import { BigInteger } from "big-integer"; interface NonemptyNode { n: [BigInteger, V]; l: MapNode; r: MapNode; } type MapNode = NonemptyNode | null; /** * An implementation of ordered maps for JS * Plagiarised wholesale from sys/zuse */ export default class BigIntOrderedMap implements Iterable<[BigInteger, V]> { private root: MapNode = null; size: number = 0; constructor(initial: [BigInteger, V][] = []) { initial.forEach(([key, val]) => { this.set(key, val); }); } /** * Retrieve an value for a key */ get(key: BigInteger): V | null { const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if (!node) { return node; } const [k, v] = node.n; if (key.eq(k)) { return v; } if ( { return inner(node.l); } else { return inner(node.r); } }; return inner(this.root); } /** * Put an item by a key */ set(key: BigInteger, value: V): void { const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if (!node) { return { n: [key, value], l: null, r: null, }; } const [k] = node.n; if (key.eq(k)) { this.size--; return { ...node, n: [k, value], }; } if ( { const l = inner(node.l); if (!l) { throw new Error("invariant violation"); } return { ...node, l, }; } const r = inner(node.r); if (!r) { throw new Error("invariant violation"); } return { ...node, r }; }; this.size++; this.root = inner(this.root); } /** * Remove all entries */ clear() { this.root = null; } /** * Predicate testing if map contains key */ has(key: BigInteger): boolean { const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if (!node) { return false; } const [k] = node.n; if (k.eq(key)) { return true; } if ( { return inner(node.l); } return inner(node.r); }; return inner(this.root); } /** * Remove value associated with key, returning whether that key * existed in the first place */ delete(key: BigInteger) { const inner = (node: MapNode): [boolean, MapNode] => { if (!node) { return [false, null]; } const [k] = node.n; if (k.eq(key)) { return [true, this.nip(node)]; } if ( { const [bool, l] = inner(node.l); return [ bool, { ...node, l, }, ]; } const [bool, r] = inner(node.r); return [ bool, { ...node, r, }, ]; }; const [ret, newRoot] = inner(this.root); if(ret) { this.size--; } this.root = newRoot; return ret; } private nip(nod: NonemptyNode): MapNode { const inner = (node: NonemptyNode) => { if (!node.l) { return node.r; } if (!node.r) { return node.l; } return { ...node.l, r: inner(node.r), }; }; return inner(nod); } peekLargest(): [BigInteger, V] | undefined { const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if(!node) { return undefined; } if(node.l) { return inner(node.l); } return node.n; } return inner(this.root); } peekSmallest(): [BigInteger, V] | undefined { const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if(!node) { return undefined; } if(node.r) { return inner(node.r); } return node.n; } return inner(this.root); } keys(): BigInteger[] { const list = Array.from(this); return[key]) => key); } forEach(f: (value: V, key: BigInteger) => void) { const list = Array.from(this); return list.forEach(([k,v]) => f(v,k)); } [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[BigInteger, V]> { let result: [BigInteger, V][] = []; const inner = (node: MapNode) => { if (!node) { return; } inner(node.l); result.push(node.n); inner(node.r); }; inner(this.root); let idx = 0; return { [Symbol.iterator]: this[Symbol.iterator], next: (): IteratorResult<[BigInteger, V]> => { if (idx < result.length) { return { value: result[idx++], done: false }; } return { done: true, value: null }; }, }; } }