{- | # Signal Handling (SIGTERM, SIGINT) We handle SIGTERM by causing the main thread to raise a `UserInterrupt` exception. This is the same behavior as SIGINT (the signal sent upon `CTRL-C`). The main thread is therefore responsible for handling this exception and causing everything to shut down properly. # Crashing and Shutting Down Rule number one: The King never crashes. This rule is asperational at the moment, but it needs to become as close to truth as possible. Shut down ships in extreme cases, but never let the king go down. -} {- TODO These some old scribbled notes. They don't belong here anymore. Do something about it. # Event Pruning - `king discard-events NUM_EVENTS`: Delete the last `n` events from the event log. - `king discard-events-interactive`: Iterate through the events in the event log, from last to first, pretty-print each event, and ask if it should be pruned. # Implement subcommands to test event and effect parsing. - `king * --collect-fx`: All effects that come from the serf get written into the `effects` LMDB database. - `king clear-fx PIER`: Deletes all collected effects. - `king full-replay PIER`: Replays the whole event log events, print any failures. On success, replace the snapshot. # Full Replay -- An Integration Test - Copy the event log: - Create a new event log at the destination. - Stream events from the first event log. - Parse each event. - Re-Serialize each event. - Verify that the round-trip was successful. - Write the event into the new database. - Replay the event log at the destination. - If `--collect-fx` is set, then record effects as well. - Snapshot. - Verify that the final mug is the same as it was before. # Implement Remaining Serf Flags - `DebugRam`: Memory debugging. - `DebugCpu`: Profiling - `CheckCorrupt`: Heap Corruption Tests - `CheckFatal`: TODO What is this? - `Verbose`: TODO Just the `-v` flag? - `DryRun`: TODO Just the `-N` flag? - `Quiet`: TODO Just the `-q` flag? - `Hashless`: Don't use hashboard for jets. -} module Urbit.King.Main (main) where import Urbit.Prelude import Data.Conduit import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS import RIO.Directory import Urbit.Arvo import Urbit.King.Config import Urbit.Vere.Dawn import Urbit.Vere.Pier import Urbit.Vere.Ports import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Multi (multiEyre, MultiEyreConf(..)) import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types import Urbit.Vere.Serf import Urbit.King.App import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId) import Control.Exception (AsyncException(UserInterrupt)) import Control.Lens ((&)) import System.Process (system) import System.IO (hPutStrLn) import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint) import Urbit.Noun.Conversions (cordToUW) import Urbit.Noun.Time (Wen) import Urbit.Vere.LockFile (lockFile) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Sys import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB import qualified System.Random as Sys import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log import qualified Urbit.King.CLI as CLI import qualified Urbit.King.EventBrowser as EventBrowser import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob import qualified Urbit.Vere.Pier as Pier import qualified Urbit.Vere.Serf as Serf import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term as Term -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- removeFileIfExists :: HasLogFunc env => FilePath -> RIO env () removeFileIfExists pax = do exists <- doesFileExist pax when exists $ do removeFile pax -- Compile CLI Flags to Pier Configuration ------------------------------------- {- TODO: This is not all of the flags. Urbit is basically useless with hashboard, so we ignore that flag. -} toSerfFlags :: CLI.Opts -> [Serf.Flag] toSerfFlags CLI.Opts{..} = catMaybes m where m = [ setFrom oQuiet Serf.Quiet , setFrom oTrace Serf.Trace , setFrom (oHashless || True) Serf.Hashless , setFrom oQuiet Serf.Quiet , setFrom oVerbose Serf.Verbose , setFrom (oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom) Serf.DryRun ] setFrom True flag = Just flag setFrom False _ = Nothing toPierConfig :: FilePath -> CLI.Opts -> PierConfig toPierConfig pierPath o@(CLI.Opts{..}) = PierConfig { .. } where _pcPierPath = pierPath _pcDryRun = oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom _pcSerfExe = fromMaybe "urbit-worker" oSerfExe _pcSerfFlags = toSerfFlags o toNetworkConfig :: CLI.Opts -> NetworkConfig toNetworkConfig CLI.Opts {..} = NetworkConfig { .. } where dryRun = oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom offline = dryRun || oOffline mode = case (dryRun, offline, oLocalhost) of (True, _ , _ ) -> NMNone (_ , True, _ ) -> NMNone (_ , _ , True) -> NMLocalhost (_ , _ , _ ) -> NMNormal _ncNetMode = mode _ncAmesPort = oAmesPort _ncHttpPort = oHttpPort _ncHttpsPort = oHttpsPort _ncLocalPort = oLoopbackPort _ncNoAmes = oNoAmes _ncNoHttp = oNoHttp _ncNoHttps = oNoHttps logStderr :: HasStderrLogFunc e => RIO LogFunc a -> RIO e a logStderr action = do logFunc <- view stderrLogFuncL runRIO logFunc action logSlogs :: HasStderrLogFunc e => RIO e (TVar (Text -> IO ())) logSlogs = logStderr $ do env <- ask newTVarIO (runRIO env . logOther "serf" . display . T.strip) tryBootFromPill :: Bool -> Pill -> Bool -> Ship -> LegacyBootEvent -> RIO PierEnv () tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite ship boot = do mStart <- newEmptyMVar vSlog <- logSlogs runOrExitImmediately vSlog (bootedPier vSlog) oExit mStart where bootedPier vSlog = do view pierPathL >>= lockFile rio $ logDebug "Starting boot" sls <- Pier.booted vSlog pill lite ship boot rio $ logDebug "Completed boot" pure sls runOrExitImmediately :: TVar (Text -> IO ()) -> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, Log.EventLog) -> Bool -> MVar () -> RIO PierEnv () runOrExitImmediately vSlog getPier oExit mStart = do rwith getPier (if oExit then shutdownImmediately else runPier) where shutdownImmediately :: (Serf, Log.EventLog) -> RIO PierEnv () shutdownImmediately (serf, log) = do logDebug "Sending shutdown signal" Serf.stop serf logDebug "Shutdown!" runPier :: (Serf, Log.EventLog) -> RIO PierEnv () runPier serfLog = do runRAcquire (Pier.pier serfLog vSlog mStart) tryPlayShip :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Word64 -> MVar () -> RIO PierEnv () tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom mStart = do when fullReplay wipeSnapshot vSlog <- logSlogs runOrExitImmediately vSlog (resumeShip vSlog) exitImmediately mStart where wipeSnapshot = do shipPath <- view pierPathL logDebug "wipeSnapshot" logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> north shipPath) logDebug $ display $ pack @Text ("Wiping " <> south shipPath) removeFileIfExists (north shipPath) removeFileIfExists (south shipPath) north shipPath = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/north.bin" south shipPath = shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/south.bin" resumeShip :: TVar (Text -> IO ()) -> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, Log.EventLog) resumeShip vSlog = do view pierPathL >>= lockFile rio $ logDebug "RESUMING SHIP" sls <- Pier.resumed vSlog playFrom rio $ logDebug "SHIP RESUMED" pure sls runRAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO (m e), MonadIO (m e), MonadReader e (m e)) => RAcquire e a -> m e a runRAcquire act = rwith act pure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkEvs :: FilePath -> Word64 -> Word64 -> RIO KingEnv () checkEvs pierPath first last = do rwith (Log.existing logPath) $ \log -> do let ident = Log.identity log let pbSty = PB.defStyle { PB.stylePostfix = PB.exact } logDebug (displayShow ident) last <- atomically $ Log.lastEv log <&> \lastReal -> min last lastReal let evCount = fromIntegral (last - first) pb <- PB.newProgressBar pbSty 10 (PB.Progress 1 evCount ()) runConduit $ Log.streamEvents log first .| showEvents pb first (fromIntegral $ lifecycleLen ident) where logPath :: FilePath logPath = pierPath <> "/.urb/log" showEvents :: PB.ProgressBar () -> EventId -> EventId -> ConduitT ByteString Void (RIO KingEnv) () showEvents pb eId _ | eId > last = pure () showEvents pb eId cycle = await >>= \case Nothing -> do lift $ PB.killProgressBar pb lift $ logDebug "Everything checks out." Just bs -> do lift $ PB.incProgress pb 1 lift $ do n <- io $ cueBSExn bs when (eId > cycle) $ do (mug, wen, evNoun) <- unpackJob n fromNounErr evNoun & \case Left err -> logError (displayShow (eId, err)) Right (_ :: Ev) -> pure () showEvents pb (succ eId) cycle unpackJob :: Noun -> RIO KingEnv (Mug, Wen, Noun) unpackJob = io . fromNounExn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- collectAllFx :: FilePath -> RIO KingEnv () collectAllFx = error "TODO" {- {-| This runs the serf at `$top/.tmpdir`, but we disable snapshots, so this should never actually be created. We just do this to avoid letting the serf use an existing snapshot. -} collectAllFx :: FilePath -> RIO KingEnv () collectAllFx top = do logDebug $ display $ pack @Text top vSlog <- logSlogs rwith (collectedFX vSlog) $ \() -> logDebug "Done collecting effects!" where tmpDir :: FilePath tmpDir = top </> ".tmpdir" collectedFX :: TVar (Text -> IO ()) -> RAcquire KingEnv () collectedFX vSlog = do lockFile top log <- Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log") serf <- Pier.runSerf vSlog tmpDir serfFlags rio $ Serf.collectFX serf log serfFlags :: [Serf.Flag] serfFlags = [Serf.Hashless, Serf.DryRun] -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- replayPartEvs :: FilePath -> Word64 -> RIO KingEnv () replayPartEvs top last = do logDebug $ display $ pack @Text top fetchSnapshot rwith replayedEvs $ \() -> logDebug "Done replaying events!" where fetchSnapshot :: RIO KingEnv () fetchSnapshot = do snap <- Pier.getSnapshot top last case snap of Nothing -> pure () Just sn -> do liftIO $ system $ "cp -r \"" <> sn <> "\" \"" <> tmpDir <> "\"" pure () tmpDir :: FilePath tmpDir = top </> ".partial-replay" </> show last replayedEvs :: RAcquire KingEnv () replayedEvs = do lockFile top log <- Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log") let onSlog = print let onStdr = print let onDead = error "DIED" let config = Serf.Config "urbit-worker" tmpDir serfFlags onSlog onStdr onDead (serf, info) <- io (Serf.start config) rio $ do eSs <- Serf.execReplay serf log (Just last) case eSs of Left bail -> error (show bail) Right 0 -> io (Serf.snapshot serf) Right num -> pure () io $ threadDelay 500000 -- Copied from runOrExitImmediately pure () serfFlags :: [Serf.Flag] serfFlags = [Serf.Hashless] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Interesting -} testPill :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> RIO e () testPill pax showPil showSeq = do logDebug "Reading pill file." pillBytes <- readFile pax logDebug "Cueing pill file." pillNoun <- io $ cueBS pillBytes & either throwIO pure logDebug "Parsing pill file." pill <- fromNounErr pillNoun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure logDebug "Using pill to generate boot sequence." bootSeq <- genBootSeq (Ship 0) pill False (Fake (Ship 0)) logDebug "Validate jam/cue and toNoun/fromNoun on pill value" reJam <- validateNounVal pill logDebug "Checking if round-trip matches input file:" unless (reJam == pillBytes) $ do logDebug " Our jam does not match the file...\n" logDebug " This is surprising, but it is probably okay." when showPil $ do logDebug "\n\n== Pill ==\n" io $ pPrint pill when showSeq $ do logDebug "\n\n== Boot Sequence ==\n" io $ pPrint bootSeq validateNounVal :: (HasLogFunc e, Eq a, ToNoun a, FromNoun a) => a -> RIO e ByteString validateNounVal inpVal = do logDebug " jam" inpByt <- evaluate $ jamBS $ toNoun inpVal logDebug " cue" outNon <- cueBS inpByt & either throwIO pure logDebug " fromNoun" outVal <- fromNounErr outNon & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure logDebug " toNoun" outNon <- evaluate (toNoun outVal) logDebug " jam" outByt <- evaluate $ jamBS outNon logDebug "Checking if: x == cue (jam x)" unless (inpVal == outVal) $ error "Value fails test: x == cue (jam x)" logDebug "Checking if: jam x == jam (cue (jam x))" unless (inpByt == outByt) $ error "Value fails test: jam x == jam (cue (jam x))" pure outByt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pillFrom :: CLI.PillSource -> RIO HostEnv Pill pillFrom = \case CLI.PillSourceFile pillPath -> do logDebug $ display $ "boot: reading pill from " ++ (pack pillPath :: Text) io (loadFile pillPath >>= either throwIO pure) CLI.PillSourceURL url -> do logDebug $ display $ "boot: retrieving pill from " ++ (pack url :: Text) -- Get the jamfile with the list of stars accepting comets right now. manager <- io $ C.newManager tlsManagerSettings request <- io $ C.parseRequest url response <- io $ C.httpLbs (C.setRequestCheckStatus request) manager let body = toStrict $ C.responseBody response noun <- cueBS body & either throwIO pure fromNounErr noun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure newShip :: CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO KingEnv () newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do {- TODO XXX HACK Because the "new ship" flow *may* automatically start the ship, we need to create this, but it's not actually correct. The right solution is to separate out the "new ship" flow from the "run ship" flow, and possibly sequence them from the outside if that's really needed. -} multi <- multiEyre (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True) -- TODO: We hit the same problem as above: we need the running options to -- determine how to configure the ports let ports = buildInactivePorts -- here we are with a king env, and we now need a multi env. runHostEnv multi ports go where go :: RIO HostEnv () go = case nBootType of CLI.BootComet -> do pill <- pillFrom nPillSource putStrLn "boot: retrieving list of stars currently accepting comets" starList <- dawnCometList putStrLn ("boot: " ++ (tshow $ length starList) ++ " star(s) currently accepting comets") putStrLn "boot: mining a comet" eny <- io $ Sys.randomIO let seed = mineComet (Set.fromList starList) eny putStrLn ("boot: found comet " ++ renderShip (sShip seed)) bootFromSeed pill seed CLI.BootFake name -> do pill <- pillFrom nPillSource ship <- shipFrom name runTryBootFromPill pill name ship (Fake ship) CLI.BootFromKeyfile keyFile -> do text <- readFileUtf8 keyFile asAtom <- case cordToUW (Cord $ T.strip text) of Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse keyfile. Hint: keyfiles start with 0w?" Just (UW a) -> pure a asNoun <- cueExn asAtom seed :: Seed <- case fromNoun asNoun of Nothing -> error "Keyfile does not seem to contain a seed." Just s -> pure s pill <- pillFrom nPillSource bootFromSeed pill seed shipFrom :: Text -> RIO HostEnv Ship shipFrom name = case Ob.parsePatp name of Left x -> error "Invalid ship name" Right p -> pure $ Ship $ fromIntegral $ Ob.fromPatp p pierPath :: Text -> FilePath pierPath name = case nPierPath of Just x -> x Nothing -> "./" <> unpack name nameFromShip :: Ship -> RIO HostEnv Text nameFromShip s = name where nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral s name = case stripPrefix "~" nameWithSig of Nothing -> error "Urbit.ob didn't produce string with ~" Just x -> pure x bootFromSeed :: Pill -> Seed -> RIO HostEnv () bootFromSeed pill seed = do ethReturn <- dawnVent seed case ethReturn of Left x -> error $ unpack x Right dawn -> do let ship = sShip $ dSeed dawn name <- nameFromShip ship runTryBootFromPill pill name ship (Dawn dawn) -- Now that we have all the information for running an application with a -- PierConfig, do so. runTryBootFromPill :: Pill -> Text -> Ship -> LegacyBootEvent -> RIO HostEnv () runTryBootFromPill pill name ship bootEvent = do env <- ask let vKill = (env ^. kingEnvL) ^. kingEnvKillSignal let pierConfig = toPierConfig (pierPath name) opts let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts runPierEnv pierConfig networkConfig vKill $ tryBootFromPill True pill nLite ship bootEvent ------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent runShipEnv :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> TMVar () -> RIO PierEnv a -> RIO HostEnv a runShipEnv (CLI.Run pierPath) opts vKill act = do runPierEnv pierConfig netConfig vKill act where pierConfig = toPierConfig pierPath opts netConfig = toNetworkConfig opts runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> RIO PierEnv () runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon = do mStart <- newEmptyMVar if daemon then runPier mStart else do -- Wait until the pier has started up, then connect a terminal. If -- the terminal ever shuts down, ask the ship to go down. connectionThread <- async $ do readMVar mStart finally (connTerm pierPath) $ do view killPierActionL >>= atomically -- Run the pier until it finishes, and then kill the terminal. finally (runPier mStart) $ do cancel connectionThread where runPier :: MVar () -> RIO PierEnv () runPier mStart = do tryPlayShip (CLI.oExit opts) (CLI.oFullReplay opts) (CLI.oDryFrom opts) mStart buildPortHandler :: (HasLogFunc e) => Bool -> RIO e PortControlApi buildPortHandler False = pure $ buildInactivePorts -- TODO: Figure out what to do about logging here. The "port: " messages are -- the sort of thing that should be put on the muxed terminal log, but we don't -- have that at this layer. buildPortHandler True = buildNATPorts (io . hPutStrLn stderr . unpack) startBrowser :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e () startBrowser pierPath = runRAcquire $ do -- lockFile pierPath log <- Log.existing (pierPath <> "/.urb/log") rio $ EventBrowser.run log checkDawn :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e () checkDawn keyfilePath = do -- The keyfile is a jammed Seed then rendered in UW format text <- readFileUtf8 keyfilePath asAtom <- case cordToUW (Cord $ T.strip text) of Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse keyfile. Hint: keyfiles start with 0w?" Just (UW a) -> pure a asNoun <- cueExn asAtom seed :: Seed <- case fromNoun asNoun of Nothing -> error "Keyfile does not seem to contain a seed." Just s -> pure s print $ show seed e <- dawnVent seed print $ show e checkComet :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e () checkComet = do starList <- dawnCometList putStrLn "Stars currently accepting comets:" let starNames = map (Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral) starList print starNames putStrLn "Trying to mine a comet..." eny <- io $ Sys.randomIO let s = mineComet (Set.fromList starList) eny print s main :: IO () main = do args <- CLI.parseArgs hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering setupSignalHandlers runKingEnv args $ case args of CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runShips ko ships CLI.CmdNew n o -> newShip n o CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax ) -> collectAllFx pax CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax ) -> startBrowser pax CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidatePill pax pil s) -> testPill pax pil s CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateEvents pax f l) -> checkEvs pax f l CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ValidateFX pax f l) -> checkFx pax f l CLI.CmdBug (CLI.ReplayEvents pax l ) -> replayPartEvs pax l CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CheckDawn pax ) -> checkDawn pax CLI.CmdBug CLI.CheckComet -> checkComet CLI.CmdCon pier -> connTerm pier where runKingEnv args = let verb = verboseLogging args in if willRunTerminal args then runKingEnvLogFile verb else runKingEnvStderr verb setupSignalHandlers = do mainTid <- myThreadId let onKillSig = throwTo mainTid UserInterrupt for_ [Sys.sigTERM, Sys.sigINT] $ \sig -> do Sys.installHandler sig (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing verboseLogging :: CLI.Cmd -> Bool verboseLogging = \case CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> any CLI.oVerbose (ships <&> \(_, o, _) -> o) _ -> False willRunTerminal :: CLI.Cmd -> Bool willRunTerminal = \case CLI.CmdCon _ -> True CLI.CmdRun ko [(_,_,daemon)] -> not daemon CLI.CmdRun ko _ -> False _ -> False {- Runs a ship but restarts it if it crashes or shuts down on it's own. Once `waitForKillRequ` returns, the ship will be terminated and this routine will exit. TODO Use logging system instead of printing. -} runShipRestarting :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> RIO HostEnv () runShipRestarting r o = do let pier = pack (CLI.rPierPath r) loop = runShipRestarting r o onKill <- view onKillKingSigL vKillPier <- newEmptyTMVarIO tid <- asyncBound $ runShipEnv r o vKillPier $ runShip r o True let onShipExit = Left <$> waitCatchSTM tid onKillRequ = Right <$> onKill atomically (onShipExit <|> onKillRequ) >>= \case Left exit -> do case exit of Left err -> logError $ display (tshow err <> ": " <> pier) Right () -> logError $ display ("Ship exited on it's own. Why? " <> pier) threadDelay 250_000 loop Right () -> do logTrace $ display (pier <> " shutdown requested") race_ (wait tid) $ do threadDelay 5_000_000 logDebug $ display (pier <> " not down after 5s, killing with fire.") cancel tid logTrace $ display ("Ship terminated: " <> pier) {- TODO This is messy and shared a lot of logic with `runShipRestarting`. -} runShipNoRestart :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> RIO HostEnv () runShipNoRestart r o d = do -- killing ship same as killing king env <- ask let vKill = (env ^. kingEnvL) ^. kingEnvKillSignal tid <- asyncBound (runShipEnv r o vKill $ runShip r o d) onKill <- view onKillKingSigL let pier = pack (CLI.rPierPath r) let onShipExit = Left <$> waitCatchSTM tid onKillRequ = Right <$> onKill atomically (onShipExit <|> onKillRequ) >>= \case Left (Left err) -> do logError $ display (tshow err <> ": " <> pier) Left (Right ()) -> do logError $ display (pier <> " exited on it's own. Why?") Right () -> do logTrace $ display (pier <> " shutdown requested") race_ (wait tid) $ do threadDelay 5_000_000 logTrace $ display (pier <> " not down after 5s, killing with fire.") cancel tid logTrace $ display (pier <> " terminated.") runShips :: CLI.KingOpts -> [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> RIO KingEnv () runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do let meConf = MultiEyreConf { mecHttpPort = fromIntegral <$> koSharedHttpPort , mecHttpsPort = fromIntegral <$> koSharedHttpsPort , mecLocalhostOnly = False -- TODO Localhost-only needs to be -- a king-wide option. } multi <- multiEyre meConf ports <- buildPortHandler koUseNatPmp runHostEnv multi ports (go ships) where go :: [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> RIO HostEnv () go = \case [] -> pure () [rod] -> runSingleShip rod ships -> runMultipleShips (ships <&> \(r, o, _) -> (r, o)) -- TODO Duplicated logic. runSingleShip :: (CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool) -> RIO HostEnv () runSingleShip (r, o, d) = do shipThread <- async (runShipNoRestart r o d) {- Wait for the ship to go down. Since `waitCatch` will never throw an exception, the `onException` block will only happen if this thread is killed with an async exception. The one we expect is `UserInterrupt` which will be raised on this thread upon SIGKILL or SIGTERM. If this thread is killed, we first ask the ship to go down, wait for the ship to actually go down, and then go down ourselves. -} onException (void $ waitCatch shipThread) $ do logTrace "KING IS GOING DOWN" atomically =<< view killKingActionL waitCatch shipThread pure () runMultipleShips :: [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts)] -> RIO HostEnv () runMultipleShips ships = do shipThreads <- for ships $ \(r, o) -> do async (runShipRestarting r o) {- Since `spin` never returns, this will run until the main thread is killed with an async exception. The one we expect is `UserInterrupt` which will be raised on this thread upon SIGKILL or SIGTERM. Once that happens, we send a shutdown signal which will cause all ships to be shut down, and then we `wait` for them to finish before returning. This is different than the single-ship flow, because ships never go down on their own in this flow. If they go down, they just bring themselves back up. -} let spin = forever (threadDelay maxBound) finally spin $ do logTrace "KING IS GOING DOWN" view killKingActionL >>= atomically for_ shipThreads waitCatch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- connTerm :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e () connTerm = Term.runTerminalClient -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkFx :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> Word64 -> Word64 -> RIO e () checkFx pierPath first last = rwith (Log.existing logPath) $ \log -> runConduit $ streamFX log first last .| tryParseFXStream where logPath = pierPath <> "/.urb/log" streamFX :: HasLogFunc e => Log.EventLog -> Word64 -> Word64 -> ConduitT () ByteString (RIO e) () streamFX log first last = do Log.streamEffectsRows log first .| loop where loop = await >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just (eId, bs) | eId > last -> pure () Just (eId, bs) -> yield bs >> loop tryParseFXStream :: HasLogFunc e => ConduitT ByteString Void (RIO e) () tryParseFXStream = loop where loop = await >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just bs -> do n <- liftIO (cueBSExn bs) fromNounErr n & either (logError . displayShow) pure loop {- tryCopyLog :: IO () tryCopyLog = do let logPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog/" falselogPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog2/" persistQ <- newTQueueIO releaseQ <- newTQueueIO (ident, nextEv, events) <- with (do { log <- Log.existing logPath ; Pier.runPersist log persistQ (writeTQueue releaseQ) ; pure log }) \log -> do ident <- pure $ Log.identity log events <- runConduit (Log.streamEvents log 1 .| consume) nextEv <- Log.nextEv log pure (ident, nextEv, events) print ident print nextEv print (length events) persistQ2 <- newTQueueIO releaseQ2 <- newTQueueIO with (do { log <- Log.new falselogPath ident ; Pier.runPersist log persistQ2 (writeTQueue releaseQ2) ; pure log }) $ \log2 -> do let writs = zip [1..] events <&> \(id, a) -> (Writ id Nothing a, []) print "About to write" for_ writs $ \w -> atomically (writeTQueue persistQ2 w) print "About to wait" replicateM_ 100 $ do atomically $ readTQueue releaseQ2 print "Done" -}