote has, so we use %only-that. :: ++ get-germ |= =desk =+ .^(=cass:clay %cw /(scot %p our)/[desk]/(scot %da now)) ?- ud.cass %0 %init * %only-that == :: ++ poke |= [=mark =vase] ?+ mark ~|([%poke-kiln-bad-mark mark] !!) %kiln-autocommit =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-autocommit) %kiln-cancel =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-cancel) %kiln-cancel-autocommit =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-cancel-autocommit) %kiln-commit =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-commit) %kiln-fuse =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-fuse) %kiln-fuse-list =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-fuse-list) %kiln-gall-sear =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-gall-sear) %kiln-info =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-info) %kiln-install =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-install) %kiln-kids =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-kids) %kiln-label =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-label) %kiln-merge =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-merge) %kiln-mount =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-mount) %kiln-nuke =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-nuke) %kiln-pause =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-pause) %kiln-permission =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-permission) %kiln-revive =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-revive) %kiln-rein =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-rein) %kiln-rm =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-rm) %kiln-schedule =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-schedule) %kiln-suspend =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-suspend) %kiln-sync =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-sync) %kiln-syncs =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-syncs) %kiln-uninstall =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-uninstall) %kiln-unmount =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-unmount) %kiln-unsync =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-unsync) == :: ++ poke-autocommit |= [mon=kiln-commit auto=?] =< abet =. +>.$ (emit %pass /commit %arvo %c [%dirk mon]) ?. auto +>.$ =/ recur ~s1 =. commit-timer [/kiln/autocommit (add now recur) recur mon] (emit %pass way.commit-timer %arvo %b [%wait nex.commit-timer]) :: ++ poke-cancel |= a=@tas abet:(emit %pass /cancel %arvo %c [%drop a]) :: ++ poke-cancel-autocommit |= ~ abet:(emit %pass way.commit-timer %arvo %b [%rest nex.commit-timer]) :: ++ poke-commit |= [mon=kiln-commit auto=?] =< abet =. +>.$ (emit %pass /commit %arvo %c [%dirk mon]) ?. auto +>.$ =/ recur ~s1 =. commit-timer [/kiln/autocommit (add now recur) recur mon] (emit %pass way.commit-timer %arvo %b [%wait nex.commit-timer]) :: ++ poke-fuse-list => |% ++ format-fuse |= [into=desk pf=per-fuse] ^- tank =/ sources=tape %+ reel con.kf.pf |= [[fs=fuse-source g=germ] acc=tape] ^- tape :(weld " [" (format-fuse-source fs) " " "]" acc) :- %leaf ;: weld "|fuse {} " (format-fuse-source bas.kf.pf) sources == :: +format-fuse-source: fuse source -> beak -> path :: ++ format-fuse-source |= fs=fuse-source ^- tape =/ bec=beak [who.fs des.fs ?:(?=([%trak] ver.fs) [%tas %track] ver.fs)] <(en-beam [bec /])> -- |= k=kiln-fuse-list ^+ abet %. abet ?~ k ?~ fus (slog [leaf+"no ongoing fuses" ~]) %- slog %+ roll ~(tap by `(map desk per-fuse)`fus) |= [[syd=desk pf=per-fuse] acc=tang] ^- tang [(format-fuse syd pf) acc] =/ pfu=(unit per-fuse) (~(get by fus) u.k) ?~ pfu (slog [leaf+"no ongoing fuse for {}" ~]) (slog [(format-fuse u.k u.pfu) ~]) :: ++ poke-fuse |= k=kiln-fuse ?~ k abet =/ payload +.k ?~ payload :: cancelling an ongoing fuse %- (slog [leaf+"cancelling fuse into {}" ~]) =/ f (fuzz syd.k now) ?~ f abet abet:abet:delete:u.f ?: &(!overwrite.payload (~(has by fus) syd.k)) ((slog [leaf+"existing fuse into {} - need =overwrite &" ~]) abet) =. fus (~(put by fus) syd.k [~ [syd.k bas.payload con.payload]]) =/ old-cnt=@ud (~(gut by hxs) syd.k 0) =. hxs (~(put by hxs) syd.k +(old-cnt)) =/ f (fuzz syd.k now) ?~ f abet abet:abet:fuse:u.f :: ++ poke-gall-sear |= =ship abet:(emit %pass /kiln %arvo %g %sear ship) :: ++ poke-info |= [mez=tape tor=(unit toro)] ?~ tor abet:(spam leaf+mez ~) abet:(emit:(spam leaf+mez ~) %pass /kiln %arvo %c [%info u.tor]) :: ++ poke-install |= [loc=desk her=ship rem=desk] =+ .^(=rock:tire %cx /(scot %p our)//(scot %da now)/tire) =/ =zest ?~ got=(~(get by rock) loc) %dead zest.u.got =. zyn ?~ got=(~(get by sources) loc) zyn (~(del by zyn) loc u.got) =? ..abet ?=(%dead zest) (emit %pass /kiln/install %arvo %c %zest loc %next) ?: (~(has by zyn) loc her rem) abet:(spam (render "already syncing" loc her rem ~) ~) ?: =([our loc] [her rem]) abet ?: =(%base loc) abet:abet:init:(apex:(sync loc her rem) `%kids) abet:abet:init:(sync loc her rem) :: ++ poke-kids |= [hos=kiln-sync nex=(unit desk)] abet:abet:(apex:(sync hos) nex) :: ++ poke-label |= [syd=desk lab=@tas aey=(unit aeon)] =+ pax=/(scot %p our)/[syd]/[lab] (poke-info "labeled {(spud pax)}" `[syd %| lab aey]) :: ++ poke-merge |= kiln-merge ?~ +< abet abet:abet:(merge:(work syd) ali sud cas gim) :: ++ poke-mount |= kiln-mount =+ bem=(de-beam pax) ?~ bem =+ "can't mount bad path: {}" abet:(spam leaf+- ~) abet:(emit %pass /mount %arvo %c [%mont pot u.bem]) :: ++ poke-nuke |= [=term desk=?] =< abet ?. desk (emit %pass /nuke %arvo %g [%nuke term]) %- emil %+ turn (get-apps-have our term now) |=([=dude ?] [%pass /nuke %arvo %g [%nuke dude]]) :: ++ poke-pause |= =desk ?~ got=(~(get by sources) desk) abet:(spam leaf+"desk not installed: {}" ~) (poke-unsync desk u.got) :: ++ poke-permission |= [syd=desk pax=path pub=?] =< abet %- emit =/ =rite [%r ~ ?:(pub %black %white) ~] [%pass /kiln/permission %arvo %c [%perm syd pax rite]] :: ++ poke-rein |= [=desk =rein] abet:(emit %pass /kiln/rein %arvo %c %rein desk rein) :: ++ poke-revive |= =desk abet:(emit %pass /kiln/revive %arvo %c %zest desk %live) :: ++ poke-rm |= a=path =+ b=.^(arch %cy a) ?~ fil.b =+ ~[leaf+"No such file:" leaf+"{}"] abet:(spam -) (poke-info "removed" `(fray a)) :: ++ poke-schedule |= [where=path tym=@da eve=@t] =. where (welp where /sched) %+ poke-info "scheduled" =+ old=;;((map @da cord) (fall (file where) ~)) `(foal where %sched !>((~(put by old) tym eve))) :: ++ poke-suspend |= =desk abet:(emit %pass /kiln/suspend %arvo %c %zest desk %dead) :: ++ poke-sync |= hos=kiln-sync ?: (~(has by zyn) hos) abet:(spam (render "already syncing" [sud her syd ~]:hos) ~) abet:abet:init:(sync hos) :: ++ poke-syncs :: print sync config |= ~ =< abet %- spam ?: =(0 ~(wyt by zyn)) [%leaf "no syncs configured"]~ %+ turn ~(tap by zyn) |= [kiln-sync sync-state] (render "sync configured" sud her syd kid) :: ++ poke-uninstall |= loc=desk ?~ got=(~(get by sources) loc) abet:(spam leaf+"desk not installed: {}" ~) =. ..on-init (emit %pass /kiln/uninstall %arvo %c %zest loc %dead) (poke-unsync loc u.got) :: ++ poke-unmount |= mon=kiln-unmount ?^ mon =+ bem=(de-beam mon) ?~ bem =+ "can't unmount bad path: {}" abet:(spam leaf+- ~) abet:(emit %pass /unmount-beam %arvo %c [%ogre [[p q r] s]:u.bem]) abet:(emit %pass /unmount-point %arvo %c [%ogre mon]) :: :: Don't need to cancel anything because new syncs will get a new nonce :: ++ poke-unsync |= hus=kiln-unsync ?~ got=(~(get by zyn) hus) abet:(spam (render "not syncing" [sud her syd ~]:hus) ~) =. zyn (~(del by zyn) hus) abet:(spam (render "cancelling sync" sud.hus her.hus syd.hus kid.u.got) ~) :: +peer: handle %watch :: ++ peer |= =path ?> (team:title our src) ?: =(0 1) abet :: avoid mint-vain ?+ path ~|(kiln-path/path !!) [%vats ~] (mean leaf+"kiln: old subscription to /kiln/vats failed" ~) == :: ++ take-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ?+ wire ?: ?=(%poke-ack -.sign) ~? ?=(^ p.sign) [%kiln-poke-nack u.p.sign] abet ~|([%kiln-bad-take-agent wire -.sign] !!) :: [%fancy *] ?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign) (take-coup-fancy t.wire p.sign) :: [%spam *] ?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign) (take-coup-spam t.wire p.sign) :: [%link @ ~] ?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign) ~> %slog.(fmt "linked {<`@tas`i.t.wire>} to console") abet == :: ++ take-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^+ abet ?- wire [%sync %merg *] abet [%find-ship *] abet [%sync *] abet [%zinc *] (take-sync t.wire sign-arvo) [%autocommit *] %+ take-wake-autocommit t.wire ?>(?=(%wake +<.sign-arvo) +>.sign-arvo) [%vats *] abet [%fuse-request @tas *] =/ f (fuzz i.t.wire now) ?~ f abet abet:abet:(take:u.f t.t.wire sign-arvo) [%fuse @tas *] ?> ?=(%mere +<.sign-arvo) =/ syd=desk i.t.wire ?. ?=([%| *] +>.sign-arvo) ?~ p.p.sign-arvo abet =/ msg=tape "fuse merge conflict for {}" %- (slog [leaf+msg >p.p.sign-arvo< ~]) abet %- (slog leaf+"failed fuse for {}" p.p.sign-arvo) abet * ?+ +<.sign-arvo ((slog leaf+"kiln: strange card {<+<.sign-arvo wire>}" ~) abet) %done (done wire +>.sign-arvo) %mere (take-mere wire +>.sign-arvo) == == ++ take |=(way=wire ?>(?=([@ ~] way) (work i.way))) :: general handler ++ done |= [way=wire saw=(unit error:ames)] ~? ?=(^ saw) [%kiln-nack u.saw] abet :: ++ take-mere :: |= [way=wire are=(each (set path) (pair term tang))] ?. ?=([@ ~] way) abet abet:abet:(mere:(take way) are) :: ++ take-coup-fancy :: |= [way=wire saw=(unit tang)] abet:abet:(coup-fancy:(take way) saw) :: ++ take-coup-spam :: |= [way=wire saw=(unit tang)] ~? ?=(^ saw) [%kiln-spam-lame u.saw] abet :: ++ take-wake-autocommit |= [way=wire error=(unit tang)] ?^ error %- (slog u.error) ~& %kiln-wake-autocommit-fail abet =. nex.commit-timer (add now tim.commit-timer) =< abet %- emil :~ [%pass /commit %arvo %c [%dirk mon.commit-timer]] [%pass way.commit-timer %arvo %b [%wait nex.commit-timer]] == :: :: ++ spam |= mes=(list tank) ((slog mes) ..spam) :: state machine for fuses :: ++ fuzz |= [syd=desk now=@da] =/ pfu=(unit per-fuse) (~(get by fus) syd) ?~ pfu ~ =* kf kf.u.pfu =* mox mox.u.pfu =/ should-delete=flag | %- some |% :: finalize :: ++ abet ?: should-delete ..fuzz(fus (~(del by fus) syd)) ..fuzz(fus (~(put by fus) syd [mox kf])) :: ++ delete ^+ ..delete =. should-delete & ..delete :: queue moves :: ++ blab |= new=(list card:agent:gall) ^+ +> +>.$(moz (welp new moz)) :: +make-requests: send requests for each %trak source. :: ++ make-requests ^+ ..abet =/ movs=(list card:agent:gall) %+ murn [[bas.kf *germ] con.kf] |= [fs=fuse-source germ] ^- (unit card:agent:gall) ?^ ver.fs :: static source, don't need to track ~ =/ bec=beak (realize-fuse-source fs &) ?> =(who.fs p.bec) ?> =(des.fs q.bec) =/ hax=@ud (mug [kf (~(got by hxs) syd)]) =/ wir=wire /kiln/fuse-request/[syd]/(scot %p p.bec)/[q.bec]/(scot %ud hax) =/ rav=rave [%sing %w r.bec /] =/ rif=riff [q.bec `rav] `[%pass wir %arvo %c [%warp who.fs rif]] :: No need to keep state if all the sources are static ?~ movs delete (blab movs) :: ++ send-fuse ^+ ..abet =/ bas=beak (realize-fuse-source bas.kf |) =/ con=(list [beak germ]) %+ turn con.kf |= [fs=fuse-source g=germ] [(realize-fuse-source fs |) g] %- blab [%pass /kiln/fuse/[syd] %arvo %c [%fuse syd bas con]]~ :: ++ fuse ^+ ..abet send-fuse:make-requests :: ++ take |= [wir=wire =sign-arvo] ^+ ..fuse ?> =((lent wir) 3) =/ who=ship (slav %p (snag 0 wir)) =/ src=desk (snag 1 wir) =/ hax=@ud (slav %ud (snag 2 wir)) ?. =(hax (mug [kf (~(got by hxs) syd)])) :: If the hash in the wire doesn't match the current request :: this is a response for a previous fuse that we can ignore. ..take ?> ?=([?(%clay %behn) %writ *] sign-arvo) =/ gif +.sign-arvo ?~ p.gif %- (slog leaf+"|fuse request failed for {} on - cancelling") delete =/ cas=cass:clay !<(cass:clay +.r.u.p.gif) =. mox (~(put by mox) [who src] ud.cas) fuse :: :: utility functions below :: :: +realize-fuse-source: convert a fuse-source to a :: fully realized beak. :: ++ realize-fuse-source |= [fs=fuse-source incr=flag] ^- beak :+ who.fs des.fs ?@ ver.fs (realize-case [who.fs des.fs incr]) `case`ver.fs :: ++ realize-case |= [who=ship des=desk incr=flag] ^- case =/ let=(unit @ud) (~(get by mox) [who des]) ^- case ?~ let da+now :- %ud ?: incr +(u.let) u.let -- :: ++ take-sync |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ?> ?=([@ @ @ *] wire) =* syd i.wire =/ her (slav %p i.t.wire) =* sud i.t.t.wire ?. (~(has by zyn) syd her sud) abet abet:abet:(take:(sync syd her sud) t.t.t.wire sign-arvo) :: ++ sync |= kiln-sync =/ got (~(get by zyn) syd her sud) =+ `sync-state`(fall got [(scot %uv nyz) ~ *@ud]) =? nyz ?=(~ got) +(nyz) |% ++ abet ..sync(zyn (~(put by zyn) [syd her sud] nun kid let)) ++ apex |=(nex=(unit desk) ..abet(kid nex)) ++ emit |=(card:agent:gall ..abet(kiln (^emit +<))) ++ emil |=((list card:agent:gall) ..abet(kiln (^emil +<))) ++ here "{} from {}/{}" ++ ware |= =wire [%kiln %zinc syd (scot %p her) sud nun wire] ++ lard |= [=wire =shed:khan] (emit %pass (ware wire) %arvo %k %lard %base shed) ++ merg |= [=wire =desk] %: emit %pass (ware wire) %arvo %c %merg desk her sud ud+(dec let) (get-germ desk) == :: :: (re)Start a sync from scratch by finding what version the source :: desk is at :: ++ init ^+ ..abet =. let 0 %+ lard /init =/ m (strand:rand ,vase) ~> %slog.(fmt "beginning install into {here}") ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio her sud ~ %sing %y ud+1 /) ~> %slog.(fmt "activated install into {here}") ;< now=@da bind:m get-time:strandio ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio her sud ~ %sing %w da+now /) ?> ?=(^ riot) =+ !<(=cass:clay q.r.u.riot) (pure:m !>(ud.cass)) :: :: Listen for the next revision, and download it :: ++ next ^+ ..abet %+ lard /next =/ m (strand:rand ,vase) ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio her sud ~ %sing %w ud+let /) ~> %slog.(fmt "downloading update for {here}") ;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp:strandio her sud ~ %sing %v ud+let /) ?> ?=(^ riot) (pure:m !>(%done)) :: :: Main control router :: :: NB: %next, %main, and %kids are conceptually a single state with a :: single error handling mechanism (move on to the next version). We :: cannot combine them into a single lard because when you update :: main you may update spider, and in that case all active threads :: are killed, which would stop us from continuing that thread. :: Instead, we do the merges to syd and kid explicitly. :: ++ take |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^+ ..abet ?> ?=([@ @ *] wire) ?. =(nun i.wire) ..abet ?+ i.t.wire ~> %slog.(fmt "sync-bad-take {}") ..abet %init ?. =(0 let) ~> %slog.(fmt "sync-bad-stage {} {}") ..abet ?> ?=(%arow +<.sign-arvo) ?: ?=(%| -.p.sign-arvo) ~> %slog.(fmt "activation failed into {here}; retrying sync") %- (slog p.p.sign-arvo) init :: Now that we know the revision, start main download loop :: =. let !<(@ud q.p.p.sign-arvo) next :: %next ?> ?=(%arow +<.sign-arvo) ?: ?=(%| -.p.sign-arvo) ~> %slog.(fmt "download failed into {here}; retrying sync") %- (slog p.p.sign-arvo) init :: ~> %slog.(fmt "finished downloading update for {here}") =. let +(let) :: If nothing changed, just advance :: ?. (get-remote-diff our syd now [her sud (dec let)]) ~> %slog.(fmt "remote is identical to {here}, skipping") next :: Else start merging, but also immediately start listening to :: the next revision. Now, all errors should no-op -- we're :: already waiting for the next revision. :: =. ..abet (merg /main syd) next :: %main ?> ?=(%mere +<.sign-arvo) :: This case is maintained by superstition. If you remove it, :: carefully test that if the source ship is breached, we :: correctly reset let to 0 :: ?: ?=([%| %ali-unavailable *] p.sign-arvo) =+ "kiln: merge into {here} failed, maybe because sunk; restarting" %- (slog leaf/- p.p.sign-arvo) init ?: ?=(%| -.p.sign-arvo) =+ "kiln: merge into {here} failed, waiting for next revision" %- (slog leaf/- p.p.sign-arvo) ..abet ~> %slog.(fmt "merge into {} succeeded") :: If we have a kids desk parameter, merge into that :: ?~ kid ..abet ~> %slog.(fmt "kids merge into {}") (merg /kids u.kid) :: %kids ?> ?=(%mere +<.sign-arvo) :: See %main for this case :: ?: ?=([%| %ali-unavailable *] p.sign-arvo) =+ "kids merge to {} failed, maybe peer sunk; restarting" ~> %slog.(fmt -) init :: Just notify; we've already started listening for the next :: version :: ?- -.p.sign-arvo %& ~> %slog.(fmt "kids merge to {} succeeded") ..abet %| ~> %slog.(fmt "kids merge to {} failed") %- (slog p.p.sign-arvo) ..abet == == -- :: ++ work :: state machine |= syd=desk =/ ,per-desk %+ ~(gut by rem) syd =+ *per-desk %_(- cas [%da now]) |% ++ abet :: resolve ..work(rem (~(put by rem) syd auto gem her sud cas)) :: ++ blab |= new=(list card:agent:gall) ^+ +> +>.$(moz (welp new moz)) :: ++ win . :: successful poke ++ lose ^+ . ~| %kiln-work-fail . :: ++ perform :: ^+ . ?< ?=(%this gem) ?< ?=(%that gem) (blab [%pass /kiln/[syd] %arvo %c [%merg syd her sud cas gem]] ~) :: ++ fancy-merge :: send to self |= [syd=desk her=@p sud=desk gem=?(%auto germ)] ^+ +> =/ =cage [%kiln-merge !>([syd her sud cas gem])] %- blab :_ ~ [%pass /kiln/fancy/[^syd] %agent [our %hood] %poke cage] :: ++ spam ::|=(tang ((slog +<) ..spam)) |*(* +>(..work (^spam +<))) ++ merge |= [her=@p sud=@tas cas=case gim=?(%auto germ)] ^+ +> ?. ?=(%auto gim) perform(auto |, gem gim, her her, cas cas, sud sud) ?: =(0 ud:.^(cass:clay %cw /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot %da now))) => $(gim %init) .(auto &) => $(gim %fine) .(auto &) :: ++ coup-fancy |= saw=(unit tang) ?~ saw +> =+ :- "failed to set up conflict resolution scratch space" "I'm out of ideas" lose:(spam leaf+-< leaf+-> u.saw) :: ++ mere |= are=(each (set path) (pair term tang)) ^+ +> ?: =(%meld gem) ?: ?=(%& -.are) ?. auto =+ "merged with strategy {}" win:(spam leaf+- ?~(p.are ~ [>`(set path)`p.are< ~])) :: ~? > =(~ p.are) [%mere-no-conflict syd] => .(+>.$ (spam leaf+"mashing conflicts" ~)) =+ tic=(cat 3 syd '-scratch') =/ notations=(list [path (unit [mark vase])]) %+ turn ~(tap in p.are) |= =path =/ =mark -:(flop path) =/ =dais .^(dais %cb /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/[mark]) =/ base .^(vase %cr (weld /(scot %p our)/[tic]/(scot cas) path)) =/ ali .^(vase %cr (weld /(scot %p her)/[sud]/(scot cas) path)) =/ bob .^(vase %cr (weld /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas) path)) =/ ali-dif (~(diff dais base) ali) =/ bob-dif (~(diff dais base) bob) =/ mash (~(mash dais base) [her sud ali-dif] [our syd bob-dif]) :- path ?~ mash ~ `[mark (~(pact dais base) u.mash)] =/ [annotated=(list [path *]) unnotated=(list [path *])] (skid notations |=([* v=*] ?=(^ v))) =/ tic=desk (cat 3 syd '-scratch') =/ tan=(list tank) %- zing ^- (list (list tank)) :~ %- tape-to-tanks """ done setting up scratch space in {<[tic]>} please resolve the following conflicts and run |merge {} our {<[tic]>} """ %^ tanks-if-any "annotated conflicts in:" (turn annotated head) "" %^ tanks-if-any "unannotated conflicts in:" (turn unnotated head) """ some conflicts could not be annotated. for these, the scratch space contains the most recent common ancestor of the conflicting content. """ == =< win %- blab:(spam tan) :_ ~ :* %pass /kiln/[syd] %arvo %c %info tic %& %+ murn notations |= [=path dif=(unit [=mark =vase])] ^- (unit [^path miso]) ?~ dif ~ `[path %mut mark.u.dif vase.u.dif] == =+ "failed to merge with strategy meld" lose:(spam leaf+- >p.p.are< q.p.are) ?: ?=(%& -.are) =+ "merged with strategy {}" win:(spam leaf+- ?~(p.are ~ [>`(set path)`p.are< ~])) ?. auto =+ "failed to merge with strategy {}" lose:(spam leaf+- >p.p.are< q.p.are) ?+ gem (spam leaf+"strange auto" >gem< ~) :: %init =+ :- "auto merge failed on strategy %init" "I'm out of ideas" lose:(spam leaf+-< leaf+-> [>p.p.are< q.p.are]) :: %fine ?. ?=(%bad-fine-merge p.p.are) =+ "auto merge failed on strategy %fine" lose:(spam leaf+- >p.p.are< q.p.are) => (spam leaf+"%fine merge failed, trying %meet" ~) perform(gem %meet) :: %meet ?. ?=(%meet-conflict p.p.are) =+ "auto merge failed on strategy %meet" lose:(spam leaf+- >p.p.are< q.p.are) => (spam leaf+"%meet merge failed, trying %mate" ~) perform(gem %mate) :: %mate ?. ?=(%mate-conflict p.p.are) =+ "auto merge failed on strategy %mate" lose:(spam leaf+- >p.p.are< q.p.are) => .(gem %meld) =+ tic=(cat 3 syd '-scratch') => =+ :- "%mate merge failed with conflicts," "setting up scratch space at %{(trip tic)}" [tic=tic (spam leaf+-< leaf+-> q.p.are)] =. ..mere (fancy-merge tic our syd %init) => (spam leaf+"%melding %{(trip sud)} into scratch space" ~) %- blab :_ ~ ?< ?=(%this gem) ?< ?=(%that gem) =/ note [%merg (cat 3 syd '-scratch') her sud cas gem] [%pass /kiln/[syd] %arvo %c note] == :: ++ tape-to-tanks |= a=tape ^- (list tank) (scan a (more (just '\0a') (cook |=(a=tape leaf+a) (star prn)))) :: ++ tanks-if-any |= [a=tape b=(list path) c=tape] ^- (list tank) ?: =(~ b) ~ (welp (tape-to-tanks "\0a{c}{a}") >b< ~) -- --