:: |pill: helper functions for making pills :: /- dice ^? |% :: +$ pill $% [%ivory p=(list)] $: %pill nam=term boot-ova=(list) kernel-ova=(list unix-event) userspace-ova=(list unix-event) == == :: +$ unix-event %+ pair wire $% [%wack p=@] [%what p=(list (pair path (cask)))] [%whom p=ship] [%boot ? $%($>(%fake task:jael) $>(%dawn task:jael))] [%wyrd p=vere] [%verb p=(unit ?)] unix-task == :: +boot-ovum: boostrap kernel filesystem load :: ++ boot-ovum |= [hoon=cord arvo=cord] :~ //arvo %what [/sys/hoon hoon/hoon] [/sys/arvo hoon/arvo] == :: +file-ovum: userspace filesystem load :: :: bas: full path to / directory :: ++ file-ovum =/ directories=(list path) :~ /app :: %gall applications /gen :: :dojo generators /lib :: libraries /mar :: mark definitions /sur :: structures /sys :: system files /ted :: :spider strands /web :: %eyre web content /desk :: desk manifest == |= [des=desk bas=path] ^- unix-event %. directories |= :: sal: all spurs to load from :: sal=(list spur) ^- unix-event :: :: hav: all user files :: =; hav ~& user-files+(lent hav) =/ =yuki:clay :- *(list tako:clay) %- ~(gas by *(map path (each page lobe:clay))) (turn hav |=([=path =page] [path &+page])) [/c/sync [%park des &+yuki *rang:clay]] =| hav=(list [path page]) |- ^+ hav ?~ sal ~ =. hav $(sal t.sal) :: :: tyl: spur :: =/ tyl i.sal |- ^+ hav :: :: pax: full path at `tyl` :: lon: directory at `tyl` :: =/ lyt (flop tyl) =/ pax (weld bas lyt) =/ lon .^(arch %cy pax) =? hav ?=(^ fil.lon) :_ hav :- lyt ?. ?=([%azimuth-snapshot *] tyl) [mark=;;(@tas (head tyl)) noun=.^(* %cx pax)] =; convert mime/(convert .^(snap-state:dice %cx pax)) .^($-(snap-state:dice mime) %cf (weld bas /azimuth-snapshot/mime)) =/ all ~(tap by dir.lon) |- ^+ hav ?~ all hav $(all t.all, hav ^$(tyl [p.i.all tyl])) :: :: +file-ovum2: electric boogaloo :: ++ file-ovum2 |=(p=path `unix-event`[//arvo what/(user-files p)]) :: :: +user-files: all userspace hoon files :: ++ user-files |= bas=path %. directories:file-ovum |= sal=(list spur) ^- (list (pair path (cask))) :: :: hav: all user files :: =| hav=(list (pair path (cask))) |- ^+ hav ?~ sal ~ =. hav $(sal t.sal) :: :: tyl: spur :: =/ tyl i.sal |- ^+ hav :: :: pax: full path at `tyl` :: lon: directory at `tyl` :: =/ pax (weld bas (flop tyl)) =/ lon .^(arch %cy pax) =? hav ?=(^ fil.lon) :: :: install only hoon files for now :: ?. ?=([%hoon *] tyl) hav :_ hav [(flop `path`t.tyl) hoon/.^(@t %cx pax)] :: =/ all ~(tap by dir.lon) |- ^+ hav ?~ all hav $(all t.all, hav ^$(tyl [p.i.all tyl])) :: ++ solid :: sys: root path to boot system, `/~me/[desk]/now/sys` :: dez: secondary desks and their root paths :: |= [sys=path dez=(list [desk path]) dub=? now=@da] ^- pill =/ bas=path (scag 3 sys) =/ compiler-path (weld sys /hoon) =/ arvo-path (weld sys /arvo) ~& %solid-start =/ compiler-src .^(@t %cx (weld compiler-path /hoon)) =/ arvo-src .^(@t %cx (weld arvo-path /hoon)) =/ arvo-formula ~& %solid-loaded =/ compiler-hoon (rain compiler-path compiler-src) ?. dub :: compile arvo against hoon, with our current compiler :: =/ whole-hoon=hoon [%tsgr compiler-hoon [%tsgr [%$ 7] (rain arvo-path arvo-src)]] ~& %solid-parsed =/ whole-formula q:(~(mint ut %noun) %noun whole-hoon) ~& %solid-arvo whole-formula :: compile arvo against hoon, with a freshly compiled hoon (via +ride) :: ~& %solid-parsed =/ compiler-formula q:(~(mint ut %noun) %noun compiler-hoon) ~& %solid-compiled =/ whole-src (rap 3 ['=> ' compiler-src '=> +7 ' arvo-src ~]) ~& %solid-double-loaded =/ whole-formula =< + .* [%noun whole-src] [%8 compiler-formula [%9 2 %10 [6 %0 3] [%0 2]]] ~& %solid-double-compiled whole-formula :: ~& [%solid-kernel `@ux`(mug arvo-formula)] :: :: installed: Arvo gate (formal interface) with %zuse and vanes installed :: =/ installed =< q %^ spin ^- (list ovum) :- (boot-ovum:pill compiler-src arvo-src) %+ turn (snoc (turn dez tail) bas) file-ovum2:pill .*(0 arvo-formula) |= [ovo=ovum ken=*] [~ (slum ken [now ovo])] :: :: boot-two: startup formula :: :: We evaluate :arvo-formula (for jet registration), :: then ignore the result and produce .installed :: =/ boot-two => *[arvo-formula=^ installed=^ tale=*] != =+(.*(0 arvo-formula) [installed tale]) :: :: boot-ova :: =/ boot-ova=(list) [aeon:eden:part boot-two arvo-formula installed ~] :: :: a pill is a 3-tuple of event-lists: [boot kernel userspace] :: :: Our kernel event-list is ~, as we've already installed them. :: Our userspace event-list is a list containing a full %clay :: filesystem sync event. :: :+ %pill %solid :+ boot-ova ~ %+ turn (snoc dez [%base bas]) file-ovum:pill :: ++ brass :: sys: root path to boot system, `/~me/[desk]/now/sys` :: dez: secondary desks and their root paths :: |= [sys=path dez=(list [desk path])] ^- pill =/ bas=path (scag 3 sys) :: compiler-source: hoon source file producing compiler, `sys/hoon` :: =+ compiler-source=.^(@t %cx (welp sys /hoon/hoon)) :: :: compiler-twig: compiler as hoon expression :: ~& %brass-parsing =+ compiler-twig=(rain /sys/hoon/hoon compiler-source) ~& %brass-parsed :: :: compiler-formula: compiler as nock formula :: ~& %brass-compiling =+ compiler-formula=q:(~(mint ut %noun) %noun compiler-twig) ~& %brass-compiled :: :: arvo-source: hoon source file producing arvo kernel, `sys/arvo` :: =+ arvo-source=.^(@t %cx (welp sys /arvo/hoon)) :: :: boot-ova: startup events :: =/ boot-ova=(list) :~ aeon:eden:part boot:eden:part compiler-formula compiler-source arvo-source == :: a pill is a 3-tuple of event-lists: [boot kernel userspace] :: :+ %pill %brass :+ boot-ova :~ (boot-ovum:pill compiler-source arvo-source) (file-ovum2:pill bas) == %+ turn (snoc dez [%base bas]) file-ovum:pill :: ++ ivory |= sys=path ^- pill =/ lib (snoc (scag 3 sys) %lib) |^ =/ ver =/ sub *(trap vase) =. sub (build-sys sub %hoon) =. sub (build-sys sub %arvo) =. sub (build-sys sub %lull) =. sub (build-sys sub %zuse) =. sub (build-lib sub & %ethereum) =. sub (build-lib sub & %azimuth) (build-lib sub | %vere) =/ nok !. => *[ver=(trap vase) ~] != q:$:ver ivory/[nok ver ~] :: ++ build-sys |= [sub=(trap vase) nam=term] ^- (trap vase) ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"ivory: building /sys/{(trip nam)}"] (swat sub (rain /sys/[nam]/hoon .^(@t cx+(welp sys /[nam]/hoon)))) :: ++ build-lib |= [sub=(trap vase) imp=? nam=term] ^- (trap vase) ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"ivory: building /lib/{(trip nam)}"] =/ hun=hoon %+ mist /lib/[nam]/hoon .^(@t cx+(welp lib /[nam]/hoon)) ?. imp (swat sub hun) (swel sub [%ktts nam hun]) :: +mist: +rain but skipping past ford runes :: ++ mist |= [bon=path txt=@] ^- hoon =+ vas=vast ~| bon %+ scan (trip txt) %- full =; fud (ifix [;~(plug gay fud) gay] tall:vas(wer bon)) %- star ;~ pose vul %+ ifix [fas (just `@`10)] (star ;~(less (just `@`10) next)) == :: +swel: +swat but with +slop :: ++ swel |= [tap=(trap vase) gen=hoon] ^- (trap vase) =/ gun (~(mint ut p:$:tap) %noun gen) => [tap=tap gun=gun] |. ~+ =/ pro q:$:tap [[%cell p.gun p:$:tap] [.*(pro q.gun) pro]] -- :: ++ events |% +$ prop [%prop meta tier (list ovum)] +$ meta term +$ tier ?(%pre-userspace %post-userspace) :: ++ install |= [as=desk =beak] ^- prop :^ %prop %install %post-userspace ::TODO will exclude non-:directories files, such as /changelog/txt :~ (file-ovum as (en-beam beak /)) :: [/d/install/[as] [%seat as]] == -- --