/* g/v.c ** */ #include #include "all.h" #define _CVX_WISH 4 #define _CVX_POKE 10 #define _CVX_PEEK 47 int WISH; /* _cv_nock_wish(): call wish through hardcoded interface. */ static u3_noun _cv_nock_wish(u3_noun txt) { u3_noun fun, pro; WISH = 1; fun = u3n_nock_on(u3k(u3A->roc), u3k(u3x_at(_CVX_WISH, u3A->roc))); pro = u3n_slam_on(fun, txt); WISH = 0; return pro; } /* u3v_boot(): evaluate boot sequence, making a kernel */ void u3v_boot(u3_noun eve) { // ensure zero-initialized kernel // // So that u3t_slog won't try to print tanks. // u3A->roc = 0; // lifecycle formula // u3_noun lyf = u3nt(2, u3nc(0, 3), u3nc(0, 2)); u3_noun cor = u3n_nock_on(eve, lyf); // save the Arvo core (at +7 of the Arvo gate) // u3A->roc = u3k(u3x_at(7, cor)); u3z(cor); } /* u3v_hose(): clear initial ovum queue. */ void u3v_hose(void) { u3p(u3v_cart) egg_p = u3A->ova.egg_p; while ( egg_p ) { u3v_cart* egg_u = u3to(u3v_cart, egg_p); u3p(u3v_cart) nex_p = egg_u->nex_p; u3a_lose(egg_u->vir); u3a_free(egg_u); egg_p = nex_p; } u3A->ova.egg_p = u3A->ova.geg_p = 0; u3z(u3A->roe); u3A->roe = u3_nul; } /* u3v_start(): start time. */ void u3v_start(u3_noun now) { u3v_time(now); u3v_numb(); u3A->sac = u3_nul; { c3_c* wen_c = u3r_string(u3A->wen); printf("arvo: time: %s\n", wen_c); free(wen_c); } } /* u3v_wish(): text expression with cache. */ u3_noun u3v_wish(const c3_c* str_c) { u3_noun txt = u3i_string(str_c); u3_weak exp = u3kdb_get(u3k(u3A->yot), u3k(txt)); if ( u3_none == exp ) { exp = _cv_nock_wish(u3k(txt)); // It's probably not a good idea to use u3v_wish() // outside the top level... (as the result is uncached) // if ( u3R == &u3H->rod_u ) { u3A->yot = u3kdb_put(u3A->yot, u3k(txt), u3k(exp)); } } u3z(txt); return exp; } /* _cv_mung(): formula wrapper with gate and sample. */ static u3_noun _cv_mung_in(u3_noun gam) { u3_noun pro = u3n_slam_on(u3k(u3h(gam)), u3k(u3t(gam))); u3z(gam); return pro; } static u3_noun _cv_mung(c3_w sec_w, u3_noun gat, u3_noun sam) { u3_noun gam = u3nc(gat, sam); return u3m_soft(0, _cv_mung_in, gam); } /* u3v_pike(): poke with floating core. */ u3_noun u3v_pike(u3_noun ovo, u3_noun cor) { u3_noun fun = u3n_nock_on(cor, u3k(u3x_at(_CVX_POKE, cor))); u3_noun sam = u3nc(u3k(u3A->now), ovo); return _cv_mung(0, fun, sam); } /* u3v_nick(): transform enveloped packets, [vir cor]. */ u3_noun u3v_nick(u3_noun vir, u3_noun cor) { if ( u3_nul == vir ) { return u3nt(u3_blip, vir, cor); } else { u3_noun i_vir = u3h(vir); u3_noun pi_vir, qi_vir; u3_noun vix; if ( (c3y == u3r_cell((i_vir=u3h(vir)), &pi_vir, &qi_vir)) && (c3y == u3du(qi_vir)) && (c3__hear == u3h(qi_vir)) ) { u3_noun gon; gon = u3v_pike(u3k(i_vir), cor); if ( u3_blip != u3h(gon) ) { u3z(vir); return gon; } else { u3_noun viz; vix = u3k(u3h(u3t(gon))); cor = u3k(u3t(u3t(gon))); u3z(gon); viz = u3kb_weld(vix, u3k(u3t(vir))); u3z(vir); return u3v_nick(viz, cor); } } else { u3_noun nez = u3v_nick(u3k(u3t(vir)), cor); if ( u3_blip != u3h(nez) ) { u3z(vir); return nez; } else { u3_noun viz; viz = u3nc(u3k(i_vir), u3k(u3h(u3t(nez)))); cor = u3k(u3t(u3t(nez))); u3z(vir); u3z(nez); return u3nt(u3_blip, viz, cor); } } } } /* _cv_nock_poke(): call poke through hardcoded interface. */ static u3_noun _cv_nock_poke(u3_noun ovo) { u3_noun fun = u3n_nock_on(u3k(u3A->roc), u3k(u3x_at(_CVX_POKE, u3A->roc))); u3_noun sam, pro; u3_noun cod_w; sam = u3nc(u3k(u3A->now), ovo); #if 0 { c3_c* ovi_c = u3r_string(u3h(u3t(ovo))); u3_noun tox = u3do("spat", u3k(u3h(ovo))); c3_c* tox_c = u3r_string(tox); printf("poke: %%%s (%x) on %s\r\n", ovi_c, u3r_mug(ovo), tox_c); free(tox_c); free(ovi_c); u3z(tox); } #endif cod_w = u3a_lush(u3h(u3t(ovo))); pro = u3n_slam_on(fun, sam); u3a_lop(cod_w); #if 0 { c3_c* ovi_c = u3r_string(u3h(u3t(ovo))); printf("poked: %s\r\n", ovi_c); free(ovi_c); } #endif return pro; } /* _cv_nock_peek(): call peek through hardcoded interface. */ static u3_noun _cv_nock_peek(u3_noun hap) { u3_noun fun = u3n_nock_on(u3k(u3A->roc), u3k(u3x_at(_CVX_PEEK, u3A->roc))); u3_noun sam = u3nc(u3k(u3A->now), hap); return u3n_slam_on(fun, sam); } /* u3v_do(): use a kernel gate. */ u3_noun u3v_do(const c3_c* txt_c, u3_noun sam) { u3_noun gat = u3v_wish(txt_c); u3_noun pro; #if 0 if ( &u3H->rod_u == u3R ) { pro = u3m_soft_slam(gat, sam); } else { pro = u3n_slam_on(gat, sam); } #else pro = u3n_slam_on(gat, sam); #endif return pro; } /* _cv_scot(): print atom. */ static u3_noun _cv_scot(u3_noun dim) { return u3do("scot", dim); } /* u3v_time(): set the reck time. */ void u3v_time(u3_noun now) { u3z(u3A->now); u3A->now = now; u3z(u3A->wen); u3A->wen = _cv_scot(u3nc(c3__da, u3k(u3A->now))); } /* u3v_numb(): set the instance number. */ void u3v_numb() { u3A->sev_l = u3r_mug(u3A->now); u3z(u3A->sen); u3A->sen = _cv_scot(u3nc(c3__uv, u3A->sev_l)); } #if 0 /* _cv_time_bump(): advance the reck time by a small increment. */ static void _cv_time_bump(u3_reck* rec_u) { c3_d bum_d = (1ULL << 48ULL); u3A->now = u3ka_add(u3A->now, u3i_chubs(1, &bum_d)); } #endif /* u3v_peek(): query the reck namespace (protected). */ u3_noun u3v_peek(u3_noun hap) { return u3m_soft_sure(_cv_nock_peek, hap); } #if 0 /* _cv_mole(): parse simple atomic mole. */ static c3_o _cv_mole(u3_noun fot, u3_noun san, c3_d* ato_d) { u3_noun uco = u3do("slay", san); u3_noun p_uco, q_uco, r_uco, s_uco; if ( (c3n == u3r_qual(uco, &p_uco, &q_uco, &r_uco, &s_uco)) || (0 != p_uco) || (0 != q_uco) || (c3n == u3_sing(fot, r_uco)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "strange mole %s\n", u3r_string(san))); u3z(fot); u3z(uco); return c3n; } else { *ato_d = u3r_chub(0, s_uco); u3z(fot); u3z(uco); return c3y; } } /* _cv_lily(): parse little atom. */ static c3_o _cv_lily(u3_noun fot, u3_noun txt, c3_l* tid_l) { c3_d ato_d; if ( c3n == _cv_mole(fot, txt, &ato_d) ) { return c3n; } else { if ( ato_d >= 0x80000000ULL ) { return c3n; } else { *tid_l = (c3_l) ato_d; return c3y; } } } #endif /* u3v_poke(): insert and apply an input ovum (protected). */ u3_noun u3v_poke(u3_noun ovo) { return _cv_nock_poke(ovo); } /* u3v_http_request(): hear http request on channel (unprotected). */ void u3v_http_request(c3_o sec, u3_noun pox, u3_noun req) { // uL(fprintf(uH, "http: request\n")); u3v_plan(pox, u3nq(c3__this, sec, 0, req)); } /* u3v_tank(): dump single tank. */ void u3v_tank(u3_noun blu, c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tac) { u3v_punt(blu, tab_l, u3nc(tac, u3_nul)); } /* u3v_punt(): dump tank list. */ void u3v_punt(u3_noun blu, c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tac) { #if 0 u3_noun blu = u3_term_get_blew(0); #endif c3_l col_l = u3h(blu); u3_noun cat = tac; // We are calling nock here, but hopefully need no protection. // while ( c3y == u3r_du(cat) ) { u3_noun wol = u3dc("wash", u3nc(tab_l, col_l), u3k(u3h(cat))); u3m_wall(wol); cat = u3t(cat); } u3z(tac); u3z(blu); } /* u3v_sway(): print trace. */ void u3v_sway(u3_noun blu, c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tax) { u3_noun mok = u3dc("mook", 2, tax); u3v_punt(blu, tab_l, u3k(u3t(mok))); u3z(mok); } /* u3v_plan(): queue ovum (external). */ void u3v_plan(u3_noun pax, u3_noun fav) { u3_noun egg = u3nc(pax, fav); u3A->roe = u3nc(u3nc(u3_nul, egg), u3A->roe); } /* u3v_plow(): queue multiple ova (external). */ void u3v_plow(u3_noun ova) { u3_noun ovi = ova; while ( u3_nul != ovi ) { u3_noun ovo=u3h(ovi); u3v_plan(u3k(u3h(ovo)), u3k(u3t(ovo))); ovi = u3t(ovi); } u3z(ova); } /* _cv_mark_ova(): mark ova queue. */ c3_w _cv_mark_ova(u3p(u3v_cart) egg_p) { c3_w tot_w = 0; while ( egg_p ) { u3v_cart* egg_u = u3to(u3v_cart, egg_p); tot_w += u3a_mark_mptr(egg_u); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(egg_u->vir); egg_p = egg_u->nex_p; } return tot_w; } /* u3v_mark(): mark arvo kernel. */ c3_w u3v_mark(void) { c3_w tot_w = 0; u3v_arvo* arv_u = &(u3H->arv_u); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->yot); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->now); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->wen); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->sen); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->own); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->roe); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->key); tot_w += u3a_mark_noun(arv_u->roc); tot_w += _cv_mark_ova(arv_u->ova.egg_p); return tot_w; }