/- spider, dns /+ strandio, libdns=dns =, strand=strand:spider ^- thread:spider |= arg=vase |^ =/ m (strand ,vase) ^- form:m =+ !< [adr=address:dns ~] arg :: ;< our=ship bind:m get-our:strandio =/ rac (clan:title our) ?. ?=(?(%king %duke) rac) %+ strand-fail:strandio %ship-type-fail [>"can only set DNS for planets and stars"< ~] :: ?: (reserved:eyre if.adr) %+ strand-fail:strandio %reserved-address [>"ip address {<if.adr>} is reserved"< ~] ;< ~ bind:m (request-by-ip if.adr) ;< ~ bind:m take-fact (pure:m *vase) :: ++ request-by-ip |= if=@if =/ m (strand ,~) ^- form:m =/ collector-app `dock`[~zod %dns-collector] ;< good=? bind:m (self-check-http:libdns |+if 2) ?. good %+ strand-fail:strandio %bail-early-self-check [>"couldn't access ship on port 80"< ~] ;< ~ bind:m (poke:strandio collector-app %dns-address !>([%if if])) =/ msg=cord (cat 3 'request for DNS sent to ' (scot %p p:collector-app)) ;< ~ bind:m (app-message:strandio %dns msg ~) ;< our=@p bind:m get-our:strandio ;< ~ bind:m (watch:strandio /sub collector-app /(scot %p our)) =/ msg=cord (cat 3 'awaiting response from ' (scot %p p:collector-app)) ;< ~ bind:m (app-message:strandio %dns msg ~) (pure:m ~) :: ++ take-fact =/ m (strand ,~) ^- form:m ;< our=ship bind:m get-our:strandio ;< =cage bind:m (take-fact:strandio /(scot %p our)) ?> ?=(%dns-binding p.cage) =/ =binding:dns !<(binding:dns q.cage) ;< good=? bind:m (turf-confirm-install:libdns turf.binding) =/ msg=(pair cord tang) ?: good [(cat 3 'confirmed access via ' (en-turf:html turf.binding)) ~] :- (cat 3 'unable to access via ' (en-turf:html turf.binding)) :~ leaf+"XX check via nslookup" leaf+"XX confirm port 80" == ;< ~ bind:m (app-message:strandio %dns msg) (pure:m ~) --