/* include/c/portable.h
** This file is in the public domain.
  /** Must be compiled on gcc with C99 support.
#    ifndef __GNUC__
#      error "port me"
#    endif
#    define _GNU_SOURCE

  /** System include files.
  *** Do not put include files that are only used in the
  *** porting layer here.  Include them directly in the
  *** C file.
#   if defined(U2_OS_linux)
#     include <stdlib.h>
#     include <string.h>
#     include <stdarg.h>
#     include <unistd.h>
#     include <stdint.h>
#     include <assert.h>
#     include <byteswap.h>
#     include <setjmp.h>
#     include <stdio.h>
#     include <signal.h>
#     include <sys/time.h>
#     include <sys/resource.h>
#     include <sys/mman.h>

#   elif defined(U2_OS_osx)
#     include <stdlib.h>
#     include <string.h>
#     include <stdarg.h>
#     include <unistd.h>
#     include <stdint.h>
#     include <assert.h>
#     include <setjmp.h>
#     include <signal.h>
#     include <machine/endian.h>
#     include <machine/byte_order.h>
#     include <stdio.h>
#     include <sys/time.h>
#     include <sys/resource.h>
#     include <sys/mman.h>

#   elif defined(U2_OS_bsd)
#     include <stdlib.h>
#     include <string.h>
#     include <stdarg.h>
#     include <unistd.h>
#     include <stdint.h>
#     include <assert.h>
#     include <machine/endian.h>
#     include <setjmp.h>
#     include <stdio.h>
#     include <signal.h>
#     include <sys/time.h>
#     include <sys/resource.h>
#     include <sys/mman.h>

#   else
      #error "port: headers"

#   endif

  /** Address space layout.
# if defined(U2_OS_linux)
#   define U2_OS_LoomBase 0x404db000
#   define U2_OS_LoomBits 29            //  ie, 2^29 words == 2GB
# elif defined(U2_OS_osx)
#   ifdef __LP64__
#     define U2_OS_LoomBase 0x200000000
#   else
#     define U2_OS_LoomBase 0x4000000
#   endif
#     define U2_OS_LoomBits 29            //  ie, 2^29 words == 2GB
# elif defined(U2_OS_bsd)
#   ifdef __LP64__
#     define U2_OS_LoomBase 0x200000000
#   else
#     define U2_OS_LoomBase 0x4000000
#   endif
#     define U2_OS_LoomBits 29            //  ie, 2^29 words == 2GB
# else
#   error "port: LoomBase"
# endif

  /** Global variable control.
  *** To instantiate globals, #define c3_global as extern.
#   ifndef c3_global
#     define c3_global
#   endif

  /** External, OS-independent library dependencies.
    /* The GMP (GNU arbitrary-precision arithmetic) library.
    ** (Tested with version 4.0.1.)
#      include <gmp.h>

  /** Private C "extensions."
  *** Except for these and main(), any function, macro, or structure
  *** names must be prefixed either by u3_/U2_ (for public names),
  *** or _ (for static and other file-local names).
    /* Endianness.
#     define c3_endian_little     0
#     define c3_endian_big        1

#     ifdef U2_OS_ENDIAN_little
#       define c3_endian c3_endian_little
#     elif defined(U2_OS_ENDIAN_big)
#       define c3_endian c3_endian_big
#     else
#       error "port: U2_OS_ENDIAN"
#     endif

    /* Byte swapping.
#      if defined(U2_OS_linux) || defined(U2_OS_bsd)
#        define c3_bswap_16(x)  bswap_16(x)
#        define c3_bswap_32(x)  bswap_32(x)
#        define c3_bswap_64(x)  bswap_64(x)

#      elif defined(U2_OS_osx)
#        define c3_bswap_16(x)  NXSwapShort(x)
#        define c3_bswap_32(x)  NXSwapInt(x)
#        define c3_bswap_64(x)  NXSwapLongLong(x)
#      else
#        error "port: byte swap"
#      endif

/* Sync
#      if defined(U2_OS_linux) || defined(U2_OS_bsd)
#        define c3_sync(fd) (fdatasync(fd))
#      elif defined(U2_OS_osx)
#        define c3_sync(fd) (fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC, 0))
#      else
#        error "port: sync"
#      endif

/* Purge
#      if defined(U2_OS_linux)
#        include <stdio_ext.h>
#        define c3_fpurge __fpurge
#      elif defined(U2_OS_bsd) || defined(U2_OS_osx)
#        define c3_fpurge fpurge
#      else
#        error "port: fpurge"
#      endif

/* Stat struct
#      if defined(U2_OS_linux)
#        define c3_stat_mtime(dp) (u3_time_t_in_ts((dp)->st_mtime))
#      elif defined(U2_OS_osx)
#        define c3_stat_mtime(dp) (u3_time_in_ts(&((dp)->st_mtimespec)))
#        define lseek64 lseek
#      elif defined(U2_OS_bsd)
#        define c3_stat_mtime(dp) (u3_time_in_ts(&((dp)->st_mtim)))
#        define lseek64 lseek
#      else
#        error "port: timeconvert"
#      endif