'use strict'; var fs = require('fs') var runner = require('urbit-runner') var Urbit = runner.Urbit; var ERROR = runner.ERROR; var actions = runner.actions var args = ['-B', 'urbit.pill', '-A', '..', '-cSF', 'zod', 'zod']; var urbit = new Urbit(args); // XX upstream the following into runner-js // function rePill(urb) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ fs.stat('./built-pill/', function(err, stat) { if (err) return resolve() fs.readdir('./built-pill/', function(err, files) { if (err || (1 !== files.length)) { return resolve() } var name = files[0].replace(/\.pill$/, '') urb.note('re-soliding pill') return urb.expect(/dojo> /) .then(function(){ return urb.line('|label %home %' + name) }) .then(function(){ return urb.expect(/dojo> /) }) .then(function(){ return urb.line('.latest/pill +solid /==/' + name + '/sys') }) .then(function(){ return urb.expectEcho("%resolid") }) .then(function(){ return urb.resetListeners(); }) .then(function(){ var write = fs.createWriteStream('./built-pill/' + name + '.pill') var read = fs.createReadStream('./zod/.urb/put/latest.pill') read.on('error', function(err){ return reject(err) }) write.on('error', function(err){ return reject(err) }) write.on('finish', function(){ return resolve() }) return read.pipe(write) }) .catch(function(err){ return reject(err) }); }) }) }) } Promise.resolve(urbit) // XX temporary // send ctrl-x to select dojo // .then(function(){ return urbit.expect(/talk\[\] /) .then(function() { return urbit.pty.write("\x18") }) .then(function() { return urbit }) }) .then(actions.safeBoot) .then(actions.test) .then(actions.testCores) .then(actions.testRenderers) .then(function(){ return rePill(urbit); }) .then(function(){ return urbit.exit(0); }) .catch(function(err){ return urbit.waitSilent() .then(function(){ urbit.warn('Test aborted:', err); return urbit.exit(1); }); });