:: contact-view: sets up contact JS client and combines commands :: into semantic actions for the UI :: /- *group-store /- *group-hook /- *invite-store /- *contact-hook /- *metadata-store /- *metadata-hook /- *permission-group-hook /- *permission-hook :: /+ *server, *contact-json, default-agent, dbug :: /* index-html %html /app/contacts/index/html /* index-js %js /app/contacts/js/index/js /* tile-js %js /app/contacts/js/tile/js /* index-css %css /app/contacts/css/index/css /* home-png %png /app/contacts/img/home/png /* tile-png %png /app/contacts/img/tile/png /* search-png %png /app/contacts/img/search/png :: =/ as-octs as-octs:mimes:html =/ index (as-octs index-html) =/ script (as-octs index-js) =/ tile-js (as-octs tile-js) =/ style (as-octs index-css) :: =/ contact-png=(map @t octs) =- (~(run by -) as-octs:mimes:html) %- ~(gas by *(map @t @)) :~ [%'Home' home-png] [%'Tile' tile-png] search+search-png == |% +$ card card:agent:gall -- :: %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . contact-core +> cc ~(. contact-core bowl) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) :_ this :~ [%pass /updates %agent [our.bowl %contact-store] %watch /updates] [%pass / %arvo %e %connect [~ /'~groups'] %contact-view] (launch-poke:cc [%contact-view /primary '/~groups/js/tile.js']) (contact-poke:cc [%create /~/default]) (group-poke:cc [%bundle /~/default]) (contact-poke:cc [%add /~/default our.bowl *contact]) (group-poke:cc [%add [our.bowl ~ ~] /~/default]) == :: ++ on-save on-save:def ++ on-load on-load:def ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %json [(poke-json:cc !<(json vase)) this] %contact-view-action [(poke-contact-view-action:cc !<(contact-view-action vase)) this] :: %handle-http-request =+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase) :_ this %+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id %+ require-authorization:app inbound-request poke-handle-http-request:cc == :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?: ?=([%http-response *] path) [~ this] ?. =(/primary path) (on-watch:def path) [[%give %fact ~ %json !>((rolodex-to-json all-scry:cc))]~ this] :: ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %kick [[%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %watch /updates]~ this] :: %fact ?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %contact-update =/ update=json (update-to-json !<(contact-update q.cage.sign)) [[%give %fact ~[/primary] %json !>(update)]~ this] == == :: ++ on-arvo |= [=wire =sign-arvo] ^- (quip card _this) ?. ?=(%bound +<.sign-arvo) (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo) [~ this] :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- :: |_ bol=bowl:gall ++ poke-json |= jon=json ^- (list card) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) (poke-contact-view-action (json-to-view-action jon)) :: ++ poke-contact-view-action |= act=contact-view-action ^- (list card) ?- -.act %create ?> ?=([@ *] path.act) %+ weld :~ (group-poke [%bundle path.act]) (contact-poke [%create path.act]) (contact-hook-poke [%add-owned path.act]) (group-hook-poke [%add our.bol path.act]) (group-poke [%add (~(put in ships.act) our.bol) path.act]) (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate path.act [[path.act %white] ~ ~]]) (permission-hook-poke [%add-owned path.act path.act]) == (create-metadata path.act title.act description.act) :: %delete %+ weld :~ (group-poke [%unbundle path.act]) (contact-poke [%delete path.act]) (contact-hook-poke [%remove path.act]) == (delete-metadata path.act) :: %remove :~ (group-poke [%remove [ship.act ~ ~] path.act]) (contact-poke [%remove path.act ship.act]) == :: %share :: determine whether to send to our contact-hook or foreign :: send contact-action to contact-hook with %add action [(share-poke recipient.act [%add path.act ship.act contact.act])]~ == ++ poke-handle-http-request |= =inbound-request:eyre ^- simple-payload:http =+ url=(parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request) =/ name=@t =+ back-path=(flop site.url) ?~ back-path '' i.back-path ?+ site.url not-found:gen [%'~groups' %css %index ~] (css-response:gen style) [%'~groups' %js %index ~] (js-response:gen script) [%'~groups' %js %tile ~] (js-response:gen tile-js) [%'~groups' %img *] (png-response:gen (~(got by contact-png) name)) :: :: avatar images :: :: [%'~groups' %avatar @ *] :: =/ pax=path `path`t.t.site.url :: ?~ pax not-found:gen :: =/ pas `path`(flop pax) :: ?~ pas not-found:gen :: =/ pav `path`(flop t.pas) :: ~& pav+pav :: ~& name+name :: =/ contact (contact-scry `path`(weld pav [name]~)) :: ?~ contact not-found:gen :: ?~ avatar.u.contact not-found:gen :: =* avatar u.avatar.u.contact :: =/ decoded (de:base64 q.octs.avatar) :: ?~ decoded not-found:gen :: [[200 ['content-type' content-type.avatar]~] `u.decoded] :: [%'~groups' *] (html-response:gen index) == :: :: +utilities :: ++ contact-poke |= act=contact-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %poke %contact-action !>(act)] :: ++ contact-hook-poke |= act=contact-hook-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-hook] %poke %contact-hook-action !>(act)] :: ++ share-poke |= [=ship act=contact-action] ^- card [%pass / %agent [ship %contact-hook] %poke %contact-action !>(act)] :: ++ launch-poke |= act=[@tas path @t] ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %launch] %poke %launch-action !>(act)] :: ++ group-poke |= act=group-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action !>(act)] :: ++ group-hook-poke |= act=group-hook-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-hook] %poke %group-hook-action !>(act)] :: ++ metadata-poke |= act=metadata-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-store] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)] :: ++ metadata-hook-poke |= act=metadata-hook-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-hook] %poke %metadata-hook-action !>(act)] :: ++ perm-group-hook-poke |= act=permission-group-hook-action ^- card :* %pass / %agent [our.bol %permission-group-hook] %poke %permission-group-hook-action !>(act) == :: ++ permission-hook-poke |= act=permission-hook-action ^- card :* %pass / %agent [our.bol %permission-hook] %poke %permission-hook-action !>(act) == :: ++ create-metadata |= [=path title=@t description=@t] ^- (list card) =/ =metadata %* . *metadata title title description description date-created now.bol creator our.bol == :~ (metadata-poke [%add path [%contacts path] metadata]) (metadata-hook-poke [%add-owned path]) == :: ++ delete-metadata |= =path ^- (list card) :~ (metadata-poke [%remove path [%contacts path]]) (metadata-hook-poke [%remove path]) == :: ++ all-scry ^- rolodex .^(rolodex %gx /(scot %p our.bol)/contact-store/(scot %da now.bol)/all/noun) :: ++ contact-scry |= pax=path ^- (unit contact) =. pax ;: weld /(scot %p our.bol)/contact-store/(scot %da now.bol)/contact pax /noun == .^((unit contact) %gx pax) --