:: btc-wallet :: :: Scrys :: x/scanned: (list xpub) of all scanned wallets :: x/balance/xpub: balance (in sats) of wallet /- *btc-wallet, bp=btc-provider, file-server, launch-store /+ dbug, default-agent, bl=btc, bc=bitcoin, bip32 |% ++ defaults |% ++ params :* batch-size=20 fam-limit=10 piym-limit=3 == ++ confs 6 ++ fee 100 -- :: +$ versioned-state $% state-0 == :: +$ state-0 $: %0 prov=(unit provider) walts=(map xpub:bc walt) =btc-state =history curr-xpub=(unit xpub:bc) =scans =params feybs=(map ship sats) =piym =poym ahistorical-txs=(set txid) == :: +$ card card:agent:gall :: -- =| state-0 =* state - %- agent:dbug ^- agent:gall =< |_ =bowl:gall +* this . def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl) hc ~(. +> bowl) :: ++ on-init ^- (quip card _this) ~& > '%btc-wallet initialized' =/ file [%file-server-action !>([%serve-dir /'~btc' /app/btc-wallet %.n %.y])] =/ tile :- %launch-action !> :+ %add %btc-wallet [[%custom `'/~btc' `'/~btc/img/tile.png'] %.y] =/ warning [%settings-event !>([%put-entry %btc-wallet %warning %b %.y])] :- :~ [%pass /btc-wallet-server %agent [our.bowl %file-server] %poke file] [%pass /btc-wallet-tile %agent [our.bowl %launch] %poke tile] [%pass /warn %agent [our.bowl %settings-store] %poke warning] == %_ this state :* %0 ~ *(map xpub:bc walt) *^btc-state *^history ~ *^scans params:defaults *(map ship sats) *^piym *^poym ~ == == :: ++ on-save ^- vase !>(state) :: ++ on-load |= old-state=vase ^- (quip card _this) ~& > '%btc-wallet recompiled' =/ ver !<(versioned-state old-state) =| cards=(list card) |- ?- -.ver %0 [cards this(state ver)] == :: ++ on-poke |= [=mark =vase] ^- (quip card _this) =^ cards state ?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase) %btc-wallet-command ?> =(our.bowl src.bowl) (handle-command:hc !<(command vase)) :: %btc-wallet-action ?< =(our.bowl src.bowl) (handle-action:hc !<(action vase)) :: %btc-wallet-internal ?> =(our.bowl src.bowl) (handle-internal:hc !<(internal vase)) == [cards this] ++ on-peek |= pax=path ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?+ pax (on-peek:def pax) [%x %configured ~] =/ provider=json ?~ prov ~ [%s (scot %p host.u.prov)] =/ result=json %- pairs:enjs:format :~ [%'provider' provider] [%'hasWallet' b+?=(^ walts)] == ``json+!>(result) :: [%x %scanned ~] ``noun+!>(scanned-wallets) :: [%x %balance @ ~] ``noun+!>((balance:hc (xpub:bc +>-.pax))) == ++ on-agent |= [=wire =sign:agent:gall] ^- (quip card _this) ?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign) %kick ~& >>> "kicked from prov {}" ?~ prov `this ?: ?& ?=(%set-provider -.wire) =(host.u.prov src.bowl) == `this(prov ~) `this :: %fact =^ cards state ?+ p.cage.sign `state %btc-provider-status (handle-provider-status:hc !<(status:bp q.cage.sign)) :: %btc-provider-update (handle-provider-update:hc !<(update:bp q.cage.sign)) :: %json ?+ wire `state [%check-payee @ ~] =/ who (slav %p i.t.wire) :_ state :~ [%give %fact ~[/all] cage.sign] [%pass wire %agent [who %btc-wallet] %leave ~] == :: [%permitted @ ~] =/ who (slav %p i.t.wire) :_ state :~ [%give %fact ~[/all] cage.sign] [%pass wire %agent [who %btc-provider] %leave ~] == == == [cards this] == :: ++ on-watch |= =path ^- (quip card _this) ?+ path (on-watch:def path) [%check-payee @ ~] =/ who (slav %p i.t.path) ?> =(who our.bowl) =/ response=json %+ frond:enjs:format 'checkPayee' %- pairs:enjs:format :~ ['hasWallet' b+?=(^ curr-xpub)] ['payee' (ship:enjs:format our.bowl)] == :_ this [%give %fact ~ %json !>(response)]~ :: [%all ~] ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) :_ this [give-initial:hc]~ == :: ++ on-leave on-leave:def ++ on-arvo on-arvo:def ++ on-fail on-fail:def -- |_ =bowl:gall ++ handle-command |= comm=command ^- (quip card _state) ?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) ?- -.comm %set-provider |^ ?~ provider.comm ?~ prov `state :_ state(prov ~) :~ (leave-provider host.u.prov) (give-update %change-provider ~) == :_ state(prov [~ u.provider.comm %.n]) ?~ prov [(watch-provider u.provider.comm)]~ :~ (leave-provider host.u.prov) (watch-provider u.provider.comm) (give-update %change-provider `[u.provider.comm %.n]) == :: ++ watch-provider |= who=@p ^- card :* %pass /set-provider/[(scot %p who)] %agent [who %btc-provider] %watch /clients == ++ leave-provider |= who=@p ^- card :* %pass /set-provider/[(scot %p who)] %agent [who %btc-provider] %leave ~ == -- :: %check-provider =/ pax /permitted/(scot %p provider.comm) :_ state [%pass pax %agent [provider.comm %btc-provider] %watch pax]~ :: %check-payee =/ pax /check-payee/(scot %p payee.comm) :_ state [%pass pax %agent [payee.comm %btc-wallet] %watch pax]~ :: %set-current-wallet (set-curr-xpub xpub.comm) :: %add-wallet ?~ (~(has by walts) xpub.comm) ((slog ~[leaf+"xpub already in wallet"]) `state) =/ w=walt (from-xpub:bl +.comm) =. walts (~(put by walts) xpub.comm w) =^ c1 state (init-batches xpub.comm (dec max-gap.w)) =^ c2 state (set-curr-xpub xpub.comm) [(weld c1 c2) state] :: %delete-wallet =* cw curr-xpub.state =? cw ?&(?=(^ cw) =(u.cw xpub.comm)) ~ =. scans (~(del by scans) [xpub.comm %0]) =. scans (~(del by scans) [xpub.comm %1]) =. walts (~(del by walts) xpub.comm) =. history %- ~(rep by history) |= [[=txid =hest] out=_history] ?: =(xpub.hest xpub.comm) (~(del by out) txid) out :_ state [give-initial]~ :: %init-payment-external ?: is-broadcasting ~|("Broadcasting a transaction" !!) ?~ curr-xpub ~|("btc-wallet: no curr-xpub set" !!) :: =/ uw (~(get by walts) u.curr-xpub) ?: ?|(?=(~ uw) ?!(scanned.u.uw)) ~|("no wallet with xpub or wallet not scanned yet" !!) =/ [tb=(unit txbu) chng=(unit sats)] %~ with-change sut:bl [u.uw eny.bowl block.btc-state ~ feyb.comm ~[[address.comm value.comm ~]]] ?~ tb %- (slog ~[leaf+"insufficient balance or not enough confirmed balance"]) [[(give-update %error %insufficient-balance)]~ state] =^ tb=(unit txbu) state ?~ chng `state =/ [addr=address =idx w=walt] ~(nixt-address wad:bl u.uw %1) :- `(~(add-output txb:bl u.tb) addr u.chng `(~(hdkey wad:bl w %1) idx)) state(walts (~(put by walts) u.curr-xpub w)) =/ po=^poym ?~(tb [~ ~] [tb note.comm]) :_ state(poym po) ?~ tb ~ %+ turn txis.u.tb |= =txi (poke-provider %raw-tx txid.utxo.txi) :: :: overwrites any payment being built in poym :: %init-payment ?: =(src.bowl payee.comm) [[(give-update %error %cant-pay-ourselves)]~ state] ?: ?=(%pawn (clan:title payee.comm)) [[(give-update %error %no-comets)]~ state] ?: is-broadcasting [[(give-update %error %tx-being-signed)]~ state] :_ state(poym [~ note.comm], feybs (~(put by feybs) payee.comm feyb.comm)) ~[(poke-peer payee.comm [%gen-pay-address value.comm note.comm])] :: %broadcast-tx ?~ prov ~|("Provider not connected" !!) =+ signed=(from-cord:hxb:bc txhex.comm) =/ tx-match=? ?~ txbu.poym %.n =((get-id:txu:bc (decode:txu:bc signed)) ~(get-txid txb:bl u.txbu.poym)) :- ?. tx-match ((slog leaf+"txid didn't match txid in wallet") ~) ~[(poke-provider [%broadcast-tx signed])] ?. tx-match state ?~ txbu.poym state state(signed-tx.u.txbu.poym `signed) :: %gen-new-address ?~ curr-xpub ~|("btc-wallet: no curr-xpub set" !!) =/ uw=(unit walt) (~(get by walts) u.curr-xpub) ?: ?|(?=(~ uw) ?!(scanned.u.uw)) ~|("no wallet with xpub or wallet not scanned yet" !!) =/ [addr=address =idx w=walt] ~(gen-address wad:bl u.uw %0) :_ state(walts (~(put by walts) u.curr-xpub w)) [(give-update %new-address addr)]~ == :: ++ handle-action |= act=action ^- (quip card _state) ?- -.act :: comets can't pay (could spam address requests) :: reuses payment address for ship if ship in piym already :: %gen-pay-address ~| "no comets" ?< ?=(%pawn (clan:title src.bowl)) ?~ curr-xpub ~|("btc-wallet: no curr-xpub set" !!) |^ =^ cards state reuse-address ?^ cards [cards state] :: if cards returned, means we already have an address =+ f=(fam:bl our.bowl now.bowl src.bowl) =+ n=(~(gut by num-fam.piym) f 0) ?: (gte n fam-limit.params) ~|("More than {} addresses for moons + planet" !!) =. state state(num-fam.piym (~(put by num-fam.piym) f +(n))) =^ a=address state (generate-address u.curr-xpub %0) :- ~[(poke-peer src.bowl [%give-pay-address a value.act])] %= state ps.piym %+ ~(put by ps.piym) src.bowl [~ u.curr-xpub a src.bowl value.act note.act] == :: ++ generate-address |= [=xpub:bc =chyg] =/ uw=(unit walt) (~(get by walts) xpub) ?: ?|(?=(~ uw) ?!(scanned.u.uw)) ~|("no wallet with xpub or wallet not scanned yet" !!) =/ [addr=address =idx w=walt] ~(gen-address wad:bl u.uw chyg) [addr state(walts (~(put by walts) xpub w))] :: ++ reuse-address ^- (quip card _state) =* payer src.bowl =+ p=(~(get by ps.piym) payer) ?~ p `state ?^ pend.u.p ~|("%gen-address: {} already has pending payment to us" !!) =+ newp=u.p(value value.act) :_ state(ps.piym (~(put by ps.piym) payer newp)) ~[(poke-peer payer [%give-pay-address address.newp value.act])] -- :: %give-pay-address ?: =(src.bowl our.bowl) ~|("Can't pay ourselves" !!) ?: is-broadcasting ~|("Broadcasting a transaction" !!) ?~ curr-xpub ~|("btc-wallet-hook: no curr-xpub set" !!) =+ feyb=(~(gut by feybs) src.bowl ?~(fee.btc-state fee:defaults u.fee.btc-state)) |^ =^ tb=(unit txbu) state (generate-txbu u.curr-xpub `src.bowl feyb ~[[address.act value.act ~]]) =/ po=^poym ?~(tb [~ ~] [tb note.poym]) :_ state(poym po) ?~ tb [(give-update %error %insufficient-balance)]~ %+ turn txis.u.tb |=(=txi (poke-provider [%raw-tx txid.utxo.txi])) :: ++ generate-txbu |= [=xpub:bc payee=(unit ship) feyb=sats txos=(list txo)] ^- [(unit txbu) _state] =/ uw (~(get by walts) xpub) ?: ?|(?=(~ uw) ?!(scanned.u.uw)) ~|("no wallet with xpub or wallet not scanned yet" !!) =/ [tb=(unit txbu) chng=(unit sats)] %~ with-change sut:bl [u.uw eny.bowl block.btc-state payee feyb txos] ?~ tb ((slog ~[leaf+"insufficient balance or not enough confirmed balance"]) [tb state]) :: if no change, return txbu; else add change output to txbu :: ?~ chng [tb state] =/ [addr=address =idx w=walt] ~(nixt-address wad:bl u.uw %1) :- `(~(add-output txb:bl u.tb) addr u.chng `(~(hdkey wad:bl w %1) idx)) state(walts (~(put by walts) xpub w)) -- :: :: %expect-payment :: - check that payment is in piym :: - replace pend.payment with incoming txid (lock) :: - add txid to pend.piym :: - request tx-info from provider :: %expect-payment |^ =+ pay=(~(get by ps.piym) src.bowl) ~| "%expect-payment: matching payment not in piym" ?~ pay !! ?> (piym-matches u.pay) :_ (update-pend-piym txid.act u.pay(pend `txid.act)) ?~ prov ~ ~[(poke-provider [%tx-info txid.act])] :: ++ piym-matches |= p=payment ?& =(payer.p src.bowl) =(value.p value.act) == :: ++ update-pend-piym |= [txid=hexb p=payment] ^- _state ?~ pend.p ~|("update-pend-piym: no pending payment" !!) %= state ps.piym (~(put by ps.piym) payer.p p) pend.piym (~(put by pend.piym) txid p) == -- == :: ++ handle-internal |= intr=internal ^- (quip card _state) ?- -.intr %add-poym-raw-txi |^ ?> =(src.bowl our.bowl) ?~ txbu.poym `state =. txis.u.txbu.poym (update-poym-txis txis.u.txbu.poym +.intr) :_ state =+ pb=~(to-psbt txb:bl u.txbu.poym) ?~ pb ~ =+ vb=~(vbytes txb:bl u.txbu.poym) =+ fee=~(fee txb:bl u.txbu.poym) ~& >> "{} vbytes, {<(div fee vb)>} sats/byte, {} sats fee" %- (slog [%leaf "PSBT: {}"]~) [(give-update [%psbt u.pb])]~ :: update outgoing payment with a rawtx, if the txid is in poym's txis :: ++ update-poym-txis |= [txis=(list txi) txid=hexb rawtx=hexb] ^- (list txi) =| i=@ |- ?: (gte i (lent txis)) txis =/ ith=txi (snag i txis) =? txis =(txid txid.utxo.ith) (snap txis i `txi`ith(rawtx `rawtx)) $(i +(i)) -- :: delete an incoming/outgoing payment when we see it included in a tx :: %close-pym ?> =(src.bowl our.bowl) |^ =^ cards state ?. included.ti.intr `state ?: (~(has by pend.piym) txid.ti.intr) (piym-to-history ti.intr) ?: (poym-has-txid txid.ti.intr) (poym-to-history ti.intr) `state =^ cards2 state (handle-tx-info ti.intr) :_ state (weld cards cards2) :: ++ poym-has-txid |= txid=hexb ^- ? ?~ txbu.poym %.n ?~ signed-tx.u.txbu.poym %.n =(txid (get-id:txu:bc (decode:txu:bc u.signed-tx.u.txbu.poym))) :: - checks whether poym has a signed tx :: - checks whether the txid matches that signed tx, if not, skip :: - clears poym :: - returns card that adds hest to history :: ++ poym-to-history |= ti=info:tx ^- (quip card _state) |^ ?~ txbu.poym `state ?~ signed-tx.u.txbu.poym `state ?. (poym-has-txid txid.ti) `state =+ vout=(get-vout txos.u.txbu.poym) ?~ vout ~|("poym-to-history: poym should always have an output" !!) =/ new-hest=hest (mk-hest ti xpub.u.txbu.poym our.bowl payee.u.txbu.poym u.vout note.poym) :- [(give-update %new-tx new-hest)]~ %= state poym [~ ~] history (~(put by history) txid.ti new-hest) == :: ++ get-vout |= txos=(list txo) ^- (unit @ud) =| idx=@ud |- ?~ txos ~ ?~ hk.i.txos `idx $(idx +(idx), txos t.txos) -- :: - checks whether txid in pend.piym :: - checks whether ti has a matching value output to piym :: - if no match found, just deletes pend.piym with this tx :: stops peer from spamming txids :: - returns card that adds hest to history :: ++ piym-to-history |= ti=info:tx |^ ^- (quip card _state) =+ pay=(~(get by pend.piym) txid.ti) ?~ pay `state :: if no matching output in piym, delete from pend.piym to stop DDOS of txids :: =+ vout=(get-vout value.u.pay) ?~ vout `(del-pend-piym txid.ti) =/ new-hest (mk-hest ti xpub.u.pay payer.u.pay `our.bowl u.vout note.u.pay) =. state (del-all-piym txid.ti payer.u.pay) :- [(give-update %new-tx new-hest)]~ %= state history (~(put by history) txid.ti new-hest) == :: ++ get-vout |= value=sats ^- (unit @ud) =| idx=@ud =+ os=outputs.ti |- ?~ os ~ ?: =(value.i.os value) `idx $(os t.os, idx +(idx)) :: ++ del-pend-piym |= txid=hexb ^- _state state(pend.piym (~(del by pend.piym) txid.ti)) :: ++ del-all-piym |= [txid=hexb payer=ship] ^- _state =+ nf=(~(gut by num-fam.piym) payer 1) %= state pend.piym (~(del by pend.piym) txid) ps.piym (~(del by ps.piym) payer) num-fam.piym (~(put by num-fam.piym) payer (dec nf)) == -- :: ++ mk-hest |= $: ti=info:tx =xpub:bc payer=ship payee=(unit ship) vout=@ud note=(unit @t) == ^- hest :* xpub txid.ti confs.ti recvd.ti (turn inputs.ti |=(i=val:tx [i `payer])) %+ turn outputs.ti |= o=val:tx ?: =(pos.o vout) :: check whether this is the output that went to payee [o payee] [o `payer] note == -- :: %fail-broadcast-tx ?> =(src.bowl our.bowl) ~& >>> "%fail-broadcast-tx" `state(poym [~ ~]) :: %succeed-broadcast-tx ?> =(src.bowl our.bowl) ~& > "%succeed-broadcast-tx" :_ state ?~ prov ~ :- (poke-provider [%tx-info txid.intr]) ?~ txbu.poym ~ ?~ payee.u.txbu.poym ~ :_ ~ %- poke-peer :* u.payee.u.txbu.poym %expect-payment txid.intr value:(snag 0 txos.u.txbu.poym) == == :: :: +handle-provider-status: handle connectivity updates from provider :: - retry pend.piym on any %connected event, since we're checking mempool :: - if status is %connected, retry all pending address lookups :: - only retry all if previously disconnected :: - if block is updated, retry all address reqs :: - if provider's network doesn't match network in our state, leave :: ++ handle-provider-status |= s=status:bp ^- (quip card _state) |^ =^ cards state ?~ prov `state ?. =(host.u.prov src.bowl) `state ?- -.s %new-block (on-connected u.prov network.s block.s fee.s `blockhash.s `blockfilter.s) :: %connected (on-connected u.prov network.s block.s fee.s ~ ~) :: %disconnected `state(prov `u.prov(connected %.n)) == :_ state :* (give-update %btc-state btc-state) (give-update %change-provider prov) cards == :: ++ on-connected |= $: p=provider =network block=@ud fee=(unit sats) blockhash=(unit hexb) blockfilter=(unit hexb) == ^- (quip card _state) :_ %_ state prov `p(connected %.y) btc-state [block fee now.bowl] == ?: ?|(?!(connected.p) (lth block.btc-state block)) ;: weld (retry-pend-piym network) (retry-poym network) (retry-addrs network) (retry-txs network) (retry-scans network) retry-ahistorical-txs == ;: weld :: (retry-addrs network) retry-ahistorical-txs (retry-pend-piym network) == :: ++ retry-ahistorical-txs ^- (list card) %+ turn ~(tap in ahistorical-txs) |= =txid (poke-provider [%tx-info txid]) :: ++ retry-scans |= =network ^- (list card) %- zing %+ murn ~(tap by scans) |= [[=xpub:bc =chyg] =batch] ?. =(network network:(~(got by walts) xpub)) ~ `-:(req-scan batch xpub chyg) :: +retry-addrs: get info on addresses with unconfirmed UTXOs :: ++ retry-addrs |= =network ^- (list card) %- zing %+ murn ~(val by walts) |= w=walt ?. =(network network.w) ~ ^- (unit (list card)) :- ~ %+ turn ~(tap by wach.w) |= [a=address *] (poke-provider [%address-info a]) :: +retry-txs: get info on txs without enough confirmations :: ++ retry-txs |= =network ^- (list card) %+ murn ~(tap by history) |= [=txid =hest] =/ w (~(get by walts) xpub.hest) ?~ w ~ ?. =(network network.u.w) ~ ?: (gte confs.hest confs.u.w) ~ `(poke-provider [%tx-info txid]) :: ++ retry-poym |= =network ^- (list card) ?~ txbu.poym ~ =/ w (~(get by walts) xpub.u.txbu.poym) ?~ w ~ ?. =(network network.u.w) ~ %+ weld ?~ signed-tx.u.txbu.poym ~ ~[(poke-provider [%broadcast-tx u.signed-tx.u.txbu.poym])] %+ turn txis.u.txbu.poym |= =txi (poke-provider [%raw-tx ~(get-txid txb:bl u.txbu.poym)]) :: +retry-pend-piym: check whether txids in pend-piym are in mempool :: ++ retry-pend-piym |= =network ^- (list card) %+ murn ~(tap by pend.piym) |= [=txid p=payment] =/ w (~(get by walts) xpub.p) ?~ w ~ ?. =(network network.u.w) ~ `(poke-provider [%tx-info txid]) -- :: ++ handle-provider-update |= upd=update:bp ^- (quip card _state) ?~ prov `state ?. =(host.u.prov src.bowl) `state ?. ?=(%.y -.upd) `state ?- -.p.upd %address-info :: located in the helper in Scan Logic to keep all of that unified :: (handle-address-info address.p.upd utxos.p.upd used.p.upd) :: %tx-info =/ [cards=(list card) sty=state-0] (handle-tx-info info.p.upd) :_ sty [(poke-internal [%close-pym info.p.upd]) cards] :: %raw-tx :_ state ~[(poke-internal [%add-poym-raw-txi +.p.upd])] :: %broadcast-tx ?~ txbu.poym `state ?. =(~(get-txid txb:bl u.txbu.poym) txid.p.upd) `state :_ state ?: ?|(broadcast.p.upd included.p.upd) ~[(poke-internal [%succeed-broadcast-tx txid.p.upd])] :~ (poke-internal [%fail-broadcast-tx txid.p.upd]) (give-update %cancel-tx txid.p.upd) == == :: ++ handle-tx-info |= ti=info:tx ^- (quip card _state) |^ =/ h (~(get by history) txid.ti) =. ahistorical-txs (~(del in ahistorical-txs) txid.ti) =/ our-inputs=(set address) %- silt %+ skim %+ turn inputs.ti |=(=val:tx address.val) is-our-address =/ our-outputs=(set address) %- silt %+ skim %+ turn outputs.ti |=(=val:tx address.val) is-our-address =/ our-addrs=(set address) :: all our addresses in inputs/outputs of tx (~(uni in our-inputs) our-outputs) :: =/ addr-info-cards=(list card) %+ turn ~(tap in our-addrs) |= a=address ^- card (poke-provider [%address-info a]) ?: =(0 ~(wyt in our-addrs)) `state =/ =xpub xpub.w:(need (address-coords:bl (snag 0 ~(tap in our-addrs)) ~(val by walts))) ?~ h :: addresses in wallets, but tx not in history =/ new-hest=hest (mk-hest xpub our-inputs our-outputs) =. history (~(put by history) txid.ti new-hest) :_ state :_ :_ addr-info-cards (give-update %new-tx new-hest) (give-update %balance current-balance) ?. included.ti :: tx in history, but not in mempool/blocks :_ state(history (~(del by history) txid.ti)) :_ :_ addr-info-cards (give-update %cancel-tx txid.ti) (give-update %balance current-balance) =/ new-hest u.h(confs confs.ti, recvd recvd.ti) =. history (~(put by history) txid.ti new-hest) :_ state :_ :_ addr-info-cards (give-update %new-tx new-hest) (give-update %balance current-balance) :: ++ mk-hest :: has tx-info |= [=xpub:bc our-inputs=(set address) our-outputs=(set address)] ^- hest :* xpub txid.ti confs.ti recvd.ti (turn inputs.ti |=(v=val:tx (is-our-ship our-inputs v))) (turn outputs.ti |=(v=val:tx (is-our-ship our-outputs v))) ~ == :: ++ is-our-ship |= [as=(set address) v=val:tx] ^- [=val:tx s=(unit ship)] [v ?:((~(has in as) address.v) `our.bowl ~)] :: ++ is-our-address |=(a=address ?=(^ (address-coords:bl a ~(val by walts)))) -- ++ set-curr-xpub |= =xpub ^- (quip card _state) ?~ (find ~[xpub] scanned-wallets) `state =. curr-xpub `xpub :_ state [give-initial]~ :: :: :: Scan Logic :: :: Algorithm :: Initiate a batch for each chyg, with max-gap idxs in it :: Watch all of the addresses made from idxs :: Request info on all addresses from provider :: When an %address-info comes back: :: - remove that idx from todo.batch :: - run check-scan to check whether that chyg is done :: - if it isn't, refill it with max-gap idxs to scan :: :: +handle-address-info: updates scans and wallet with address info :: ++ handle-address-info |= [=address utxos=(set utxo) used=?] ^- (quip card _state) =/ ac (address-coords:bl address ~(val by walts)) ?~ ac `state =/ [w=walt =chyg =idx] u.ac =. walts %+ ~(put by walts) xpub.w %+ ~(update-address wad:bl w chyg) address [used chyg idx utxos] :: if transactions haven't made it into history, request transaction info :: =^ cards=(list card) ahistorical-txs %+ roll ~(tap in utxos) |= [u=utxo cad=(list card) ah=(set txid)] ^- [(list card) (set txid)] ?: (~(has by history) txid.u) [cad ah] :- [(poke-provider [%tx-info txid.u]) cad] (~(put by ah) txid.u) :: if the wallet+chyg is being scanned, update the scan batch :: =/ b (~(get by scans) [xpub.w chyg]) ?~ b [cards state] =. scans (del-scanned u.b(has-used ?|(used has-used.u.b)) xpub.w chyg idx) ?: empty:(scan-status xpub.w chyg) =^ scan-cards=(list card) state (check-scan xpub.w) [(weld scan-cards cards) state] :: [cards state] :: +req-scan :: - adds addresses in batch to wallet's watch map as un-used addresses :: - returns provider %address-info request cards :: ++ req-scan |= [b=batch =xpub:bc =chyg] ^- (quip card _state) =/ w=walt (~(got by walts) xpub) =/ as=(list [address [? ^chyg idx (set utxo)]]) %+ turn ~(tap in todo.b) |=(=idx [(~(mk-address wad:bl w chyg) idx) [%.n chyg idx *(set utxo)]]) =. w |- ?~ as w $(as t.as, w (~(update-address wad:bl w chyg) -.i.as +.i.as)) :- (turn as |=([a=address *] (poke-provider [%address-info a]))) %= state scans (~(put by scans) [xpub chyg] b) walts (~(put by walts) xpub w) == :: ++ scan-status |= [=xpub:bc =chyg] ^- [empty=? done=?] =/ b=batch (~(got by scans) [xpub chyg]) =/ empty=? =(0 ~(wyt in todo.b)) :- empty ?&(empty ?!(has-used.b)) :: ++ init-batches |= [=xpub:bc endpoint=idx] ^- (quip card _state) =/ b=batch [(silt (gulf 0 endpoint)) endpoint %.n] =^ cards0 state (req-scan b xpub %0) =^ cards1 state (req-scan b xpub %1) [(weld cards0 cards1) state] :: +bump-batch :: if the batch is done but the wallet isn't done scanning, :: returns new address requests and updated batch :: ++ bump-batch |= [=xpub:bc =chyg] ^- (quip card _state) =/ b=batch (~(got by scans) xpub chyg) =/ s (scan-status xpub chyg) ?. ?&(empty.s ?!(done.s)) `state =/ w=walt (~(got by walts) xpub) =/ newb=batch :* (silt (gulf +(endpoint.b) (add endpoint.b max-gap.w))) (add endpoint.b max-gap.w) %.n == (req-scan newb xpub chyg) :: +del-scanned: delete scanned idxs :: ++ del-scanned |= [b=batch =xpub:bc =chyg to-delete=idx] ^- ^scans %+ ~(put by scans) [xpub chyg] b(todo (~(del in todo.b) to-delete)) :: delete the xpub from scans and set wallet to scanned :: ++ end-scan |= [=xpub:bc] ^- (quip card _state) =/ w=walt (~(got by walts) xpub) =. scans (~(del by scans) [xpub %0]) =. scans (~(del by scans) [xpub %1]) %- (slog ~[leaf+"Scanned xpub {}"]) =. state state(walts (~(put by walts) xpub w(scanned %.y))) (set-curr-xpub xpub) :: +check-scan: initiate a scan if one hasn't started :: check status of scan if one is running :: ++ check-scan |= =xpub:bc ^- (quip card _state) =/ s0 (scan-status xpub %0) =/ s1 (scan-status xpub %1) ?: ?&(empty.s0 done.s0 empty.s1 done.s1) (end-scan xpub) =^ cards0=(list card) state (bump-batch xpub %0) =^ cards1=(list card) state (bump-batch xpub %1) [(weld cards0 cards1) state] :: :: :: ++ poke-provider |= [act=action:bp] ^- card ?~ prov ~|("provider not set" !!) :* %pass /[(scot %da now.bowl)] %agent [host.u.prov %btc-provider] %poke %btc-provider-action !>([act]) == :: ++ poke-peer |= [target=ship act=action] ^- card :* %pass /[(scot %da now.bowl)] %agent [target %btc-wallet] %poke %btc-wallet-action !>(act) == ++ poke-internal |= [intr=internal] ^- card :* %pass /[(scot %da now.bowl)] %agent [our.bowl %btc-wallet] %poke %btc-wallet-internal !>(intr) == :: ++ give-update |= upd=update ^- card [%give %fact ~[/all] %btc-wallet-update !>(upd)] :: ++ give-initial ^- card =^ a=(unit address) state ?~ curr-xpub `state =/ uw=(unit walt) (~(get by walts) u.curr-xpub) ?: ?|(?=(~ uw) ?!(scanned.u.uw)) ~|("no wallet with xpub or wallet not scanned yet" !!) =/ [addr=address =idx w=walt] ~(gen-address wad:bl u.uw %0) [`addr state(walts (~(put by walts) u.curr-xpub w))] =/ initial=update :* %initial prov curr-xpub current-balance current-history btc-state a == (give-update initial) :: ++ is-broadcasting ^- ? ?~ txbu.poym %.n ?=(^ signed-tx.u.txbu.poym) :: :: Scry Helpers :: ++ scanned-wallets ^- (list xpub:bc) %+ murn ~(tap by walts) |= [=xpub:bc w=walt] ^- (unit xpub:bc) ?:(scanned.w `xpub ~) :: ++ balance |= =xpub:bc ^- (unit [sats sats]) =/ w (~(get by walts) xpub) ?~ w ~ =/ values=(list [confirmed=sats unconfirmed=sats]) %+ turn ~(val by wach.u.w) |= =addi ^- [sats sats] %+ roll %+ turn ~(tap by utxos.addi) |= =utxo ^- [sats sats] ?: (~(spendable sut:bl [u.w eny.bowl block.btc-state ~ 0 ~]) utxo) [value.utxo 0] [0 value.utxo] |= [[a=sats b=sats] out=[p=sats q=sats]] [(add a p.out) (add b q.out)] :- ~ %+ roll values |= [[a=sats b=sats] out=[p=sats q=sats]] [(add a p.out) (add b q.out)] :: :: ++ current-balance ^- (unit [sats sats]) ?~ curr-xpub ~ (balance u.curr-xpub) :: ++ current-history ^- ^history ?~ curr-xpub ~ %- ~(gas by *^history) %+ skim ~(tap by history) |= [txid =hest] =(u.curr-xpub xpub.hest) --