:: :: /- *btc-wallet-store /+ bip32, btc, bp=btc-provider =, secp:crypto =+ ecc=secp256k1 |% ++ defaults |% ++ max-gap 20 ++ confs 6 -- :: ++ num-confs |= [last-block=@ud =utxo:btc] ?: =(0 height.utxo) 0 (add 1 (sub last-block height.utxo)) :: ++ from-xpub |= $: =xpub:btc =fprint:btc scan-to=(unit scon) max-gap=(unit @ud) confs=(unit @ud) == ^- walt =/ [=bipt =network] (xpub-type:btc xpub) :* xpub network fprint (from-extended:bip32 (trip xpub)) bipt *wach [0 0] %.n (fall scan-to *scon) (fall max-gap max-gap:defaults) (fall confs confs:defaults) == :: +address-meta: find wallet info for the address, if any :: ++ address-meta |= [a=address ws=(list walt)] ^- (unit [w=walt =chyg =idx]) |^ |- ?~ ws ~ =/ res=(unit [=chyg =idx]) (lookup i.ws) ?^ res `[i.ws chyg.u.res idx.u.res] $(ws t.ws) :: ++ lookup |= w=walt ^- (unit [=chyg =idx]) =/ ad=(unit addi) (~(get by wach.w) a) ?~(ad ~ `[chyg.u.ad idx.u.ad]) -- :: ++ new-txbu |= $: w=walt payee=(unit ship) =vbytes:btc is=(list insel) txos=(list txo) == ^- txbu :* xpub.w payee vbytes %+ turn is |= i=insel [utxo.i ~ (~(hdkey wad w chyg.i) idx.i)] txos ~ == :: txb: transaction builder helpers :: ++ txb |_ t=txbu ++ value ^- [in=sats out=sats] :- %+ roll %+ turn txis.t |=(=txi value.utxo.txi) add (roll (turn txos.t |=(=txo value.txo)) add) :: ++ fee ^- sats:btc =/ [in=sats out=sats] value (sub in out) :: ++ vbytes ^- vbytes:btc %+ add overhead-weight:btc %+ add %+ roll (turn txis.t |=(t=txi (input-weight:btc bipt.hdkey.t))) add %+ roll (turn txos.t |=(t=txo (output-weight:btc (address-bipt:btc address.t)))) add ++ tx-data |^ ^- data:tx:btc :* (turn txis.t txi-data) (turn txos.t txo-data) 0 1 `1 == :: ++ txi-data |= =txi :* txid.utxo.txi pos.utxo.txi 4^0xffff.ffff ~ ~ value.utxo.txi == ++ txo-data |= =txo :- (script-pubkey:btc address.txo) value.txo -- :: ++ get-txid ^- txid (get-id:txu:btc tx-data) :: ++ get-rawtx (basic-encode:txu:btc tx-data) :: +add-output: append output (usually change) to txos :: ++ add-output |= =txo ^- txbu :: todo update vbytes t(txos (snoc [txos.t] txo)) :: +to-psbt: returns a based 64 PSBT if :: - all inputs have an associated rawtx :: ++ to-psbt ^- (unit base64:psbt:btc) =/ ins=(list in:psbt:btc) %+ murn txis.t |= =txi ?~ ur.txi ~ `[utxo.txi u.ur.txi hdkey.txi] ?: (lth (lent ins) (lent txis.t)) ~ =/ outs=(list out:psbt:btc) %+ turn txos.t |=(=txo [address.txo hk.txo]) `(encode:pbt:btc %.y get-rawtx get-txid ins outs) -- :: wad: door for processing walts (wallets) :: parameterized on a walt and it's chyg account :: ++ wad |_ [w=walt =chyg] ++ pubkey |= =idx:btc ^- hexb:btc =/ pk=@ux %- compress-point:ecc pub:(derive-public:(derive-public:wilt.w (@ chyg)) idx) [(met 3 pk) pk] :: ++ hdkey |= =idx:btc ^- hdkey:btc [fprint.w (~(pubkey wad w chyg) idx) network.w bipt.w chyg idx] :: ++ mk-address |= =idx:btc ^- address:btc (pubkey-to-address:btc bipt.w network.w (pubkey idx)) :: +nixt-address: used to get change addresses :: - gets the current next available address :: - doesn't bump nixt-address if it's unused :: - if used, fall back to gen-address and make a new one :: ++ nixt-address ^- (trel address:btc idx:btc walt) =/ addr (mk-address nixt-idx) ~| "lib/btc-wallet-store: get-next-address: nixt shouldn't be blank" =/ =addi (~(got by wach.w) addr) ?. used.addi [addr nixt-idx w] gen-address :: :: +gen-address: :: - generates the next available address :: - watches it (using update address) :: ++ gen-address ^- (trel address:btc idx:btc walt) =/ addr (mk-address nixt-idx) :* addr nixt-idx %+ update-address addr [%.n chyg nixt-idx *(set utxo:btc)] == :: +update-address :: - insert a new address :: - if it's used, move "nixt" to the next free address :: - watch address :: ++ update-address |= [a=address:btc =addi] ^- walt ?> =(chyg chyg.addi) ?> =(a (mk-address idx.addi)) =? w ?&(used.addi (is-nixt addi)) bump-nixt w(wach (~(put by wach.w) a addi)) :: ++ is-nixt |= =addi ^- ? ?: ?=(%0 chyg.addi) =(idx.addi p.nixt.w) =(idx.addi q.nixt.w) ++ nixt-idx ?:(?=(%0 chyg) p.nixt.w q.nixt.w) :: +bump-nixt: return wallet with bumped nixt :: - find next unused address :: - watches that address :: - crashes if max-index is passed :: ++ bump-nixt |^ ^- walt =/ new-idx=idx:btc +(nixt-idx) |- ?> (lte new-idx max-index) =+ addr=(mk-address new-idx) =/ =addi %+ ~(gut by wach.w) addr [%.n chyg new-idx *(set utxo:btc)] ?. used.addi %= w nixt (set-nixt new-idx) wach (~(put by wach.w) addr addi) == $(new-idx +(new-idx)) :: ++ set-nixt |= =idx:btc ^- nixt ?:(?=(%0 chyg) [idx q.nixt.w] [p.nixt.w idx]) -- -- :: sut: select utxos :: ++ sut |_ [w=walt eny=@uvJ last-block=@ud payee=(unit ship) =feyb txos=(list txo)] ++ dust-sats 3 ++ dust-threshold |= output-bipt=bipt:btc ^- vbytes (mul dust-sats (input-weight:btc output-bipt)) :: ++ target-value ^- sats %+ roll (turn txos |=(=txo value.txo)) |=([a=sats b=sats] (add a b)) :: ++ base-weight ^- vbytes %+ add overhead-weight:btc %+ roll %+ turn txos |=(=txo (output-weight:btc (address-bipt:btc address.txo))) add :: ++ total-vbytes |= selected=(list insel) ^- vbytes %+ add base-weight (mul (input-weight:btc bipt.w) (lent selected)) :: value of an input after fee :: 0 if net is <= 0 :: ++ net-value |= val=sats ^- sats =/ cost (mul (input-weight:btc bipt.w) feyb) ?: (lte val cost) 0 (sub val cost) :: :: +spendable: whether utxo has enough confs to spend :: ++ spendable |= =utxo:btc ^- ? (gte (num-confs last-block utxo) confs.w) :: +with-change: :: - choose UTXOs, if there are enough :: - return txbu and amount of change (if any) :: ++ with-change ^- [tb=(unit txbu) chng=(unit sats)] =+ tb=select-utxos ?~ tb [~ ~] =+ excess=~(fee txb u.tb) :: (inputs - outputs) =/ new-fee=sats :: cost of this tx + one more output (mul feyb (add (output-weight:btc bipt.w) vbytes.u.tb)) ?. (gth excess new-fee) [tb ~] ?. (gth (sub excess new-fee) (dust-threshold bipt.w)) [tb ~] :- tb `(sub excess new-fee) :: Uses naive random selection. Should switch to branch-and-bound later. :: ++ select-utxos |^ ^- (unit txbu) ?. %+ levy txos |= =txo %+ gth value.txo (dust-threshold (address-bipt:btc address.txo)) ~|("One or more suggested outputs is dust." !!) =/ is=(unit (list insel)) %- single-random-draw %- zing (turn ~(val by wach.w) to-insels) ?~ is ~ `(new-txbu w payee (total-vbytes u.is) u.is txos) :: ++ to-insels |= =addi ^- (list insel) %+ turn ~(tap in utxos.addi) |=(=utxo:btc [utxo chyg.addi idx.addi]) -- :: single-random-draw :: randomly choose utxos until target is hit :: only use an insel if its net-value > 0 :: ++ single-random-draw |= is=(list insel) ^- (unit (list insel)) =/ rng ~(. og eny) =/ target (add target-value (mul feyb base-weight)) :: add base fees to target =| [select=(list insel) total=sats:btc] |- ?: =(~ is) ~ =^ n rng (rads:rng (lent is)) =/ i=insel (snag n is) ?. (spendable utxo.i) $(is (oust [n 1] is)) =/ net-val (net-value value.utxo.i) =? select (gth net-val 0) [i select] =/ new-total (add total net-val) ?: (gte new-total target) `select %= $ is (oust [n 1] is) total new-total == :: -- --