{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} -- This is required due to the use of 'Void' in a constructor slot in -- combination with 'deriveNoun' which generates an unreachable pattern. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-overlapping-patterns #-} {-| Effect Types and Their Noun Conversions -} module Urbit.Arvo.Effect where import Urbit.Noun.Time import Urbit.Prelude import Control.Monad.Fail (fail) import Urbit.Arvo.Common (KingId(..), ServId(..)) import Urbit.Arvo.Common (Header, HttpEvent, HttpServerConf, Method, Mime) import Urbit.Arvo.Common (AmesDest, Turf) import Urbit.Arvo.Common (ReOrg(..), reorgThroughNoun) import Urbit.Arvo.Common (Desk) -- Newt Effects ---------------------------------------------------------------- {-| %turf -- Set which domain names we've bound. %send -- Send a UDP packet. -} data NewtEf = NewtEfTurf (Atom, ()) [Turf] | NewtEfSend (Atom, ()) AmesDest Bytes deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''NewtEf -- HTTP Client Effects --------------------------------------------------------- data HttpClientReq = HttpClientReq { method :: Method , url :: Cord , headerList :: [Header] , body :: Maybe Octs } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) {-| %request -- TODO %cancel-request -- TODO -} data HttpClientEf = HCERequest (Atom, ()) Word HttpClientReq | HCECancelRequest Path Word deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''HttpClientReq deriveNoun ''HttpClientEf -- HTTP Server Effects --------------------------------------------------------- {-| %set-config -- Update HTTP server configuration. %response -- Respond to an active HTTP request. -} data HttpServerEf = HSESetConfig (ServId, ()) HttpServerConf | HSEResponse (ServId, UD, UD, ()) HttpEvent deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''HttpServerEf -- File System Effects --------------------------------------------------------- {-| %hill -- TODO %dirk -- mark mount dirty %ergo -- TODO %ogre -- TODO -} data SyncEf = SyncEfHill () [Desk] | SyncEfDirk Path Desk | SyncEfErgo Path Desk [(Path, Maybe Mime)] | SyncEfOgre Path Desk deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''SyncEf -- Timer Effects --------------------------------------------------------------- {-| %doze -- Set or clear timer. %void -- Nasty hack to make the parser not treat this as a record. -} data BehnEf = BehnEfDoze (KingId, ()) (Maybe Wen) | BehnEfVoid Void deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''BehnEf -- Terminal Effects ------------------------------------------------------------ {-| %bel -- TODO %clr -- TODO %hop -- TODO %lin -- TODO %mor -- TODO %sag -- TODO %sav -- TODO %url -- TODO -} data Blit = Bel () | Clr () | Hop Word64 | Klr Stub | Lin [Char] | Mor () | Sag Path Noun | Sav Path Atom | Url Cord deriving (Eq, Ord) data Deco = DecoBl | DecoBr | DecoUn | DecoNull deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Tint = TintR | TintG | TintB | TintC | TintM | TintY | TintK | TintW | TintNull | TintTrue Atom Atom Atom deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Stye = Stye { deco :: (HoonSet Deco) , back :: Tint , fore :: Tint } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) newtype Stub = Stub [(Stye, [Char])] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance ToNoun Deco where toNoun = \case DecoBl -> toNoun $ Cord "bl" DecoBr -> toNoun $ Cord "br" DecoUn -> toNoun $ Cord "un" DecoNull -> Atom 0 instance FromNoun Deco where parseNoun = named "Deco" . \case Atom 0 -> pure DecoNull n -> parseNoun @Cord n <&> unCord >>= \case "bl" -> pure DecoBl "br" -> pure DecoBr "un" -> pure DecoUn t -> fail ("invalid: " <> unpack t) instance ToNoun Tint where toNoun = \case TintR -> toNoun $ Cord "r" TintG -> toNoun $ Cord "g" TintB -> toNoun $ Cord "b" TintC -> toNoun $ Cord "c" TintM -> toNoun $ Cord "m" TintY -> toNoun $ Cord "y" TintK -> toNoun $ Cord "k" TintW -> toNoun $ Cord "w" TintNull -> Atom 0 TintTrue r g b -> Cell (Atom r) $ Cell (Atom g) (Atom b) instance FromNoun Tint where parseNoun = named "Tint" . \case Atom 0 -> pure TintNull Cell (Atom r) (Cell (Atom g) (Atom b)) -> pure (TintTrue r g b) n -> parseNoun @Cord n <&> unCord >>= \case "r" -> pure TintR "g" -> pure TintG "b" -> pure TintB "c" -> pure TintC "m" -> pure TintM "y" -> pure TintY "k" -> pure TintK "w" -> pure TintW t -> fail ("invalid: " <> unpack t) -- Manual instance to not save the noun/atom in Sag/Sav, because these can be -- megabytes and makes king hang. instance Show Blit where show (Bel ()) = "Bel ()" show (Clr ()) = "Clr ()" show (Hop x) = "Hop " ++ (show x) show (Klr s) = "Klr " ++ (show s) show (Lin c) = "Lin " ++ (show c) show (Mor ()) = "Mor ()" show (Sag path _) = "Sag " ++ (show path) show (Sav path _) = "Sav " ++ (show path) show (Url c) = "Url " ++ (show c) {-| %blip -- TODO %init -- TODO %logo -- Shutdown %mass -- Measure memory usage (unused) -} data TermEf = TermEfBlit (UD, ()) [Blit] | TermEfInit (UD, ()) Ship | TermEfLogo Path () | TermEfMass Path Noun -- Irrelevant deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''Stye deriveNoun ''Stub deriveNoun ''Blit deriveNoun ''TermEf -- IO-Driver Routing ----------------------------------------------------------- data VaneEf = VENewt NewtEf | VEHttpClient HttpClientEf | VEHttpServer HttpServerEf | VEBehn BehnEf | VETerm TermEf | VEClay SyncEf | VESync SyncEf | VEBoat SyncEf deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriveNoun ''VaneEf -- Top-Level Ef Type ----------------------------------------------------------- data Ef = EfVane VaneEf | EfVega Cord EvilPath -- second path component, rest of path | EfExit Cord EvilPath -- second path component, rest of path deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance ToNoun Ef where toNoun = \case EfVane v -> toNoun $ reorgThroughNoun ("", v) EfExit s p -> toNoun $ ReOrg "" s "exit" p (A 0) EfVega s p -> toNoun $ ReOrg "" s "vega" p (A 0) instance FromNoun Ef where parseNoun = parseNoun >=> \case ReOrg "" s "exit" p (A 0) -> pure (EfExit s p) ReOrg "" s "exit" p _ -> fail "%exit effect expects nil value" ReOrg "" s "vega" p (A 0) -> pure (EfVega s p) ReOrg "" s "vega" p _ -> fail "%vega effect expects nil value" ReOrg "" s tag p val -> EfVane <$> parseNoun (toNoun (s, tag, p, val)) ReOrg _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Non-empty first path-element" summarizeEffect :: Lenient Ef -> Text summarizeEffect ef = fromNoun (toNoun ef) & \case Nothing -> "//invalid %effect" Just (pax :: [Cord], tag :: Cord, val :: Noun) -> "/" <> intercalate "/" (unCord <$> pax) <> " %" <> unCord tag