/- store=contact-store, *resource /+ group, grpl=group |_ =bowl:gall +* grp ~(. grpl bowl) ++ scry-for |* [=mold =path] .^ mold %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %contact-store (scot %da now.bowl) (snoc `^path`path %noun) == :: ++ resource-for-update |= =vase ^- (list resource) |^ =/ =update:store !<(update:store vase) ?- -.update %initial ~ %add (rids-for-ship ship.update) %remove (rids-for-ship ship.update) %edit (rids-for-ship ship.update) %allow ~ %disallow ~ %set-public ~ == :: ++ rids-for-ship |= s=ship ^- (list resource) :: if the ship is in any group that I am pushing updates for, push :: it out to that resource. :: =/ rids %+ skim ~(tap in scry-sharing) |= r=resource (is-member:grp s r) ?. =(s our.bowl) rids (snoc rids [our.bowl %'']) -- ++ scry-sharing .^ (set resource) %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %contact-push-hook (scot %da now.bowl) /sharing/noun == :: ++ get-contact |= =ship ^- (unit contact:store) =/ =rolodex:store (scry-for rolodex:store /all) (~(get by rolodex) ship) :: ++ scry-is-public .^ ? %gx (scot %p our.bowl) %contact-store (scot %da now.bowl) /is-public/noun == :: ++ is-allowed |= [rid=resource =ship] ^- ? =/ grp ~(. group bowl) =/ shp (scry-for ? /allowed-ship/(scot %p ship)) ?: ?& scry-is-public =(rid [our.bowl %'']) == %.y ?: shp %.y ?: ?& (~(has in scry-sharing) rid) (~(has in (members:grp rid)) ship) == %.y =/ allowed-groups ~(tap in (scry-for (set resource) /allowed-groups)) |- ?~ allowed-groups %.n ?: (~(has in (members:grp i.allowed-groups)) ship) %.y $(allowed-groups t.allowed-groups) --