:: XX need to deal with versions and date modified :: :::: :: /? 314 /- *work /+ talk !: :::: :: |% ++ move (pair bone card) :: all actions ++ card :: general card $% [%diff %work-report client] :: [%peer wire dock path] :: [%poke wire dock pear] :: == :: ++ pear :: poke fruit $% [%talk-command command:talk] :: == :: -- !: :::: :: |_ [bowl client connected=_|] ++ at |= [task audience=(set station:talk)] =* tax +<- =| moves=(list move) |% ++ abet ^- [(list move) _+>.$] [(flop moves) +>.$(tasks (~(put by tasks) id tax audience))] ++ send |= action=duty:work-stuff:talk ^+ +> %_ +>.$ eny (sham eny action) moves :_ ~ ^- move :* ost %poke /sending/(scot %uv id)/(scot %ud version) [our %talk] %talk-command ^- command:talk :- %publish |- ^- (list thought) :_ ~ :+ (shaf %task eny) %- mo ^- (list ,[partner envelope delivery]:talk) %+ turn (~(tap in audience)) |=(sat=station:talk [[%& sat] [*envelope %pending]]) [now *bouquet [%tax action]] == == ++ claim %_ . eny (sham eny %direct) moves :_ ~ ^- move :* ost %poke /claiming/(scot %uv id) [our %talk] %talk-command ^- command:talk :- %publish |- ^- (list thought) :_ ~ :+ (shaf %task eny) [[[%& owner (main owner)] [*envelope %pending]] ~ ~] [now *bouquet [%tax %claim id]] == == ++ create (send `duty:work-stuff:talk`[%create `task`tax]) ++ send-update |*(* (send %update id +(version) +<)) ++ announce (send-update %announce ~) ++ release (cury send-update %release) ++ accept (send-update %accept ~) ++ delete (send-update %delete ~) ++ set-date-due (cury send-update %set-date-due) ++ set-tags (cury send-update %set-tags) ++ set-title (cury send-update %set-title) ++ set-description (cury send-update %set-description) ++ set-done (cury send-update %set-done) ++ add-comment (cury send-update %add-comment) ++ set-audience ~|(%not-implemented !!) ++ process-update |= up=update ^+ +> ?- -.up %add ?>(?=(%comment +<.up) (add-comment +>.up)) %own ?- +<.up %announce announce %claim claim == %set ?- +<.up %date-due (set-date-due +>.up) %title (set-title +>.up) %description (set-description +>.up) %tags (set-tags +>.up) %done (set-done +>.up) %audience ~|(%not-implemented !!) ::(set-audience +>.up) == == -- :: ++ initialize ^- [(list move) _.] :_ .(connected %&) :_ ~ [ost %peer /peering [our %talk] /f/(main our)/0] :: ++ process-duty |= [when=@da her=ship from=(set station:talk) action=duty:work-stuff:talk] ^- [(list move) _+>.$] =- =^ mof con mirror-to-web:con [(welp mos mof) con] ^- [mos=(list move) con=_+>.$] ?- -.action %create :: XX should verify ownership =+ existing-task=(~(get by tasks) id.tax.action) ~? ?& ?=(^ existing-task) !=(tax.action task.u.existing-task) == :* %new-task-with-old-id her=her from=from new-task=tax.action existing-task=u.existing-task == ?. |(=(her owner.tax.action) =(%released status.tax.action)) ~& :* %created-with-bad-owner her=her from=from new-task=tax.action existing-task=u.existing-task == [~ +>.$] =. tasks %^ ~(put by tasks) id.tax.action tax.action ?~ existing-task from (~(uni in audience.u.existing-task) from) =. sort ?~(existing-task sort [id.action sort]) [~ +>.$] :: %claim =+ tax=(~(got by tasks) id.action) ?. &(=(our owner.tax) =(%announced status.tax)) ~& :* %bad-claim her=her from=from task=tax == [~ +>.$] abet:(release:(at (~(got by tasks) id.action)) her) :: %update =+ tax=(~(get by tasks) id.action) ?~ tax ~& :* %update-for-nonexistent-task her=her from=from action=action == [~ +>.$] ?. =(version.action +(version.task.u.tax)) ~& :* %update-bad-version her from=from action=action tax=tax == [~ +>.$] =. tasks %^ ~(put by tasks) id.action ?: ?& ?=(?(%announce %release %accept) -.meat.action) !=(her owner.task.u.tax) == ~& :* %not-owner her=her from=from action=action tax=tax == task.u.tax ?- -.meat.action %announce task.u.tax(status %announced) %release task.u.tax(owner her.meat.action, status %released) %accept task.u.tax(status %accepted) %delete ~|(%not-implemented !!) %set-date-due task.u.tax(date-due wen.meat.action) %set-tags task.u.tax(tags tag.meat.action) %set-title task.u.tax(title til.meat.action) %set-description task.u.tax(description des.meat.action) %set-done task.u.tax(done ?.(don.meat.action ~ `when)) %add-comment %= task.u.tax discussion [[when her com.meat.action] discussion.task.u.tax] == == (~(uni in audience.u.tax) from) ?: =([%release our] meat.action) abet:accept:(at (~(got by tasks) id.action)) [~ +>.$] == :: ++ mirror-to-web ^- [(list move) _.] ~& [%mirroring tasks=tasks sort=sort] :_ . %+ murn (~(tap by sup)) |= [ust=bone her=ship pax=path] ^- (unit move) ?: ?=([%sole *] pax) ~ `[ust %diff %work-report tasks sort] :: ++ coup |= [way=wire saw=(unit tang)] ^- [(list move) _+>.$] ?> ?=(~ saw) [~ +>.$] :: ++ reap-peering |= [way=wire saw=(unit tang)] ^- [(list move) _+>.$] ?> ?=([~ ~] +<) [~ +>.$] :: ++ poke-work-command |= cod=command =^ mos +>.$ ?: connected [~ +>.$] initialize =^ mof +>.$ ?- -.cod %new abet:create:(at +.cod) %old abet:(process-update:(at (~(got by tasks) id.cod)) dif.cod) %sort ~|(%not-implemented !!) == [(welp mos mof) +>.$] :: :: XX maybe need to check that we haven't received this message before :: by keeping a counter of last message received ++ diff-talk-report |= [way=wire rep=report:talk] ^- [(list move) _+>.$] ?> ?=(%grams -.rep) |- ^- [(list move) _+>.^$] ?~ q.rep [~ +>.^$] =* her p.i.q.rep =* when p.r.q.i.q.rep =* said r.r.q.i.q.rep =+ ^- from=(set station:talk) %- sa ^- (list station:talk) %+ murn (~(tap by q.q.i.q.rep)) |= [par=partner *] `(unit station:talk)`?.(?=(%& -.par) ~ `p.par) ?. ?=(%tax -.said) $(p.rep +(p.rep), q.rep t.q.rep) =^ mos +>.^$ (process-duty when her from +.said) =^ mof +>.^$ $(p.rep +(p.rep), q.rep t.q.rep) [(weld mos mof) +>.^$] --