section 2eL, formatting (path) ==============================


Primitive parser engine ++ ab |% A core containing numeric parser primitives. ~zod/try=> ab <36.ecc 414.gly 100.xkc 1.ypj %164> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse hex pair ++ bix (bass 16 (stun [2 2] six)) Parsing rule. Parses a pair of base-16 digits. Used in escapes. ~zod/try=> (scan "07" bix:ab) q=7 ~zod/try=> (scan "51" bix:ab) q=81 ~zod/try=> (scan "a3" bix:ab) q=163 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse phonetic pair ++ hif (boss 256 ;~(plug tip tiq (easy ~))) Parsing rule. Parses an atom of odor [`@pE`](), a phrase of two bytes encoded phonetically. ~zod/try=> (scan "doznec" hif:ab) q=256 ~zod/try=> (scan "pittyp" hif:ab) q=48.626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse two phonetic pairs ++ huf %+ cook |=([a=@ b=@] (wred:un ~(zug mu ~(zag mu [a b])))) ;~(plug hif ;~(pfix hep hif)) Parsing rule. Parses and unscrambles an atom of odor [@pF](), a phrase of two two-byte pairs that are encoded (and scrambled) phonetically. ~zod/try=> (scan "pittyp-pittyp" huf:ab) 328.203.557 ~zod/try=> (scan "tasfyn-partyv" huf:ab) 65.792 ~zod/try=> `@ux`(scan "tasfyn-partyv" huf:ab) 0x1.0100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 8 phonetic bytes ++ hyf (bass 0x1.0000.0000 ;~(plug huf ;~(pfix hep huf) (easy ~))) Parsing rule. Parses an atom of odor [@pG](), a phrase of eight of phonetic bytes. ~zod/try=> (scan "sondel-forsut-tillyn-nillyt" hyf:ab) q=365.637.097.828.335.095 ~zod/try=> `@u`~sondel-forsut-tillyn-nillyt 365.637.097.828.335.095 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse \<= 5 base-32 ++ pev (bass 32 ;~(plug sev (stun [0 4] siv))) Parsing rule. Parses up to five base-32 digits without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "a" pev:ab) q=10 ~zod/try=> (scan "290j" pev:ab) q=74.771 ~zod/try=> (scan "123456" pev:ab) ! {1 6} ! exit ~zod/try=> (scan "090j" pev:ab) ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse \<= 5 base-64 ++ pew (bass 64 ;~(plug sew (stun [0 4] siw))) Parsing rule. Parses up to five base-64 digits without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "Q" pew:ab) q=52 ~zod/try=> (scan "aQ~9" pew:ab) q=2.838.473 ~zod/try=> `@`0waQ~9 2.838.473 ~zod/try=> (scan "123456" pew:ab) ! {1 6} ! exit ~zod/try=> (scan "012345" pew:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 5 base-32 ++ piv (bass 32 (stun [5 5] siv)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly five base-32 digits. ~zod/try=> (scan "10b3l" piv:ab) q=1.059.957 ~zod/try=> (scan "1" piv:ab) ! {1 2} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 5 base-64 ++ piw (bass 64 (stun [5 5] siw)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly five base-64 digits. ~zod/try=> (scan "2C-pZ" piw:ab) q=43.771.517 ~zod/try=> (scan "2" piv:ab) ! {1 2} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse \<= 4 binary ++ qeb (bass 2 ;~(plug seb (stun [0 3] sib))) Parsing rule. Parses a binary number of up to 4 digits in length without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "1" qeb:ab) q=1 ~zod/try=> (scan "101" qeb:ab) q=5 ~zod/try=> (scan "1111" qeb:ab) q=15 ~zod/try=> (scan "11111" qeb:ab) ! {1 5} ! exit ~zod/try=> (scan "01" qeb:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse \<= 4 hex ++ qex (bass 16 ;~(plug sex (stun [0 3] hit))) Parsing rule. Parses a hexadecimal number of up to 4 digits in length without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "ca" qex:ab) q=202 ~zod/try=> (scan "18ac" qex:ab) q=6.316 ~zod/try=> (scan "18acc" qex:ab) ! {1 5} ! exit ~zod/try=> (scan "08ac" qex:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 4 binary ++ qib (bass 2 (stun [4 4] sib)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly four binary digits. ~zod/try=> (scan "0001" qib:ab) q=1 ~zod/try=> (scan "0100" qib:ab) q=4 ~zod/try=> (scan "110" qib:ab) ! {1 4} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 4 hex ++ qix (bass 16 (stun [4 4] six)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly four hexadecimal digits. ~zod/try=> (scan "0100" qix:ab) q=256 ~zod/try=> (scan "10ff" qix:ab) q=4.351 ~zod/try=> (scan "0" qix:ab) ! {1 2} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 1 ++ seb (cold 1 (just '1')) Parsing rule. Parses the number 1. ~zod/try=> (scan "1" seb:ab) 1 ~zod/try=> (scan "0" seb:ab) ! ~zod/try/~2014.10.23..22.34.21..bfdd/:<[1 1].[1 18]> ! {1 1} ~zod/try=> (scan "2" seb:ab) ! ~zod/try/~2014.10.23..22.34.29..d399/:<[1 1].[1 18]> ! {1 1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse decimal ++ sed (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '0')) (shim '1' '9')) Parsing rule. Parses a nonzero decimal digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "5" sed:ab) 5 ~zod/try=> (scan "0" sed:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-32 ++ sev ;~(pose sed sov) Parsing rule. Parses a nonzero base-32 digit ~zod/try=> (scan "c" sev:ab) 12 ~zod/socialnet=> (scan "0" sev:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-64 ++ sew ;~(pose sed sow) Parsing rule. Parses a nonzero base-64 digit ~zod/try=> (scan "M" sew:ab) 48 ~zod/try=> (scan "0" sew:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse hex ++ sex ;~(pose sed sox) Parsing rule. Parses a nonzero hexadecimal digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "e" sex:ab) 14 ~zod/try=> (scan "0" sex:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse binary ++ sib (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '1')) Parsing rule. Parses a binary digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "1" sib:ab) 1 ~zod/socialnet=> (scan "0" sib:ab) 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse decimal ++ sid (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '9')) Parsing rule. Parses a decimal digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "5" sid:ab) 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-32 ++ siv ;~(pose sid sov) Parsing rule. Parses a base-32 digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "c" siv:ab) 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-64 ++ siw ;~(pose sid sow) Parsing rule. Parses a base-64 digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "M" siw:ab) 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse hex ++ six ;~(pose sid sox) Parsing rule. Parses a hexadecimal digit. ~zod/try=> (scan "e" six:ab) 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-32 ++ sov (cook |=(a=@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'v')) Parsing rule. Parses a base-32 letter. ~zod/try=> (scan "c" sov:ab) 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-64 ++ sow ;~ pose (cook |=(a=@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'z')) (cook |=(a=@ (sub a 29)) (shim 'A' 'Z')) (cold 62 (just '-')) (cold 63 (just '~')) == Parsing rule. Parses a base-64 letter/symbol. ~zod/try=> (scan "M" sow:ab) 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse hex letter ++ sox (cook |=(a=@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'f')) Parsing rule. Parses a hexadecimal letter. ~zod/try=> (scan "e" sox:ab) 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse \<= 3 decimal ++ ted (bass 10 ;~(plug sed (stun [0 2] sid))) Parsing rule. Parses a decimal number of up to 3 digits without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "21" ted:ab) q=21 ~zod/try=> (scan "214" ted:ab) q=214 ~zod/try=> (scan "2140" ted:ab) {1 4} ~zod/try=> (scan "0" ted:ab) ! {1 1} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Leading phonetic byte ++ tip (sear |=(a=@ (ins:po a)) til) Parsing rule. Parses the leading phonetic byte, which represents a syllable. ~zod/try=> (scan "doz" tip:ab) 0 ~zod/try=> (scan "pit" tip:ab) 242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Trailing phonetic syllable ++ tiq (sear |=(a=@ (ind:po a)) til) Parsing rule. Parses the trailing phonetic byte, which represents a syllable. ~zod/try=> (scan "zod" tiq:ab) 0 ~zod/try=> (scan "nec" tiq:ab) 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 3 decimal digits ++ tid (bass 10 (stun [3 3] sid)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly three decimal digits. ~zod/try=> (scan "013" tid:ab) q=13 ~zod/try=> (scan "01" tid:ab) ! {1 3} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 3 lowercase ++ til (boss 256 (stun [3 3] low)) Parsing rule. Parses exactly three lowercase letters. ~zod/try=> (scan "mer" til:ab) q=7.497.069 ~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "mer" til:ab) 'mer' ~zod/try=> (scan "me" til:ab) ! {1 3} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse span characters ++ urs %+ cook |=(a=tape (rap 3 ^-((list ,@) a))) (star ;~(pose nud low hep dot sig cab)) Parsing rule. Parses characters from an atom of the span odor [`@ta`](). ~zod/try=> `@ta`(scan "asa-lom_tak" urs:ab) ~.asa-lom_tak ~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "asa-lom_tak" urs:ab) 'asa-lom_tak' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse non-`_` span ++ urt %+ cook |=(a=tape (rap 3 ^-((list ,@) a))) (star ;~(pose nud low hep dot sig)) Parsing rule. Parses all characters of the span odor [`@ta`]() except for cab, `_`. ~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "asa-lom.t0k" urt:ab) 'asa-lom.t0k' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse bas, soq, or bix ++ voy ;~(pfix bas ;~(pose bas soq bix)) Parsing rule. Parses an escaped backslash, single quote, or hex pair byte. ~zod/try=> (scan "\\0a" voy:ab) q=10 ~zod/try=> (scan "\\'" voy:ab) q=39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Top-level atom parser engine ++ ag |% A core containing top-level atom parsers. ~zod/try=> ag <14.vpu 414.mof 100.xkc 1.ypj %164> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse 0 or rule ++ ape |*(fel=_rule ;~(pose (cold 0 (just '0')) fel)) Parser modifier. Parses 0 or the sample rule `fel`. `fel` is a [`rule`](). ~zod/try=> (scan "202" (star (ape:ag (cold 2 (just '2'))))) ~[2 0 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parses binary number ++ bay (ape (bass 16 ;~(plug qeb:ab (star ;~(pfix dog qib:ab))))) Parsing rule. Parses a binary number without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "10.0110" bay:ag) q=38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse IPv6 ++ bip =+ tod=(ape qex:ab) (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug tod (stun [7 7] ;~(pfix dog tod)))) Parsing rule. Parses a [`@is`](), an IPv6 address. ~zod/try=> (scan "0.0.ea.3e6c." bip:ag) q=283.183.420.760.121.105.516.068.864 ~zod/try=> `@is`(scan "0.0.ea.3e6c." bip:ag) .0.0.ea.3e6c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse decimal with dots ++ dem (ape (bass 1.000 ;~(plug ted:ab (star ;~(pfix dog tid:ab))))) Parsing rule. Parses a decimal number that includes dot separators. ~zod/try=> (scan "52" dem:ag) q=52 ~zod/try=> (scan "13.507" dem:ag) q=13.507 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse decimal number ++ dim (ape (bass 10 ;~(plug sed:ab (star sid:ab)))) Parsing rule. Parses a decimal number without a leading zero. ~zod/try=> (scan "52" dim:ag) q=52 ~zod/try=> (scan "013507" dim:ag) ! {1 2} ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse decimal with leading `0` ++ dum (bass 10 (plus sid:ab)) Parsing rule. Parses a decmial number with leading zeroes. ~zod/try=> (scan "52" dum:ag) q=52 ~zod/try=> (scan "0000052" dum:ag) q=52 ~zod/try=> (scan "13507" dim:ag) q=13.507 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse phonetic base ++ fed ;~ pose (bass 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000 (most doh hyf:ab)) huf:ab hif:ab tiq:ab == Parsing rule. Parses an atom of odor [`@p`](), the phonetic base. ~zod/try=> (scan "zod" fed:ag) 0 ~zod/try=> (scan "nec" fed:ag) 1 ~zod/try=> (scan "sondel" fed:ag) 9.636 ~zod/try=> ~tillyn-nillyt ~tillyn-nillyt ~zod/try=> (scan "tillyn-nillyt" fed:ag) 3.569.565.175 ~zod/try=> (scan "tillyn-nillyt-tasfyn-partyv" fed:ag) 15.331.165.687.565.582.592 ~zod/try=> (scan "tillyn-nillyt-tasfyn-partyv--novweb-talrud-talmud-sonfyr" fed:ag) 282.810.089.790.159.633.869.501.053.313.363.681.181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse hex ++ hex (ape (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug qex:ab (star ;~(pfix dog qix:ab))))) Parsing rule. Parses a hexadecimal number ~zod/try=> (scan "4" hex:ag) q=4 ~zod/try=> (scan "1a" hex:ag) q=26 ~zod/try=> (scan "3.ac8d" hex:ag) q=240.781 ~zod/try=> `@ux`(scan "3.ac8d" hex:ag) 0x3.ac8d ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse IPv4 address ++ lip =+ tod=(ape ted:ab) (bass 256 ;~(plug tod (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix dog tod)))) Parsing rule. Parses an IPv4 address. ~zod/try=> (scan "" lip:ag) q=2.130.706.433 ~zod/try=> `@if`(scan "" lip:ag) . ~zod/try=> `@if`(scan "" lip:ag) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse Base-32 with dots ++ viz (ape (bass 0x200.0000 ;~(plug pev:ab (star ;~(pfix dog piv:ab))))) Parsing rule. Parses a Base-32 number with dot separators. ~zod/try=> (scan "e2.ol4pm" viz:ag) q=15.125.353.270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-32 string ++ vum (bass 32 (plus siv:ab)) Parsing rule. Parses a raw base-32 string. ~zod/try=> (scan "e2ol4pm" vum:ag) q=15.125.353.270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse base-64 ++ wiz (ape (bass 0x4000.0000 ;~(plug pew:ab (star ;~(pfix dog piw:ab))))) -- :: Parsing rule. Parses a base-64 number. ~zod/try=> (scan "e2O.l4Xpm" wiz:ag) q=61.764.130.813.526 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Literal rendering engine ++ co =< |_ lot=coin A [door]() that contains arms that operate on the sample coin `lot`. `lot` is a [`++coin`](). ~zod/try=> ~(. co many/~[`ta/'mo' `ud/5]) < 3.dhd [ [ %many [%~ %ta @t] [%~ %ud @ud] %~ ] <10.utz 3.zid [rex="" <414.hmb 100.xkc 1.ypj %164>]> ] > ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Prepend & render as tape ++ rear |=(rom=tape =>(.(rex rom) rend)) Renders a coin `lot` as a [tape]() prepended to the sample tape `rom`. `rom` is a [`pe`]() `lot` is a [`++coin`](). ~zod/try=> (~(rear co %$ %ux 200) "--ha") "0xc8--ha" ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render as span ++ rent `@ta`(rap 3 rend) Renders a coin `lot` as a span. `lot` is a [`++coin`](). ~zod/try=> ~(rent co %$ %ux 200) ~.0xc8 ~zod/try=> `@t`~(rent co %$ %ux 200) '0xc8' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render as tape ++ rend ^- tape ?: ?=(%blob -.lot) ['~' '0' ((v-co 1) (jam p.lot))] ?: ?=(%many -.lot) :- '.' |- ^- tape ?~ p.lot ['_' '_' rex] ['_' (weld (trip (wack rent(lot i.p.lot))) $(p.lot t.p.lot))] =+ [yed=(end 3 1 p.p.lot) hay=(cut 3 [1 1] p.p.lot)] |- ^- tape ?+ yed (z-co q.p.lot) %c ['~' '-' (weld (rip 3 (wood (tuft q.p.lot))) rex)] %d ?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot) %a =+ yod=(yore q.p.lot) => ^+(. .(rex ?~(f.t.yod rex ['.' (s-co f.t.yod)]))) => ^+ . %= . rex ?: &(=(~ f.t.yod) =(0 h.t.yod) =(0 m.t.yod) =(0 s.t.yod)) rex => .(rex ['.' (y-co s.t.yod)]) => .(rex ['.' (y-co m.t.yod)]) ['.' '.' (y-co h.t.yod)] == => .(rex ['.' (a-co d.t.yod)]) => .(rex ['.' (a-co m.yod)]) => .(rex ?:(a.yod rex ['-' rex])) ['~' (a-co y.yod)] :: %r =+ yug=(yell q.p.lot) => ^+(. .(rex ?~(f.yug rex ['.' (s-co f.yug)]))) :- '~' ?: &(=(0 d.yug) =(0 m.yug) =(0 h.yug) =(0 s.yug)) ['.' 's' '0' rex] => ^+(. ?:(=(0 s.yug) . .(rex ['.' 's' (a-co s.yug)]))) => ^+(. ?:(=(0 m.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'm' (a-co m.yug)]))) => ^+(. ?:(=(0 h.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'h' (a-co h.yug)]))) => ^+(. ?:(=(0 d.yug) . .(rex ['.' 'd' (a-co d.yug)]))) +.rex == :: %f ?: =(& q.p.lot) ['.' 'y' rex] ?:(=(| q.p.lot) ['.' 'n' rex] (z-co q.p.lot)) :: %n ['~' rex] %i ?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot) %f ((ro-co [3 10 4] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot) %s ((ro-co [4 16 8] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot) == :: %p =+ dyx=(met 3 q.p.lot) :- '~' ?: (lte dyx 1) (weld (trip (tod:po q.p.lot)) rex) ?: =(2 dyx) ;: weld (trip (tos:po (end 3 1 q.p.lot))) (trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 q.p.lot))) rex == =+ [dyz=(met 5 q.p.lot) fin=|] |- ^- tape ?: =(0 dyz) rex %= $ fin & dyz (dec dyz) q.p.lot (rsh 5 1 q.p.lot) rex =+ syb=(wren:un (end 5 1 q.p.lot)) =+ cog=~(zig mu [(rsh 4 1 syb) (end 4 1 syb)]) ;: weld (trip (tos:po (end 3 1 p.cog))) (trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 p.cog))) `tape`['-' ~] (trip (tos:po (end 3 1 q.cog))) (trip (tod:po (rsh 3 1 q.cog))) `tape`?:(fin ['-' ?:(=(1 (end 0 1 dyz)) ~ ['-' ~])] ~) rex == == :: %r ?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot) %d =+ r=(rlyd q.p.lot) ?~ e.r ['.' '~' (r-co r)] ['.' '~' u.e.r] %h ['.' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyh q.p.lot))] %q ['.' '~' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyq q.p.lot))] %s ['.' (r-co (rlys q.p.lot))] == :: %u =- (weld p.gam ?:(=(0 q.p.lot) `tape`['0' ~] q.gam)) ^= gam ^- [p=tape q=tape] ?+ hay [~ ((ox-co [10 3] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)] %b [['0' 'b' ~] ((ox-co [2 4] |=(a=@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)] %i [['0' 'i' ~] ((d-co 1) q.p.lot)] %x [['0' 'x' ~] ((ox-co [16 4] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)] %v [['0' 'v' ~] ((ox-co [32 5] |=(a=@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)] %w [['0' 'w' ~] ((ox-co [64 5] |=(a=@ ~(w ne a))) q.p.lot)] == :: %s %+ weld ?:((syn:si q.p.lot) "--" "-") $(yed 'u', q.p.lot (abs:si q.p.lot)) :: %t ?: =('a' hay) ?: =('s' (cut 3 [2 1] p.p.lot)) (weld (rip 3 q.p.lot) rex) ['~' '.' (weld (rip 3 q.p.lot) rex)] ['~' '~' (weld (rip 3 (wood q.p.lot)) rex)] == -- =+ rex=*tape =< |% ++ a-co |=(dat=@ ((d-co 1) dat)) ++ d-co |=(min=@ (em-co [10 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(d ne b) c]))) ++ r-co |= [syn=? nub=@ der=@ ign=(unit tape) ne=?] => .(rex ['.' (t-co ((d-co 1) der) ne)]) => .(rex ((d-co 1) nub)) ?:(syn rex ['-' rex]) ++ t-co |= [a=tape n=?] ^- tape ?: n a ?~ a ~|(%empty-frac !!) t.a :: ++ s-co |= esc=(list ,@) ^- tape ~| [%so-co esc] ?~ esc rex :- '.' =>(.(rex $(esc t.esc)) ((x-co 4) i.esc)) :: ++ v-co |=(min=@ (em-co [32 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(v ne b) c]))) ++ w-co |=(min=@ (em-co [64 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(w ne b) c]))) ++ x-co |=(min=@ (em-co [16 min] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [~(x ne b) c]))) ++ y-co |=(dat=@ ((d-co 2) dat)) ++ z-co |=(dat=@ `tape`['0' 'x' ((x-co 1) dat)]) -- ~% %co +> ~ |% ++ em-co ~/ %emco |= [[bas=@ min=@] [par=$+([? @ tape] tape)]] |= hol=@ ^- tape ?: &(=(0 hol) =(0 min)) rex =+ [rad=(mod hol bas) dar=(div hol bas)] %= $ min ?:(=(0 min) 0 (dec min)) hol dar rex (par =(0 dar) rad rex) == :: ++ ox-co ~/ %oxco |= [[bas=@ gop=@] dug=$+(@ @)] %+ em-co [|-(?:(=(0 gop) 1 (mul bas $(gop (dec gop))))) 0] |= [top=? seg=@ res=tape] %+ weld ?:(top ~ `tape`['.' ~]) %. seg %+ em-co(rex res) [bas ?:(top 0 gop)] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [(dug b) c]) :: ++ ro-co ~/ %roco |= [[buz=@ bas=@ dop=@] dug=$+(@ @)] |= hol=@ ^- tape ?: =(0 dop) rex => .(rex $(dop (dec dop))) :- '.' %- (em-co [bas 1] |=([? b=@ c=tape] [(dug b) c])) [(cut buz [(dec dop) 1] hol)] -- :: Renders a coin `lot` as a tape. `lot` is a [`++coin`](). ~zod/try=> ~(rend co ~ %ux 200) "0xc8" ~zod/try=> ~(rend co %many ~[[%$ ux/200] [%$ p/40]]) "._0xc8_~~tem__" ~zod/try=> ~(rend co ~ %p 32.819) "~pillyt" ~zod/try=> ~(rend co ~ %ux 18) "0x12" ~zod/try=> ~(rend co [~ p=[p=%if q=0x7f00.0001]]) "." ~zod/try=> `@ux`. 2.130.706.433 ~zod/try=> ~(rend co %many ~[[~ %ud 20] [~ %uw 133] [~ %tas 'sam']]) "._20_0w25_sam__" ~zod/try=> ~(rend co %blob [1 1]) "~0ph" ~zod/try=> ~0ph [1 1] ~zod/try=> `@uv`(jam [1 1]) 0vph ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Digit rendering engine ++ ne |_ tig=@ A [door]() containing arms that render digits at bases 10, 16, 32, and 64. `tig` is an [`atom`](). ~zod/try=> ~(. ne 20) <4.gut [@ud <414.hhh 100.xkc 1.ypj %164>]> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render decimal ++ d (add tig '0') Renders a decimal digit as an atom of an ACII byte value. `tig` is an [`atom`](). ~zod/try=> `@t`~(d ne 7) '7' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render hex ++ x ?:((gte tig 10) (add tig 87) d) Renders a hexadecimal digit as an atom of an ASCII byte value. `tig` is an [`atom`](). ~zod/try=> `@t`~(x ne 7) '7' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(x ne 14) 'e' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render base-32 ++ v ?:((gte tig 10) (add tig 87) d) Renders a base-32 digit as an atom of an ASCII byte value. ~zod/try=> `@t`~(v ne 7) '7' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(v ne 14) 'e' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(v ne 25) 'p' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render base-64 ++ w ?:(=(tig 63) '~' ?:(=(tig 62) '-' ?:((gte tig 36) (add tig 29) x))) -- :: Renders a base-64 digit as an atom of an ASCII byte value. `tig` is an [`atom`](). ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 7) '7' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 14) 'e' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 25) 'p' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 52) 'Q' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 61) 'Z' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 63) '~' ~zod/try=> `@t`~(w ne 62) '-' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Core used to scramble 16-bit atoms ++ mu |_ [top=@ bot=@] A [door]() that contains arms that are used to scramble two atoms, `top` and `bot`. Used especially in the phonetic base to disguise the relationship between a destroyer and its cruiser. `bot` is an [atom](). `top` is an [atom](). ~zod/try=> ~(. mu 0x20e5 0x5901) <3.sjm [[@ux @ux] <414.hhh 100.xkc 1.ypj %164>]> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Add bottom into top ++ zag [p=(end 4 1 (add top bot)) q=bot] Produces the cell of `top` and `bot` with `top` scrambled to the result of adding `bot` to `top` modulo 16. Used to scramble the name of a destroyer. `bot` is an [atom](). `top` is an [atom](). ~zod/try=> `[@ux @ux]`~(zag mu 0x20e0 0x201) [0x22e1 0x201] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Subtract bottom from top ++ zig [p=(end 4 1 (add top (sub 0x1.0000 bot))) q=bot] The inverse of [`++zag`](). Produces the cell of `top` and `bot` with `top` unscrambled. The unscrambled `top` is the sum of the sample `top` and the 16-bit complement of `bot`. Used to unscramble the name of the destroyer. `bot` is an [atom](). `top` is an [atom](). ~zod/try=> `[@ux @ux]`~(zig mu 0x2f46 0x1042) [0x1f04 0x1042] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Concatenate into atom ++ zug (mix (lsh 4 1 top) bot) Produces the concatenation of `top` and `bot`. Used to assemble a destroyer name. `bot` is an [atom](). `top` is an [atom](). ~zod/try=> `@ux`~(zug mu 0x10e1 0xfa) 0x10e1.00fa ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Coin parser engine ++ so |% Core containing arms that parse [`++coin`]s. ~zod/try=> so <10.mkn 414.hhh 100.xkc 1.ypj %164> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse odor-atom pair ++ bisk ;~ pose ;~ pfix (just '0') ;~ pose (stag %ub ;~(pfix (just 'b') bay:ag)) (stag %ui ;~(pfix (just 'i') dim:ag)) (stag %ux ;~(pfix (just 'x') hex:ag)) (stag %uv ;~(pfix (just 'v') viz:ag)) (stag %uw ;~(pfix (just 'w') wiz:ag)) == == (stag %ud dem:ag) == Parsing rule. Parses an unsigned integer of any permitted base, producing a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scan "25" bisk:so) [%ud q=25] ~zod/try=> (scan "0x12.6401" bisk:so) [%ux q=1.205.249] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse `@da`, `@dr`, `@p`, `@t` ++ crub ;~ pose %+ cook |=(det=date `dime`[%da (year det)]) ;~ plug %+ cook |=([a=@ b=?] [b a]) ;~(plug dim:ag ;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &))) ;~(pfix dot dim:ag) :: month ;~(pfix dot dim:ag) :: day ;~ pose ;~ pfix ;~(plug dot dot) ;~ plug dum:ag ;~(pfix dot dum:ag) ;~(pfix dot dum:ag) ;~(pose ;~(pfix ;~(plug dot dot) (most dot qix:ab)) (easy ~)) == == (easy [0 0 0 ~]) == == :: %+ cook |= [a=(list ,[p=?(%d %h %m %s) q=@]) b=(list ,@)] =+ rop=`tarp`[0 0 0 0 b] |- ^- dime ?~ a [%dr (yule rop)] ?- p.i.a %d $(a t.a, d.rop (add q.i.a d.rop)) %h $(a t.a, h.rop (add q.i.a h.rop)) %m $(a t.a, m.rop (add q.i.a m.rop)) %s $(a t.a, s.rop (add q.i.a s.rop)) == ;~ plug %+ most dot ;~ pose ;~(pfix (just 'd') (stag %d dim:ag)) ;~(pfix (just 'h') (stag %h dim:ag)) ;~(pfix (just 'm') (stag %m dim:ag)) ;~(pfix (just 's') (stag %s dim:ag)) == ;~(pose ;~(pfix ;~(plug dot dot) (most dot qix:ab)) (easy ~)) == :: (stag %p fed:ag) ;~(pfix dot (stag %ta urs:ab)) ;~(pfix sig (stag %t (cook woad urs:ab))) ;~(pfix hep (stag %c (cook turf (cook woad urs:ab)))) == Parsing rule. Parses any atom of any of the following odors after a leading sig, `~` into a [`++dime`](): [`@da`](), [`@dr`](), [`@p`](), and [`@t`](), producing a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scan "1926.5.12" crub:so) [p=~.da q=] ~zod/try=> (,[%da @da] (scan "1926.5.12" crub:so)) [%da ~1926.5.12] ~zod/try=> (scan "s10" crub:so) [p=~.dr q=184.467.440.737.095.516.160] ~zod/try=> (,[%dr @dr] (scan "s10" crub:so)) [%dr ~s10] ~zod/try=> (scan "doznec" crub:so) [%p 256] ~zod/try=> (scan ".mas" crub:so) [%ta 7.561.581] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Top-level coin parser ++ nuck %+ knee *coin |. ~+ %- stew ^. stet ^. limo :~ :- ['a' 'z'] (cook |=(a=@ta [~ %tas a]) sym) :- ['0' '9'] (stag ~ bisk) :- '-' (stag ~ tash) :- '.' ;~(pfix dot perd) :- '~' ;~(pfix sig ;~(pose twid (easy [~ %n 0]))) == Parsing rule. Switches on the first character and applies the corresponding [`++coin`]() parser. ~zod/try=> (scan "~pillyt" nuck:so) [% p=[p=~.p q=32.819]] ~zod/try=> (scan "0x12" nuck:so) [% p=[p=~.ux q=18]] ~zod/try=> (scan "." nuck:so) [% p=[p=~.if q=2.130.706.433]] ~zod/try=> `@ud`. 2.130.706.433 ~zod/try=> (scan "._20_0w25_sam__" nuck:so) [ %many p ~[[% p=[p=~.ud q=20]] [% p=[p=~.uw q=133]] [% p=[p=~.tas q=7.168.371]]] ] ~zod/try=> `@`%sam 7.168.371 ~zod/try=> (scan "~0ph" nuck:so) [%blob p=[1 1]] ~zod/try=> ~0ph [1 1] ~zod/try=> `@uv`(jam [1 1]) 0vph ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse coin literal with escapes ++ nusk (sear |=(a=@ta (rush (wick a) nuck)) urt:ab) Parsing rule. Parses a coin literal with escapes. (See also: xx tuple formatting). ~zod/try=> ~.asd_a ~.asd_a ~zod/try=> ._1_~~.asd~-a__ [1 ~.asd_a] ~zod/try=> (scan "~~.asd~-a" nusk:so) [% p=[p=~.ta q=418.212.246.369]] ~zod/try=> (,[~ %ta @ta] (scan "~~.asd~-a" nusk:so)) [~ %ta ~.asd_a] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parsing rule. ++ perd ;~ pose (stag ~ zust) (stag %many (ifix [cab ;~(plug cab cab)] (more cab nusk))) == Parsing rule. Parses a dime or tuple without their respective standard prefixes. ~zod/try=> (scan "y" perd:so) [~ [%f %.y]] ~zod/try=> (scan "n" perd:so) [~ [%f %.n]] ~zod/try=> | %.n ~zod/try=> (scan "_20_x__" perd:so) [%many [[% p=[p=~.ud q=20]] ~[[% p=[p=~.tas q=120]]]]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse dime float ++ royl =+ ^= zer (cook lent (star (just '0'))) =+ ^= voy %+ cook royl-cell ;~ plug ;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &)) ;~(plug dim:ag ;~(pose ;~(pfix dot ;~(plug zer dim:ag)) (easy [0 0]))) ;~ pose ;~ pfix (just 'e') (cook some ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &)) dim:ag)) == (easy ~) == == ;~ pose (stag %rh (cook rylh ;~(pfix ;~(plug sig sig) voy))) (stag %rq (cook rylq ;~(pfix ;~(plug sig sig sig) voy))) (stag %rd (cook ryld ;~(pfix sig voy))) (stag %rs (cook ryls voy) == Parsing rule. Parses a number into a [`++dime`]() float. ~zod/try=> (scan "~3.14" royl:so) [%rd .~3.13999999999999] ~zod/try=> .~3.14 .~3.13999999999999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


XX still not fully functional ++ royl-cell |= [a=? b=[c=@ d=@ e=@] f=(unit ,[h=? i=@])] ^- [? @ @ @ (unit ,@s)] ?~ f [a c.b d.b e.b ~] ?: h.u.f [a c.b d.b e.b [~ (mul i.u.f 2)]] [a c.b d.b e.b [~ (dec (mul i.u.f 2))]] Intermediate parsed float convereter ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse signed dime ++ tash =+ ^= neg |= [syn=? mol=dime] ^- dime ?> =('u' (end 3 1 p.mol)) [(cat 3 's' (rsh 3 1 p.mol)) (new:si syn q.mol)] ;~ pfix hep ;~ pose (cook |=(a=dime (neg | a)) bisk) ;~(pfix hep (cook |=(a=dime (neg & a)) bisk)) == == Parsing rule. Parses a signed number into a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scan "-20" tash:so) [ q=39] ~zod/try=> (,[%sd @sd] (scan "-20" tash:so)) [%sd -20] ~zod/try=> (,[%sd @sd] (scan "--20" tash:so)) [%sd --20] ~zod/try=> (,[%sx @sx] (scan "--0x2e" tash:so)) [%sx --0x2e] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse coins without `~` prefix ++ twid ;~ pose (cook |=(a=@ [%blob (cue a)]) ;~(pfix (just '0') vum:ag)) (stag ~ crub) == :: Parsing rule. Parses coins after a leading sig, `~`. ~zod/try=> (scan "zod" twid:so) [~ [%p 0]] ~zod/try=> (scan ".sam" twid:so) [~ [%ta 7.168.371]] ~zod/try=> `@ud`~.sam 7.168.371 ~zod/try=> `@t`~.sam 'sam' ~zod/try=> (scan "0ph" twid:so) [%blob [1 1]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse prefixed dimes from `@if`, `@f`, `@rd` ++ zust ;~ pose (stag %is bip:ag) (stag %if lip:ag) (stag %f ;~(pose (cold & (just 'y')) (cold | (just 'n')))) royl == -- Parsing rule. Parses an atom of either [`@if`]() (IP address), [`@f`]() (loobean), or [`rf`]()(floating point) into a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scan "" zust:so) [%if q=2.130.706.433] ~zod/try=> (scan "af." zust:so) [%is q=908.651.950.243.594.834.993.091.554.288.205.831] ~zod/try=> (,[%is @is] (scan "af." zust:so)) [%is .af.] ~zod/try=> (,[%is @ux] (scan "af." zust:so)) [%is 0xaf.0000.0000.0000.0000.e7a5.30d2.0007] ~zod/try=> (scan "y" zust:so) [%f %.y] ~zod/try=> (scan "12.09" zust:so) [%rd .~12.00999999999999] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render dime as cord ++ scot |=(mol=dime ~(rent co %$ mol)) Renders a dime `mol` as a cord. `mol` is a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scot %p ~pillyt) ~.~pillyt ~zod/try=> `@t`(scot %p ~pillyt) '~pillyt' ~zod/try=> (scot %ux 0x12) ~.0x12 ~zod/try=> `@t`(scot %ux 0x12) '0x12' ~zod/try=> (scot %if . ~.. ~zod/try=> `@t`(scot %if . '.' ~zod/try=> (scot %ta ~.asd_a) ~.~.asd_a ~zod/try=> `@t`(scot %ta ~.asd_a) '~.asd_a' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render dime as tape ++ scow |=(mol=dime ~(rend co %$ mol)) Renders `mol` as a tape. `mol` is a [`++dime`](). ~zod/try=> (scow %p ~pillyt) "~pillyt" ~zod/try=> (scow %ux 0x12) "0x12" ~zod/try=> (scow %if . "." ~zod/try=> (scow %ta ~.asd_a) "~.asd_a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Curried slaw ++ slat |=(mod=@tas |=(txt=@ta (slaw mod txt))) Produces a [`gate`]() that parses a [`term`]() `txt` to an atom of the odor specified by `mod`. `mod` is a term, an atom of odor [`@tas`](). `txt` is a span, an atom of odor [`@ta`](). ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@p)`((slat %p) '~pillyt') [~ ~pillyt] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ux)`((slat %ux) '0x12') [~ 0x12] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@if)`((slat %if) '.') [~ .] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ta)`((slat %ta) '~.asd_a') [~ ~.asd_a ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Demand: parse span with input odor ++ slav |=([mod=@tas txt=@ta] (need (slaw mod txt))) Parses a span `txt` to an atom of the odor specificed by `mod`. Crashes if it failes to parse. `mod` is a term, an atom of odor [`@tas`](). `txt` is a span, an atom of odor [`@ta`](). ~zod/try=> `@p`(slav %p '~pillyt') ~pillyt ~zod/try=> `@p`(slav %p '~pillam') ! exit ~zod/try=> `@ux`(slav %ux '0x12') 0x12 ~zod/try=> `@ux`(slav %ux '0b10') ! exit ~zod/try=> `@if`(slav %if '.') . ~zod/try=> `@if`(slav %if '.fe80.0.0.202') ! exit ~zod/try=> `@ta`(slav %ta '~.asd_a') ~.asd_a ~zod/try=> `@ta`(slav %ta '~~asd-a') ! exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse span to input odor ++ slaw |= [mod=@tas txt=@ta] ^- (unit ,@) =+ con=(slay txt) ?.(&(?=([~ %$ @ @] con) =(p.p.u.con mod)) ~ [~ q.p.u.con]) :: Parses a span `txt` to an atom of the odor specified by `mod`. `mod` is a term, an atom of odor [`@tas`](). `txt` is a span, an atom of odor [`@ta`](). ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@p)`(slaw %p '~pillyt') [~ ~pillyt] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@p)`(slaw %p '~pillam') ~ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ux)`(slaw %ux '0x12') [~ 0x12] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ux)`(slaw %ux '0b10') ~ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@if)`(slaw %if '.') [~ .] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@if)`(slaw %if '.fe80.0.0.202') ~ ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ta)`(slaw %ta '~.asd_a') [~ ~.asd_a] ~zod/try=> `(unit ,@ta)`(slaw %ta '~~asd-a') ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse span to coin ++ slay |= txt=@ta ^- (unit coin) =+ vex=((full nuck:so) [[1 1] (trip txt)]) ?~ q.vex ~ [~ p.u.q.vex] :: Parses a span `txt` to the unit of a [`++coin`](). `txt` is a [`@ta`](). ~zod/try=> (slay '~pillyt') [~ [% p=[p=~.p q=32.819]]] ~zod/try=> (slay '0x12') [~ [% p=[p=~.ux q=18]]] ~zod/try=> (slay '.') [~ [% p=[p=~.if q=2.130.706.433]]] ~zod/try=> `@ud`. 2.130.706.433 ~zod/try=> (slay '._20_0w25_sam__') [ ~ [ %many p=~[[% p=[p=~.ud q=20]] [% p=[p=~.uw q=133]] [% p=[p=~.tas q=7.168.371]]] ] ] ~zod/try=> `@`%sam 7.168.371 ~zod/try=> (slay '~0ph') [~ [%blob p=[1 1]]] ~zod/try=> 0ph ~ ~zod/try=> ~0ph [1 1] ~zod/try=> `@uv`(jam [1 1]) 0vph ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render path as tank ++ smyt |= bon=path ^- tank :+ %rose [['/' ~] ['/' ~] ['/' ~]] |- ^- (list tank) (turn bon |=(a=@ [%leaf (rip 3 a)])) Renders the path `bon` as a [`tank`](), which is used for pretty-printing. `bon` is a [`++path`](). ~zod/try=> (smyt %) [ %rose p=[p="/" q="/" r="/"] q ~[ [%leaf p="~zod"] [%leaf p="try"] [%leaf p="~2014.10.28..18.36.58..a280"] ] ] ~zod/try=> (smyt /as/les/top) [ %rose p=[p="/" q="/" r="/"] q=~[[%leaf p="as"] [%leaf p="les"] [%leaf p="top"]] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render path as cord ++ spat |=(pax=path (crip (spud pax))) :: path to cord Renders a path `pax` as cord. `pax` is a [`path`](). ~zod/try=> (spat %) '~zod/try/~2014.10.28..18.40.20..4287' ~zod/try=> (spat %/bin) '~zod/try/~2014.10.28..18.41.12..3bcd/bin' ~zod/try=> (spat /as/les/top) '/as/les/top' ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Render path as tape ++ spud |=(pax=path ~(ram re (smyt pax))) :: path to tape Renders a path `pax` as [tape](). `pax` is a [`path`](). ~zod/try=> (spud %) "~zod/try/~2014.10.28..18.40.46..e951" ~zod/try=> (spud %/bin) "~zod/try/~2014.10.28..18.41.05..16f2/bin" ~zod/try=> (spud /as/les/top) "/as/les/top" ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Parse span to path ++ stab :: parse span to path |= zep=@ta ^- path (rash zep ;~(pfix fas ;~(sfix (more fas urs:ab) fas))) Parsing rule. Parses a span `zep` to a static [`++path`](/doc/hoon/library/1#++path). ~zod/try=> (stab '/as/lek/tor') /as/lek/tor ~zod/try=> `(pole ,@ta)`(stab '/as/lek/tor') [ [~.lek [~.tor ~]]] ~zod/try=> (stab '~zod/arvo/~2014.10.28..18.48.41..335f/zuse') ~zod/arvo/~2014.10.28..18.48.41..335f/zuse ~zod/try=> `(pole ,@ta)`(stab '~zod/arvo/~2014.10.28..18.48.41..335f/zuse') [~.~zod [~.arvo [~.~2014.10.28..18.48.41..335f [~.zuse ~]]]] ~zod/try=> (stab '/a/~pillyt/pals/1') /a/~pillyt/pals/1 ~zod/try=> `(pole ,@ta)`(stab '/a/~pillyt/pals/1') [~.a [~.~pillyt [~.pals [~.1 ~]]]]