:: chat-hook: :: mirror chat data from foreign to local based on read permissions :: allow sending chat messages to foreign paths based on write perms :: /- *permission-store, *invite-store, *metadata-store, *permission-hook, *group-store, *permission-group-hook, ::TMP for upgrade hook=chat-hook, view=chat-view, *group /+ default-agent, verb, dbug, store=chat-store, group-store, grpl=group, resource ~% %chat-hook-top ..is ~ |% +$ card card:agent:gall :: +$ versioned-state $% state-0 state-1 state-2 state-3 == :: +$ state-3 $: %3 state-base == :: +$ state-2 $: %2 state-base == +$ state-1 $: %1 loaded-cards=* state-base == +$ state-0 [%0 state-base] +$ state-base $: =synced:hook invite-created=_| allow-history=(map path ?) == :: +$ poke $% [%chat-action action:store] [%permission-action permission-action] [%invite-action invite-action] [%chat-view-action action:view] == :: +$ fact $% [%chat-update update:store] == -- =| state-3 =* state - :: %- agent:dbug %+ verb | ^- agent:gall =< ~% %chat-hook-agent-core ..poke-json ~ |_ bol=bowl:gall +* this . chat-core +> cc ~(. chat-core bol) def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bol) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) :_ this(invite-created %.y) :~ (invite-poke:cc [%create /chat]) [%pass /invites %agent [our.bol %invite-store] %watch /invitatory/chat] watch-groups:cc == ++ on-save !>(state) ++ on-load |= old-vase=vase ^- (quip card _this) |^ =/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase) =| cards=(list card) |- ?: ?=(%3 -.old) [cards this(state old)] ?: ?=(%2 -.old) =. cards %+ weld cards :~ watch-groups:cc [%pass /permissions %agent [our.bol %permission-store] %leave ~] == =^ new-cards=(list card) old =| crds=(list card) =/ syncs ~(tap by synced.old) |- ?~ syncs [crds old] =/ [pax=path =ship] i.syncs =. synced.old (~(del by synced.old) pax) =/ new-path=path ?> ?=(^ pax) ?:(=('~' i.pax) t.pax pax) ?. =(ship our.bol) =. synced.old (~(put by synced.old) new-path ship) $(syncs t.syncs) =/ history=? (~(gut by allow-history.old) pax %.y) =. allow-history.old (~(del by allow-history.old) pax) =. allow-history.old (~(put by allow-history.old) new-path history) =. crds %+ weld crds :- (add-owned new-path history) (kick-old-subs pax) $(syncs t.syncs) =. cards (weld cards new-cards) $(-.old %3) :: ?: ?=(%1 -.old) =. cards %+ welp cards ^- (list card) %+ murn ~(tap by wex.bol) |= [[=wire =ship =term] *] ^- (unit card) ?. &(?=([%mailbox *] wire) =(our.bol ship) =(%chat-store term)) ~ `[%pass wire %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %leave ~] $(old [%2 +>.old]) :: path structure ugprade logic :: =/ keys=(set path) (scry:cc (set path) %chat-store /keys) %= $ -.old %2 :: cards %- zing ^- (list (list card)) (turn ~(tap in keys) generate-cards) == ++ kick-old-subs |= old-path=path ^- (list card) ?> ?=(^ old-path) ?. =('~' i.old-path) ~ [%give %kick ~[mailbox+old-path] ~]~ :: ++ add-members-group |= [=path ships=(set ship)] ^- card ?> ?=([@ @ ~] path) =/ rid=resource [(slav %p i.path) i.t.path] =- [%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action -] !>(`action:group-store`[%add-members rid ships]) :: ++ add-synced |= [=ship =path] ^- card =- [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-hook] %poke %chat-hook-action -] !>(`action:hook`[%add-synced ship path %.y]) :: ++ add-owned |= [=path history=?] ^- card =- [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-hook] %poke %chat-hook-action -] !>(`action:hook`[%add-owned path history]) :: ++ generate-cards |= old-chat=path ^- (list card) =/ host=ship (slav %p (snag 0 old-chat)) =/ new-chat [%'~' old-chat] =/ newp=permission (unify-permissions old-chat) =/ old-group=path [%chat old-chat] %- zing :~ :~ (delete-group host (snoc old-group %read)) (delete-group host (snoc old-group %write)) == :: (create-group new-chat who.newp) (hookup-group new-chat kind.newp) [(record-group new-chat new-chat)]~ (recreate-chat host old-chat new-chat) == :: ++ recreate-chat |= [host=ship chat=path new-chat=path] ^- (list card) =/ old-mailbox=mailbox:store (need (scry:cc (unit mailbox:store) %chat-store [%mailbox chat])) =* enves envelopes.old-mailbox :~ (chat-poke:cc [%delete new-chat]) (chat-poke:cc [%delete chat]) (chat-poke:cc [%create new-chat]) (chat-poke:cc [%messages new-chat enves]) (chat-poke:cc [%read new-chat]) %^ make-poke %chat-hook %chat-hook-action !> ^- action:hook ?: =(our.bol host) [%add-owned new-chat %.y] [%add-synced host new-chat %.y] == :: ++ unify-permissions |= chat=path ^- permission =/ read=(unit permission) (get-permission chat %read) =/ write=(unit permission) (get-permission chat %write) ?. &(?=(^ read) ?=(^ write)) ~& [%missing-permission chat read=?=(~ read) write=?=(~ write)] [%white [(slav %p (snag 0 chat)) ~ ~]] ?+ [kind.u.read kind.u.write] !! :: village: exclusive to writers :: [%white %white] [%white who.u.write] :: :: channel: merge blacklists :: [%black %black] [%black (~(uni in who.u.read) who.u.write)] :: :: journal: exclusive to writers :: [%black %white] [%white who.u.write] :: :: mailbox: exclusive to readers :: [%white %black] [%white who.u.read] == :: ++ get-permission |= [chat=path what=?(%read %write)] %^ scry:cc (unit permission) %permission-store [%permission %chat (snoc chat what)] :: ++ make-poke |= [app=term =mark =vase] ^- card [%pass /on-load/[app]/[mark] %agent [our.bol app] %poke mark vase] :: ++ delete-group |= [host=ship group=path] ^- card :: if we host the group, delete it directly :: ?: =(our.bol host) %^ make-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%remove-group (de-path:resource group) ~] :: else, just delete the sync in the hook :: %^ make-poke %permission-hook %permission-hook-action !> ^- permission-hook-action [%remove group] :: ++ create-group |= [group=path who=(set ship)] ^- (list card) =/ rid=resource (de-path:resource group) :~ %^ make-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%add-group rid *invite:policy %.n] :: %^ make-poke %group-store %group-action !> ^- action:group-store [%add-members rid who] == :: ++ hookup-group |= [group=path =kind] ^- (list card) :* %^ make-poke %permission-group-hook %permission-group-hook-action !> ^- permission-group-hook-action [%associate group [group^kind ~ ~]] :: =/ =ship (slav %p (snag 1 group)) ?. =(our.bol ship) ~ :_ ~ %^ make-poke %permission-hook %permission-hook-action !> ^- permission-hook-action [%add-owned group group] == :: ++ record-group |= [group=path chat=path] ^- card =/ =metadata ~| [%weird-chat-path chat] %* . *metadata title (snag 2 chat) date-created now.bol creator (slav %p (snag 1 chat)) == %^ make-poke %metadata-store %metadata-action !> ^- metadata-action [%add group [%chat chat] metadata] -- :: ++ on-poke ~/ %chat-hook-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) =^ cards state ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %json (poke-json:cc !<(json vase)) %chat-action (poke-chat-action:cc !<(action:store vase)) %noun [~ state] :: %chat-hook-action (poke-chat-hook-action:cc !<(action:hook vase)) == [cards this] :: ++ on-watch ~/ %chat-hook-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?+ path (on-watch:def path) [%backlog *] [(watch-backlog:cc t.path) this] [%mailbox *] [(watch-mailbox:cc t.path) this] [%synced *] [(watch-synced:cc t.path) this] == :: ++ on-agent ~/ %chat-hook-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %watch-ack =^ cards state (watch-ack:cc wire p.sign) [cards this] :: %kick =^ cards state (kick:cc wire) [cards this] :: %fact ?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %chat-update =^ cards state (fact-chat-update:cc wire !<(update:store q.cage.sign)) [cards this] :: %invite-update =^ cards state (fact-invite-update:cc wire !<(invite-update q.cage.sign)) [cards this] :: %group-update =^ cards state (fact-group-update:cc wire !<(update:group-store q.cage.sign)) [cards this] == == :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-peek on-peek:def ++ on-arvo on-arvo:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- :: :: ~% %chat-hook-library ..card ~ |_ bol=bowl:gall ++ grp ~(. grpl bol) :: ++ poke-json |= jon=json ^- (quip card _state) (poke-chat-action (action:dejs:store jon)) :: ++ poke-chat-action |= act=action:store ^- (quip card _state) ?> ?=(%message -.act) :: local :_ state ?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) ?. (~(has by synced) path.act) ~ =* letter letter.envelope.act =? letter &(?=(%code -.letter) ?=(~ output.letter)) =/ =hoon (ream expression.letter) letter(output (eval:store bol hoon)) =/ ship (~(got by synced) path.act) =/ appl ?:(=(ship our.bol) %chat-store %chat-hook) [%pass / %agent [ship appl] %poke %chat-action !>(act)]~ :: foreign =/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act) ?~ ship ~ ?. =(u.ship our.bol) ~ :: check if write is permitted ?. (is-member:grp src.bol (group-from-chat path.act)) ~ =: author.envelope.act src.bol when.envelope.act now.bol == [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %poke %chat-action !>(act)]~ :: ++ poke-chat-hook-action |= act=action:hook ^- (quip card _state) ?- -.act %add-owned ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) =/ chat-path [%mailbox path.act] =/ chat-wire [%store path.act] ?: (~(has by synced) path.act) [~ state] =: synced (~(put by synced) path.act our.bol) allow-history (~(put by allow-history) path.act allow-history.act) == :_ state :~ [%pass chat-wire %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %watch chat-path] [%give %fact [/synced]~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])] == :: %add-synced ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) ?: (~(has by synced) path.act) [~ state] =. synced (~(put by synced) path.act ship.act) ?. ask-history.act =/ chat-path [%mailbox path.act] :_ state [%pass chat-path %agent [ship.act %chat-hook] %watch chat-path]~ =/ mailbox=(unit mailbox:store) (chat-scry path.act) =/ chat-history=path :- %backlog %+ weld path.act ?~(mailbox /0 /(scot %ud (lent envelopes.u.mailbox))) :_ state :~ [%pass chat-history %agent [ship.act %chat-hook] %watch chat-history] [%give %fact [/synced]~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])] == :: %remove =/ ship=(unit ship) =/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act) ?^ ship ship =? path.act ?=([%'~' *] path.act) t.path.act ?~ path.act ~ (slaw %p i.path.act) ?~ ship ~& [dap.bol %unknown-host-cannot-leave path.act] [~ state] ?: &(!=(u.ship src.bol) ?!((team:title our.bol src.bol))) [~ state] =. synced (~(del by synced) path.act) :_ state :* [%give %kick ~[[%mailbox path.act]] ~] [%give %fact [/synced]~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])] (pull-wire u.ship [%mailbox path.act]) (pull-wire u.ship [%store path.act]) (pull-backlog-subscriptions u.ship path.act) == == :: ++ watch-synced |= pax=path ^- (list card) ?> (team:title our.bol src.bol) [%give %fact ~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]~ :: ++ watch-mailbox |= pax=path ^- (list card) ?> ?=(^ pax) ?> (~(has by synced) pax) :: check if read is permitted ?> (is-member:grp src.bol (group-from-chat pax)) =/ box (chat-scry pax) ?~ box !! [%give %fact ~ %chat-update !>([%create pax])]~ :: ++ watch-backlog |= pax=path ^- (list card) ?> ?=(^ pax) =/ last (dec (lent pax)) =/ backlog-latest=(unit @ud) (rush (snag last `(list @ta)`pax) dem:ag) =/ pas `path`(oust [last 1] `(list @ta)`pax) ?> ?=([* ^] pas) ?> (is-member:grp src.bol (group-from-chat pas)) =/ envs envelopes:(need (chat-scry pas)) =/ length (lent envs) =/ latest ?~ backlog-latest length ?: (gth u.backlog-latest length) length (sub length u.backlog-latest) =. envs (scag latest envs) =/ =vase !>([%messages pas 0 latest envs]) %- zing :~ [%give %fact ~ %chat-update !>([%create pas])]~ ?. ?&(?=(^ backlog-latest) (~(has by allow-history) pas)) ~ [%give %fact ~ %chat-update vase]~ [%give %kick [%backlog pax]~ `src.bol]~ == :: ++ fact-invite-update |= [wir=wire fact=invite-update] ^- (quip card _state) :_ state ?+ -.fact ~ %accepted =/ ask-history ?~((chat-scry path.invite.fact) %.y %.n) =* shp ship.invite.fact =* app-path path.invite.fact ~[(chat-view-poke [%join shp app-path ask-history])] == :: ++ fact-group-update |= [wir=wire =update:group-store] ^- (quip card _state) :_ state ?. ?=(%remove-members -.update) ~ =/ =path (en-path:resource resource.update) =/ chats (chats-of-group path) %- zing %+ turn chats |= chat=^path ^- (list card) =/ owner (~(get by synced) chat) ?~ owner ~ ?. =(u.owner our.bol) ~ %+ turn ~(tap in ships.update) |= =ship [%give %kick [%mailbox chat]~ `ship] :: ++ fact-chat-update |= [wir=wire =update:store] ^- (quip card _state) ?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) (handle-local update) (handle-foreign update) :: ++ handle-local |= =update:store ^- (quip card _state) ?+ -.update [~ state] %delete ?. (~(has by synced) path.update) [~ state] =. synced (~(del by synced) path.update) :_ state :~ [%pass [%mailbox path.update] %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %leave ~] [%give %fact [/synced]~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])] == :: %message :_ state [%give %fact [%mailbox path.update]~ %chat-update !>(update)]~ :: %messages :_ state [%give %fact [%mailbox path.update]~ %chat-update !>(update)]~ == :: ++ handle-foreign |= =update:store ^- (quip card _state) ?+ -.update [~ state] %create :_ state ?> ?=([* ^] path.update) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.update) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%create path.update])]~ :: %delete ?> ?=([* ^] path.update) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.update) ?~ shp [~ state] ?. =(u.shp src.bol) [~ state] =. synced (~(del by synced) path.update) :_ state :- (chat-poke [%delete path.update]) :~ [%pass [%mailbox path.update] %agent [src.bol %chat-hook] %leave ~] [%give %fact [/synced]~ %chat-hook-update !>([%initial synced])] == :: %message :_ state ?> ?=([* ^] path.update) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.update) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%message path.update envelope.update])]~ :: %messages :_ state ?> ?=([* ^] path.update) =/ shp (~(get by synced) path.update) ?~ shp ~ ?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~ [(chat-poke [%messages path.update envelopes.update])]~ == :: ++ kick |= wir=wire ^- (quip card _state) ?: =(wir /permissions) :_ state [%pass /permissions %agent [our.bol %permission-store] %watch /updates]~ :: ?+ wir !! [%groups ~] [~[watch-groups] state] :: [%store @ *] ~& store-kick+wir ?: =('~' i.t.wir) (migrate-store t.t.wir) ?. (~(has by synced) t.wir) [~ state] ~& %chat-store-resubscribe =/ mailbox=(unit mailbox:store) (chat-scry t.wir) :_ state [%pass wir %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %watch [%mailbox t.wir]]~ :: [%mailbox @ *] ~& mailbox-kick+wir ?: =('~' i.t.wir) (migrate-listen t.t.wir) ?. (~(has by synced) t.wir) [~ state] ~& %chat-hook-resubscribe =/ =ship (~(got by synced) t.wir) =/ mailbox=(unit mailbox:store) (chat-scry t.wir) =/ chat-history %+ welp backlog+t.wir ?~(mailbox /0 /(scot %ud (lent envelopes.u.mailbox))) :_ state [%pass chat-history %agent [ship %chat-hook] %watch chat-history]~ :: [%backlog @ @ *] =/ chat=path (oust [(dec (lent t.wir)) 1] `(list @ta)`t.wir) ?: =('~' i.t.wir) ?> ?=(^ chat) (migrate-listen t.chat) ?. (~(has by synced) chat) [~ state] =/ =ship ?: =('~' i.t.wir) (slav %p i.t.t.wir) (slav %p i.t.wir) =/ =path ?~((chat-scry chat) wir [%mailbox chat]) :_ state [%pass path %agent [ship %chat-hook] %watch path]~ == ++ migrate-listen |= =wire ^- (quip card _state) ~& listen-migrate+wire ?> ?=([@ @ ~] wire) =/ =ship (slav %p i.wire) :_ state ~[(chat-view-poke %join ship wire %.y)] :: ++ migrate-store |= =wire ^- (quip card _state) ~& store-migrate+wire (kick store+wire) :: ++ watch-ack |= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)] ^- (quip card _state) ?~ saw [~ state] ?+ wir [~ state] :: [%store @ *] ?: =('~' i.t.wir) (migrate-store t.t.wir) (poke-chat-hook-action %remove t.wir) :: [%backlog @ @ @ *] =/ chat=path (oust [(dec (lent t.wir)) 1] `(list @ta)`t.wir) ?: =(i.t.wir '~') ?> ?=(^ chat) (migrate-listen t.chat) :_ state %. ~[(chat-view-poke %delete chat)] %- slog :* leaf+"chat-hook failed subscribe on {(spud chat)}" leaf+"stack trace:" u.saw == == :: ++ chat-poke |= act=action:store ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %poke %chat-action !>(act)] :: ++ chat-view-poke |= act=action:view ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %chat-view] %poke %chat-view-action !>(act)] :: ++ invite-poke |= act=invite-action ^- card [%pass / %agent [our.bol %invite-store] %poke %invite-action !>(act)] :: ++ sec-to-perm |= [pax=path =kind] ^- permission-action [%create pax kind *(set ship)] :: ++ chat-scry |= pax=path ^- (unit mailbox:store) %^ scry (unit mailbox:store) %chat-store [%mailbox pax] :: ++ invite-scry |= uid=serial ^- (unit invite) %^ scry (unit invite) %invite-store /invite/chat/(scot %uv uid) :: ++ chats-of-group |= =group-path ^- (list path) :: if metadata-store isn't running yet, we're still in the upgrade ota phase. :: we can't get chats from the metadata-store, but can make assumptions :: about group path shape, and the chat that would match it. ::TODO remove me at some point. :: ?. .^(? %gu (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) ~) ~ %+ murn ^- (list md-resource) =; resources %~ tap in %+ ~(gut by resources) group-path *(set md-resource) .^ (jug path md-resource) %gy (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) /group-indices == |= md-resource ^- (unit path) ?. =(%chat app-name) ~ `app-path :: ++ groups-of-chat |= chat=path ^- (list group-path) :: if metadata-store isn't running yet, we're still in the upgrade ota phase. :: we can't get groups from the metadata-store, but can make assumptions :: about chat path shape, and the chat that would match it. ::TODO remove me at some point. :: ?. .^(? %gu (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) ~) ~ =; resources %~ tap in %+ ~(gut by resources) [%chat chat] *(set group-path) .^ (jug md-resource group-path) %gy (scot %p our.bol) %metadata-store (scot %da now.bol) /resource-indices == :: ++ group-from-chat |= app-path=path ^- group-path =/ groups=(list group-path) (groups-of-chat app-path) ?> ?=(^ groups) i.groups :: ++ scry |* [=mold app=term =path] .^ mold %gx (scot %p our.bol) app (scot %da now.bol) (snoc `^path`path %noun) == :: ++ pull-backlog-subscriptions |= [target=ship chat=path] ^- (list card) %+ murn ~(tap by wex.bol) |= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]] ^- (unit card) ?. ?& =(ship target) ?=([%backlog *] wire) =(`1 (find chat wire)) == ~ `(pull-wire target wire) :: ++ pull-wire |= [=ship =wire] ^- card ?: =(ship our.bol) [%pass wire %agent [our.bol %chat-store] %leave ~] [%pass wire %agent [ship %chat-hook] %leave ~] ++ watch-groups ^- card [%pass /groups %agent [our.bol %group-store] %watch /groups] --