/- *story !: ^? |% :: XX generalize move to hoon.hoon ++ dif-ju |= [a=story b=story] ^- story :: if 0 is the empty set, :: a \ 0 = a :: 0 \ b = 0 :: anything in 0 but not in b is by definition 0 :: ?: =(~ a) ~ :: uno := (a-b) + (merged items in both a and b) + (b-a) :: ret := (a-b) + (merged items in both a and b) :: ret = (~(int by a) uno) :: preserve only the entries whose keys are in a =/ uno=story %- (~(uno by a) b) |= [k=tako:clay proses-a=proses proses-b=proses] ^- proses (~(dif in proses-a) proses-b) :: =/ ret=story (~(int by a) uno) :: normalizing step, remove any keys with null sets, :: which can occur if proses-a == proses-b above %- ~(gas by *story) (skip ~(tap by ret) |=([k=* v=proses] ?=(~ v))) :: ++ uni-ju |= [a=story b=story] ^- story :: 0 + b = b ?: =(~ a) b %- (~(uno by a) b) |= [k=tako:clay proses-a=proses proses-b=proses] ^- proses (~(uni in proses-a) proses-b) :: :: Canonical textual representation :: ++ tako-to-text |= [=tako:clay] ^- tape "commit: {<`@uv`tako>}\0a" :: ++ proses-to-text |= [=proses] ^- tape =/ proses-list=(list prose) ~(tap in proses) ?: ?=(~ proses-list) "" ?: ?=([prose ~] proses-list) (prose-to-text i.proses-list) %- tail %^ spin `(list prose)`t.proses-list (prose-to-text i.proses-list) |= [prz=prose state=tape] ^- [prose tape] :- prz ;: welp state "|||" "\0a" (prose-to-text prz) == :: ++ prose-to-text |= prz=prose =/ [title=@t body=@t] prz ^- tape ;: welp "{(trip title)}" "\0a\0a" "{(trip body)}" "\0a" == :: :: Parsers :: ++ parse-commit-hash ;~ sfix ;~ pfix (jest 'commit: ') (cook @uv ;~(pfix (jest '0v') viz:ag)) == :: (just '\0a') == :: ++ parse-title ;~ sfix (cook crip (star prn)) (jest '\0a\0a') == :: ++ parse-body %+ cook of-wain:format %- star ;~ less ;~(pose (jest '|||\0a') (jest '---\0a')) (cook crip ;~(sfix (star prn) (just '\0a'))) == :: ++ parse-prose-single ;~(plug parse-title parse-body) ::`$-(nail (like prose))` ++ parse-rest-proses (star ;~(pfix (jest '|||\0a') parse-prose-single)) ::`$-(nail (like (list prose)))` ++ parse-proses (cook silt ;~(plug parse-prose-single parse-rest-proses)) :: `$-(nail (like proses))` ++ parse-chapter ;~(plug parse-commit-hash parse-proses) :: `$-(nail (like chapter))` ++ parse-story (cook ~(gas by *story) (star ;~(sfix parse-chapter (jest '---\0a')))) :: N.B. if instead of writing conflicting messages all under one conflict and you split them up (which is not supported notation), :: we will overwrite previous entries with later ones (due to the nature of gas:by) --