:: Serialize &elem as &json, with special handling for urb:* attributes :: :::: /hoon/elem-to-react-json/lib :: /? 310 |% ++ react-attrs :: uppercase mapping ~+ ^- (map term cord) %- molt ^- (list (pair term cord)) :- [%class 'className'] =- (rash - (more next (cook |=(a/tape [(crip (cass a)) (crip a)]) (star alf)))) ''' accept acceptCharset accessKey action allowFullScreen allowTransparency alt async autoComplete autoFocus autoPlay cellPadding cellSpacing charSet checked classID className colSpan cols content contentEditable contextMenu controls coords crossOrigin data dateTime defer dir disabled download draggable encType form formAction formEncType formMethod formNoValidate formTarget frameBorder headers height hidden high href hrefLang htmlFor httpEquiv icon id label lang list loop low manifest marginHeight marginWidth max maxLength media mediaGroup method min multiple muted name noValidate open optimum pattern placeholder poster preload radioGroup readOnly rel required role rowSpan rows sandbox scope scoped scrolling seamless selected shape size sizes span spellCheck src srcDoc srcSet start step style tabIndex target title type useMap value width wmode ''' :: :: special handling for
foo++ urb-codemirror :: render code blocks |= src/manx ^- manx ?> ?=({{$pre *} _;/(**) $~} src) ;codemirror(value "{v.i.a.g.i.c.src}"); :: :: special handling for
foo++ urb-exec :: eval inline hoon |= src/manx ?> ?=({{$pre *} _;/(**) $~} src) :: verify it's only a text node =* code v.i.a.g.i.c.src =+ =< result=(mule .) !.(|.((slap !>(.) (ream (crip code))))) :: compile and run safely =+ claz=?-(-.result $& "rancode", $| "failedcode") ;div(class "{claz}") ;pre:"{code}" ;+ ?- -.result $& ;code:"{~(ram re (sell p.result))}" $| ;pre ;div:"error" ;* %+ turn p.result |= a/tank ^- manx ;div:"{~(ram re a)}" == == == :: ++ elem-to-react-json :: serialize DOM as json |= src/manx ^- json ?: ?=(_;/(**) src) (jape v.i.a.g.src) =+ atr=(molt `(list (pair mane tape))`a.g.src) ?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %codemirror]) $(src (urb-codemirror src)) ?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %exec]) :: runnable code attribute tag $(src (urb-exec src)) %- jobe :~ c+a+(turn c.src ..$) gn+s+(mane-to-cord n.g.src) =< ga+(jobe (turn a.g.src .)) |= {a/mane b/tape} ^- {cord json} :_ (jape b) ?^ a (mane-to-cord a) (fall (~(get by react-attrs) a) a) == :: ++ mane-to-cord :: namespaced xml names |=(a/mane `cord`?@(a a (rap 3 -.a ':' +.a ~))) -- :: :::: :: elem-to-react-json :: export conversion gate