import _ from 'lodash'; import { GroupPolicy, makeResource, resourceFromPath } from '../groups'; import { deSig, unixToDa } from '../lib'; import { Enc, Path, Patp, PatpNoSig, Poke, Thread } from '../lib/types'; import { Content, GraphChildrenPoke, GraphNode, GraphNodePoke, Post } from './types'; export const createBlankNodeWithChildPost = ( ship: PatpNoSig, parentIndex: string = '', childIndex: string = '', contents: Content[] ): any => { // TODO should be GraphNode const date = unixToDa(; const nodeIndex = parentIndex + '/' + date; const childGraph: GraphChildrenPoke = {}; childGraph[childIndex] = { post: { author: `~${ship}`, index: nodeIndex + '/' + childIndex, 'time-sent':, contents, hash: null, signatures: [] }, children: null }; return { post: { author: `~${ship}`, index: nodeIndex, 'time-sent':, contents: [], hash: null, signatures: [] }, children: childGraph }; }; export const markPending = (nodes: any): void => { _.forEach(nodes, node => { = deSig(; = true; markPending(node.children || {}); }); }; export const createPost = ( ship: PatpNoSig, contents: Content[], parentIndex: string = '', childIndex:string = 'DATE_PLACEHOLDER' ): Post => { if (childIndex === 'DATE_PLACEHOLDER') { childIndex = unixToDa(; } return { author: `~${ship}`, index: parentIndex + '/' + childIndex, 'time-sent':, contents, hash: null, signatures: [] }; }; function moduleToMark(mod: string): string | undefined { if(mod === 'link') { return 'graph-validator-link'; } if(mod === 'publish') { return 'graph-validator-publish'; } if(mod === 'chat') { return 'graph-validator-chat'; } return undefined; } const storeAction = (data: T): Poke => ({ app: 'graph-store', mark: 'graph-update', json: data }); export { storeAction as graphStoreAction }; const viewAction = (threadName: string, action: T): Thread => ({ inputMark: 'graph-view-action', outputMark: 'json', threadName, body: action }); export { viewAction as graphViewAction }; const hookAction = (data: T): Poke => ({ app: 'graph-push-hook', mark: 'graph-update', json: data }); export { hookAction as graphHookAction }; export const createManagedGraph = ( ship: PatpNoSig, name: string, title: string, description: string, group: Path, mod: string ): Thread => { const associated = { group: resourceFromPath(group) }; const resource = makeResource(`~${ship}`, name); return viewAction('graph-create', { create: { resource, title, description, associated, module: mod, mark: moduleToMark(mod) } }); } export const createUnmanagedGraph = ( ship: PatpNoSig, name: string, title: string, description: string, policy: Enc, mod: string ): Thread => viewAction('graph-create', { create: { resource: makeResource(`~${ship}`, name), title, description, associated: { policy }, module: mod, mark: moduleToMark(mod) } }); export const joinGraph = ( ship: Patp, name: string ): Thread => viewAction('graph-join', { join: { resource: makeResource(ship, name), ship, } }); export const deleteGraph = ( ship: PatpNoSig, name: string ): Thread => viewAction('graph-delete', { "delete": { resource: makeResource(`~${ship}`, name) } }); export const leaveGraph = ( ship: Patp, name: string ): Thread => viewAction('graph-leave', { "leave": { resource: makeResource(ship, name) } }); export const groupifyGraph = ( ship: Patp, name: string, toPath?: string ): Thread => { const resource = makeResource(ship, name); const to = toPath && resourceFromPath(toPath); return viewAction('graph-groupify', { groupify: { resource, to } }); } export const evalCord = ( cord: string ): Thread => { return ({ inputMark: 'graph-view-action', outputMark: 'tang', threadName: 'graph-eval', body: { eval: cord } }); } export const addGraph = ( ship: Patp, name: string, graph: any, mark: any ): Poke => { return storeAction({ 'add-graph': { resource: { ship, name }, graph, mark } }); } export const addNodes = ( ship: Patp, name: string, nodes: Object ): Poke => { const action = { 'add-nodes': { resource: { ship, name }, nodes } }; return hookAction(action); }; export const addPost = ( ship: Patp, name: string, post: Post ) => { let nodes: Record = {}; nodes[post.index] = { post, children: null }; return addNodes(ship, name, nodes); } export const addNode = ( ship: Patp, name: string, node: GraphNode ): Poke => { let nodes: Record = {}; nodes[] = node; return addNodes(ship, name, nodes); } export const removeNodes = ( ship: Patp, name: string, indices: string[] ): Poke => hookAction({ 'remove-nodes': { resource: { ship, name }, indices } });