/* g/n.c ** */ #include "all.h" static u3_noun _n_nock_on(u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol); /* u3_term_io_hija(): hijack console for cooked print. */ FILE* u3_term_io_hija(void); /* u3_term_io_loja(): release console from cooked print. */ void u3_term_io_loja(int x); /* uL, uH: wrap hijack/lojack around fprintf. ** ** uL(fprintf(uH, ...)); */ # define uH u3_term_io_hija() # define uL(x) u3_term_io_loja(x) /* _n_hint(): process hint. */ static u3_noun _n_hint(u3_noun zep, u3_noun hod, u3_noun bus, u3_noun nex) { switch ( zep ) { default: { // u3m_p("weird zep", zep); u3a_lose(zep); u3a_lose(hod); return _n_nock_on(bus, nex); } case c3__hunk: case c3__lose: case c3__mean: case c3__spot: { u3_noun tac = u3nc(zep, hod); u3_noun pro; u3t_push(tac); #if 0 { static int low_i; if ( !low_i ) { low_i = 1; if ( 0 == (u3R->pro.nox_d % 65536ULL) ) { if ( c3__spot == zep ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "spot %d/%d : %d/%d\r\n", u3h(u3h(u3t(hod))), u3t(u3h(u3t(hod))), u3h(u3t(u3t(hod))), u3t(u3t(u3t(hod))))); } } low_i = 0; } } #endif pro = _n_nock_on(bus, nex); u3t_drop(); return pro; } case c3__live: { if ( c3y == u3ud(hod) ) { u3t_off(noc_o); u3t_heck(hod); u3t_on(noc_o); } else { u3z(hod); } return _n_nock_on(bus, nex); } case c3__slog: { if ( !(u3C.wag_w & u3o_quiet) ) { u3t_off(noc_o); u3t_slog(hod); u3t_on(noc_o); } return _n_nock_on(bus, nex); } case c3__germ: { u3_noun pro = _n_nock_on(bus, nex); if ( c3y == u3r_sing(pro, hod) ) { u3z(pro); return hod; } else { u3z(hod); return pro; } } case c3__fast: { u3_noun pro = _n_nock_on(bus, nex); u3t_off(noc_o); u3j_mine(hod, u3k(pro)); u3t_on(noc_o); return pro; } case c3__memo: { u3z(hod); #if 0 return _n_nock_on(bus, nex); #else { u3_noun pro = u3z_find_2(144 + c3__nock, bus, nex); if ( pro != u3_none ) { u3z(bus); u3z(nex); return pro; } pro = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(nex)); if ( &(u3H->rod_u) != u3R ) { u3z_save_2(144 + c3__nock, bus, nex, pro); } u3z(bus); u3z(nex); return pro; } #endif } case c3__sole: { u3z(hod); { u3_noun pro = _n_nock_on(bus, nex); // return u3z_uniq(pro); return pro; } } } } /* _n_mush_in(): see _n_mush(). */ static u3_noun _n_mush_in(u3_noun val) { if ( c3n == u3du(val) ) { return u3_nul; } else { u3_noun h_val = u3h(val); u3_noun ite; if ( c3n == u3ud(h_val) ) { ite = u3nc(c3__leaf, u3_nul); } else { ite = u3nc(c3__leaf, u3qe_trip(h_val)); } return u3nc(ite, _n_mush_in(u3t(val))); } } /* _n_mush(): tank from failed path request. */ static u3_noun _n_mush(u3_noun val) { u3_noun pro; pro = u3nt(c3__rose, u3nt(u3nc('/', u3_nul), u3nc('/', u3_nul), u3_nul), _n_mush_in(val)); u3z(val); return pro; } /* _n_nock_on(): produce .*(bus fol). Do not virtualize. */ static u3_noun _n_nock_on(u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol) { u3_noun hib, gal; while ( 1 ) { hib = u3h(fol); gal = u3t(fol); #ifdef U3_CPU_DEBUG u3R->pro.nox_d += 1; #endif if ( c3y == u3r_du(hib) ) { u3_noun poz, riv; poz = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(hib)); riv = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal)); u3a_lose(fol); return u3i_cell(poz, riv); } else switch ( hib ) { default: return u3m_bail(c3__exit); case 0: { if ( c3n == u3r_ud(gal) ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } else { u3_noun pro = u3k(u3at(gal, bus)); u3a_lose(bus); u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 1: { u3_noun pro = u3k(gal); u3a_lose(bus); u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 2: { u3_noun nex = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(u3t(gal))); u3_noun seb = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(u3h(gal))); u3a_lose(fol); bus = seb; fol = nex; continue; } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 3: { u3_noun gof, pro; gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal)); pro = u3r_du(gof); u3a_lose(gof); u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 4: { u3_noun gof, pro; gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal)); pro = u3i_vint(gof); u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 5: { u3_noun wim = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal)); u3_noun pro = u3r_sing(u3h(wim), u3t(wim)); u3a_lose(wim); u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 6: { u3_noun b_gal, c_gal, d_gal; u3x_trel(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal, &d_gal); { u3_noun tys = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(b_gal)); u3_noun nex; if ( 0 == tys ) { nex = u3k(c_gal); } else if ( 1 == tys ) { nex = u3k(d_gal); } else return u3m_bail(c3__exit); u3a_lose(fol); fol = nex; continue; } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 7: { u3_noun b_gal, c_gal; u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal); { u3_noun bod = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(b_gal)); u3_noun nex = u3k(c_gal); u3a_lose(fol); bus = bod; fol = nex; continue; } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 8: { u3_noun b_gal, c_gal; u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal); { u3_noun heb = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(b_gal)); u3_noun bod = u3nc(heb, bus); u3_noun nex = u3k(c_gal); u3a_lose(fol); bus = bod; fol = nex; continue; } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 9: { u3_noun b_gal, c_gal; u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal); { u3_noun seb = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(c_gal)); u3_noun pro; u3t_off(noc_o); pro = u3j_kick(seb, b_gal); u3t_on(noc_o); if ( u3_none != pro ) { u3a_lose(fol); return pro; } else { if ( c3n == u3r_ud(b_gal) ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } else { u3_noun nex = u3k(u3at(b_gal, seb)); u3a_lose(fol); bus = seb; fol = nex; continue; } } } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); case 10: { u3_noun p_gal, q_gal; u3x_cell(gal, &p_gal, &q_gal); { u3_noun zep, hod, nex; if ( c3y == u3r_du(p_gal) ) { u3_noun b_gal = u3h(p_gal); u3_noun c_gal = u3t(p_gal); u3_noun d_gal = q_gal; zep = u3k(b_gal); hod = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(c_gal)); nex = u3k(d_gal); } else { u3_noun b_gal = p_gal; u3_noun c_gal = q_gal; zep = u3k(b_gal); hod = u3_nul; nex = u3k(c_gal); } u3a_lose(fol); return _n_hint(zep, hod, bus, nex); } } case 11: { u3_noun ref = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(u3h(gal))); u3_noun gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(u3t(gal))); u3_noun val; u3t_off(noc_o); val = u3m_soft_esc(ref, u3k(gof)); u3t_on(noc_o); if ( !_(u3du(val)) ) { u3m_bail(u3nt(1, gof, 0)); } if ( !_(u3du(u3t(val))) ) { // // replace with proper error stack push // u3t_push(u3nc(c3__hunk, _n_mush(gof))); return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } else { u3_noun pro; u3z(gof); u3z(fol); pro = u3k(u3t(u3t(val))); u3z(val); return pro; } } c3_assert(!"not reached"); } } } /* u3n_nock_on(): produce .*(bus fol). Do not virtualize. */ u3_noun u3n_nock_on(u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol) { u3_noun pro; u3t_on(noc_o); pro = _n_nock_on(bus, fol); u3t_off(noc_o); return pro; } /* u3n_kick_on(): fire `gat` without changing the sample. */ u3_noun u3n_kick_on(u3_noun gat) { return u3j_kink(gat, 2); } c3_w exc_w; /* u3n_slam_on(): produce (gat sam). */ u3_noun u3n_slam_on(u3_noun gat, u3_noun sam) { u3_noun cor = u3nc(u3k(u3h(gat)), u3nc(sam, u3k(u3t(u3t(gat))))); #if 0 if ( &u3H->rod_u == u3R ) { if ( exc_w == 1 ) { c3_assert(0); } exc_w++; } #endif u3z(gat); return u3n_kick_on(cor); } /* u3n_nock_et(): produce .*(bus fol), as ++toon, in namespace. */ u3_noun u3n_nock_et(u3_noun gul, u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol) { return u3m_soft_run(gul, u3n_nock_on, bus, fol); } /* u3n_slam_et(): produce (gat sam), as ++toon, in namespace. */ u3_noun u3n_slam_et(u3_noun gul, u3_noun gat, u3_noun sam) { return u3m_soft_run(gul, u3n_slam_on, gat, sam); } /* u3n_nock_an(): as slam_in(), but with empty fly. */ u3_noun u3n_nock_an(u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol) { u3_noun gul = u3nt(u3nt(1, 0, 0), 0, 0); // |=(a/{* *} ~) return u3n_nock_et(gul, bus, fol); } /* _n_mush_in(): see _n_mush(). */ static u3_noun _n_mush_in(u3_noun val) { if ( c3n == u3du(val) ) { return u3_nul; } else { u3_noun h_val = u3h(val); u3_noun ite; if ( c3n == u3ud(h_val) ) { ite = u3nc(c3__leaf, u3_nul); } else { ite = u3nc(c3__leaf, u3qe_trip(h_val)); } return u3nc(ite, _n_mush_in(u3t(val))); case c3_ } } } /* These must match the order in the section marked OPCODE TABLE */ #define HALT 0 #define COPY 1 #define TOSS 2 #define SWAP 3 #define SWAT 4 #define SKIP 5 #define SKIN 6 #define CONS 7 #define SCON 8 #define HEAD 9 #define TAIL 10 #define FRAG 11 #define QUOT 12 #define QUIP 13 #define NOCK 14 #define NOCT 15 #define DEEP 16 #define PEEP 17 #define BUMP 18 #define SAME 19 #define KICK 20 #define TICK 21 #define WISH 22 #define FAST 23 #define CUSH 24 #define DROP 25 #define PUMO 26 #define GEMO 27 #define HECK 28 #define SLOG 29 static inline void _n_apen(u3_noun* dst, u3_noun src) { *dst = u3qb_weld(src, *dst); } static inline c3_y _n_emit(u3_noun *ops, u3_noun op) { *ops = u3nc(op, *ops); if ( c3n == u3du(op) ) { return sizeof(c3_y); } else switch ( u3h(op) ) { case SKIP: case SKIN: return sizeof(c3_y) + sizeof(c3_s); case QUOT: case QUIP: case FRAG: case TICK: case KICK: return sizeof(c3_y) + sizeof(u3_noun); default: c3_assert(0); } } static c3_s _n_comp(u3_noun*, u3_noun, c3_o); static c3_s _n_bint(u3_noun* ops, u3_noun hif, u3_noun nef, c3_o tel_o) { if ( c3n == u3du(hif) ) { // no currently recognized static hints return _n_comp(ops, nef, tel_o); } else { c3_s tot_s = 0; u3_noun zep, hod; u3x_cell(hif, &zep, &hod); switch ( zep ) { default: tos += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tos += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); tos += _n_emit(ops, TOSS); tos += _n_comp(ops, nef, tel_o); break; case c3__hunk: case c3__lose: case c3__mean: case c3__spot: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(QUIP, zep)); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SNOC); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, CUSH); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, nef, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, DROP); break; case c3__live: { u3_noun yep = u3_nul, nop = u3_nul; c3_s y_s = 0, n_s = 0; tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, PEEP); n_s += _n_emit(&nop, HECK); y_s += _n_emit(&yep, TOSS); y_s += _n_emit(&yep, u3nc(SKIP, n_s)); tot_s += n_emit(ops, u3nc(SKIN, y_s)); _n_apen(ops, yep); tot_s += y_s; _n_apen(ops, nop); tot_s += n_s; tot_s += _n_comp(ops, nef, tel_o); break; } case c3__slog: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SLOG); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, nef, tel_o); break; // germ and sole are unused... case c3__fast: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAP); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, nef, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, FAST); break; case c3__memo: { u3_noun nop = u3_nul, yep = u3_nul; c3_s y_s = 0, n_s = 0; // top->[bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); // [bus bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); // [bus bus bus] tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hod, c3n); // [clue bus bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, TOSS); // [bus bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(QUIP, u3k(nef))); // [fol bus bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SCON); // [[bus fol] bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, GEMO); // [u key bus] tot_s += _n_emit(ops, PEEP); // [b u key bus] // NO branch, i.e. gemo gave us ~ n_s += _n_emit(&nop, TOSS); // [key bus] n_s += _n_emit(&nop, SWAP); // [bus key] n_s += _n_comp(&nop, nef, c3n); // [pro key] n_s += _n_emit(&nop, PUMO); // YES branch, i.e. gemo gave us [0 pro] y_s += _n_emit(&yep, TAIL); // [pro key bus] y_s += _n_emit(&yep, SWAT); // [pro bus] y_s += _n_emit(&yep, u3nc(SKIP, n_s)); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(SKIN, y_s)); _n_apen(ops, yup); tot_s += y_s; _n_apen(ops, nop); tot_s += n_s; // both branches leave an extra value under the top tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAT); break; } } return tot_s; } } /* fol is RETAINED */ static c3_s _n_comp(u3_noun* ops, u3_noun fol, c3_o tel_o) { c3_s tot_s = 0; u3_noun cod, arg, hed, tel; u3x_cell(fol, &cod, &arg); if ( c3y == u3du(cod) ) { tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, cod, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAP); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, arg, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, CONS); } else switch ( cod ) { case 0: if ( c3n == u3ud(arg) ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } switch ( arg ) { case 0: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, BAIL); break; case 1: break; case 2: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, HEAD); break; case 3: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, TAIL); break; default: tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(FRAG, u3k(arg))); } break; case 1: { tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(QUOT, u3k(arg))); break; } case 2: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAP); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, (tel_o ? NOCT : NOCK)); break; case 3: tot_s += _n_comp(ops, arg, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, DEEP); break; case 4: tot_s += _n_comp(ops, arg, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, BUMP); break; case 5: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAP); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SAME); break; case 6: { u3_noun mid; u3x_trel(arg, &hed, &mid, &tel); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); u3_noun yep = u3_nul, nop = u3_nul; c3_s y_s = _n_comp(&yep, mid, tel_o), n_s = _n_comp(&nop, tel, tel_o); y_s += _n_emit(&yep, u3nc(SKIP, n_s)); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc(SKIN, y_s)); _n_apen(ops, yep); tot_s += y_s; _n_apen(ops, nop); tot_s += n_s; break; } case 7: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, tel_o); break; case 8: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SCON); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, tel_o); break; case 9: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); if ( 3 == u3qc_cap(hed) ) { u3_noun mac = u3nq(7, u3k(tel), 2, u3nt(u3nc(0, 1), 0, u3k(hed))); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, mac, tel_o); u3z(mac); } else { tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, u3nc((tel_o ? TICK : KICK), u3k(hed))); } break; case 10: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_bint(ops, hed, tel, tel_o); break; case 11: u3x_cell(arg, &hed, &tel); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, COPY); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, hed, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, SWAP); tot_s += _n_comp(ops, tel, c3n); tot_s += _n_emit(ops, WISH); break; } return tot_s; } static c3_y* _n_asm(u3_noun ops, c3_s len_s) { u3_noun top = ops; c3_y* buf_y = u3a_malloc(sizeof(c3_y) * (len_s+1)); c3_s i_s = len_s; buf_y[i_s] = HALT; while ( --i_s >= 0 ) { u3_noun op = u3h(ops); if ( c3y == u3ud(op) ) { buf_y[i_s] = (c3_y) u3h(ops); } else { u3_noun cod = u3h(op); switch ( cod ) { case SKIP: case SKIN: { c3_s off_s = u3t(op); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) (off_s >> 8); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) off_s; buf_y[i_s] = (c3_y) cod; break; } case QUOT: case QUIP: case FRAG: case TICK: case KICK: { c3_w non_w = u3t(op); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) (non_w >> 24); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) (non_w >> 16); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) (non_w >> 8); buf_y[i_s--] = (c3_y) non_w; buf_y[i_s] = (c3_y) cod; break; } default: c3_assert(0); } } ops = u3t(ops); } u3z(ops); return buf_y; } static inline void _n_push(u3_noun a) { u3_noun* p = (u3_noun*) u3a_push(sizeof(u3_noun)); *p = a; } static inline u3_noun* _n_peek() { return (u3_noun*) u3a_peek(sizeof(u3_noun)); } static inline u3_noun* _n_peet() { return (u3_noun*) u3a_peek(sizeof(u3_noun) + sizeof(u3_noun)); } static inline u3_noun _n_pop() { u3_noun r = *(_n_peek()); u3a_pop(sizeof(u3_noun)); return r; } static inline void _n_toss() { u3z(_n_pop()); } static inline c3_s _n_resh(c3_y* buf, c3_s* ip_s) { c3_y les = buf[(*ip_s)++]; c3_y mos = buf[(*ip_s)++]; return les | (mos << 8); } static inline u3_noun _n_rean(c3_y* buf, c3_s* ip_s) { c3_y one = buf[(*ip_s)++], two = buf[(*ip_s)++], tre = buf[(*ip_s)++], qua = buf[(*ip_s)++]; return one | (two << 8) | (tre << 16) | (qua << 24); } static inline c3_y* _n_bite(u3_noun fol) { u3_noun bok = u3_nul; c3_s len_s = _n_comp(&bok, fol, c3y) return _n_asm(bok, len_s); } static c3_y* _n_find(u3_noun fol) { u3_noun got = u3h_get(u3R->byc.har_p, fol); if ( u3_none != got ) { return u3a_to_ptr(got); } else { c3_y* gop = _n_bite(fol); got = u3a_to_off(gop); u3h_put(u3R->byc.har_p, fol, got); return gop; } } /* _n_burn(): run pog, subject is top of cap stack, return value on cap stack */ static void _n_burn(c3_y* pog) { /* OPCODE TABLE */ static void* lab[] = { &&do_halt, &&do_copy, &&do_toss, &&do_swap, &&do_swat, &&do_skip, &&do_skin, &&do_cons, &&do_scon, &&do_head, &&do_tail, &&do_frag, &&do_quot, &&do_quip, &&do_nock, &&do_noct, &&do_deep, &&do_peep, &&do_bump, &&do_same, &&do_kick, &&do_tick, &&do_wish, &&do_fast, &&do_cush, &&do_drop, &&do_pumo, &&do_gemo, &&do_heck, &&do_slog, }; c3_s sip_s, ip_s = 0; c3_y op; c3_y* gop; u3_noun* top; u3_noun* up; u3_noun x, o; u3p(void) empty = u3R->cap_p; #define BURN() goto *lab[pog[ip_s++]] BURN(); while ( 1 ) { do_halt: return; do_copy: top = _n_peek(); _n_push(u3k(*top)); BURN(); do_toss: _n_toss(); BURN(); do_swap: top = _n_peek(); up = _n_peet(); x = *top; *top = *up; *up = x; BURN(); do_swat: top = _n_peek(); up = _n_peet(); x = *top; *top = *up; *up = x; _n_toss(); BURN(); do_skip: ip_s += _n_resh(pog, &ip_s); BURN(); do_skin: sip_s = _n_resh(pog, &ip_s); x = _n_pop(); if ( c3n == x ) { ip_s += sip_s; } else if ( c3y != x ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } BURN(); do_cons: x = _n_pop(); top = _n_peek(); *top = u3nc(*top, x); BURN(); do_scon: x = _n_pop(); top = _n_peek(); *top = u3nc(x, *top); BURN(); do_head: top = _n_peek(); o = *top; if ( c3n == u3du(o) ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } *top = u3k(u3h(o)); u3z(o); BURN(); do_tail: top = _n_peek(); o = *top; if ( c3n == u3du(o) ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } *top = u3k(u3t(o)); u3z(o); BURN(); do_frag: top = _n_peek(); o = *top; x = u3x_at(_n_rean(pog, &ip_s), o); *top = u3k(x); u3z(o); BURN(); do_quot: _n_toss(); do_quip: _n_push(u3k(_n_rean(pog, &ip_s))); BURN(); do_nock: gop = _n_find(_n_pop()); _n_burn(gop); BURN(); do_noct: pog = _n_find(_n_pop()); ip_s = 0; BURN(); do_deep: top = _n_peek(); o = *top; *top = u3du(o); u3z(o); BURN(); do_peep: top = _n_peek(); _n_push(u3du(*top)); BURN(); do_bump: top = _n_peek(); o = *top; *top = u3i_vint(o); u3z(o); BURN(); do_same: x = _n_pop(); top = _n_peek(); o = *top; *top = u3r_sing(x, o); u3z(x); u3z(o); BURN(); do_kick: x = _n_rean(pog, &ip_s); top = _n_peek(); o = *top; u3t_off(noc_o); *top = u3j_kick(o, x); u3t_on(noc_o); if ( u3_none == *top ) { u3_noun fol = u3r_at(x, o); if ( u3_none == fol ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } *top = o; gop = _n_find(fol); _n_burn(gop); } BURN(); do_tick: x = _n_rean(pog, &ip_s); top = _n_peek(); o = *top; u3t_off(noc_o); *top = u3j_kick(o, x); u3t_on(noc_o); if ( u3_none == *top ) { u3_noun fol = u3r_at(x, o); if ( u3_none == fol ) { return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } *top = o; pog = _n_find(fol); ip_s = 0; } BURN(); do_fast: // top->[pro clu] top = _n_peek(); up = _n_peet(); u3t_off(noc_o); u3j_mine(*up, u3k(*top)); u3t_on(noc_o); *up = *top; u3a_pop(sizeof(u3_noun)); BURN(); do_wish: top = _n_peek(); up = _n_peet(); u3t_off(noc_o); x = u3m_soft_esc(*up, u3k(*top)); u3t_on(noc_o); if ( c3n == u3du(x) ) { return u3m_bail(u3nt(1, *top, 0)); } else if ( c3n == u3du(u3t(x)) ) { // replace with proper error stack push u3t_push(u3nc(c3__hunk, _n_mush(*top))); return u3m_bail(c3__exit); } else { u3z(*top); *top = u3k(u3t(u3t(x))); u3z(x); BURN(); } do_cush: u3t_push(_n_pop()); BURN(); do_drop: u3t_drop(); BURN(); do_pumo: // top->[pro key] if ( &(u3H->rod_u) != u3R ) { top = _n_peek(); up = _n_peet(); u3z_save(144 + c3__nock, *up, *top); } BURN(); do_gemo: top = _n_peek(); x = u3z_find(144 + c3__nock, *top); _n_push(u3_none == x ? 0 : u3nc(0, x)); BURN(); do_heck: u3t_off(noc_o); u3t_heck(_n_pop()); u3t_on(noc_o); BURN(); do_slog: u3t_off(noc_o); u3t_slog(_n_pop()); u3t_on(noc_o); BURN(); } }