:: chat-hook: :: mirror chat data from foreign to local based on read permissions :: allow sending chat messages to foreign paths based on write perms :: /- *permission-store, *chat-hook, *invite-store /+ *chat-json |% +$ move [bone card] :: +$ card $% [%diff diff] [%quit ~] [%poke wire dock poke] [%pull wire dock ~] [%peer wire dock path] == :: +$ versioned-state $% state-zero state-one state-two == :: +$ state-zero $: %0 synced=(map path ship) boned=(map wire (list bone)) == :: +$ state-one $: %1 synced=(map path ship) boned=(map wire (list bone)) invite-created=_| == :: +$ state-two $: %2 synced=(map path ship) boned=(map wire (list bone)) invite-created=_| allow-history=(map path ?) == :: +$ poke $% [%chat-action chat-action] [%permission-action permission-action] [%invite-action invite-action] [%chat-view-action chat-view-action] == :: +$ diff $% [%chat-update chat-update] [%chat-two-update chat-two-update] == -- :: |_ [bol=bowl:gall state-two] :: ++ this . :: ++ prep |= old=(unit versioned-state) |^ ^- (quip move _this) ?~ old :_ this(invite-created %.y) :~ (invite-poke [%create /chat]) [ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %invite-store] /invitatory/chat] [ost.bol %peer /permissions [our.bol %permission-store] /updates] == ?- -.u.old %2 [~ this(+<+ u.old)] %1 [~ (migrate-state synced.u.old boned.u.old)] :: %0 :_ (migrate-state synced.u.old boned.u.old) :~ (invite-poke [%create /chat]) [ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %invite-store] /invitatory/chat] == == :: ++ migrate-state |= [synced=(map path ship) boned=(map wire (list bone))] ^- _this =/ sta *state-two =: boned.sta boned synced.sta synced allow-history.sta (create-allow-history synced) invite-created %.y == this(+<+ sta) :: ++ create-allow-history |= synced=(map path ship) ^- (map path ?) (~(run by synced) |=(* %.n)) -- :: ++ poke-json |= jon=json ^- (quip move _this) (poke-chat-action (json-to-action jon)) :: ++ poke-chat-action |= act=chat-action ^- (quip move _this) ?> ?=(%message -.act) :: local :_ this ?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) ?. (~(has by synced) path.act) ~ =/ ship (~(got by synced) path.act) =/ appl ?:(=(ship our.bol) %chat-store %chat-hook) [ost.bol %poke / [ship appl] [%chat-action act]]~ :: foreign =/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act) ?~ ship ~ ?. =(u.ship our.bol) ~ :: scry permissions to check if write is permitted ?. (permitted-scry [(scot %p src.bol) %chat (weld path.act /write)]) ~ =: author.envelope.act src.bol when.envelope.act now.bol == [ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-store] [%chat-action act]]~ :: ++ poke-chat-hook-action |= act=chat-hook-action ^- (quip move _this) ?- -.act %add-owned ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) =/ chat-path [%mailbox path.act] ?: (~(has by synced) path.act) [~ this] =: synced (~(put by synced) path.act our.bol) allow-history (~(put by allow-history) path.act allow-history.act) == :_ (track-bone chat-path) %+ weld [ost.bol %peer chat-path [our.bol %chat-store] chat-path]~ (create-permission [%chat path.act] security.act) :: %add-synced ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) =/ chat-path=path [%mailbox (scot %p ship.act) path.act] ?: (~(has by synced) [(scot %p ship.act) path.act]) [~ this] =. synced (~(put by synced) [(scot %p ship.act) path.act] ship.act) =/ history=path ?:(ask-history.act /0 /~) :_ (track-bone chat-path) [ost.bol %peer chat-path [ship.act %chat-hook] (weld chat-path history)]~ :: %remove =/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act) ?~ ship [~ this] ?: &(=(u.ship our.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol)) :: delete one of our.bol own paths :_ %_ this synced (~(del by synced) path.act) boned (~(del by boned) [%mailbox path.act]) == %- zing :~ (pull-wire [%mailbox path.act]) (delete-permission [%chat path.act]) ^- (list move) %+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%mailbox path.act] bol) |= [=bone *] [bone %quit ~] == ?. |(=(u.ship src.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol)) :: if neither ship = source or source = us, do nothing [~ this] :: delete a foreign ship's path :- (pull-wire [%mailbox path.act]) %_ this synced (~(del by synced) path.act) boned (~(del by boned) [%mailbox path.act]) == == :: ++ peer-mailbox |= pax=path ^- (quip move _this) ?> ?=(^ pax) =/ last (dec (lent pax)) =/ backlog-start=(unit @ud) %+ rush (snag last `(list @ta)`pax) dem:ag => .(pax `path`(oust [last 1] `(list @ta)`pax)) ?> ?=([* ^] pax) ?> (~(has by synced) pax) :: scry permissions to check if read is permitted ?> (permitted-scry [(scot %p src.bol) %chat (weld pax /read)]) =/ box (chat-scry pax) ?~ box !! :_ this :- [ost.bol %diff %chat-update [%create (slav %p i.pax) pax]] ?: ?&(?=(^ backlog-start) (~(got by allow-history) pax)) (paginate-messages pax u.box u.backlog-start) ~ :: ++ paginate-messages |= [=path =mailbox start=@ud] ^- (list move) =/ moves=(list move) ~ =/ end (lent envelopes.mailbox) ?: |((gte start end) =(end 0)) moves =. envelopes.mailbox (slag start `(list envelope)`envelopes.mailbox) |- ^- (list move) ?~ envelopes.mailbox moves ?: (lte end 5.000) =. moves %+ snoc moves %- messages-move [path start (lent envelopes.mailbox) envelopes.mailbox] $(envelopes.mailbox ~) =. moves %+ snoc moves %- messages-move :^ path start (add start 5.000) (scag 5.000 `(list envelope)`envelopes.mailbox) =: start (add start 5.000) end (sub end 5.000) == $(envelopes.mailbox (slag 5.000 `(list envelope)`envelopes.mailbox)) :: ++ messages-move |= [=path start=@ud end=@ud envelopes=(list envelope)] ^- move [ost.bol %diff %chat-two-update [%messages path start end envelopes]] :: ++ diff-invite-update |= [wir=wire diff=invite-update] ^- (quip move _this) ?+ -.diff [~ this] :: %accepted =/ ask-history ?~ (chat-scry [(scot %p ship.invite.diff) path.invite.diff]) %.y %.n :_ this [(chat-view-poke [%join ship.invite.diff path.invite.diff ask-history])]~ == :: ++ diff-permission-update |= [wir=wire diff=permission-update] ^- (quip move _this) :_ this ?- -.diff %create ~ %delete ~ %add (handle-permissions [%add path.diff who.diff]) %remove (handle-permissions [%remove path.diff who.diff]) == :: ++ handle-permissions |= [kind=?(%add %remove) pax=path who=(set ship)] ^- (list move) ?> ?=([* *] pax) ?. =(%chat i.pax) ~ :: check path to see if this is a %read permission ?. =(%read (snag (dec (lent pax)) `(list @t)`pax)) ~ =/ sup %- ~(gas by *(map [ship path] bone)) %+ turn ~(tap by sup.bol) |=([=bone anchor=[ship path]] [anchor bone]) %- zing %+ turn ~(tap in who) |= check-ship=ship ?: (permitted-scry [(scot %p check-ship) pax]) ~ :: if ship is not permitted, quit their subscription =/ mail-path (oust [(dec (lent t.pax)) (lent t.pax)] `(list @t)`t.pax) =/ bne (~(get by sup) [check-ship [%mailbox mail-path]]) ?~(bne ~ [u.bne %quit ~]~) :: ++ diff-chat-two-update |= [wir=wire diff=chat-two-update] ^- (quip move _this) :: local ?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) :_ this %+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%mailbox path.diff] bol) |= [=bone *] ^- move [bone %diff [%chat-two-update diff]] :: foreign :_ this ?> ?=([* ^] path.diff) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%messages path.diff envelopes.diff])]~ :: ++ diff-chat-update |= [wir=wire diff=chat-update] ^- (quip move _this) ?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) (handle-local diff) (handle-foreign diff) :: ++ handle-local |= diff=chat-update ^- (quip move _this) ?- -.diff %keys [~ this] %config [~ this] %create [~ this] %read [~ this] %delete ?. (~(has by synced) path.diff) [~ this] :_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff)) [ost.bol %pull [%mailbox path.diff] [our.bol %chat-store] ~]~ :: %message :_ this %+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%mailbox path.diff] bol) |= [=bone *] ^- move [bone %diff [%chat-update diff]] == :: ++ handle-foreign |= diff=chat-update ^- (quip move _this) ?- -.diff %keys [~ this] %config [~ this] %read [~ this] %create :_ this ?> ?=([* ^] path.diff) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%create ship.diff t.path.diff])]~ :: %delete ?> ?=([* ^] path.diff) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff) ?~ shp [~ this] ?. =(u.shp src.bol) [~ this] :_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff)) :- (chat-poke [%delete path.diff]) [ost.bol %pull [%mailbox path.diff] [src.bol %chat-hook] ~]~ :: %message :_ this ?> ?=([* ^] path.diff) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%message path.diff envelope.diff])]~ == :: ++ quit |= wir=wire ^- (quip move _this) ~& chat-hook-quit+wir ?: =(wir /permissions) :_ this [ost.bol %peer /permissions [our.bol %permission-store] /updates]~ ?> ?=([* ^] wir) ?. (~(has by synced) t.wir) :: no-op [~ this] =/ mailbox (chat-scry t.wir) ?~ mailbox [~ this] ~& %chat-hook-resubscribe =/ pax=path (weld wir /(scot %ud (lent envelopes.u.mailbox))) ~& pax :_ (track-bone wir) [ost.bol %peer wir [(slav %p i.t.wir) %chat-hook] pax]~ :: ++ reap |= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)] ^- (quip move _this) ?~ saw [~ this] ?> ?=(^ wir) :_ this(synced (~(del by synced) t.wir)) %. ~ %- slog :* leaf+"chat-hook failed subscribe on {(spud t.wir)}" leaf+"stack trace:" u.saw == :: ++ chat-poke |= act=chat-action ^- move [ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-store] [%chat-action act]] :: ++ chat-view-poke |= act=chat-view-action ^- move [ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-view] [%chat-view-action act]] :: ++ permission-poke |= act=permission-action ^- move [ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %permission-store] [%permission-action act]] :: ++ invite-poke |= act=invite-action ^- move [ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %invite-store] [%invite-action act]] :: ++ create-permission |= [pax=path sec=rw-security] ^- (list move) =/ read-perm (weld pax /read) =/ write-perm (weld pax /write) ?- sec %channel :~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %black)) (permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %black)) == :: %village :~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %white)) (permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %white)) == :: %journal :~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %black)) (permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %white)) == :: %mailbox :~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %white)) (permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %black)) == == :: ++ delete-permission |= pax=path ^- (list move) =/ read-perm (weld pax /read) =/ write-perm (weld pax /write) :~ (permission-poke [%delete read-perm]) (permission-poke [%delete write-perm]) == :: ++ sec-to-perm |= [pax=path =kind] ^- permission-action [%create pax kind *(set ship)] :: ++ chat-scry |= pax=path ^- (unit mailbox) =. pax ;:(weld /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/mailbox pax /noun) .^((unit mailbox) %gx pax) :: ++ invite-scry |= uid=serial ^- (unit invite) =/ pax /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)/invite/chat/(scot %uv uid)/noun .^((unit invite) %gx pax) :: ++ permitted-scry |= pax=path ^- ? .^(? %gx ;:(weld /=permission-store/(scot %da now.bol)/permitted pax /noun)) :: ++ track-bone |= wir=wire ^+ this =/ bnd (~(get by boned) wir) ?^ bnd this(boned (~(put by boned) wir (snoc u.bnd ost.bol))) this(boned (~(put by boned) wir [ost.bol]~)) :: ++ pull-wire |= pax=path ^- (list move) ?> ?=(^ pax) =/ bnd (~(get by boned) pax) ?~ bnd ~ =/ shp (~(get by synced) t.pax) ?~ shp ~ %+ turn u.bnd |= =bone ^- move ?: =(u.shp our.bol) [bone %pull pax [our.bol %chat-store] ~] [bone %pull pax [u.shp %chat-hook] ~] :: --